Bible Hill Junior High School Husky News May 2015

Bible Hill Junior High School
Husky News May 2015
That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all
your life, but in a new way.
-- Doris Lessing
We would like to announce that Mr. MacLeod is retiring after 33 years in the profession. We thank you for your
contributions to the Bible Hill Junior High Community!
The Village of Bible Hill After School
The Village of Bible Hill Parks and
Recreation Department is excited to once
again offer the students of Bible Hill Junior
High School an Active After School
Program. For the spring session we will be
offering two separate Programs. On
Mondays you can participate in the popular
Trailblazer Program that incorporates Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership
activities and on Wednesdays you can
participate in an Outdoor Games Program.
The Spring Program will be offered for six
weeks from April 20 – May 28, 2015.
Registration forms will be available
through the school beginning the week of
April 07, 2015. You can sign up for one
Program or both.
For more information please contact
Rebecca MacGregor, Regional Coordinator, Colchester East Hants After School
Program at or
(902) 893-8083.
School Musical –“Fiddler on the Roof
Bible Hill Junior High’s musical “Fiddler
on the Roof Jr” was a resounding success.
Many stated how wonderful it was and that
it was the best Musical in the area this
year! Congratulations to all of the students
and staff who put this wonderful
production together!
“What’s Your Story?”
On Friday, May 8th, BHJH will be hosting
our fourth annual “What’s Your Story?”
day. On this day, students, staff will
explore the stories of the people who make
up our community. Throughout the day,
there will be various student presentations
as well as presentations from guests from
throughout our province.
Students have chosen from an array of
activities and will have the opportunity to
attend several morning and afternoon sessions. Some of the activities include: a
tour of the Farm Equipment museum located at the Provincial Exhibition Grounds, an
introduction to fly-tying, making aborigi-
nal dream-catchers, cake decorating,
learning about Acadian culture, learning
the art of circus theatre, examining homophobia, learning how to break free of the
bullying culture, participating in a drumming circle, learning about cultural trends
from around the world through our International students, learning dances from
around the world in student-led sessions,
learning family stories of our students,
and participating in Zumba or Yoga inspired exercise sessions.
We are hoping parents will feel free to
drop in during the day to experience some
of the sessions. We are also offering an
International buffet at lunch which will be
prepared by our former students who are
Exploratory Program. If you would like
more information, please contact Dave
Hazelton or Cherie Abriel at 896-5500.
Also, you may see a schedule of events on
our web portal.
A lot of work has gone into organizing
this day.
More outcomes will be
covered that day than any other day of
the year. It is not a free day where
students should be allowed to stay
Congratulations to the BHJH School
Band on achieving Gold standing at the
Truro Music Festival! Congratulations
are also in order for the BHJH Instrumental Ensemble for their Gold standing and
the BHJH Percussion Ensemble for
achieving Silver standing! We have an
amazing sounding band this year and we
would like to thank Lorna Letcher, Band
Director, for her time
and commitment to this
year's program.
Regional Science Fair
Three Bible Hill Junior students each were
recipients of one of the top 5 awards at the
Chignecto Regional Science Fair. Viraji
Rupasinghe, Saisrihari Prithiviraj, and Chloee Trites each received a Canada Wide Science Fair Award that includes an
allexpenses paid trip to the 2015 Canada Wide
Science Fair being held in Fredericton, New
Brunswick from May 11th - 16th. It is believed this is the first time three students
from the same school will attend the National
Science Fair from our area! Congratulations
to all. Other BHJH winners at the Chignecto
West Regional Science Fair include:
Tim Thiesen (bronze medal),
Arumugam and Laura Brown (silver medal),
Katherine MacQuarrie (silver
Intermediate Energy Award), Sai Prithiviraj
(gold medal, Junior Environment Award,
Agriculture Awareness Award, Outstanding
Experimental Procedure Award), Chloee
Agriculture Award, Dalhousie University
Faculty of Agriculture Award, Intermediate
Awareness Award), Viraji
Rupasinghe (Gold
medal, Intermediate
Health Award, Dalhousie Faculty of Agriculture Award, Acadia University Scholarship
Award, Village Family Pharmacy Award,
Best Original Idea Award).
Village of Bible Hill Young Achiever
Service Awards
Three of our students were recognized by the
Village of Bible Hill recently. Harshini
Arumugam, Viraji Rupasinghe, and Chloee
Trites were awarded Young Service Achiever
Awards. Congratulations to them!
The school also found success at Concours:
Congratulations to Harshini Arumugam and
Tim Thiesen who placed first as well as
Viraji Rupasinghe who placed second in the
District Concours Oratoire. Harshini and
Tim will be heading to provincials.
Good Luck!
Attention Parents!!
It’s not too late to order your child’s school
pictures. If you did not order school pictures
in the fall and wish to do so, call Pridham’s
Studio for details, 895-1694
BHJH Athletic Update
Congratulations to both the Junior and
Intermediate Badminton Teams on a
success filled month.
