April 2015 - Brook Hill United Methodist Church

April 2015
Mark your calendars for
Brook Hill’s Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 4
10 a.m.
Egg hunting, crafts and more!
Please bring your own basket!
For children from
toddlers through fifth graders
Questions? Contact Betsy Phelps
at bphelps@bhumc.org or 301-662-1727.
Easter Week Schedule
April 2, 2015
7:30 pm
Maundy Thursday, Cantata - at Trinity UMC
April 3, 2015
7:00 pm
Good Friday Service – Brook Hill Sanctuary
April 4, 2015
7:00 pm
Holy Saturday - Service of Preparation, Fellowship Hall
April 5, 2015
Sunrise Service at Whittier Lake Pavilion
Service of First Light w/Communion
Contemporary Worship Service w/Communion
Traditional Worship Service w/Communion
Scripture: Luke 24:36-49
(April 6, 2015 – Office Closed)
Message: “Resurrection of Hope”
We are followers of Jesus Christ seeking to share God’s love in
practical ways.
Who are you serving in Jesus’ name this month?
Our next Outreach Committee Meeting is Tuesday, April 21st at 7 pm—anyone
wanting to be a part of Outreach is welcome to attend.
Brook Hill’s Volunteers-In-Mission team is headed south to Crisfield April, 9th-12th!
Brook Hill’s adult and college-age Volunteers-in-Mission team will be leaving soon to help in this
great community. Please keep the team in prayer during their travel and days of work that they may
share God’s love and comfort to those in need. Should you have any questions about this mission,
please contact Danny Brown at akmbrown@verizon.net or Bill Pritchard at billpritchard.1@gmail.com.
4:30 p.m. - Once again, we are helping a single woman in the Frederick area. While we
welcome all skill levels, there is a special need for plumbing and electrical skills. Other tasks
include painting a dining room and kitchen, a kitchen backsplash and general cleanup. Sign
up sheet is available in the narthex. There will not be an official meeting, I will send an
email with details and the volunteer disclaimer during the 2nd week in April. Any questions
or for more info contact Debbie Kelley (kelley8006@comcast.net)
SHE Leads Conference
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Brook Hill UM Church
8:15 AM to 4:15 PM
$40.00 a person
$9.00 Optional lunch (Chick-fil-A chicken wrap, chips, fruit, dessert) or bring your own lunch
Brook Hill will be hosting this conference which includes 2 Keynote Sessions - Keep Passion Fresh for Christ and Building Relationships. You
also will be able to choose 3 Breakout Sessions from these titles: Bridging the Generation Gap, Building a Team, Conflict, Anxiety, Peace, Life
Coaching, Ministry to the Broken, Retreat Planning, Speak Up, Study to
Know the God of His Word, The Grounded Leader, The Ministry of Presence, Time Management, Women's Ministry 101.
You can register online by going to http://moreofhimministries.org/sheleads/. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Staley at
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Thank you to all of my church family and friends for the many prayers,
cards, and visits that you sent my way during my unfortunate accident. I
am still recuperating, however getting stronger each day. Cannot wait to
return to you!
Love, Patti Hess
Thank you to everyone who donated candy and stuffed eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt. Your donations help
us to present this event at no cost to families in our community.
Our Upward Sports season has ended. Thank you to our wonderful coaches, referees, commissioners,
prayer partners and parents who make this possible. We especially want to thank our League Director, Alysia Feuer, who leads our program throughout the season, and to Denny Cromwell, our advertising commissioner who helps to spread the news about Upward throughout the Frederick community.
In His Corner
(formerly by Shirley Pritchard)
Desperation and Availability
(Pastor Gary Hicks)
Save the date:
Jesus fed more than 5000 people with a little
boy's lunch.
May 1-3, 2015
Five little loaves and two little fishes.
(Perhaps they were sardines.)
This true story shows us the nature of God's upside down kingdom.
What must we bring to each kingdom transaction?
Bring all that you have, willing to give it away.
Our stuff must be given to God.
We must be available.
God wants our focused attention.
It works best when we're at the end of our resources.
Then God is the only hope left.
Join other
women at
our annual
retreat and
be prepared
to be relaxed, refreshed,
and renewed
in a
"Garden of
Middle Creek
The more desperate we are, the better.
What are you desperate for?
Retreat Center in
Gettysburg, PA
What do you want that only God can supply?
When we get to the end of our resources, we’re ready for God to act.
For more information and/or
see Nancy Staley
(nancy.kae@comcast.net) or
Sue Koch
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Sunday School News
On April 5 we will have a special Easter Celebration during our 9:30 Sunday School
hour. All children (preschool through grade 3) will start in the Fellowship Hall to
begin our exploration of the “Easter Garden.” We’ll hear the Easter Story as presented by our fourth and fifth graders, learn why lilies are symbols of Easter and
continue our adventure through activities related to Easter. Children will be picked
up from their regular classrooms on the lower level. Come and join us for this fun event!
