Lodz Special Economic Zone

Gold Sponsor
Lodz Special Economic Zone
in cooperation with Partners
would like to invite you to
2nd Speed Business Mixer in Lodz
19th March 2015, 4.30 p.m.
in the refurbished Grohman’s Factory of Lodz Special Economic Zone
22/24 Tymienieckiego, Lodz.
Bronze Sponsors
Media Patrons
Please, confirm your attendance till 26th February 2015 by filling in the application form.
Contact person: Magda Kubicka, e: magda.kubicka@sse.lodz.pl, tel. 42 275 50 58
Gold Sponsor
Join the unique event in a unique place
and acquire new business contacts!
We have the pleasure to invite you to the 2nd Speed Business Mixer in Lodz,
where every participant will take part in a series of direct meetings. You will have a chance
to present your company, exchange business cards, make new contacts and
find necessary cooperants, suppliers and customers.
4.30 – 5.15 p.m. Registration
5.15 – 5.45 p.m. Presentation of organisers and sponsor
5.45 – 7.15 p.m. 2nd Speed Business Mixer
7.15 – 9.00 p.m. Networking session
Participation is free of charge for investors and business partners of Lodz Special
Economic Zone and members of the Chambers – Partners of the event.
Due to the limited number of seats, registrations are accepted on a first served basis.
An e-mail confirming your registration will be sent by 6th March.
Please note: for the 2nd Speed Business Mixer we can accept only
1 representative from each company! Other company representatives (up to 2 persons
together)are welcome to join the networking session..
Registration for the event equals agreeing to the rules of the event attached to the invitation.
Photos (Paweł Nowak, Lodz SEZ) from the 1st Grand Speed Business Mixer, which attracted more than 200 companies..
Please, confirm your attendance till 26th February 2015 by filling in the application form.
Contact person:: Magda Kubicka, e: magda.kubicka@sse.lodz.pl. tel. 42 275 50 58