Both Teams
breezed through Districts earning spots at
Regionals in Antigonish. Despite great
play from the Intermediate Squad,
Regionals was the end of the road while
the Junior Team placed second advancing
to Provincials in Yarmouth. The team
played strong during Friday’s Team
Competition, but fell just short of making
the cross over.
During Individual
competition on Saturday, Emma Hayman
and Brianna Otterson placed 4th in the
province dropping their third game 22-20
in the Bronze Medal Match.
Track & Field
Dry land training practices for Track &
Field started with the return from March
Break. Practices are often held Monday
through Wednesday from 5-6:30 pm. We
are pleased to announce a total of five
track coaches this year to assist athletes in
reaching their personal bests. Districts
are quickly approaching slated for May
22nd and 23rd in Antigonish at
St. F. X. University. Regionals will take
place in Stellarton on May 29th and 30th
and Provincials are hosted this year at
Acadia University in Wolfville on June
5th and 6th. Best of Luck to all Athletes.
lected to represent Bible Hill Junior High
at the 2015 NSSAF Celebration of
School Sport Luncheon in Halifax. In
addition to our student athletes, Gunther
Foerster will be honored for his coaching
volleyball programs during the past sixyears. Congratulations to all.
School Advisory Council
Our April SAC meeting was held on
Tuesday, April 28th. Our next regularly
scheduled meeting and last SAC meeting
of the 2014-2015 school year will be held
on held on Monday, May 25th at 6:30
Grade 8 Reading and Math Provincial
This year, only Reading and Mathematics
will be assessed provincially.
Monday May 25th and Tuesday May 26th,
students will participate in the Grade 8
Reading Provincial Assessment while
Monday June 1 and Tuesday June 2
grade 8 students will participate in the
Math provincial assessment. Please have
your children set up for success by
getting enough sleep and eating properly
well in advance of these assessments.
After School Program
Once again this year, BHJH in partnership
with the Village of Bible Hill is offering
an after school program two days a week
from 3-5 pm and is free of charge to all
participants. Students will be provided a
variety of physical activities both indoors/
outdoors along with a healthy snack. Anyone interested should speak to Mr. Baird
or Mr. Robichaud ASAP.
School Text Books
Just a friendly reminder to all parents that
the school will be asking students at the
endof June to return text books they
were issued in September. Students will
be responsible for the replacement cost of
any book that has gone missing, is
unaccounted for or is severely damaged.
The textbook numbermust match the
number of the bookthe student was
assigned in September. The price of
school text books can range anywhere
from $25.00 to $90.00.
Wheelchair Basketball
Once again this year, BHJH is pleased to
offer a one-day workshop on Wheelchair
Basketball presented in partnership with
the Village of Bible Hill. This unique and
fun-filled day for Physical Education
students will take place on Monday May
BHJH Web Portal
Our Bible Hill Junior High School web
portal is up and running. Please check us
out at
Parents, you can log into the homework
section of the web portal by using the
login: parent and the password:
parent. If you are experiencing any
difficulties, please contact the school.
A reminder to all parents there will not be
a procession in the gym of all the grade 9
students the evening of the semi-formal.
Parents are welcome to meet in the school
parking lot and see the students as they
I am also including an excerpt from the
March and May Newsletters pertaining to
the Semi-Formal:
This time of year many questions begin to
be asked to the school administration
regarding the grade nine year-end semiformal dance. To update parents on some
decisions made a few years ago, the following expectations will be followed:
 The grade 9 Prom will be referred to
as a Semi-Formal Dance.
 The Semi-Formal Dance is for Grade
9 students and their approved guests,
from grade 8 to grade 11.
 Girls are encouraged to wear a
spring/summer dress while the boys
are encouraged to wear a dress shirt
and dress pants or a suit.
 There won’t be a procession in the
gym of all the grade 9 students.
Parents are welcome to meet in the
school parking lot and see the
students as they arrive.
 Students arriving in limousines are
 There will be regular classes for
students the day of the semi-formal
and the day after the semi-formal.
New material will be covered as
teachers prepare students for their
upcoming exams.
Cell Phone Policy
Parents and students are reminded that
electronic devices are permitted at school
but are to be away at all times unless a
teacher directs them to use them for
educational purposes.
Any students
contravening this will have their device
confiscated and parents may be invited to
pick it up at the office.
Grade 9 Semi-Formal – June 3rd
Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation
Congratulations to Sidney Kharma and
Lorne MacLean along with, for the first
time one of our International students,
Henrique Tavares Yangwho were
sePage 2
Our grade 9’s will celebrate the conclusion of their junior high school years
with a semiformal on Wednesday, June
3rd(7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.). Ms. Pictou,
Ms. George and their committee are presently working to generate ideas for decorations. Students are reminded there is
much work to do after the semi-formal
and it is important that students continue
to diligently prepare for end of year asBible Hill Junior High
Agricultural Campus and Gardens—
Semi-Formal Pictures
Dalhousie AC is very proud of the beauty
and history of our campus. Our
landscape, including the Alumni Gardens
and Rock Garden, has become a popular
public attraction. While we welcome you
to enjoy this landscape as a backdrop for
prom and graduation photos, we ask that
you please respect our campus when you
In previous years, our gardens have
sustained damage during similar visits
and visitors endured traffic tie-ups. This
year, parking attendants will direct the
traffic flow and ensure vehicles are
parked appropriately. Volunteers from
our Friends of the Garden Society as well
as staff will guide you through the
gardens, answer questions, and help you
choose the best settings. NSAC Safety
and Security staff will also be on duty to
assist and guide parking.