Upcoming Bible Stories for our 3 year olds through second graders are:
April 12
John 20:24-31
April 19
John 21:1-19
Breakfast on the Beach
April 26
Matthew 28:16-20
The Great Commission
Our third grade class continues to delve into the Bible while our fourth and fifth graders “Grapple” with questions of faith.
Thank you to all of our children who helped to lead the 9:30 worship service on March 22 by presenting the
Apostle’s Creed with motions and on March 29 by processing with palms!
Friendship Club
Saturday, April 11
The Friendship Club, our fellowship group for persons with special needs and their friends, will be celebrating Earth Day on April 11 from 6 – 8
p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Join us as we focus on projects related to protecting
our earth! RSVP to Betsy Phelps (bphelps@bhumc.org or 301.662.1727) if you
are planning to attend or would like to volunteer with our program.
Do It All in Jesus’ Name
Stephen Ministers bring distinctively Christian care to those in need. They use both words
and deeds to express Christ’s care for others—listening and comforting, calling on the training they have received and employing the tools of faith. If
this job description fits your personal goals for ministry,
consider becoming a Stephen Minister. For more information, contact Sue Koch (ps.koch@comcast.net), Pastor
Dana Werts (301-662-1727), Elaine Luttrell (240-3570178), or Ken Michaels (ken.m@comcast.net)
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Teaching and Caring in a Loving Environment
Brook Hill Weekday Preschool
April Church Newsletter 2015
The leprechauns have come and gone and we are making way for Spring! We look forward to venturing
out in the warmer weather. We will be closed for Easter Break from April 1st to 6th and will reopen on Tuesday,
April 7th, 2015.
In the Fall, the new school year brings exciting news for Brook Hill Preschool. We will be opening a 2
year old classroom that will attend on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9am to 11am. Miss Beth Moltere will be
our lead teacher with Miss Angela Dorsey as the assistant teacher. In preparing for our new program we ask
that you remember us during spring cleaning or sorting items as your children grown out of them. We are in
need of age-appropriate items for 2 year olds. Some of the items we are looking for are: board books, puzzles,
table toys, push toys, extra clothes, baby gate, diaper storage unit and a changing table. Please see Miss
Bambi if you have a donation. A receipt can be given for any donations. Thank you for your support of our
new program!
The 4’s will have our annual Dad’s Day with Trike-A-Thon on Friday, April 17th. This year the funds we
raise with our Trike-A-Thon will go to Mi Refugio, a non-denominational Christian school in Guatemala, Central
America. The school serves more than 350 poor children who live next to the Guatemala City garbage dump
and in native Mayan villages surrounding the San Pedro, Sacatepequez school property. The children of Brook
Hill Weekday Preschool support the Children of Mi Refugio. If you would like to make a contribution to Mi Refugio, please stop by the Preschool office. Thank you for your support of this meaningful and fun event!
Looking ahead to May… Our Preschool’s annual Spring flower sale will be held Friday, May 8th through
Sunday, May 10th. The preschool is sponsoring the spring plant sale just in time for Mother’s Day! Beautiful
plants will be for sale on a cash-and-carry basis. We hope you will support this preschool fund-raiser by purchasing your hanging baskets, Mother’s Day gifts, vegetable plants, geraniums, wave petunias, and other
decorative plants at the sale. Proceeds will be used to enhance our classroom learning materials. We thank
you for your support of this annual fund-raiser!
Registration for the 2015-2016 school year is currently taking place. If you are interested in the preschool for your child, please call soon for a tour, so we can enroll your child in the class of your choice. (301662-2232) Thanks!
Vacation Bible School
July 12-16
6:00—8:30 p.m.
Registration opens April 1.
Youth and adult volunteers needed.
For more information see
www.bhumc.org or contact Betsy Phelps at
bphelps@bhumc.org or 301-662-1727.
