NEWSLETTER President's Message by Paul Korn The 35th Annual Meeting of Congregation Beth Adam was held on Sunday, April 26, the culmination of an extremely successful and unpredictable year. For those who weren’t able to attend, what follows is a summary of the votes, updates, and presentations that were made during a very full meeting. If you have questions about the meeting, please feel free to give me a call. Maureen Cash, Chair of the Governance Committee, began her presentation with a bit of congregational history. She explained that several years ago, with the help of an outside consultant, the Board reviewed and revised the congregation’s governance structure. It was as a result of that work that a review of the bylaws began. In order to make the bylaws consistent with the revised governance structure, as well as to update them, changes were necessary. A vote for the proposed changes to the bylaws was called for and approved, and these changes are now available for JUNE 2015 JULY 2015 review on the members-only section of Beth Adam’s website. Renee Gottliebson, Chair of the Nominating Committee, thanked departing Board members Mike Goldman and myself. As a former president, however, I will remain on the Board as a nonvoting member. Renee also thanked the members of the committee who developed the slate of candidates for the Board. She then presented the slate of nominees for the next Board term – Josh Sands, Joy Weinberg, and Rebecca Luzadis (second term) – all of whom were approved. In a bittersweet moment, Rabbi Baum expressed her thoughts and feelings in regards to serving, and leaving, Beth Adam. She has appreciated the opportunities offered to her at the congregation and said that even though she is leaving she will still value and feel a part of this community. But this was not to be a final farewell, as Rabbi Baum will be returning in September to participate in Beth Adam’s Rosh Hashanah Services. It was then announced that an inscription in Rabbi Baum’s honor will be added to the Reflections Wall. Next, Rabbi Barr thanked the Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati on behalf of Beth Adam for a very generous 3-yeargrant. He reviewed the major project areas of the grant: Adult Education, Youth Education, Israeli Connections, Local Community Connections, and Infrastructure. Within each area there are multiple projects designed to enhance the services Beth Adam provides as well as to provide online materials for those in Greater Cincinnati and beyond. Rabbi Barr is excited by the opportunities the grant presents to the congregation to strengthen and expand our program. He noted that achieving the goals of the grant requires work and encouraged everyone to help by attending and promoting our new events, utilizing and sharing our new online resources and if asked to help, say yes. Tim Coyle, Treasurer, and Roberta Veleta, Executive Director, then presented an overview of Beth Adam’s finances. They were pleased to announce that as a result of conservative financial stewardship and generous gifts and grants, we are in the best financial shape in our history. They made clear that Beth Adam is on sound financial footing, which allows for – and requires – thoughtful planning on how to invest and allocate financial resources for PAGE 2 future use. Once again they reported that Beth Adam’s Annual Contribution Campaign was a significant piece of our annual operating budget and once again met its goal. They thanked everyone who supported the congregation this year. As we look forward to the coming congregational year our outlook is strong. While Rabbi Baum’s departure brings change, Rabbi Barr observed that one of Beth Adam’s strengths has been our ability to meet change with integrity, creativity, and bold thinking. Given Rabbi Baum’s departure, it was natural for members of the Board to consider whether or not to begin a rabbinic search to replace her, and it was determined that now is not the time. Such an undertaking necessitates much forethought and planning. Continuing a practice Beth Adam had embraced prior to Rabbi Baum’s hiring, we will welcome two rabbinic interns from the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion. Rabbinic interns bring their own special