Bureau of Energy Efficiency Ministry of Power, Government of India Invitation of Expressions of Interest (EOI) for short listing Financial Institutions for implementing the “Facility for Low Carbon Technology Deployment” Project EOI No. 39/01/BEE/TDB/2013 To be submitted to: Secretary Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, 4th Floor, SewaBhawan, R. K.Puram, New-Delhi 110066, 1 INVITATION FOR EOI INDEX Sl. No. 1 2 Description INTRODUCTION Page No. 4 BACKGROUND TO THE PROJECT 6 OBJECTIVE OF THE EOI AND 3 4 5 6 PROCEDURE TO BE ADOPTED FOR THE OF SELECTION BROAD SCOPE WORK EXPERTISE OF THE STAFF MEMBERS OF THE PMU TO BE SET UP FOR THE PROJECT DELIVERABLES 8 8 10 12 7 INSTRUCTIONS TO CONSULTANTS, & GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 12 8 PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA 16 9 10 EVALUATION CRITERIA 20 IMPORTANT DATES 28 2 BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY (BEE) (A Statutory body under Ministry of Power, Government of India) NOTICE INVITING EOIs EOI No.: 39/01/BEE/TDB/2013 BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY (BEE) invites EOIs for short listing Financial Institutions for Implementing the “Facility for Low Carbon Technology Deployment” Project Last Date for Receiving EOIs Opening of EOIs : 27.04.2015 - 14.00 hrs. : 27.04.2015 - 14.30 hrs. The EOI document and the instructions for submission of EOIs can be downloaded from the websites: www.beeindia.in & www.eprocure.gov.in For any further details contact: The Secretary Bureau of Energy Efficiency Ministry of Power, Government of India, 4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram New Delhi – 110 066 Tel : (011) 2617 9699, Fax :2617 8352 Website : www.beeindia.in 3 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 About BEE The mission of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) is to develop policy and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act (EC Act), 2001 with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of the Indian economy. This will be achieved with active participation of all stakeholders, resulting in accelerated and sustained adoption of energy efficiency in all sectors. The setting up of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) provides a legal framework for energy efficiency initiatives in the country. The Act empowers the Central Government and in some instances the State Governments to: a) Notify energy intensive industries, other establishments, and commercial buildings as designated consumers. b) Establish and prescribe energy consumption norms and standards for designated consumers. c) Direct designated consumers to designate or appoint certified energy manager in charge of activities for efficient use of energy and its conservation. d) Get an energy audit conducted by an accredited energy auditor in the specified manner and intervals of time. e) Furnish information with regard to energy consumed and action taken on the recommendation of the accredited energy auditor to the designated agency. f) Comply with energy consumption norms and standards, and if not so, to prepare and implement schemes for efficient use of energy and its conservation. g) Prescribe energy conservation building codes for efficient use of energy and its conservation in commercial buildings State Governments to amend the energy conservation building codes to suit regional and local climatic conditions. h) Direct owners or occupiers of commercial buildings to comply with the provisions of energy conservation building codes. 4 i) Direct mandatory display of label on notified equipment and appliances. j) Specify energy consumption standards for notified equipment and appliance. k) Prohibit manufacture, sale, purchase and import of notified equipment and appliances not conforming to standards. The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 defines the powers of the State Government to facilitate and enforce efficient use of energy and its conservation. The State Governments have to designate State Designated Agencies in consultation with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency to coordinate, regulate and enforce the provisions of the Act in the State. Thus the State Designated Agencies are the strategic partners for promotion of energy efficiency and its conservation in the country. 1.2 Organization Under the provisions of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Bureau of Energy Efficiency was established with effect from 1st March, 2002 by merging into it, the erstwhile Energy Management Centre, being a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, under the Ministry of Power. The mission of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency is to assist in developing policies and strategies with a thrust on self-regulation and market principles, within the overall framework of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 with the primary objective of reducing energy intensity of the Indian economy. 