ANNUAL PLAN FY2016 2 |Bedford TV Annual Plan Overview Bedford TV is a non-profit community access television station serving the town of Bedford. The Bedford TV mission is to make media available, reflective, and responsive to the needs of our community. Programming & Services We broadcast 24/7 on Comcast channels 8, 9, and 99 and Verizon Channels 38, 39, and 40. Channels 8/38 broadcast a mix of public access and educational programming, channels 9/39 broadcast our electronic bulletin board, and channels 99/40 broadcast governmental programming. Last year Bedford TV produced 965 locally produced programs for a total of 644 hours of programming. Of those programs, 808 were locally produced for a total of 559 hours of original non-duplicated PEG Access Programming. Last year’s locally produced programming included 60 Government Meetings, 316 programs that originally aired live (including 170 episodes of BHS Live), and 61 other local government shows. With our focus on building our volunteer base, strengthening our outreach programs, and increasing coverage of town government we anticipate the number of original non-duplicated PEG Access Programming to go up around 10%. Bedford TV is more than just the three channels seen at home though. In the next year we will continue to expand the range of services that we provide to the town, services that include classes for all age ranges, internship programs, and collaborations with local non-profits and government organizations. The following report shows our plan for expanded programming and services, as well as our staffing, facilities and financial plans. Bedford TV Annual Plan | 3 PUBLIC PROGRAMMING & SERVICES OVERVIEW Bedford TV’s public programming is mostly derived from locally produced content and is supplemented by bicycled content from other towns and a limited amount of archival programming. In FY16 Bedford TV plans to continue and expand its work to serve as a creative outlet and free speech platform for those who live, work, study, or belong to an organization in Bedford. To meet our goal of increasing the amount of public access programming, we have a number of initiatives in FY16. To encourage an active, well-trained group of content creating members we have reworked our class descriptions and class progressions (see Projected Course Offerings FY16 on page 19) as well as introduced a new level of membership for our most active members which we will call “certified volunteers.” To encourage members to learn the basics of production, any member who successfully completes our three introductory courses, Intro to Studio Production, Intro to Field Production, and Intro to Post- Production will become a “certified volunteer.” Benefits of being a certified volunteer will include monthly meetings varying in content and featuring opportunities such as seminars, guest speakers, and workshop opportunities as well as the opportunity to collaborate on high-end productions. We will also continue to simplify the show submission process. Aside from creating shows at our facility, producers can send in their shows on DVD, send their files through our website and via dropbox. In addition to these options for submission, we are also rolling out a show submission process through Google Drive and developing a simplified process for local non-profits to create PSA’s and to get their message out. For a complete list of Public Programming see Shows section page 16. GOVERNMENT PROGRAMMING & SERVICES OVERVIEW In FY16 BCAT will continue to cover Bedford Selectmen, Planning Board, and School Committee Meetings while exploring the possibility of covering additional meetings such as Finance Committee and other town boards. Meetings are primarily covered by Digital Media Specialist Brian Dorrington and BCAT has also trained two freelancers to cover meetings when Dorrington is unavailable. BCAT will also examine the possibility of covering government meetings live. The technology to cover these meetings live is installed but is currently not implemented. The immediacy of live coverage could drive more viewership to meetings and help keep citizens more informed about local government. In addition to meeting coverage, Bedford TV also plans to continue with our other government programming. We will continue to cover events such as Town Meeting, Town Caucus, open forums, and local elections. For local elections we will continue to invite candidates from contested elections for a highly structured debate where candidates will be given equal time to address pertinent issues related to the position for which they are running. We also plan to continue