Deltek Electronic Time Keeping Procedures April 2015 1 Time Keeping Procedures Table of Contents The Client Tools Page: ______________________________________________________________ 3 Time & Expense Login ID and Password: ________________________________________________ 3 Your Login ID _____________________________________________________________________________ Your Initial Password _______________________________________________________________________ Your Company’s Domain ____________________________________________________________________ Change your Password ______________________________________________________________________ Resetting your Password ____________________________________________________________________ 3 3 3 3 3 My Desktop Screen ________________________________________________________________ 3 “My Tasks” _______________________________________________________________________________ “My Alerts” _______________________________________________________________________________ “My Timesheets” __________________________________________________________________________ “My Expense Authorizations” ________________________________________________________________ “My Expense Reports” ______________________________________________________________________ “My Outstanding Advances” _________________________________________________________________ “My Outstanding Expenses” (not shown) _______________________________________________________ “My Menu” _______________________________________________________________________________ Edit My Desktop Layout _____________________________________________________________________ Personalized Settings: ______________________________________________________________________ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 The Time Tab _____________________________________________________________________ 6 Requesting Leave through the SCHEDULE _______________________________________________ 7 Canceling a Leave Request ___________________________________________________________ 7 Recording Time on Your Timesheet ____________________________________________________ 8 Choosing a Charge Code/Project ______________________________________________________________ 8 Entering Hours ____________________________________________________________________________ 9 Application of Business Rules ________________________________________________________________ 9 Daily Floor Checks ________________________________________________________________________ 10 Timesheet Status _________________________________________________________________________ 10 Signing (Submitting) your Timesheet _________________________________________________________ 10 Timesheet Menu Choices ___________________________________________________________________ 11 Charge Tree Favorites _____________________________________________________________________ 12 Timesheet Corrections – Exempt Employee Only ________________________________________ 13 Original Timesheet ________________________________________________________________________ 13 Timesheet after Reverse ___________________________________________________________________ 13 Timesheet after Correction _________________________________________________________________ 13 Timesheet Corrections – Non-Exempt Employee Only ____________________________________ 14 Correcting a previously saved timesheet for Hourly Non-Exempt Employees: _________________________ 14 Original Timesheet ________________________________________________________________________ 14 Timesheet with Adjustments ________________________________________________________________ 14 Timesheet signed by anyone other than yourself: _______________________________________ 15 2 Part 1: - Employees’ Time Collection Users Guide The Client Tools Page: The starting place for accessing Time and Expense is the CLIENT’s TOOL Page. Bookmark and save this URL on your Browser: http://fin-te:7009/DeltekTC/welcome.msv Time & Expense Login ID and Password: After clicking on the Time & Expense Link, you are brought to the Time & Expense Login page. Your Login ID will be your current Unanet employee ID # Your Initial Password will be your date of birth in the form of YYYYMMDD. Your Company’s Domain is MSS Change your Password Your password will have to be changed immediately upon your initial login with your default password. It must contain at least one NUMBER, one lower case letter, one CAPITALIZED letter and at least one SPECIAL CHARACTER (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = [ ] { } | \\ < > / ?). Your password will have to be changed once every 90 days. Resetting your Password Please note that if you ever lock yourself out for too many faulty password attempts, please contact the Payroll Department who will reset your password. After reset, you will be able to login using your password as described above. My Desktop Screen The first time you log in, you will be brought to the home page, which is also known as MyDesktop Screen. 