1.3 Functions of BEE BEE co-ordinates with designated consumers, designated agencies and other organization; recognizes, identifies and utilizes the existing resources and infrastructure, in performing the functions assigned to it under the E.C Act, 2001. The Act provides for regulatory and promotional functions. The major functions of BEE include: Develop and recommend to the Central Government the norms for processes and energy consumption standards. 5 Develop and recommend to the Central Government minimum energy consumption standards and labeling design for equipment and appliances. Develop and recommend to the Central Govt. specific energy conservation building codes. Recommend the Central Government for notifying any user or class of users of energy as a designated consumer. Take necessary measures to create awareness and disseminate information for efficient use of energy and its conservation. 2 Background to the Project With rapid growth in urbanization & industrialization in India arising out of the projected growth in GDP of 5 -6 % in the coming years, a significant increase in demand for electrical energy is foreseen. Given the high cost as well as lead time for augmentation of power generation capacity, various measures already under way (or contemplated for implementation) for reduction in energy demand through adoption of appropriate energy conservation measures need to be set into fast track mode. Energy Efficiency (EE) improvement has, therefore, emerged as an urgent imperative in the current global scenario. Under the Govt. of India’s National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC) eight initiatives have been identified, one of which is being spearheaded by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), viz. the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE). The NMEEE has introduced a number of innovative market-based financial instruments aimed at accelerating the strategic deployment of energy efficiency across India, the focus being on India’s most energy intensive industrial sectors. It is estimated that by 2014-15 the NMEEE measures would have yielded an estimated savings to the tune of USD 14.8 billion, besides fuel savings exceeding 23 million TOE, CO2 emission mitigation of 98 million tons, & 19 GW of savings in capacity addition. 6 Notwithstanding the benefits expected to accrue out of energy saving measures, their implementation poses several challenges, such as paucity of financing, inadequate regulatory incentives, marketing barriers, etc. While India has taken various steps to overcome the financial and regulatory barriers, there is a need for greater thrust on providing incentives for the indigenous development & promotion of innovative technologies, and their large scale adoption in industries. With a view to stimulating EE technology innovation in India, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) has extended a Grant of USD 9 million to BEE for implementing a project for promotion of Low Carbon Technology deployment across various industrial sectors in India. An additional fund of INR 1600 million is also expected to be allocated by the GoI towards this project. The goal of the project is to develop innovative EE technologies consistent with stakeholder demand, & their large scale adoption in various industries in the country. To begin with the project will focus on (a) industrial low - grade waste heat recovery, (b) pumping efficiency, and (c) air conditioning / space cooling applications. The project will invite & run innovation challenges in the identified focus areas, provide financial support for development of initial prototypes of the technologies that are selected through innovation competitions, and subsequently assist the winning innovators in adoption of the newly developed technologies in the target industries (by way of debt / equity financing, loans / grants, providing marketing opportunities, assisting in pilot testing of products in industries, on issues related to patents, etc.). Expert panels will be appointed by BEE for designing the innovation strategies for the identified technical domains, as also to coordinate with the user segment in order to assess the scope for future induction of the new technologies by the industry. Adequate opportunity would be given to various entities (such as start-up entrepreneurs, industrial / academic / R&D institutions / National & State Laboratories - individually, or as consortia, interested industries, Scientific & Research Organisations recognized by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) of the GoI, etc.) to participate in the innovation challenges in order to encourage maximum stakeholder involvement in 7 this initiative. The project will provide deployment support (including financial assistance) to the innovators who successfully qualify in the technology competitions. This would include assistance on issues such as legal, intellectual property rights, incubation, deployment of the technologies in industries, etc. The project will be overseen by a high level Steering Committee which would monitor its progress and provide guidance / directions to the implementation team as and when required. The Project would be implemented over a period of 5 years commencing from June / July 2015 (tentatively). 