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Carly Jones, Sarah (Sprague) Link, Brock MacKellar, Mikayla Miley
Travis Barbe, Edric Snowe, Carolee Stup
Noel Farmer, April Hagmeyer, Barbara Starr
Chris Dillard, Bradley Goebel, Aaron Gruber, Mary Ann Lusby
Elena Bane, Roger Kuehl, Colleen Powell, Brady Tyler
Ryan Burns, Stephanie Clark, Christopher Hesen, Will Lopez,
Paul Mercer
Michael Champion, Jackie DeWitt, Jenny Marino
Sara Stone
Matthew Barrick, Bonnie Cramer, Lauren Morgan, Claudia Sanders
Kara DeGeorge, Kevin Micol
Adam Diehl, Lynn Mitchell
John Graham-Cannon, Jenni Hess-Kozak, Natalie Louden
Larry Bryan, Garrett Kehler, Molly Sanino, Janet Simmons, Camryn Skowronski, Andy Zorn
Hansen Barrick, Charles Cramer, Leah Farmer, Rachel Robertson
Eddie Stup
Stephanie Bryan, Clayton Forsythe, Linda Stone
Emily Jones, Delanie Mills, Byron Pelton, Sharleen Staley, Lynn VanDerpoel
Theo Graham, Gary Linton, Jim Linton, Dwight Parrish
Jay Keller
Chris Champion, Devin Inman, Beth Moltere
Aidan Davis, Laura Harwood, Elaine Luttrell, Katie Thomas, Reagan Watson
Luke Freimanis, Delaney Gooding, Jennifer (Thackston) Kendro
Lauren Nicholls
Vinnie Ahearn, Carol Heffner, Tyler Kight
Tim Leber, Robert Ulrich
Louise Parsons
Joe Donitzen, Nelson Schwaner, Camron Stone, Charles Wright
Nate Anderson, Polly Wetherald
Hallie Crum, Elaine Roberts, Nancy Sanders
Katrina Goebel, Jack Molesworth
Feb. 23
Feb. 27
Mar. 3
Mar. 5
Mar. 9
Lyn Sturdevant
Jim Merchant (Nebraska)
Ann Lebherz
Lee Toms
Patricia Rollins
Husband of Jan Sturdevant
Brother of Betsy Phelps
Mother of Robert Lebherz, III
Husband of Idabelle Toms
Mother of Connie Hicks
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Flowers can be put on the altar or in the
LAC worship space to remember a special anniversary, a special someone, or just for the
fun of it. Reserve your Sunday by adding your
name to the list of dates at the sign-up
counter. Just look for the red roses!
ALL Bulletin Announcements must be
submitted by noon on Wednesday’s.
Newsletter Announcements due by
the 15th of the month!
ALL submissions must be emailed to
Flowers that are not taken after the services,
will be shared with the hospitalized or shutins.
Thank You!
A kindergarten teacher asked each student to
bring in something that represented their religion.
Lead Pastor
The first student got up and said, “My name is
Benjamin. I am Jewish, and this is a Star of David.”
Pastor of Congregational Care
The second student said, “My name is Mary and
I’m a Catholic,” and showed the class her rosary.
Pastor of Outreach & Evangelism
The third child stood and said, “My name is Billy.
I am Methodist, and this is a casserole.”
Office Administrator
Director of Christian Education
Director of Youth &
Young Adult Ministries
8:15 AM Early Morning Worship
9:30 AM Sunday School— All Ages
Finance/Membership Secretary
9:30 AM Mid Morning Contemporary Worship
11:00 AM Sunday School—Adult Studies
11:00 AM Late Morning Traditional Worship
Weekday Preschool Director
To see the full calendar of events happening at
Brook Hill UMC
Visit our website at www.bhumc.org
Rev. Dana Werts
Rev. Gary Hicks
Shari Seek
Betsy Phelps
Daniel Barnett
Wayne Gooding
Angie Harris
Bambi Blackwell
Beth Moltere
Organist ( 8:15 & 11:00)
Peg Bruckart
Virginia Zetterberg
Director of Children’s Music
Jilby Cheston
Director of Brook Hill Bells
Dan Cheston
Prayer Requests: Amy Lacko
Prayer Shawl Requests: Sue Koch or
Sandi Coblentz
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Nursery Supervisor
Director of Chancel Choir (11:00)
Scan the QR Code with your smart
phone or visit www.bhumc.org to
sign up today! Make giving easy!
Rev. Dr. Wade Martin
Eric Moltere & Beth Moltere
8946 Indian Springs Road
Frederick, MD 21702
FREDERICK, MD 21702-2334
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Christ is Risen
Christ is Risen! These continue to be words of celebration and joy. We
each can face the future with the assurance that Jesus Christ is in fact alive and
well to guide us, to heal us, and to give us hope for tomorrow. What a great
promise, what a great gift! Friends, as the Easter season is upon us, we celebrate the risen Christ, and in response to this eternal joy we boldly proclaim:
"The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia!"
We know that Easter Sunday is a special day, a holy day, a day to rise
early, a day to greet the new day sun, a day to put on our best clothes, a day to
plan a special meal, a day to come to church with the whole family, a day to
praise God in song.
Easter celebrates God's unconditional love for each and every person,
even in the midst of our sins and failures. During the Easter season we are reminded of God's promise of mercy, salvation, second chances, and the gift of
eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Now that Christ has been resurrected, we are also being resurrected.
This is the message of Easter hope. Easter was not just something that happened to Jesus. It is a transformation of
the whole world. It is something that happens to each and every one of us who believe. Therefore as Easter people
we are commissioned to create beauty out of ugliness, to bring order out of chaos, to bring hope out of despair, to
bring peace out of violence, and to bring love where there is hatred.
Just as the risen Christ came back and transformed skeptics to believers, so Christ can change us. We can
be new. We can start over. We can have life, abundant life, by the power of the risen Christ. I pray that you experience Christ this Easter season in a way that you never have before, and that you will go and tell the world that
Jesus lives. Christ Jesus lives today!
Pastor Wade