energy and excitement, and we are delighted to have that in our congregation once again. An important part of solidifying our future is building an endowment to provide long-term financial stability. Our inclusion in the Create Your Jewish Legacy (CYJL) program, sponsored by the Jewish Federation and Foundation, is providing the framework for endowment development through legacy gifts. You will probably be contacted by a CYJL team member in the next 18 months to discuss your intentions regarding including Beth Adam in your estate plan. All legacy gifts, large and small, help to ensure that our vibrant institution is here for future generations. We are a strong community that shares a meaningful and important mission, vision, and a set of values. Our membership is our strength and a significant resource. Talk about Beth Adam with your friends. Attend our events. Contribute to the ACC. Complete a CYJL Letter of Intent. Volunteer. Help us to continue to be the important, worldwide, progressive Jewish voice that we have become. In closing, Rabbi Barr did take a few minutes to address a question on many peoples’ minds – his retirement. Some thought that his retirement was imminent and that with Rabbi Baum’s departure the congregation was going to be left without a rabbi. On the contrary, Rabbi Barr made it clear that he is not planning to retire anytime soon. Though he acknowledged that he will turn 60 this summer, he explained that while he will retire someday, that day is a long way off. As for my departure from the Board, it has been an honor to serve as your President and to have had the opportunity to work with the brilliant Beth Adam Leadership Team. Services Friday, June 12 8:00 PM – Kiddush 8:15 PM – Shabbat Service Join Iah Pillsbury, Beth Adam's Rabbinic Intern, as she leads services and discussion. Friday, June 19 6:30 PM – Israeli Scout Potluck 7:15 PM – Shabbat Service There will be a potluck followed by an abbreviated service to welcome young Israeli Scouts who will be spending two weeks at Camp Friedlander. Beth Adam will provide the main dish. Families with last names beginning with A – L please bring a salad or side dish for 8; families with last names beginning with M – Z please bring a dessert for 8. RSVP by June 16 to Saturday, June 20 5:30 PM – Havdalah Service and Bat Mitzvah of Josie Bledsoe Friday, July 17 8:00 PM – Kiddush 8:15 PM – Shabbat Service Join Iah Pillsbury, Beth Adam's Rabbinic Intern, as she leads services and discussion. PAGE 3 Religious School by Sarah Strouse Our Religious School year ended with a neigh! Students had fun visiting with dozens of farm animals from Honey Hill Farms: sheep, goats, an alpaca with a fresh haircut, ducks, bunnies, and especially the ponies. are very proud of their generosity and desire to help those in need. We are looking for a few teachers for next year’s Religious School session. New teachers will be provided with an orientation and curriculum overview, plus plenty of support from Sarah Strouse and Iah Pillsbury. Please contact Rabbi Barr if you are interested. At the assembly, we expressed thanks for all the hard work of this past year and warm wishes for upcoming journeys. With several new families in our school, several new B’nei Mitzvah, and several new learning opportunities, we have learned so much together. Our wonderful teachers have shown great care for our students this year: Mike Pittinger, Lisa Forschner, Melissa Weiss, Jessica Bledsoe, Sandy Griffin, Joy Weinberg, and Marcie and Jerald Rosenston. We also gave a special thanks to Leah Citrin, our music teacher, who was ordained in May and is starting her rabbinate in North Carolina. We bid a fond farewell to Rabbi Baum, who has enhanced our school and entire community so much over the last nine years. Here’s wishing everyone a fun and safe summer vacation. More Religious School information will be in our next newsletter, including dates and details about upcoming events. Students also shared news about the tzedakah money each class has raised for a donation to a charity of their choice. Working together, students raised over one hundred dollars with tzedakah collections which will go to charities including the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, The Green