3 OBJECTIVE OF THE EOI AND PROCEDURE TO BE ADOPTED FOR THE SELECTION 3.1 This EOI seeks to short list reputed Financial Institutions (hereinafter referred to as Consultants) for providing financing & allied support for implementing the “Facility for Low Carbon Technology Deployment” Project. The pre- qualification criteria and the criteria to be adopted for the short listing are given at Sections 8 & 9 of this document. 3.2 A detailed RFP will be sent to the short listed Consultants (i.e. Financial Institutions individually or in Consortia) out of which one Consultant will be selected for implementing the project under the overall supervision of BEE. 4 BROAD SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work would broadly encompass the following: a) To oversee / coordinate the following functions that will be carried out by a Project Management Unit which will be set up by BEE subsequent to appointment of the Financial Institution (through this EOI & subsequent RFP): i) Formulation of various program documents including a Project Operations Manual ii) Coordination with the Expert Panels set up by BEE in identification / conceptualisation of innovation challenges, evaluation of technical designs / prototypes, organizing seminars, meetings (Expert Panel & Project Steering Committee), visits of experts (domestic / international) to industries, etc. 8 iii) Assisting the Expert Panels in developing technology specifications, testing protocols, etc. iv) Developingcriteria for evaluation of the prototypes v) Developing and deployment of effective outreach mechanisms (including designing of innovative incentive schemes) for engaging industries for installation & field testing of the prototypes as selected through the innovation competitions vi) Inviting intended project beneficiaries / stakeholders (entrepreneurs, academics, start ups, R&D Institutions, etc.) to participate in new EE technology design competitions, and to organize such competitions as and when required vii) Selecting / identifying technical designs out of those submitted by innovators at the technology competitions for further prototype development and testing, and to associate in the testing / evaluation of the prototypes viii)Coordinating with volunteer industries for installation of the prototypes for pilot testing / runs ix) Providing deployment support to innovators who emerge as successful in the competitions in areas encompassing legal, intellectual property rights, product incubation, marketing opportunities, etc. x) Maintaining the project accounts following standard accounting practices as stipulated by the GoI, and to coordinate with auditors (internal & external) in respect of all project related audits xi) Complying with the financial & accounting processes of the project as stipulated in the Project Operations Manual xii) Undertaking all procurement related to the project based on procedures / guidelines as stipulated in the Project Operations Manual xiii)Ensuring that all project related milestones are achieved in accordance with the agreed schedules xiv) Developing a Monitoring & Evaluation Plan for the project, to implement the same, prepare related Reports, liaise with external agencies who are entrusted with the task of project monitoring / evaluation, etc. b) The selected Financial Institution shall be required to provide debt / equity capital, or extend loans / grants to the eligible innovators whose designs / prototypes have been accepted for further field testing / implementation under terms to be devised by the Consultant and approved by BEE / Project Steering Committee. 