our work with the Edith Nourse Rodgers Memorial Veterans Hospital, Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford Youth and Family Services, the Bedford DPW, and local elected officials. Additionally, on Bedford Common a representative from the Selectmen, the School Committee, the Finance Committee and the Planning Board appear to synopsize the events of the previous month and give a preview for upcoming events and issues pertaining to their board. To supplement locally produced government programming BCAT also actively solicits relevant programming from other sources. For instance, we get the program “Rappin with the Rep” featuring State Representative Ken Gordon from Burlington Community Access Television. BCAT also uses shared PEG media servers Mass Media Exchange and PEG Media to download other programs such as “Your Federal Government” to further supplement local government programming. For a complete list of Government Programming see Shows section page 16. 4 |Bedford TV Annual Plan EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING & SERVICES OVERVIEW Bedford TV maintains strong relationships with all of the public schools in Bedford as well as Middlesex Community College and local groups that support education such as Bedford Youth and Family Services, Bedford SEPAC, and the Bedford Education Foundation. We cover all major events at Bedford Schools from the Talent Show at the Lane School through Bedford High Graduation. We also collaborate with Middlesex Community College to air their monthly informational program MCC Connects and to cover their concert series. In addition to these initiatives Production Director Greg Dolan, teaches a broadcast journalism course at Bedford High School that meets twice in every six-day cycle. Students in this course learn the basics of video production and run BHS Live, a live morning announcements program that airs daily at 7:45 AM during the school year. Students from the Broadcast Journalism class are required to cover three events outside of school during the year, giving them real world videography experience while also expanding Bedford TV’s coverage of educational programming. Additionally, Bedford TV recently began a new club at Bedford High School, “The Blue Review” that will continue in FY16. This club meets once every three days during the X-Block period and students create a monthly variety show featuring skits, interviews, and music. This club has helped meet the heavy demand from high school students desiring to learn about video production and currently has around 25 members. In addition to classes and clubs for high school students, BCAT will also continue to collaborate with Bedford Youth and Family Services to provide video production classes for middle school students. These classes are offered three times a year and meet on Wednesday afternoons after school, giving students an educational opportunity on three-quarter length school days. BCAT will also continue with its internship program, including its summer month long internship while making other internship options available. Interns tend to be Bedford High School students or Bedford High School alumni. In addition to helping with existing programming and services, BCAT interns will work with a local non-profit organization to showcase the organization’s services. Last year interns worked with the Citizen’s Scholarship Foundation on a history of the organization to celebrate CSF’s 50th Anniversary. This year interns will work with a similar organization to gain experience working in production while providing a valuable service to a local community organization For a complete list of Educational Programming see Shows section page 17. Bedford TV Annual Plan | 5 Facilities Use BCAT will continue to make its facilities available to all those who live, work, attend school, or belong to an organization in Bedford. The volunteer base at BCAT is a diverse group with varying needs and wants related to video needs. The FY16 facilities plan seeks to serve the needs of all volunteers while encouraging them to develop their production skills to get their messages out in the most effective way possible. For production, BCAT will continue to teach classes on and make available a wide variety of production equipment such as cameras, tripods, and microphones. As it is important to serve both the casual volunteer who wants to do simple shoots and volunteers who want to learn in depth about video production, our facilities will cater to both groups. displays that volunteers have reported to be easy to use while still providing quality results. For