3 The menu bar across the top has the “home” (or My Desktop) tab on the far left, then “TIME,” then “EXPENSE,” both of which opens a menu tree on the left side of the screen (see below for additional information). On the right side of the screen we have a “WRENCH” symbol for setting Preferences, a “?” symbol for on-line help and an ON_OFF button. The Main Section of the screen has 4 section headings (8 heading sections are possible, depending upon your company’s license and configuration). “My Tasks” is a list of action notices that have been generated by the system that require your response. A type of task that you might see is to update a particular timesheet. You can click on that item in the list and the system will take you directly to that place. “My Alerts” is an internal notification list that simply lets you know that others have taken action on your timesheet or expense report. Such Alerts include “your timesheet has been approved.” “My Timesheets” Lists recent weekly timesheet history “My Expense Authorizations” (not shown) and “My Expense Reports” (not shown) are simply a historical lists of those documents that can be launched simply by clicking on the item in the list (you can determine the number of items in each list). “My Outstanding Advances” (not shown) and “My Outstanding Expenses” (not shown) provide lists of travel advances and company paid charges made on your behalf which have not yet been associated to an expense report. When creating an Expense report in T&E, you will be able to choose these items from the list and associate them with a specific business trip and purpose. “My Menu” is an alternative method of launching menu choices. Even though you have many options to choose from to include on My Menu list, only those choices which are authorized by the system administrator for you will be effective in the list. Most employees will simply use the menu trees provided under the Time Tab or Expense Tab, which are already limited to authorized choices. Edit My Desktop Layout The layout of your Desktop can be adjusted by clicking on the “Edit MyDesktop Layout” button on the top left of the screen. 4 ALL of the available section headings appear either in the Left Panel box, the Right Panel Box or the elevated center box. Only sections listed in the Left or Right Panel boxes will appear on the desktop. You can change the order of the sections or remove a section by clicking on the section title, then clicking either the “Move UP” “Move Down” or “Remove” button on either the Left or Right Panel. Items in the center box can be added to the desktop by highlighting the item and then clicking either the “Move to the Left Panel” or “Move to the Right Panel” buttons. You can also adjust the number of items appearing in a list by adjusting the numbers found under the Left Panel section of the screen. Personalized Settings: By clicking on the Wrench symbol, you will be able to adjust your personal settings. Your choices for Notification Methods are: Alert or Email. Your choices for Text/Icon are: Icon and Text OR Icon Only. Please set to icon and text for ease of use when viewing your timesheet. 5 Your choices for Login Default screen (that is the first screen you see after logging in: is Timesheet, Desktop or Splash [Deltek logo screen]. It is recommended that non timesheet approvers set their default to Timesheet. Timesheet approvers can set their default to Desktop to view the alerts and tasks. This will now become your “Home” page. Certain Employees (Supervisors and Administrators for example) have authority to delegate their responsibility to others. If you have such authority, you can click on “Add Line” in the Delegation section of this screen and delegate your responsibility to a specific person and for a specific period of time. Under Preferences, there are additional choices to make under “Time” and under “Expense.” The Time Tab When you click on the time tab, a menu tree will appear on the left side of the screen and the Desktop will be replaced by the Deltek SPLASH screen. The number of menu items you see as TABS across the top, and BARS down the left side of the screen is fully dependent upon the Security Role which has been assigned to you, and your company’s license. Most employees will only see the “Schedule” and “Record Time” menu bars on the left under the Time Tab. Supervisors might also see “Process,” “Analyze” and possibly “Audit” depending upon your 6 company’s policy (Analyze and Audit provide various reports for managing timesheets). Administrators will see some or all of the remaining menu and tab items. Requesting Leave through the SCHEDULE Employees use schedule to request leave through the Time & Expense Program. The employee Work Schedule, which has been assigned to you, will appear in a calendar form. Holidays appear in YELLOW on the calendar, unapproved leave is RED, and approved leave is GREEN. Notice that to the right of the screen, you can see your earned balance of paid leave available to you. To request leave, begin by clicking on one or more days in the calendar (you can click each day separately, without the need for holding the shift or control button). Then, click the button above the calendar on the left side named “REQUEST LEAVE.” When you click the Request Leave button, a window pops up and allows you to enter the number of hours you intend to be away from your job and space for a comment. Please refer to your company’s time keeping policy when determining how many hours you are required to take when requesting leave. After hitting OK on the popup window, the calendar days you chose turn to RED, and the list of days you requested appear in the box below the calendar called “Pending Leave Requests.” Canceling a Leave Request Any time prior to your leave being approved by a supervisor, you may cancel your leave by returning to this screen. In the section below the calendar called “Pending Leave Requests” click the checkbox on the left of the list for the days of leave you wish to cancel. Once chosen, simply click the “CANCEL” button on top of the list. Please note that APPROVED LEAVE cannot be cancelled. However, approved leave can be ignored on your timesheet. Simply add your work hours to any day that was previously scheduled as a leave day, and the leave request will not reduce your available earned leave balance. Your leave balance is only decremented when hours are charged to a valid leave account. 