9 5. Expertise of the Staff Members of the PMU to be set up for the Project It is envisaged that the project PMU staff members shall have the following qualifications & experience: Serial No. Designation (indicative only) Project Manager (Team Leader) No of personnel (minimum requirement) 1 Qualifications & Experience Master’s degree in engineering, economics, finance, MBA, or equivalent from a University / Institution recognized by the Govt. of India 1 A minimum of 8 years’ experience in business development, incubation, start-up accelerators, or VC funds Team Member Master’s degree in engineering, economics, MBA, or equivalent from a University / Institution recognized by the Govt. of India 3 2 A minimum of 4 years’ experience in business development, incubation, start-up accelerators or VC funds; IPR Expert A Bachelor’s degree in law from a University / Institution recognized by the Govt. of India with Intellectual Property Rights as one of the core / specialisation subjects 1 3 A minimum of 4 years’ experience in dealing with cases related to Intellectual Property Rights. Preference will be given to experience of handling cases for entities under the Govt. of India, or State Governments, or for International Organisations such as the World Bank, ADB, UN Agencies, DFID, etc. 10 Serial No. Designation (indicative only) Finance / Audit Expert No of personnel (minimum requirement) 1 Qualifications & Experience Qualified Chartered Accountant, or MBA (with specialization in Finance) from a University / Institution recognized by the Govt. of India 4 Procurement Expert A minimum of 4 years’ experience in auditing of industrial units, or small business units, or non-profit organizations, or multi-lateral projects funded by international organizations such as World Bank, ADB, UN Agencies, DFID, etc. Bachelor’s degree in engineering, economics, or commerce with MBA (specialization in Supply Chain Management or equivalent) from a University / Institution recognized by the Govt. of India 1 5 Monitoring and Evaluation Expert A minimum of 5 years’ experience in procurement functions / assignments (preferably related to hiring of consultancy services) for entities under the Govt. of India, or State Governments, or for multi-lateral projects funded by international organizations such as the World Bank, ADB, UN Agencies, DFID, etc. Master’s degree in engineering, economics, business, finance, MBA, or equivalent from a University / Institution recognized by the Govt. of India 1 6 A minimum of 3 years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation of projects preferably projects related to innovation or incubation It may be noted that selection of the PMU staff shall be undertaken separately by BEE jointly with GEF after award of contract in favour of the Financial Institution based on short listing following evaluation of the EOIs, and the subsequent selection through release of RFP. 11 6. DELIVERABLES The Consultant shall be required to execute /manage the financing for the project comprising external funds (from GEF and GoI) as well as debt/equity infusion and / or loans from its end to the intended project beneficiaries. The Consultant shall also coordinate with the PMU vis-à-vis the project deliverables, and also submit reports / returns periodically based on the milestones to be incorporated in the contract to be entered into between BEE and the selected Financial Institution. The schedule of various deliverables will be indicated in the RFP to be sent to the Consultants who have been short listed based on evaluation of the EOIs. 7. INSTRUCTIONS TO CONSULTANTS, & GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS 7.1 EOIs may be submitted by Financial Institutions individually or as Consortia (Financial Institution along with Research Organisations recognized by DSIR, National & State Laboratories, Academic Institutions having a strong focus on research, etc.). The Financial Institutions must be registered in India under the Companies Act 1956, and have approval of regulatory authorities in India for their business operations, with such approvals being valid up to 31.12.2020. In the case of Consortia: a) One partner will act as the leader of the Consortium, and each of the partners will be jointly and severally liable to BEE for all obligations under the contract. b) The Lead Member of the Consortium shall be a Financial Institution. c) The Lead Member of the Consortium may submit the bid on behalf of the consortium of firms. d) A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the consortium members, duly attested by Notary Public, is to be submitted along with the EOI. The MOU must be signed by the Chief Executives of the consortium members (or their duly authorized signatories), and should clearly define the role / scope of work of each partner / member. The MOU should define the leader of the consortium, and also state that each member or constituent of 12 the Consortium of Consultants shall be jointly and severally liable for all obligations of the Consultant under the Contract, if awarded by BEE in favour of the Consultant. d) The EOI may be signed by all members of the Consortium. Alternatively the leader of the Consortium may sign the EOI on behalf of the Consortium. e) Documents in support of the pre-qualification & selection criteria must be furnished by each partner of the consortium complete in all respects along with the EOI. f) In the event of the Consortium qualifying for award of contract based on evaluation of Proposals as received in response to the RFP (to be released to the short listed Consultants), the contract is to be signed by all members of the Consortium, and the liability of each of them towards fulfillment of all the obligations towards BEE under the contract shall be joint and several. g) All correspondence exchanged by BEE with the Lead Member of the Consortium shall be binding on all the Consortium members. h) Payment shall be made by BEE only to the Lead Member of the Consortium. 