pnH t:.'(lrr1 No. (/-250001 (b) PHILIPPINE GE,NERAL HOSPITAL The National University Hospital the Philippines Manila PURCHASiNG OFFICI£ T lniversity of Taft Avenue, :Manila PHlC-Accredited Health Cl1I'eProvider ISO 9001:1008 Certified Date: Reqn. No.; -_-_ March 30,2015 PUR15-03-0245 (00, ------------- RF' Request for OPEN Quotation This offire is in the market for the following items: ltp",Otv/fJl1it D~scription QUOTATIONS Unit Price an Figures) (In Words) (All Taxes Included) 32 bxs Phenobarbital sodium 130mglml amp xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TOTAL APPROVED BUDGET.~ P 1,907.95 P _ P 62,974.40 Terms & Conditions~ 1 Indicate brand and packing ;;. Inui\.O",LI;; delivery period, 3. Itern/s offered should l:'te brand new. 4. Supplier is required to submit single bid/ offer only for each item. Two (2) or more biJ:,juffcl .us automatically disqualified. Please (lUote us vour Q:ovemmentprice/s for the above and state the earliest time within __whidlYUU ~_l UCllVCL_ It win be appreciated if we can have your quotation in the office of the Purchasing Office - PGH I'vE Hull",l,",! ~hd.ll 4;30 P.l\'l. on 08 April 2015 al which lime; said quotations will be opened. Please send throllgh fox. _H4-84-()Olocal 3024 or 5.54-8420 clo Ms. Agnes C. Lumbis O'l'HI3:R TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. The Awardee/Supplier shan get the Purchase Order (p.O.)/Work Order'(W.O.)/Job Order (lO.) Iioru U.P. Manila-PGfl within three (3) working days from notification through confirmed fax/telephone cell that the P.O.lW.O.lJ.O. is ready for pick up by the Supplier. Despite the failure ur lh~ Supplier i.u pick up the conespcnding P,O.lVtl,O.lJ,O. within the given period from notification, it shaH be valid to impose the penalty for failure to deliver the items within the another deliY~ry pwrtod hns been sV~cifiM md agr~ed upon) to !ltlU't fio6M the clay Iollowlng the expiration of the period within whlc.h to pick-up the P.O.fW.O./J.O. When anotber delivery date has been five-day delivery period '(~ess specified and agreed upon. ' the penalty shall be imposed upon failure to deliver within the agreed delivery period to be counted from the expiration of the p riod given to pick up the corresponding P.O.IW.O./J.O. It shall be also a v id reason for the cancellation of the orders and the award will go to the 2nd 1 west bidder or cause purchase of the item in the open market, the difference . price. if any, shall be chargeable against the defaulting SUPPLIER and other ctions imposed as provided by Republic Act No. 9184 and other applicable la s. , 2. It is understood that offers are for delivery within fIVe (5) "Working days from re eipt of Purchase Order during office hours unless otherwise stated/qualified. F r failure to deliver when due, the U.P. Manila - 'PGH shall exercise the f llowing options with the corresponding sanctions to be imposed on the ARDEE/SUPPLIER: Liquidated damages of 1110 of 1% of the value of the undelivered itern/s for each day of delay but not to exceed 10% thereof; II • Purchase the item/s in the open market and charge the price difference over the contract price to the AWARDEE/SUPPLIER or impose the 10% penalty for non-delivery whichever is higher • Terminate the contract for non-delivery by the SUPPLIER unless it can be established that non-compliance of the obligation is due to fortuitous event or force majeure; • Other appropriate administrative sanctions as prescribed under Republic Act No. 9184 and other applicable laws. I 3. ~ case of delivery of defective item/s, U.P. Manila- POH shall have the right reject the delivery or to require that the defective item/s be replaced thin three (3) working days from receipt of notice. F ilure of the SUPPLIER to comply with the required correction or re lacement shall be sufficient grounds for U.P. Manila - POR to impose of a propriate penalties stated item # 2. 4. If ubstitution or delivery of other brand/packing of the ordered item is allowed b approving authority of the Purchase Order as recommended by the endu r, a 10% penalty shall be imposed. , S bstituted brand/packing should be of equal or of better quality than the one or ered. 5. ulp, Manila-PGH shall haye the right to decrease/increase the quantity of the it9m1s ordered, I 6. T~e SUPPLIER guarantees that the contract price is the lowest in the market and c*"ot increase price unilaterally, lnr.' case the price in the open market is lowerthan the contract price, U.P. M 'la-PGH has the option to (a) ask the SUPPLIER to lower its price to the o n market price, or (b) terminate the contract. 7. JI deliveries mad~ by the SUPPLIER shall. be subj~t to inspectio~ and te¥ing by U.P. Manila - PGH to the extent practicable pnor to acceptance, , 8. A~warranty from the successful bidder for equipment shall be required, to as w-e that manufacturing defects will be corrected within a given time from re eipt of written notice of the defect by the authorized officer. Retention fee in~e amount equal to 10% of every progress payment, or a special bank g tee equivalent to 1Q% of the contract price shall be required. Such ount shall be released after the warranty period or after one (1) year w .cbever is shorter provided that the goods supplied are free from defects and all the conditions imposed under the contract are fully mel . I " 9. The SUPPLIER guarantees the Uevwlabilityof the 9tOQKa iO woll ~ the prompt delivery of the needed supplieS! to U.P. Manila - POR. 10. That the terms of this Agreement shall be for 120 days from opening of bids. NON-COMPLIANCE WITH ANY OF THE ABOVE REQUlR£MENTS SUFFICIENT GROUND FOR DISQUALIFICATION OF A BIDDER. SHALL BE U.P. MANILA-PGH RESERVES ~ RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS, TO WANE ANY FORMALITY OR:DEFECT THEREIN AND TO ACCEPT ANY OR ALL OFFERS THAT MAYBE CONSIDERED MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TO U.P. MANILA. IMPORTANT: TOTALAMO~QFQUOTATI{)N: p _ Very truly yours, PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL The National University Hospital University of the Philippines Manila Taft Avenue, Manila Sir: IfWe agree to bind myself/ourselves to the terms and conditions specified above and to the all rules and regulations of the government and the U.P. Manila - POH regarding purchase of supplies, materials and-equipment. " Name of Company and Address: Signature: Printed Name: Position:
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