volunteers that want to learn more in depth about production we are planning to rework our edit suite layout and add an iMac to better facilitate small group classes. With the addition of the iMac we plan to rearrange our work space, using existing furniture, to create a work space that allows for two volunteers to have their own edit computers (the new iMac and the existing MacPro), while an instructor can use a projector hooked up to the MacBookPro to teach Final Cut Pro X. Currently, our edit classes are either one on one or students share a computer. By arranging our space in this way we will be able to teach more students at once and create a more collaborative environment. For the more casual volunteer we will be purchasing three consumer level Canon Vixia RF52 cameras. These cameras use internal flash storage and touch screen Staffing BCAT will continue to operate using the attached organizational structure (see Organization Chart on page 18). In FY15 Bedford TV solidified their staffing by hiring Administrator Jenn Puhle and moving Production Assistant Brian Dorrington into a full-time position as a Digital Media Specialist to take over some of the production time that Production Director Greg Dolan now spends with his management responsibilities. The primary responsibilities of Administrator Puhle will be managing finances and contract compliance. She works with a contracted bookkeeper and CPA in order to meet these responsibilities. Production Director Dolan will continue to manage the resources necessary to maintain consistent and comprehensive coverage of town events as well as design and manage all educational and outreach programs and oversee equipment needs, equipment maintenance, and equipment inventory. Digital Media Specialist Dorrington will be the primary videographer for town board meetings as well as handle many of the day-to-day tasks involved with getting programming ready for both cablecast as well as online distribution. Outreach Manager Gilarde, under the direction of the Production Director, will manage BCAT’s online presence as well as develop and reinforce strong relationships with volunteers and community partners. Outreach Assistant, Julie Antriasian, will assist Dolan and Gilarde with outreach as well as help with general office work. In addition to staff, BCAT will also have trained videographers on standby for nights when there are multiple events booked and demand requires that additional videographers are needed. These contract videographers will be used when there are not enough volunteers or staff available to meet demand. 6 |Bedford TV Annual Plan Outreach In FY15 BCAT’s outreach objectives were to increase awareness of our programming and services as well as recruit new volunteers and community partners. In FY16 our goals will be to build on our success in these areas in order to increase awareness in our community of what Bedford TV has to offer, build our volunteer base to enable Bedford TV to cablecast more local programming and reach more people, as well as raise funds to supplement our income from cable franchise fees. To reach these goals we have a number of actions planned. To strengthen our relationships with Bedford residents and build our volunteer and membership base we have planned a number of online initiatives. First, we will continue to use social media as a tool to increase the visibility of Bedford. We currently have 324 followers on Facebook, 294 followers on Twitter, 1495 on Youtube, and 54 on Instagram. By strategically using these services and interacting with followers we plan to build on those numbers significantly in FY16. Additionally to build our online presence, we will be revamping our website to make information more accessible, continuing to build our mailing list, and exploring the possibility of a blog. In addition to building our online presence, BCAT will also continue to use events as an opportunity to reach out to the Bedford community. As an example, last year, at Bedford Day, we had a number of initiatives to reach out to the community. For anyone who came over to our booth we had a promotional giveaway, a bag with information about Bedford TV. We also taped a number of shows at our booth and set up a PA system so Bedford Day attendees could stop and watch our programming as it was filmed. Shows included interviews with local officials, a host-roundtable to familiarize onlookers with our programming, and a series of concerts. At Bedford Day this year we plan to hold similar events and build on last years success. We also plan on holding an event in June featuring an open-house at the