7.2 The Consultants submitting EOIs shall submit a letter in the format as at Annexure A, confirming that they have read and understood the requirements as indicated in this Invitation to submit EOIs, and that they shall abide by all its terms & conditions. 7.3 Submission of EOIs shall be as under: a) The EOI shall be enclosed in a sealed cover superscribed with “EOI No. ………….. due on ………………… by ……………. hours”. The covering envelope must bear the name and contact details (telephone, fax, email address) of the Consultant (Lead Member in the case of a Consortium). b) If an EOI is received in an open envelope (i.e. unsealed) it shall be rejected. c) The EOIs are to be submitted By Hand / Speed Post / Registered Post to the Reception of BEE at the address given below by 1400 hrs of 27/04/2015: The Secretary Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), 4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram, Sector-1, 13 New Delhi – 110066. Ph: 011-26179699 d) The EOIs would be opened on 27/04/2015 at 1430 hours at the Conference Room of BEE on the 4th Floor of Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram, New Delhi 110066 in the presence of the participating Consultants or their authorized representatives who may choose to attend the EOI opening. 7.4 The Invitation for EOIs may be downloaded from the website of BEE (www.bee- india.nic.in), or from www.eprocure.gov.in. 7.5 A non-refundable fee of Rs. 1000 (Rupees one thousand only) is to be deposited by the participating Consultants enclosed in the same cover as the EOI. This fee is to be submitted through Banker’s Cheque / Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Bureau of Energy Efficiency”, payable at New Delhi. If an EOI is received without the EOI fee, the submission shall be rejected. 7.6 EOIs received after the due date & time of submission shall be rejected, and the Unopened EOIs of such Consultants shall be returned by BEE. 7.7 All pages of the EOI should be serially numbered. 7.8 The authorized signatory of the bidders should sign on all pages of the EOI and affix the seal of the firm thereon. 7.9 The EOIs should be neatly presented. Corrections, if any, should be duly authenticated by the full signature of the person signing the EOI. 7.10 The EOIs should remain valid for a period of 120 days from the deadline for submission. 7.11 The Consultants, or their authorized representatives, would be permitted to attend the EOI opening. However, each Consultant shall nominate a maximum of one representative to attend the EOI opening. These representatives would be permitted to attend the opening subject to their carrying a letter of authorization from the Consultants, or alternatively presenting evidence of being employees of the Consulting firm. 7.12 BEE will conduct a pre-EOI meeting. The date, time and venue for which is as under: Date and Time: 16-04-2015 at 2:30 pm 14 Venue: Conference Room, Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Sewa Bhawan, 4th Floor, R.K. Puram, New Delhi 110 066 The Consultants, who are interested in attending the pre-EOI meeting, should indicate the names of their representatives (maximum three per Consultant). Such intimation should be given by email to kumara@beenet.in a minimum of three working days prior to the date of the pre-EOI meeting. 7.13 BEE may for any reason, whether on its own initiative, or in response to requests for clarifications from the interested Consultants, modify the EOI document through amendments / addenda. Such modifications will be hosted on the BEE website (ww.bee-india.nic.in) & on www.eprocure.gov.in, and BEE will not intimate the Consultants individually about the same. The interested Consultants are, therefore, advised to visit these websites regularly till the date of closing of the EOIs. 7.14 Queries related to this EOI are to be sent through email addressed to kumara@beenet.in. Clarifications on the basis of the queries received would be put up periodically on the web sites of BEE & on www.eprocure.gov.in, and no communications would be sent individually to the Consultants. 