Page Ten THE WESTFIELD' (NT. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAYft,1057 SALLY FUR STORAGE e HOUANDERIZING a RESTYLING , • REPAIRING — Summer Rates — DRYSON'S BROAD a n d CENTRAL (upstairs) WESTFIELD WE 2-1078 (Continued from previous Mrs. Laura Williams of 72 Summit avenue hna returned fror a month stay at Annn Marie I land oft" the coast of Florida. Lyn Williams joined her mother thor for the Easter holidays. —+— Mr. and Mrs. Kobcrt L. Hard of 817 Hm-dlng avenue wer hosts Saturday evening nt a bridge party. The affair honored Mrs. Hardy's sister, Mrs. Dorothy Hall of Maplewood, on the occasion o her birthday. -•Mrs. John A. Ackorman wa: hostess to her -bridge club Wed nesday evening at her home 136 Lincoln road. (Please turn to next page) PAUL SCARFF Photographer Babtes and Children Family Groups Heavy Oil Portraits Miniatures 330 MOUNTAIN AVE. WESTFIELD 2-6330 The president, Mrs. A. E. Neumann of Westifield, conducted a short, business meeting. The new slate of otlicers wns read by the corresponding secretary, Mrs. Robert Pickard of Cranford as follows: President, Mrs. Robert LmSr. of Cranford; vice president, Mrs. Joseph Fetcher of Jranford; treasurer, Mrs. Hariy Axtt of Cranford; secretary, Mis. A. T. Sandquist of Westfield; coresponding secretary, Mrs. Robeit 'icl;ard of Cranford. The luncheon speaker was Dr. Thomas Nortihrup, chairman emeiitus of the Academy of Applied steopathy. Mrs. Thomas Northoip of Morristown and Mrs. Geo. 'orthrup, state president, were uests at the luncheon. Tho next meeting of the anxilary will be the picnic luncheon at he home of Mrs. Walter Fasnacht f Cranford Slonday, May 27 at 1:30 p.m. . —Jack Howurtf MRS. RAYMOND KOLODZIEJ —Ijorstan Studio MRS. ORMAND DU.NPHEY Miss Joan Kiley Becomes Bride of Ormond H. Dunphey of Merchantville Mary Jane Grirn Married April 26 Mary Jane Grim, daughMiss Joan Irene Kiley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kiley . Miss of Mr. and Mrs, James Stewai"t of Carleton road and Oimon,d Hunt Dunphey, son of Mr. and Mrs.ter Grim Jr. of Basking Ridge, forE. Richard Dunphey Sr. of Merchantville, were married Saturday of Westrield, was ' married at Holy Trinity Church. The Rev. Francis J". Houghton performed merlyFriday evening, April 26-in Los the ceremony and a reception followed at the Oak Hills Manor in Angeles, Cat., to Raymond KolodMetuchen. The bride's f?own was ziej of Reading, Pa., son of Mrs. Of Chantilly lace over nylon tulle, Ed/nond Kolodziej and the late She wore a matching fingertip ve Music Teachers Associates Mr. Kolodziej. The Rev. .Dr. H. and carried a prayer book covere Give Student Recital Warren Allen of the Brentiwood with white cymbldums and ]ilie: Presbyterian Church officiated. . of the valley. The bride was given in marriage The Westfifeld Music Teachers Mias Shirlee Cuo?zo of Wil by her father. Miss Jane Lee liamsport was maid of honor Association gave another of its Craig of Westfield was maid of Bridesmaids included Miss Irene regular monthly student recitals honor. Edward Champagne of Los Maynard, cousin of the bride, and Sunday afternoon at the home of Angles acted as best man. Mrs. E. Richard Dunphey Jr., sis Mrs. Helen Oertel. Pupils o( A reception was held in the ter-in-law of the bridegroom. Al Hazel Mueller, violinist; Dorothy Palm Room of the Miramar Hotel wore pale yellow cocktail length Schneider, pianist; Carol Murray, in Santa Monica, Cal. dresses with matching yellow hata cellist, and Helene Reitcr, flutist, Mi's. Kolodziej, a graduate of and carried white baskets filled participated. Centenary Junior College and with daisies and ivy. Solo performances were given Glassboro State Teacher's College E. Richard Dunphey J r . served on the piano by Karalisa Voelker, is a teacher in the Los Angeles aa best man for his brother while Lorraine May, June La Rocca, and school system. Mr. Kolodziej was Jack Kiley, brother of the bride, Nancy Schneider. Flute selec- graduated f r o m Pennsylvania and Mr. Fitzgerald Hudson, broth- tions by Carol Vanderbilt and San- State University and is employed er-in-law of the bridegroom, ush- dra Neuss had Bonnie Bird as ac-by Hughes Aircraft Co. , ered. companist. While June La Rocea Mr. and Mrs. Kolodziej will reMrs. Dunphey is a graduate of oined Charles Crieco. A Mozart side in Santa Monica. Benedictine Academy and Berke- duet for violin was played by Elsa ley School for Secretaries. Mr. Berring and Lois Boyer. Ellen The weekly enetfry output of oil Denphey was graduated from the Dento gave a violin solo. in the United States has been estiUniversity of North Carolina Teleman's Concerto for Four mated to be the equivalent of where he is a member of Phi Kap- Violins" was the selection played mor than 40 hours work by 22 pn Sigma fraternity. He is asso- by Emily Bowman, Nancy Schneid- billion