studio, the awarding of our two scholarships for graduating BHS students, and a concert featuring local talent and performers from the VA Creative Arts festival. This event will be piloted in FY15. Another of our goals in FY16 is to strengthen our relationship with the local business community and solicit community partners to supplement franchise fees. In FY15 we developed a Community Partnership Kit with a variety of sponsorship options. We currently have three community partners, the Goddard School, Whole Foods Market, and Callahan’s Karate Studio. FY15’s focus was on reaching out to previous community partners and FY16’s will be to reach out to different businesses. Using this strategy hope to double our number of community partners in FY16 and further build our connection with the business community. In FY16 we also plan to build our relationship with non-profit organizations and plan to compile a list of local non-profits and contact them about collaborating to create a PSA. Our goal is to get around 10 PSA’s of less than 2 minutes. We also plan to continue to work with community organizations to develop programming such as covering workshops and events run by non-profit groups. Finally, we have planned a number of additional ways to get the word out to Bedford using existing community resources. For example, we plan to submit a new press release to community newspapers, both online and in print, each month to promote new shows and studio happenings. For an example see the attached article from The Bedford Minuteman about our local news show (see Appendix). This article was written from a press release submitted by Bedford TV. In addition, Bedford TV will advertise its schedules in The Bedford Minuteman and The Bedford Citizen, as well as place promotions in the BEST and JGMS directories and Action Unlimited. FY18 FY17 FY16 Broadcast Pix Apple Apple JVC Sachler Field Camera Steadicam PC Laptop (Admin) Amplifier Edit Computer Portable Light Kit Studio Camera Studio Camera Studio Camera Teleprompter System TBD Glidecam TBD TBD Apple TBD TBD TBD TBD ICAM $3,000 $2,400 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 $9,400 $87,590 $21,898 Total FY18 Total FY15-‐FY18 Average Annual Expense $11,500 Total FY17 TBD HD4000 TBD TBD iMac $1,800 $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 $2,500 $43,575 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Total FY16 $33,580 $6,000 $3,995 $23,115 Total FY15 To Replace JVC 150 Includes: rewiring, digital signage, replacement Knox A/V Router Purchase Date (Additional When Applicable) Notes $15,912 Q2 FY15 $1,600 Q3 FY15 $1,600 $2,995 $1,008 Price Mica MacBookPro iMac GY-‐HM600 FSB-‐4 Videoserver Telvue/Tightrope TBD Edit Computer Apple MacPro Skype Video Call Integration (studio) NewTek TalkShow VS-‐100 Video Switcher Laptop Edit Computer Camera Tripod 3 YEAR CAPITAL PURCHASE PROJECTIONS Model FY15 Brand Equipment Type Fiscal Year Bedford TV Annual Plan | 7 Finances 8 |Bedford TV Annual Plan Bedford Community Access Television FY 2016 Budget July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 Income Town PEG support revenue Program Revenue & DVD Sales TOTAL REVENUE 183,330.00 1,000.00 184,330.00 Expenses Labor Employee Wages 117,670.00 Employee Health Insurance Payroll Taxes Payroll Service Charges 4,600.00 11,500.00 1,500.00 Contract/Freelance Labor 16,500.00 Sub total 151,770.00 Equipment Non-capital equipment purchases Equipment repair Sub total 4,000.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 Facility Internet/phone Custodial/Cleaning Studio & Sets Maintenance Sub total 3,300.00 1,700.00 500.00 5,500.00 Insurance Worker's Comp Insurance Commercial General Liability Ins. Media Directors, Officers Sub total 500.00 3,000.00 3,600.00 7,100.00 1 of 2 Bedford TV Annual Plan | 9 Government Fees MA form PC Sub total 90.00 90.00 Organizational Expenses Volunteers and Interns Community Outreach Web Hosting Sub total 1,000.00 2,000.00 120.00 3,120.00 Professional Development Conference Fees Dues and Subscriptions Training Travel Sub total 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 250.00 2,750.00 Professional Services Certified Public Accountant Bookkeeping Sub total 2,500.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 Supplies I.T. Supplies Office Supplies Postage Production Supplies Sub total 700.00 700.00 100.