7.15 No requests for information / clarifications would be entertained by BEE later than 10 days prior to the date of closing of the EOIs. The last amendment, if any, to the EOI will be hosted a minimum of 7 days before the closing date of the EOIs. 7.16 BEE reserves the right to extend the due date of submission of EOIs through an appropriate notification on the web sites as notified in this document. 7.17 The participating Consultants are permitted to submit amendments to their EOIs as long as such amendments are received duly sealed and marked as “Amendment No. -to EOI No. ------------------- due on --------------by ------------hrs“ . Such amendments will, however, be received only up to the due date and time of submission of EOIs. 7.18 BEE reserves the right to accept or reject any EOI without assigning any reasons thereof. 7.19 The Consultants, who qualify for the short listing and are invited to participate in the RFP, will not be permitted to change the key personnel (or project partners in the case of Consortia), who have been indicated in their EOIs without the prior written consent of BEE. Any such replacement must be supported by adequate justifications, 15 and the substitute personnel / firm(s) must have equivalent or higher qualifications and experience than the entity that is proposed to be replaced. 7.20 Wherever copies of documents have been asked for in this EOI, the same are to be either self attested or attested by Notary Public in accordance with the specific requirements as stated in this Invitation for EOIs. 7.21 The participating Consultants are advised in their own interest to desist from any attempt at influencing the outcome of the short listing process. Such attempts, if detected, would render the concerned Consultant(s) liable for disqualification. 7.22 Release of this EOI does not bind BEE for finalising a short list, and the process may be terminated at any stage in the event of unforeseen exigencies. The outcome of the short listing exercise shall be notified on the web site of BEE, and also on www.eprocure.gov.in. 8 PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA The Consultants shall be required to qualify under each of the following pre-qualification criteria in order to compete for the subsequent stage of short listing: Sl. No. 1 Criteria Requirement for Qualification a) The Consultant (Lead Member in the case of a Consortium) should be a Public Financial Institution registered in India under the Companies Act 1956, or its subsidiary (with a minimum of 51% shareholding of the Public Financial Institution in the subsidiary firm), and having the requisite regulatory approvals of the GoI for its business model / operations. 16 a) A self attested copy of the regulatory approval(s) (valid up to 31.12.2020) is to be submitted along with the EOI. b) Self attested copies of proof of EE financing is to be submitted along with the EOI. c) Self attested copies of evidence in support of business operations since 1.4.2010 are to be submitted along with the EOI. Sl. No. 2 Criteria Requirement for Qualification Further such approval(s) should be valid up to 31.12.2020. b) The Financial Institution should have appraised & financed a minimum of 5 EE projects in the previous 3 financial years, viz. 2011-12, 2012-13, & 2013-14 (combined experience for the 3 years). c) The Consultant (or Lead Member in the case of a Consortium) should have been in business for a continuous period of 5 years w.e.f. the Financial Year 2010-11. The Consultant (or each a) Documentary evidence of filing member of a Consortium) shall of Income Tax & Service Tax have filed Income Tax and Returns is to be submitted for Service Tax Returns for the the last 3 years. Self attested last 3 Financial Years. copies of (a) the Certificate of Registration for Service Tax of the Consultant1, (b) the Permanent Account Number (PAN) card of the Consultant1 issued by the Income Tax Department, and (c) Certificate of Incorporation of the Company1 should be submitted along with the EOI. 1 Each of the member firms in the case of a Consortium 17 Sl. Criteria No. 3 Consultants who submit Proposals as Consortia. Requirement for Qualification A copy of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the consortium members, duly attested by Notary Public, is to be submitted along with the EOI. The MOU must be signed by the Chief Executives of the consortium members (or their duly authorized signatories), and should clearly define the role / scope of work of each partner / member. The MOU should define the leader of the consortium, and also state that each member or constituent of the Consortium of Consultants shall be jointly and severally liable for all obligations of the Consultant under the Contract, if awarded by BEE in favour of the Consortium. NOTE: The Lead Member of the Consortium should be a Financial Institution registered in India under the Companies Act 1956. 