Acres Foundation, and the Make a Wish Foundation to help repair our world. We Monday, September 14 PAGE 4 High Holidays Choir Rehearsal Sunday, August 30, 1:00 PM Wednesday, September 9, 7:00 PM Sunday, September 20, 1:00 PM Erev Rosh Hashanah Sunday, September 13 Rosh Hashanah Kol Nidre Wednesday, September 22 Yom Kippur Thursday, September 23 MEMORIAL SERVICE – YAHRZEITS We take great care to include the names of members' deceased loved ones at the Yom Kippur Memorial Service. The Memorial Service Yahrzeit list will be posted on the members-only section of the Beth Adam website by September 1. Remember you will need the username and password issued to you to access this part of the website. If there are additions or changes needed, please contact Roberta Veleta by September 10. ONLINE MEMORIAL SERVICE Memory is a central part of the High Holidays. In particular, Yom Kippur afternoon provides an important time to remember those who are no longer living. This year Beth Adam and will again offer an online memorial service. The brief service will go online on Yom Kippur afternoon (September 23) and will be available for viewing after that date as well. Like the Beth Adam Yom Kippur Memorial Service, there will be an opportunity for you to remember your loved ones in the online service. While at Beth Adam we read the names of deceased relatives, the online service will allow us to feature names and photographs in a slide show. The online service will also include readings from Beth Adam’s liturgy, read by Rabbi Barr. Please submit a photograph to the office if there is someone special you would like to remember this Yom Kippur by including their picture in our online memorial service. Photographs can be emailed to by September 1 or mailed to the office by August 25. Please send only one photo for each person you are remembering, and please include his or her name so that we can provide a caption. Hard copy photographs will be returned. If you submitted a photo last year and would like it included this year, please email the name of the person to The online memorial service is open not only to Beth Adam members, but also to anyone around the world. Please ask others who might be interested in participating to visit Important Dates Religious School Registration Deadline Friday, September 4 First Day of Religious School Sunday, September 20 Encore! Linton Concerts Monday, October 12 Monday, November 9 Community Connection Rabbi Barr taught ethics at Miami University in the Farmer School of Business, and is a frequent guest lecturer. He spoke to two classes of graduating business students. Leah Citrin, who taught songs and led PAGE 5 singing in our Religious School for several years, will be ordained as a Rabbi from Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion on Saturday, May 30. Rabbi Baum has moved to Boston to begin her new position at the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston. Adult Education It's been an exciting year with many great speakers and presentations, and we're looking forward to more. Please save the dates for the following events, more details forthcoming. September 27 – Holocaust Survivor, Steen Metz October 25 – On Purpose, Vic Strecher November 22 – Mitzvah Mall Thank You From Rabbi Laura Baum I’m one lucky rabbi. I’ve been in my dream job in the most amazing community for the last nine years, first as a Rabbinic Intern and then for seven years as an ordained Rabbi. As I’ve said many times over the last few months, I am still not ready to say goodbye. What I want to say instead is thank you, as I have so much to be grateful for. I’ve worked with the most incredible team: Rabbi Barr, Roberta Veleta, and wonderful lay leaders. I’ve been able to be part of so many PAGE 6 of your lives. You’ve let me teach and learn alongside you. Together we’ve questioned and explored, grappled and debated. We’ve engaged deeply with Judaism. We’ve been creative and seen ourselves as part of the ongoing unfolding of the Jewish experience. With your support, we’ve built an extraordinary global outreach initiative through, and changed the lives of so many Jews around the world. So, thank you all for being a part of this community along with me. Thank you as well for the Shabbat