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 184,330.00 Amount of net gain or deficit 0.00 2 of 2 10 |Bedford TV Annual Plan FY15 4/1/2015 3 Apple iMac (Specs attached), $1499 Apple iMac, Complete Specs attached This iMac would be used to meet increased demand for an edit computer that can run Final Cut X. It would also be used as a pilot to see if the iMac could meet the needs of BCAT at a lower price point than an Apple Mac Pro. This computer would be purchased as a part of BCAT’s computer replacement policy. We were projecting to replace an existing computer with an Apple MacPro but are projecting instead to pilot an iMac system in order to see how it performs. If the iMac proves to be sufÞcient to meet BCATÕs editing and transcoding needs the replacement plan would be amended to use the less expensive iMac’s rather than MacPro’s. No Q4 FY2015 Bedford TV Annual Plan | 11 3/31/2015 Configure - Apple Store (U.S.) Find a Store Apple Store Shop Mac MacBook MacBook Air MacBook Pro Learn iMac Business Get Help iMac Retina 5K display Summary Configure your iMac Hardware Pre‑Installed Software Service and Support $1,499.00 Accessories Printers Free Shipping From only $71.26 for 24 months* Add to Cart Hardware Memory More memory (RAM) increases performance and enables your computer to perform faster and better. Choose additional 1600MHz DDR3 memory for your iMac. Learn more 8GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM ‑ 2X4GB [Subtract $200.00] 16GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM ‑ 2X8GB This customized Mac takes a bit longer to build. See summary for updated shipping and pickup info. Storage Configure your iMac with a large Serial ATA hard drive. Or choose flash storage for greater performance. Or get the best of both worlds and select Fusion Drive. Learn more 1TB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm 1TB Fusion Drive [Add $200.00] 256GB Flash Storage [Add $200.00] 512GB Flash Storage [Add $500.00] Apple USB SuperDrive Compact and convenient, the external Apple USB SuperDrive connects to your iMac with a single USB cable. It lets you install new software and play and burn both CDs and DVDs, including double‑layer DVDs. Learn more None Apple USB SuperDrive [Add $79.00] Mouse and Magic Trackpad The wireless Magic Mouse — the world’s first Multi‑Touch mouse — comes standard with your iMac. But if the look and feel of a Multi‑Touch trackpad is more your thing, then choose to have Magic Trackpad shipped with your iMac instead, at no extra cost. Learn more Apple Magic Mouse Magic Trackpad Apple Magic Mouse + Magic Trackpad [Add $69.00] Apple Mouse Apple Keyboard and Documentation The Apple Wireless Keyboard comes standard with your iMac. Its ultra‑compact design saves space and lets you place your mouse comfortably next to your keyboard. Or you can choose the wired Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad. In addition, you can select the language of the keyboard and documentation. Learn more Apple Wireless Keyboard (English) & User's Guide Available to ship: 1‑3 business days Available for pickup: Check availability Ship and pickup details apply only to Mac. Talk to a Specialist 1‑800‑MY‑APPLE Live Chat Specifications 2.7GHz Quad‑core Intel Core i5, Turbo Boost up to 3.2GHz 16GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM ‑ 2X8GB 1TB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm Intel Iris Pro Graphics Apple Magic Mouse Apple Wireless Keyboard (English) & User's Guide Accessory Kit 12 |Bedford TV Annual Plan FY16 4/1/2015 2 Apple Mac Pro, $5,899 This computer will serve as the primary edit station for BCAT Most shows aired on BCAT’s PEG channels go through the main editing computer before being broadcast. In addition to doing the actual editing, this computer will also transcode Þles for broadcast and online publication. The ability to operate quickly while completing these tasks simultaneously is essential to a productive workßow. This edit computer was initially proposed in FY15 as part of a planned computer replacement program. Before purchasing this computer we would like to pilot using a less expensive iMac to see if it can meet the demands that we put on our existing MacPro. If the iMac can meet those demands then we will not need the MacPro No Q3 FY2016 in order to give time to test an iMac Bedford TV Annual Plan | 13 FY16 4/1/2015 3 NewTek Talkshow VS-100, $3,995 The Talkshow VS-100 is an all in one computer that integrates Skype video calls into a studio set up. The computer allows users to operate all aspects of a Skype video call in the control room like any other video source while removing audio/visual distractions such as secondary call notiÞcations and advertisements. The Talkshow uses SDI outputs and would integrate seamlessly with BCAT’s Broadcast Pix Mica Switcher. We have had many requests from producers of studio programming for