18 Sl. Criteria No. 4 Turnover & Profitability 5 Requirement for Qualification Consultants (including their key professionals & that of partner firms in the case of Consortia), who are currently blacklisted / debarred / suspended by any entity of the Govt. of India, or an entity of any of the States of the Union of India, or by any international agency such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UN Agencies, DFID, etc. shall not be eligible to associate in this assignment. 19 The Consultant (or Lead Member in the case of a Consortium) should have a minimum average annual turnover of INR 100 Crore for the financial years 2011-12, 2012-13, and 2013-14, and should have made profits in any two of these Financial Years. Self attested copies of the audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account for the financial years 2011-12, 201213, and 2013-14 should be submit tted along with the EOI. The Consultants should give an undertaking to this effect along with their Letter of Submission of EOI (Ref. Annexure ‘B’) 9 EVALUATION CRITERIA Consultants, who successfully qualify in the pre-qualification criteria as per Clause 8, shall thereafter be evaluated under the following parameters: Sr. Criterion No. Marks Experience of Consultant in appraising / financing projects related to 1 Maximum 20 the deployment of new / innovative technologies related to enhancement of energy efficiency during the last 5 years (from the Financial Year 2010-11 onwards), with such financing being extended for EE projects implemented / managed by various entities (preferably under the Govt. of India, or State Governments in India, or International Organisations such as World Bank, ADB, UN Agencies, DFID, etc.). Experience in managing funds of the Govt. of India, or any State Govt., or of loans / credits extended by international agencies (GEF, World Bank, ADB, UN Agencies, DFID, etc.) shall be given additional weightage. Experience of Consultant in appraising / financing EE projects during 3 30 the last 5 years (from the Financial Year 2010-11 onwards) under contracts awarded by international organizations such as the World Bank, ADB, UN Agencies, DFID, etc., with additional weightage being given for EE projects in the domains of industrial low - grade waste heat recovery, pumping efficiency, and air conditioning / space cooling applications. 4 Qualifications of Key Personnel 15 5 Relevant experience of Key Personnel 25 6 Average Turnover & Profitability for the last 5 years , i.e. 2009-10, 10 20 Sr. Criterion No. 7 Maximum Marks 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, & 2013-14 (combined average turnover in the case of Consortium) TOTAL 100 The Consultants should provide complete details of their qualifications, experience (including that of their key personnel), financial strength, etc. along with related supporting documents (self attested) in order to establish their credentials vis-à-vis the criteria as mentioned above. During the course of evaluation BEE may, if necessary, seek clarifications from the Consultants and / or ask for presentations to be made to the Evaluation Committee with regard to their EOIs The minimum qualifying score for short listing shall be 60. 21 Annexure ‘B’ CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) FOR PROPOSED PROFESSIONAL STAFF 1. Proposed Position: 2. Name of Firm: 3. Name of Staff: [Insert full name]: 4. Date of Birth: 5. Nationality: 6. Education: [Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of institutions, degrees obtained, and dates of obtainment]: 7. Membership of Professional Associations: 8. Training undergone: 9. Countries of Work Experience: [List countries where staff has worked in the last five years]: 10. Languages [For each language indicate proficiency: good, fair, or poor in speaking, reading, and writing]: 11. Employment Record: [Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held by the staff since graduation, giving for each employment date(s) of employment, name of employing organization, positions held, major assignments / responsibilities. List the Tasks to be assigned for the work as indicated in this EOI [List all tasks to be performed under this Assignment] 22 12. Work undertaken that best illustrates capability of the staff to handle the tasks to be assigned: [Among the Assignments / jobs in which the staff has been involved, indicate the following information for those Assignments / jobs that best illustrate staff capability to handle the tasks listed under point 11] Name of Assignment / job or project: Year: Location: Employer: Main project features: Positions held: Activities performed: l) Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged. Date: Signature of staff member Place: Countersignature of Consultant submitting EOI 23 Annexure ‘A’ The Secretary Bureau