people—which is 10 times ciated with General Motors Corp. er, Lois Boyer and Mrs. Mueller^ the population of the : world. , irt^Camden. '"'After a trip to Nassau, the couple will reside in Haddonfield. Ufa Shadows" trlc«t tlth Imported French Imee ' Beautiful Shadow Cinantilly nylon lace, imported from France, forms the entire bodice front of these lovely pieces of lingerie . , . "Chantilly Shadows" exquisitely styled to bring out the beauty of the lace . . . Gowns, Panties, Slips and Petticoats, included in this Sun Dial Club Plans Flower Show exquisite group. Sizes 32 to 40 jane sntMt We. 2-255S Customer parking al 132 ElMER ST. A spring flower show will be presented by the Sun Dial Garden Club tomorrow at the home of Mrs. Clarence Slocum,' 75 North Martine avenue, Fanwood, from 2:30 to 9 p.m. The theme of the show will be "Entertaining a Week-end Guest." Six arrangement classes will be exhibited and horticultural specimens will be on display. Guest arrangers will be from the Mountainside Garden Club, the Crestwood Garden Club and the Fanwood Garden J Club. The public is invited. Committees for the show are as follows: Chairman, Mrs. Henry D. Wilson; schedule, Mrs. Herbert Hunter and Mrs. Wilson; entries, Mra. Samuel Macaulay; passing classification, Mrs. William Miller and Mrs. Hunter; judges, Mrs. Paul B. Haines; bird corner, Miss Margareb Rogers and hostesses, Mrs. Gordon Rogers and Mrs. John A. Knuber. President of the club ia Mrs. Paul B. Haines. . PORVNIOIPf OP • • O D TASf I— LENOX thrilling and u to receive patterns, for VVeddin,, For your daytiim"* nl " 9 wedding, m, s u i t ' here, styling are the our own Hock, MAYFAIR TAILORS 111 QUIMBY STREET . . . your Wtl magnificent greatest to gift, selection, fa pnw is at •* Tti» Shallfeawl,beautifully sculptured in china of superb quality and. artistry. Available in two sizes, various colors and decorations. From $ 4 95 t o S«rvic» for *ifi The Swm, Sn Famous Lenox -china. Charming as a center' piece, as a dish for sweets, as a decorative accent. White, pink, and with 24-lt. gold decorations, White, $2.95 a n d $3 9 5 The lud V«M, exquisitely decorated with wheat motif, in superb Lenox china. Also available with rosebud decorations. With wheat or rosebuds J 5 95 White, $3.95 Our budget plan makes owning fine Lenox so easy! Thu exquWte Lenox buffet service make* a wonderful, lasting gift-something the whole family win be proud of for years to come. And here's gotxfnewsl Included are the handsome new matching Pepper Mill Set and eight of the new multipurpose bowls. So perfect for today's informal living and entertaining. 8 dinner p l " > " 8 cupi ond louet" 8 indiviefuol bowl* 1 Mrvina bowl 1 tors* roundpto Ti • The above and other pieces in this pattern may also be purchased indMO" 1 "' • Buffet services are available in many other Lenox patterns In a wide prie« r i m * • Ask about our convenient homemaKer budf et plan. 'Available at «o extra tharf! jane smith GifU beautifully wrapped and anyii'hrrr, ftte. 135-141 Central Ave. -i Complete Line of. CHINA/ . . . and, as always Entertai, The April 20 meeting: of the Junior Auxiliary to the Children's Country Home was held at the homo of Christine Phares. In the absence of Bonnie, Birdsall, president of the club, Elizabeth Putnam, vice president, presided. After the reading of the minutes, it was reported that the club had $1198 in its treasury. •"embers i Lyn Kimball, chairman of the Unbirthday Party, gave a report on the progress of her committee The party was to be held at the home on the following day. After discussing' the' book sole, which was to be the May project and learning that,a. store, would' not be available at that tirho, the club decided not to have a book sale and to save the books that had already been collected for the fair in September. In place of this sale, the club has planned to have, two, or more craft days at the home on Saturday mornings. " i s qufte vyortti The ' Senior".'.Sendoff, a dance which is given by the sophomore ^besureyo^i and ^'junior members for the se- Food that is „ niors, was then discussed. Sue C °5ts that are Knight is general chairman of the : dance. • The next meeting will be held for sophomore and juniors only at [ ttosipm the home of. Drude Sparre. The 10th annual luncheon of the Union County Women's Ostcopathic Auxiliary was held last Wednesday at the William Pitt. Mrs. Joseph Dorchek nnd Mis Charles Kern of Westfield were cohostesses and Mrs. William McCoimick also of Westfield was responsible for the flower arrangement. filFE "HER" A GIFT OF 133-.41 Central Ave. yaried Activities Held By Junior Auxiliary Principals in Bridals Here ami in West Osteopathic Auxiliary Has Annual Luncheon 206 EAST BROAD STREET, WESTFIEID A I S O RUTHERFOKO & RIDOEWOOO
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