service in my honor on May 8 and for the inscription on the Beth Adam reflections wall. As I said in my letter to the congregation in February, I’m excited about my new opportunities in Boston, but also sad to leave the Beth Adam community behind. I’m thrilled that I’ll maintain a connection to Beth Adam and and that I’ll be on the pulpit this Rosh Hashanah to welcome the New Year with all of you. I look forward to seeing you in September. Until then, thank you. News & Events Steen Metz, a Holocaust Survivor, Shares His Story Sunday, September 27, 9:30 AM Beth Adam, in community partnership with The Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education, is honored to welcome Steen Metz on Sunday, September 27 at 9:30 AM to share his experiences and unique perspective. A native of Denmark, Metz was arrested along with his parents and sent to Theresienstadt in 1943 when he was only 8 years old. Though one of some 15,000 children to pass through the concentration camp, Metz is among the less than 1,500 who survived. His father died of starvation within six months, while Metz and his mother endured until their liberation in April of 1945. Though private regarding his imprisonment for many years, Metz is now passionate about sharing his experiences because, as he states on his website, “the number of Holocaust survivors dwindles each year, thus young and old people alike may have less of a chance to hear a first-hand account of the Holocaust.” He has spoken with more than 130 groups and impacted more than 12,000 people with the story of his survival. Metz is especially driven to share his story with young people so that future generations “never forget” the horrors of the Holocaust. On Purpose with Vic Strecher Sunday, October 25, 9:30 AM After the death of his 19-year-old daughter, Vic Strecher’s grief drove him to truly examine how we live, and how we can live better. Strecher is an educator, author, and Professor/ Director for Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. He believes that individuals who live with purpose lead fuller, longer, healthier lives. His journey is documented and expanded upon in his book, On Purpose, which is part self-help guide, part college lecture, part confessional, and part time-travel adventure. Congregation Beth Adam is excited to welcome Strecher to share his wisdom and insight into living richly and with purpose on Sunday, October 25 at 9:30 AM. His talk will be followed by a Q & A session. Create Your Jewish Legacy by Mindy Hammer This last month I attended my daughter Sara’s graduation from college. I was proud of what she has achieved and marveled in her desire to begin the next phase of her life. Her journey may be bumpy, but my husband and I will always be there to support her. As I PAGE 7 was thinking about her future, I also reflected on the lasting impact that I wanted to make in the world in which I live. Beth Adam became an integral part of my family’s life soon after we moved to Cincinnati more than 20 years ago. Both my children went through our Religious School and had a B’nei Mitzvah, and my husband and I continue to participate in our fantastic adult education programs as often as we can. It’s up to each of us to ensure that Beth Adam will continue to thrive and be there to support generations to come. I will be designating Beth Adam as one of my beneficiaries through an IRA. I hope you will consider making a legacy gift to Beth Adam, as well. Members who have committed to making a legacy gift and are now members of Beth Adam’s Dor L’Dor Legacy Circle include: Rabbi Laura Baum Alan and Christie Brown Maureen Cash Harriet Edwards M. James Ellis Carolyn Gilbert Ken Goode Pat and Rich Rosenberg Paul Korn and Marcie Strasser Josh and Kathy Sands PAGE 8 From The Office STAYING INFORMED From time to time, the delivery of the newsletter to your home may be delayed due to circumstances beyond our control. The best way to ensure that you are up to date with the latest Beth Adam news is to receive our biweekly email. To get on the distribution list, simply email SUPPORT WHILE YOU SHOP Please remember to re-enroll your Kroger Plus Rewards online to designate your support to Beth Adam. Every time you shop at Kroger and use your Kroger Plus Card, you