7 Recording Time on Your Timesheet If your Home page is not defaulted to the timesheet page, clicking on the “Record Time” menu bar, then on “Timesheet” will bring you to this screen. Choosing a Charge Code/Project On the first timesheet line you see a magnifying glass symbol under the Project column. When you click on this symbol, a specific list of charge codes you have been authorized to work on will pop up for you to choose from. 8 You will click on the “+” button to drill down into the charge tree until you find a level where there is a checkbox on the left edge of the charge list to select. Check the box next to the charge or project you want and click the “Add to Timesheet” button at the bottom of the screen. Everything necessary to the left side of the center gray bar will automatically fill in. You will now be able to add hours to the right half of the screen, by day. To find your project number quicker you can type in the first 8 digits of the project number in the Filter Text box and click on Execute. You can then drill down from there to select the project number(s) that you need to pull over into your timesheet. If you know the full project number you can type it in on the timesheet itself in the project column. Entering Hours Notice that the April 10th column in the screenshot above is highlighted in light green indicating that this day is an approved vacation day. (unapproved leave requests do not show up highlighted on your timesheet). You will still need to record your vacation time on the approved day in order to receive payment for the hours. If your company allows you to work on holidays, then simply record your time as normal using project codes and ignore the warning error you receive for not recording your time as Holiday. This will also be true for working on days of Approved Paid Leave. Application of Business Rules Certain business rules will be checked and applied both at the time you SAVE your daily record, and when you SIGN the timesheet. Such rules will include the total number of hours you have recorded per day and per week, whether the hours recorded to a project were worked AFTER the end date of the project, and whether or not overtime should have been recorded, just to name a few. If any of these 9 rules were violated, you will be given either a warning which can be ignored or fixed, or an error which requires you to make timesheet changes before proceeding. Any changes to your timesheet AFTER a timesheet has been saved will require you to enter an explanation as to why you made the change. Type your change comment in the pop up box when this occurs and click on the OK button. Daily Floor Checks Our company policy requires you to fill out your timesheet on a daily basis, and if you fail to do so, you will receive an automatic e-mail notice regarding that failure. To avoid such notices, please be sure to fill out your timesheet on a daily basis. Timesheet Status The upper section of the timesheet screen, just below the menu bar, contains the Employee Name, his or her timesheet class, the timesheet cycle’s period end date, and a status with revision number. There are six possible status types: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Missing – the timesheet has never been started Open – the timesheet has recorded hours, but has not been signed by the employee. Signed – the employee has signed the timesheet and is pending supervisor action. Approved – the timesheet has been approved by the supervisor. Rejected – the supervisor has rejected the timesheet and is pending employee action. Processed – the timesheet has been recorded in the accounting system. When a timesheet has been processed (extracted), the hours appear in BLUE font, and cannot be changed. Corrections are made by adding and subtracting hours as necessary. You cannot delete a line once it’s been processed (extracted). For Exempt employees you would need to do the Reverse Timesheet process, instructions are on page 13. For Non-exempt (hourly) employees please see page 14 for instructions on how to do corrections. For all other statuses, the hours recorded can be changed, deleted or added with explanation. When a previously SAVED timesheet is changed, the revision number is incremented by one. Any changes to a SIGNED or APPROVED timesheet will cause the signature and approval lines to blank out and the form will have to be signed/approved again. Signing (Submitting) your Timesheet At the end of the timesheet period you submit your timesheet by signing it. You sign your timesheet by clicking the box to the right of the Signature Line and entering your password. During the signature process, you may receive additional errors and warnings that may have to be resolved to move forward. 