the integration of Skype into their shows in order to have remote interviews. This computer would allow producers access to more prestigious and difÞcult to book guests as well as increase the amount of locally produced shows as a number of potential producers cannot produce the shows they want without remote interview capability. This would be an additional asset and create new opportunities for producers. This is a new device and an all in one solution to remote interviews did not exist before the Talkshow debuted in early 2015. No Q1 FY2016 14 |Bedford TV Annual Plan FY2016 4/1/2015 1 Video Server System: Tightrope CBL-SX-2 HD, Carousel CBL-CG330 SDI, Aspen 1616 HD-3G 16x16 router, $33,580 HD/SD Video Server (SX-2 HD), Digital Signage/Bulletin Board Server (Carousel), SDI Router (Aspen 1616 HD-3G). These three items are part of a complete video server system replacement. The SX-2 HD is the new version of the Tightrope server that we currently use. It runs HD or SD and uses SDI. The Aspen SDI router routes the signal from the server and ties in with our existing switcher and live feeds from the town. The Carousel digital signage server is the new version of our existing bulletin board server and runs SDI. The video server is the central computer that plays back shows to BCAT’s Comcast and Verizon channels. The Tightrope SX-2 plays back a wide variety of video formats and also has device control. The SX-2 is capable of playing back both HD and SD Þles and it will automatically either down-convert or up-convert them to play back at the proper resolution for broadcast. The new Carousel server will replace the existing Carousel Server and run via SDI. The Aspen router is necessary to distribute video for broadcast on both Verizon and Comcast. (Full Quote Attached) This system is a replacement for our currently existing Tightrope Server system. Earlier this Þscal year the existing server had to be shipped to St Paul, Minnesota for repairs. Once it was Þxed Tightrope informed us that due to its age it could no longer be covered under a service contract and that it was their opinion that the server was in danger of failing soon. The Carousel Server included in this quote is included because our existing server can no longer be updated due to its age and also would also need a $995 converter to integrate with the new SDI system. The Carousel server could be replaced at a future time, but the converter box to integrate it with our new system would be $995 Q1 FY16 Bedford TV Annual Plan | 15 Integrated Solutions Group 858 Boston-Providence Turnpike Norwood, MA 02062 781-769-7810 fax 781-769-5750 QUOTE Name Company Address City Phone Qty 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 Greg Dolan Bedford Community Access TV P.O. Box 203 Bedford State MA Zip 01730 508-275-5004 Description Tightrope CBL-SX2HD-530 two channel HD server Tightrope Carousel CBL-CG330-SDI w/Matrox box (Note: if you decide to use your existing Carousel you will need to add the Matrox Convert DVI Plus $995). Aspen 1616HD-3G 16x16 HD-SDI Router (optional RCP-1616 remote control $695). Blackmagic Design CONVMAAS2 Analog to HD-SDI converter with embed audio Blackmagic Design CONVMASA4K HD-SDI to Analog with de-embed audio Cabling, hardware, Misc. parts (if we install) Optional Installation (labor) Martin P. Feldman, Vice President Date Valid for Rep Quote # 3/20/2015 30 Days Marty Feldman Q150320.1.BdfdTV Unit Price $25,295.00 $3,295.00 TOTAL $25,295.00 $3,295.00 $2,495.00 $2,495.00 $269.00 $807.00 $269.00 $538.00 $150.00 $1,000.00 $150.00 $1,000.00 Subtotal $33,580.00 TAX EXEMPT SHIPPING Additional TOTAL(not including S&H) $33,580.00 Terms: 50% with order, balance Net 30. Freight additional. Quotation valid for 30 days. Video Production, Lighting, Presentation Equipment and Integration 16 |Bedford TV Annual Plan Shows PUBLIC: Churches Hancock Church Trinity Covenant Church First Church of Christ First Parish St. Paul’s Interfaith Services International Church of God Music: Tibetan Music with Penpa Tsering Mass Music Hub VA Creative Arts Festival Allen Zhou Behind the Scenes Bedford Backstage PSA’s Bicycling Safety 911 Community Partner PSA Healthy Behaviors (Eagle Scout Project) Misc. Bedford Day Coverage Bedford Girl Scouts Programming The Legal Edition Cooking with denny Middle East Lecture Series (Presented by Bedford Library) BYFS Lecture Series The Fancy Kind You Are Not Alone (Surviving Your Child’s Disability) Bedford Day Programming Carleton Willard Oral History Insulation Workshop Your Garden Variety Trunk or Treat COA On Air Hopeful Aging BTV News The Wrestling Kennection Ask Dog Lady