help support the congregation. And there is NO additional cost to you. You can renew or sign up at www. Have your Kroger Plus Card handy and follow the instructions. You will need a valid email address and Beth Adam’s organization number: 80522. Another way to help is when you shop at Just go to either or www. first. From either site click on the Amazon link and begin your online shopping as always. Simply by “clicking through” to Amazon from our websites, Beth Adam and earn money. We have the opportunity to earn more with the Amazon program than any other. You can purchase Amazon gift cards, too. Remke/Biggs also offers community rewards for their patrons. If you’re interested, just let us know. We have the cards in the office and can mail them to you. You can then take the card to the store and load funds on to it. We’ve raised $1,900 so far this year from these programs, and that money goes to help Beth Adam, the Religious School, and the programs that are important to you. Please call the office at 985-0400 or email: for more information. Membership Matters We would like to acknowledge the lifecycle events (births, weddings, and deaths) of members and their children. Please contact the office if your family has an event to include in the next newsletter. Beth Adam wishes Mazel Tov to: Ava Singer and her family on her Bat Mitzvah Jack Samuels and his family on his Bar Mitzvah Hayley Hirsch and her family on her Bat Mitzvah Building Updates Don’t be surprised when you drive by the building this summer and things look a little different. The parking lot and driveways will have a fresh coat of blacktop applied and the roof is being replaced. The anticipated date for work to begin is early August, with completion in plenty of time for the High Holidays and the start of Religious School in September. The Finance committee anticipated these inevitable repairs, and funds have been set aside each year to cover the expense. So, when you see the work trucks and workers in the parking lot, know that all is well and the building and grounds are being taken care of. Volunteer Opportunities Do you like music? Volunteer hosts/ hostesses are needed for the 2015-16 Encore! Linton concert series. This is an opportunity to hear world-class musicians perform in our sanctuary. The music of Mozart, Beethoven, and Brahms may be familiar, while pieces by Stravinsky, Schumann, and Spohr may be new to you. Either way, they are delightful. The Encore! concerts are on Monday evenings. They begin at 7:30 PM and end at about 9:15 PM. The volunteer host/hostess welcomes concert goers, helps them find open seats, and assists PAGE 9 with refreshments at intermission. The planned dates for the 2015-16 season are: October 12, November 9, March 7, April 18, and May 9. Please contact Executive Director Roberta Veleta, at (513) 985-0400 or at to volunteer. Social Action SOUP KITCHEN The next date for Beth Adam to prepare and serve a meal at the Over-the-Rhine Soup Kitchen is Sunday, September 20. This is a great way to help those who are truly in need. We need volunteers to serve the meal, donate toward food items and/or prepare food in the Beth Adam kitchen that morning. If you are interested in helping to fill any of these needs, please contact Charles Margolis or Joshua Schwarz. supplement funds for members unable to meet their financial commitment. From: Sandra Mendel To: Charlotte Greenblatt In honor of her special birthday From: Charles and Harriet Edwards To: Joyce Salinger In honor of her birthday From: Walter E. Glas To: Betty Ann Wolf In honor of her birthday From: Ben Margolis In appreciation of Rabbi Barr officiating our wedding Donations support our online community: a spiritual home, a meaningful voice, and a resource for people worldwide seeking a contemporary Jewish identity and experience through new media and technology. From: Allen A. Cooperstein From: Randi Simon-Serey Donations & Tributes From: Heide Hurst Congregation Beth Adam gratefully acknowledges the following contributions: rom: General Fund Donations help to offset the costs of operating the congregation and to From: Earnie and Leila Cook PAGE 10 Judith Bebe Borg From: Martin Rader From: Bernie and Toby Berman From: Ginnie Lupi In honor of Rabbi Laura