10 Timesheet Menu Choices At the very top of the screen, you have the following menu choices: Open – Opens a calendar and enables the user to select the day, month or year of a particular timesheet. Save – Saves your current timesheet information. Search – Enables the supervisor to open, review, approve and reject employee timesheets. Print – Prints a paper copy of your signed (submitted) or processed (approved) timesheet. Remember timesheets are always resident in the system. Audit – Shows all changes made to a saved timesheet. Leave – Shows the current running balance of vacation and sick hours. Includes beginning balances, vacation accruals and vacation/sick taken. Reverse Timesheet – Used when correcting timesheets that were previously processed for payroll. For Exempt employees only. Offline Timesheet – This is not used at this time. Notes – Use the Timesheet Notes dialog to view additional information, comments, or instructions added to your timesheet by a system administrator or other authorized user, otherwise this button is inactive. The menu bar directly above the timesheet grid is active ONLY when one or more of the existing timesheet lines has been checked on the left side of the timesheet line. These choices will allow you to: Copy Line – to copy the existing line a new line on the timesheet. Delete Line – If you delete a line before it was saved, then it simply disappears, otherwise the line is blanked out and you will have to add a comment about why it was deleted. Reset Line – Will restore previously deleted charge information if the timesheet was SAVED before deletion. Reverse Line – Will add a new line to the timesheet with the current line information but in reverse. This is very helpful for making timesheet corrections, by reversing the original information and allowing you to move these hours to a new charge code. Add line to Favorites – Adds this line to your “Favorites” charge tree to rapidly add a charge to your timesheet without having to locate it on the project charge tree. See the section below on Favorites for further information. 11 Charge Tree Favorites The first time you use your timesheet, you will have to add a project or charge code to your timesheet manually. But afterwards you can add that charge code to your “Favorites” by following the instructions below. Once a charge code has been saved to your Favorites, you can find them on the Favorites charge tree which is shown above. If you want a charge automatically loaded each timesheet period, simply check the box that says “LOAD” then click the “UPDATE” button. If you want to manually add a charge code from your Favorites, then click the box on the left column of the screen and then click “Add to Timesheet.” 12 Timesheet Corrections – Exempt Employee Only Click the Reverse Timesheet to reverse every line on a processed timesheet. This reverse option creates a negative image of existing timesheet lines that cannot be changed and a positive image that can be changed. Correct/change the positive image to the way the time should have originally been recorded. The timesheet will be returned to an "Open" status that will need to be resubmitted/approved. Original Timesheet Charge Pay TypeMonTueWedThuFriSatSun AAAA.BBB.CCR 8 1111.222.33 R 10 10 9 11 Timesheet after Reverse Charge Pay Type MonTue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun AAAA.BBB.CC R 1111.222.33 8 Read Only Processed R 10 AAAA.BBB.CC R 1111.222.33 Notes 10 9 11 Read Only Processed -8 R Read Only Reversal Correcting -10 -10 -9 AAAA.BBB.CCR -11 Read Only Reversal Correcting 8 Project/hours available for correction 1111.222.33 R 10 10 9 11 Project/hours available for correction Timesheet after Correction Charge Pay Type Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun AAAA.BBB.CC R 1111.222.33 R AAAA.BBB.CC R 1111.222.33 R AAAA.BBB.CC R 8 Notes Read Only Processed 10 10 9 11 Read Only Processed -8 Read Only Reversal Correcting -10 -10 -9 -11 Read Only Reversal Correcting 8 Correcting Replacement 1111.222.33 R 8 8 8 8 Correcting Replacement 1111.222.33 O15 2 2 1 3 Correcting Replacement 13 Timesheet Corrections – Non-Exempt Employee Only Correcting a previously saved timesheet for Hourly Non-Exempt Employees: You make a timesheet adjustment by moving, adding, or removing hours to a project. In this type of correction, you open the previous week’s timesheet. Check the line that needs to be adjusted and click on the Reverse Line – this will add a new line to the timesheet with the current line information but in reverse. This is very helpful for making timesheet corrections by reversing the original information and allowing you to move these hours to a new charge code. Then add the additional line(s) with the correct information. An example of this type of correction is as follows: Original Timesheet Charge Pay MonTueWedThuFriSatSun Type AAAA.BBB.CC REG 1111.222.33 REG 8 10 10 9 11 Timesheet with Adjustments Charge Pay MonTueWedThuFriSatSun Type AAAA.BBB.CC REG 1111.222.33 REG 8 Notes Read Only Processed 10 10 9 11 Read Only Processed 1111.222.33 REG -10 -10 -9 11 Correcting Adjustment 1111.222.42 REG 10 10 Correcting Adjustment 9 11 14 Timesheet signed by anyone other than yourself: If your manager has to submit your timesheet on your behalf or if they make a change to your timesheet after you submitted it for their approval, you will need to go back and resign the timesheet so that your name shows in the signature box. To do so is as easy as pulling that timesheet up (either it’s showing up on your MyDesktop or by going to Timesheet and then using the back arrows to find the one that needs to be signed). When you see a timesheet that doesn’t have your name in the Signature box (manager’s name will be in RED), just click on the icon to the right of the signature box, type in your password and you have officially signed your timesheet. Timesheet now shows your signature: 15 16
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