Kamate Fitness Workouts Citizen of the Year Diamondz Ink TV Physician Focus Senior Scene Bedford Historical Society Presentations Let’s Get Fit First Parish Concert Series Pretty. Simple. Gardens Archival Programming Miss Teen MA Breakfast with Santa Holiday Greetings Ask Art Life Matters Dr. Daniel Breen Science Lectures (Presented by Bedford Library) Coming Home Callahan’s Karate History Money Talk Marketplace and Health Literacy Chamber Connections Bedford Garden Club Lectures GOVERNMENT: Meetings: Selectmen School Committee Planning Board Town Meeting Town Caucus Public Forums Hanscom Area Selectmen Meetings Misc. Debates Bedford Common Beyond the Badge The Mass Factor Your Federal Government Consumer Affairs Middlesex Update Sound Off Memorial Day Coverage Veterans Day Coverage Rappin’ with the Rep (Ken Gordon) Campaign 2014 The Consumer Toolbox Law Enforcement Delegation Election Coverage Bedford TV Annual Plan | 17 EDUCATION: BHS Live BHS Sports BHS Talent Show BHS Fashion Show BHS Dance Showcase BHS Peer Leader Presentations Teacher Appreciation Prom Strolls Tenacity Challenge Best Buddies Citizen’s Scholarship Foundation 50 Year History Citizen’s Scholarship Foundation Awards Night MCC Connects (Middlesex Community College) World of Music Concert Series (Middlesex Community College) Academic Awards Night (JGMS and BHS) Graduation Moving On Ceremony Dr. Terrance Roberts at JGMS The Blue Review Bedford Family Connection: Plan C Strategies School Concerts 18 |Bedford TV Annual Plan Organization Chart Bedford TV Annual Plan | 19 Projected Course Offerings FY16 In FY16 BCAT will be changing the structure of its classes in order to encourage members to learn more about production and become more active volunteers. BCAT will also be introducing a new level of membership “certified membership” which recognizes and rewards members who have gone through basic level training in field production, studio production, and post-production. Certified members will be invited to monthly meetings where there will be guest speakers, opportunities for workshopping show ideas, and additional, more advanced training. To become a certified a member must pass the following three courses. Each of these courses will be offered monthly in a group setting or on a one on one basis if necessary and will be free of charge. The field production class will also be offered at the meeting places of local organizations to encourage volunteer coverage of events. ADVANCED CLASSES Documentary Production (Prerequisites Intro to Field Production and Intro to Post Production) - Price $150 This 6 week course will introduce students to a variety of documentary modes and will culminate with the production of a 5 minute documentary video of the student’s choosing. In this class students will learn advanced field shooting, advanced Final Cut Pro X, as well as have the opportunity to workshop their ideas with instructors and classmates. Recording Music Using Sonar X2 (Prerequisite Studio Production) - Price $50 CERTIFICATION CLASSES This two night course covers the basics of recording a music using Sonar X2 recording software. This class will culminate with the recording of a live music act in the BCAT studio using Sonar X2 and the BCAT studio. Intro to Studio Production Advanced Post-Production (Prerequisite Intro to Post This two hour course covers the basics of studio production: camera, audio, and switcher. At the end of the two hour course students will have an understanding of the field cameras and shot composition, audio set up and monitoring, and basic switching and recording. This four week class will teach students advanced Final Cut Pro X skills and teach the students how to think like an editor. Students will edit pre-existing footage with a focus on putting their personal touch on projects. Intro to Field Production This two hour class covers the basics of setting up a camera, setting up a microphone, and recording footage to an SD card. At the end of this class students will work through a checklist of what it takes to set up a basic field shoot and will be certified to check out field equipment. Intro to Post Production This two hour class introduces students to the basics of Final Cut Pro X. In this course students will learn how to bring in footage from an SD card, trim clips, and add titles and music. This class is a prerequisite for more advanced Final Cut courses. Production) - Price $75 20 |Bedford TV Annual Plan Appendix Bedford Minuteman, Thursday, March 19, 2015 Bedford TV 16 South Rd Bedford, MA 01730 Tel: 781 275 5004 Web:
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