Baum From: Paula Nolin Rabbis' Discretionary Fund This fund is used by the rabbis to further the goals and mission of Congregation Beth Adam. From: Lois and Richard Jolson In memory of Jill Klein Van Straaten, Helen G. Levine, Jean Simon Levine, and Dena Bloom Jolson From: Charles and Jennifer Margolis In appreciation of Rabbi Barr for officiating Ben and Norah's wedding Library Fund Donations go to purchase books and other materials for our library. From: Carrie and Paul Cooker In honor of Rabbi Laura Baum June Life Cycles If one of your lifecycle dates has been omitted, please contact the congregational office at 985-0400. We apologize for any mistakes. JUNE ANNIVERSARIES 3 Alan and Christie Brown 5 Cindy and Isaac Zelazny 6 8 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 28 Jessica and Matthew Bledsoe Leigh and Gerald Klyop Cynthia and Joel Sacks Lois and Richard Jolson Lynn and Jack Wagner Fred and Karina Rothzeid Cathy and Sam Rodner Lisa and Brian Forschner Edward and Sandra Kohn Charles and Jennifer Margolis Jody Sleyo-Davison and Bobby Davidson David and Rennie Greenfield Irwin and Natalie Stout Susan and Rod Willis Patty and Steven Bonem Brian and Melissa Weiss Nancy and Steven Rosen David and Wendy Zangrando Melissa Groveman and Richard Begel Barbara Heyn McMahan and Sean McMahan JUNE BIRTHDAYS 1 Yvonne Cooper Nancy Shayeson 2 Tim Braverman Kelly Fried Rachel Smith 9 Henry Paul Neil Weinberg 11 Judith Affatato Andrea Kay Joseph Sirkin 12 Lily Adams Nancy Blatman Sarah Carroll David Schwartz Steve Weinstein 13 Sallie Westheimer PAGE 11 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 24 26 27 28 29 30 Eleanor Cooper Mark Davis Michael Snyder Susan Friedlander Jane Ellis Molly Ellis Maxwell Gottliebson Avery Samuels Mary Silva Sam Cooper Anne Rosensweig Dylan Sleyo Daniel Westheimer Mia Biran Gary Goldman Renee Gottliebson Dick Westheimer Marcie Strasser Charles Klayman Leo Munick Susan Willis Jamie Weiss JUNE YAHRZEITS 1 Frances Rothzeid Mother of Fred Rothzeid 1 Louis M. Clark Father of C. Scott Clark 4 Lily B. Warren Mother of Wendy Zangrando 4 Richard L. Reiner Father of Debbie Vogel 5 Alice Hecht Mother of Rita Robertson 5 Louis Sacks Father of Joel Sacks Grandfather of Charles Sacks Grandfather of Martha Sacks Grandfather of David Sacks 6 Walter Ehrlich Father-in-Law of Mary Silva PAGE 12 7 8 8 10 11 14 15 15 17 19 19 21 21 22 23 24 26 27 Louis M. Wander Father of Arden Wander Dorothy Klayman Mother of Charles Klayman Narvin Emden Father of Faith Pittinger Leslie F. Lebow Sister of Aline Simon Libby Segal Klein Simons Aunt of Lois Jolson Bernice Cohen Grandmother of Alan Brown Sol Hammerschlag Father-in-Law of Roy Kaufman Sophie Linder Grandmother of Judy Avner Elliott Ribak Father of Judy Ribak Philip C. Joslin Father of Joyce Salinger Robert K. Asgersson Stepfather of Jill McBride Gertrude Rudman Clark Mother of C. Scott Clark Robert Merrill Zeitz Father of Jill McBride Josef Warkany Father of Steve Warkany Robert Edward Leever Father of Bruce Leever Saul Cummins Father of James Cummins James Salinger Husband of Joyce Salinger Freda Miller Aunt of Lynn Wagner July Life Cycles JULY ANNIVERSARIES 1 3 6 7 11 12 15 26 31 Howard and Susan Schumacher Charles and Gail Klayman Kathleen and Robert Abowitz Eric and Mindy Hammer Susan and Jerry Hart Arden and Irene Wander Charles and Harriet Edwards Cathy and Mike Crisenberry Philip Berne and Susan Carlson JULY BIRTHDAYS 1 2 5 7 8 9 12 13 14 17 19 22 23 28 29 30 31 Donna Denoon Paul Korn Sequoia Powers Robert Barr Alan Brown Gary Greenberg Debbie Vogel Nancy Garfinkel Ezra Kalmus Brent Carroll Spencer Hutchison Emma Zangrando Rachel Carter Parker Hutchison Erica Cash Ezra Babcock Jonah Cotton-Riker Merle Coyle Melissa Groveman Charlotte Weiss Finn Bledsoe Rebecca Luzadis Rena Alex Lora Doctrow Stephen Grossbart JULY YAHRZEITS 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 15 16 16 18 18 Kenneth J. Michelson Brother of Sandra Smith Paula McBride Mother of Bill McBride John William Stukenberg Father-in-Law of Maureen Cash Cecelia L. Lebow Mother of Aline Simon Harold Kaplan Father of Leslie Backus Aaron Alexander Uncle of Marvin Dainoff Morris Frieder Father of Jane Ellis Grandfather of David W. Ellis III Harry Vogel Father