Please be sure to stay on walkways when
walking through gardens and respect
posted parking signage.
Thank you for recognizing the beauty of
our campus. We hope that your visit will
add to the fond memories you will have
of the evening.
Ottawa Trip
44 students have left for Ottawa on May
1, returning May 6. What a truly valuable
experience being in the Nation’s capital.
Awards Night
June 11 is Awards night. Once again, the
school will be using the Broadcast
message system to let parents know that
their child is receiving some sort of
recognition that evening. This usually
occurs over the weekend prior to the
awards evening.
Next Year’s Quebec Trip
It was mentioned in a previous newsletter
that grade 8 French Immersion and
Integrated students will have an
opportunity to raise funds selling Golf
Peeler cards in the spring. The cost of
each card is $40 with $20 going in the
individual student’s account towards their
grade 9 trip to Quebec City during
Quebec Winter Carnival week! Look for
this opportunity in the coming week or
Dress Expectations
The administration and staff at Bible Hill
Junior High believe that the school is not
only an institution for academic learning
but for training for the work force as well.
As a result of this, an expectation that
students wear appropriate clothing to
school will be enforced. This means that, in
the regular school environment, students
should dress respectfully by not wearing
clothing that reveals their midriff or undergarments.
The following are specifically prohibited
for wear in the school:
Hats and other headwear
Muscle Shirts
pants worn well below the waistline
Inappropriate cresting on shirts or
Spaghetti straps, visible bra straps and
tube tops, unless under a covering top
Short shorts/ skirts (They are to be
longer than the finger tips when the
arms are relaxed by the side)
plunging necklines
Any item which poses a hazard, or
may be used as a weapon, may not be
worn as clothing
Any other type of clothing that is
deemed inappropriate for the school
environment which will be addressed
on a case by case basis.
It is recognized that some articles of clothing might be acceptable in certain
situations (e.g. Phys. Ed or Drama classes),
that are not to be worn in regular classes.
Students who are not in compliance with
the code will be asked to "cover up" and
parents will be notified if they do not
Message from the RCMP and School
With the schools semi-formal slated for
June 3rd, I have been asked by our schools
liaison to remind parents to be sure they
know where their children are going and
what they will be doing at any after parties.
She also asked me to remind parents of the
following quotes from the Nova Scotia
Liquor Control Act.
Use of liquor by minor
· 89 (1) Liquor shall not be sold, supplied
or given to or procured for or by any person under the age of nineteen years,
except for medicinal purposes only as
provided for by this Act.
· (2) Every person who knowingly sells
or supplies liquor to any person under the
age of nineteen years or knowingly
gives liquor to or procures liquor for
any person under the age of nineteen
years, except for medicinal purposes
only as provided by this Act, shall be
liable to the penalties mentioned in
Section 104.
· 89(2) 104 Every person who knowingly violates subsection (2) of Section
89, shall for the first offence be imprisoned for not less than one month, or
more than three months, and for a second
or subsequent offence, be imprisoned
for not less than four months, or more
than twelve months. R.S., c. 260, s. 104.
Upcoming May Dates for your
May 8 – BHJH What’s Your Story Day –
This is not a day students should be allowed to stay home.
May 18 – Victoria Day – No School
May 22-23– District Track & Field Meet
@ the TACC Grounds
May 26 – SAC meeting @ 6:00 p.m.
May 29-30– Regional Track & Field
Meet in Stellarton
Important June Dates
June 5-6– Provincial Track & Field Meetin Wolfville
June 3 – Grade 9 Semi-Formal Dance
7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
June 11 – Awards Night starting at 6 p.m.
June 12 - End of 5-week Deadline for
June 18 to 23 - Exams and major tests
June 24 – Make-up Day
June 25 to 29 – Marking & Grading Days
(No school for students)
June 29 – Grade 9 Graduation starting at
5:00 p.m. at CEC AV Room
June 30 – Last day of school for grade 8’s
– Grade 9 students do not attend
A number of our grade 9 students
have been supporting students at
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Bible Hill Junior High
Pancakes &
Victora Day
Tex Mex Fries
Chicken Strips &
Hot Subs
Chili &
Meatballs, Rice
& Egg Rolls
Chicken Ceasar
Bacon, Eggs &
Chicken Nuggets Mac & Cheese +
& Tators
Grilled Cheese &
Fruit Cup
Pizza Subs
Egg McMuffins
May 2015
Pizza Day
Turkey Dogs
Taco Wrap &
Hamburgers &
Chicken Burgers