of Energy Efficiency Sewa Bhawan, 4th Floor R.K. Puram, Sector 1 New Delhi 110066 Dear Sir, In response to your Invitation for EOIs, vide Ref. No. ----------------------------we, the undersigned hereby submit our Expression of Interest for undertaking the assignment. We confirm having read and understood the contents of the Invitation for EOIs, and we fully agree to abide by the terms and conditions as indicated therein. We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this Proposal are true to the best of our knowledge and belief, and accept that any misrepresentation contained therein may lead to our disqualification. The Check List (as per your Invitation for EOIs), duly completed, is enclosed herewith. Enclosed herewith is a Demand Draft for Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) in favour of “Bureau of Energy Efficiency”, payable at Delhi, towards the EOI fees. We have also enclosed herewith a Power of Attorney in favour of the authorized signatory to sign and submit this EOI along with its attached documents. We confirm that the validity of this EOI shall be for 120 days from the closing date for submissions, i.e. the validity shall be up to 03/08/2015. We hereby confirm that neither our firm (and our partner firms, in the case of a Consortium), nor any of the key professionals as proposed in our EOI, is currently 24 blacklisted / debarred / suspended by any entity of the Govt. of India, or of an entity of any of the States of India, or by any international agency such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UN Agencies, DFID, etc. Yours faithfully Signature of Authorised Signatory with seal of firm Name Title Address Telephone, mobile, & fax numbers, Email Address CHECK LIST Sl. No. 1 2 Item Whether the EOI Fee of Rs. 1000/- has been submitted along with the EOI. a) Whether the Consultant(or Lead Member in the case of a Consortium) is a Public Financial Institution registered in India under the Companies Act 1956, OR whether the Consultant is the subsidiary of a Public Financial Institution with the parent Institution holding a minimum of 51% shares in the subsidiary Company. b) Whether the Consultant has submitted documentary evidence of requisite regulatory approvals of the GoI for its business model / operations in India. c) Whether documentary evidence has been submitted confirming the validity of the regulatory approvals up to 31.12.2020. d) Whether the Consultant has submitted self attested copies of documents in support of appraisal & financing of a minimum of 5 EE projects in the Financial Years 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 (combined experience for the 3 years). e) Whether the Consultant (or Lead Member in the 25 Compliance (Yes / No) (To qualify, if ‘No’) Sl. No. 3 Item case of a Consortium) has submitted evidence confirming its being in business for a continuous period of 5 years w.e.f. the Financial Year 201011. Whether the following have been submitted: a) Documentary evidence (self attested) of filing of Income Tax & Service Tax Returns of the Consultant1 for the last 3 years. b) Self attested copies of (i) the Certificate of Registration for Service Tax of the Consultant1 (ii) the Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the Consultant issued by the Income Tax Department, and (iii) Certificate of Incorporation of the Company1 1 Each of the member firms in the case of a Consortium 26 Compliance (Yes / No) (To qualify, if ‘No’) Sl. No. 4 Item Compliance (Yes / No) (To qualify, if ‘No’) In the case of Consultants who submit Proposals as Consortia: a) Whether a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the consortium members, duly attested by Notary Public, has been submitted. b) Whether the MOU has been signed by the Chief Executives of the consortium members (or their duly authorized signatories) clearly defining the role / scope of work of each partner / member. c) Whether the MOU has defined the leader of the consortium, and d) Whether the MOU has incorporated that each member or constituent of the Consortium of Consultants shall be jointly and severally liable for all obligations of the Consultant under the Contract, if awarded by BEE in favour of the Consultant. e) Whether the Lead Member is a Financial Institution registered in India under the Companies Act 1956. 5 Documents in support of Turnover & Profit: f) Whether self attested copies of the audited Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account for the financial years 2011-12, 2012-13, and 2013-14 have been submitted. 27 IMPORTANT DATES Sl. Item No. 1 EOI Release date Details 06-04-2015 2 Date of Pre-EOI Meeting 16-04-2015 3 Last date for sending Queries 19-04-2015 4 EOI Submission Deadline 27-04-2015 5 EOI Opening Schedule 27-04-2015 28
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