of Stephen Vogel Kenneth Doctrow Father of Lori Doctrow Arthur Epstein Father of Barbara Heyn Sam Korn Father of Paul Korn Martin B. Gerowitz Husband of Amy Gerowitz Sam Fleischer Father-in-Law of Vicki Fleischer Grace Cooker Mother-in-Law of Carrie Cooker Rhoda Windt Aunt of Robert Smith Merle Edwards Father of Charles Edwards Carol Switt Kaplan Sister of Nancy Blatman Grace Hirsh Mother of Jeff Hirsh Anita Cohen Mother of Sheryl Cohen Charles McBride PAGE 13 18 18 19 22 23 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 Father of Bill McBride Charles Silva Father of Mary Silva Edith Eisenberg Mother-in-Law of Martin Levy Morris Bernstein Father of Rosie Lemkin Max Mordechai Nurock Father of Myfanwy Smith Grandfather of Jennifer Margolis Felicja Szer Mother of Karina Rothzeid Grandmother of Michelle Rothzeid Greenberg Grandmother of Lisa Forschner Judith Weinberg Wife of Neil Weinberg Mother of Sam Weinberg David Mages Father of Lisa Braverman Robyn Abrams Great Niece of Lois Jolson Dorothy A. Joslin Mother of Joyce Salinger Lois A. Rosen Mother of Steve Rosen Pauline Kramer Former Wife of Marvin Kramer Arnold Payton Husband of Eleanor Payton Father of Julie Payton Freddie Linder Mother of Cherry Linder Mother of Judy Avner 31 Joseph Linder Father of Cherry Linder Father of Judy Avner Become a part of Congregation Beth Adam's REFLECTIONS WALL Inscription Guidelines... 1. In order to qualify to be on the wall either the donor or the person being recognized/remembered must be a member of Beth Adam. 2. Each inscription donation will cost $540.00 and is separate from other donations to the Congregation. 3. Engraving begins once full payment is made. 4. Inscriptions are a total of 100 letters, numbers, and spaces in each dedication space, including the donor's name. English only. 5. Each inscription will be randomly placed in the interest of fairness and spacing. 6. One standardized font has been selected for all inscriptions. 7. Upper and lowercase letters in sentence structure only. 8. There are only a limited number of spaces to be engraved. 9. Beth Adam reserves the right not to accept an inscription if it is thought to be inappropriate for the REFLECTIONS WALL. 10. A request to shorten the inscription may be required due to spacing limitations, and the donor will be consulted prior to engraving. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office at (513) 985-0400. Payments may be made by check or credit card. We accept Amex, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. PAGE 14 Beth Adam Tribute Form Congregation Beth Adam Beth Adam Tributes are a lovely way of expressing your sorrow, joy, best wishes or congratulations to friends or relatives. The suggested minimum contribution is $5 per tribute. We will mail your 10001 LOVELAND-MADEIRA ROAD LOVELAND, OH 45140 friend or relative a notice of the tribute and print it in the next newsletter (unless requested otherwise). Enclosed is my contribution of $_______________ (check payable to Congregation Beth Adam) _________________________________ Name _________________________________ Address _________________________________ City, State, Zip Complete as Applicable My contribution is in memory of: _________________________________ Please notify: _________________________________ Name _________________________________ PHONE FAX WEB [513] 985-0400 [513] 686-2672 TOLL FREE 866-918-ADAM[2326] Rabbi Robert B. Barr [513] 985-0400 Iah Pillsbury [513] 985-0400 Roberta Veleta Executive Director [513] 985-0400 Address _________________________________ City, State, Zip My contribution is in honor or celebration of: _________________________________ Please notify: _________________________________ Name Jillian Kuhlmann Communications Coordinator [513] 985-0400 Paul Korn, President [513] 533-3629 Sam Cooper, Vice President [513] 289-2999 _________________________________ Address _________________________________ City, State, Zip Mail form to: Congregation Beth Adam 10001 Loveland Madeira Road Loveland, OH 45140 Tim Coyle, Treasurer [513] 236-6958 Melissa Weiss, Board Secretary [513] 469-2727C o n g r e g a PAGE 15 This newsletter is printed on recycled paper June/July 2015 Volume 35 Number 8
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