BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION: A.P: NAMPALLY: HYDERABAD-500 001. From: Sri M.V.Satyanarayana, I.A.S., Secretary, Board of Intermediate Education, A.P., Nampally, Hyderabad. Sir/Madam, To: All the Principals of Junior and Composite Colleges in the State having Intermediate course. Rc.No.43/C25-4/March 2015 Date: 30-04-2015. Sub: BIE AP-IPE March 2015– Second year General & Vocational candidates-Dispatch of Memorandum of Marks– Due dates for Payment of Examination fee for IPASE May/June, 2015Communicated-Reg. Ref: This office Press Release Rc.No.43/C25-4/2015 dated: 28-05-2015. *** Please find here with enclosed documents of Second Year General & Vocational Candidates who appeared for Intermediate Public Examinations March 2015 pertaining to your college. Item 1) 2) 3) Register Nos. From To Total Memorandum of Marks for passed and failed candidates (Regular) General/Voc. Memorandum of Marks for passed and failed candidates (Private) General/Voc. College Marks Register (Page Nos.) The parcel containing the above documents should be opened in the presence of two Senior Lecturers and the contents should be got verified in accordance with the details mentioned above. If there is any discrepancy in the number of Memo of Marks received with reference to the number noted above and also with reference to the Nominal Rolls of I.P.E. March 2015, it should be brought to the notice of the Board of Intermediate Education on the same day to the name address of Sri B. Siva Prasad, Joint Secretary (Exams-II)FAC for General Students & Smt T.Rajeswari, Joint Secretary (Vocational) for Vocational Students, Board of Intermediate Education, A.P. Nampally, Hyderabad – 500 001. All the Principals are informed to collect Memorandum of Marks and College Marks Registers of Second year candidates of IPE March 2015 from the Regional Inspection Officers on 02-05-2015 and see that the Marks Memos are issued to the candidates immediately. The Memorandum of Marks should be first verified in accordance with the rules of validation provided in the Examination Manual before issuing them to the candidates. If any discrepancy is noticed, it should be brought to the notice of the Board of Intermediate Education through concerned Principals before 27-06-2015. Representations received if any after this date will not be entertained under any circumstances. Memorandum of Marks should be handed over to the candidates only after taking their signatures on the following DECLARATION printed on the back side of Memorandum of Marks. DECLARATION I declare that my Name, Father’s name, Mother’s name, Photograph and Signature printed on the Memo of Marks are found correct as per the Original Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or its equivalent. Date: Signature of the Candidate. In respect of the candidates, whose results are withheld, the Principals are requested to furnish the required information for release of their results on top priority. (Contd..P-2) 2 All the Second year candidates who have not registered for I.P.E March 2015 along with those Malpractice candidates permitted by the B.I.E are also eligible to appear for Advanced Supplementary Examinations, May/June 2015. The Principals are requested to prepare and submit the MNRs of Attendance Exempted candidates, Ex-Regular, failed & Malpractice eligible candidates who have paid examination fee for IPASE May 2015 and whose names are not found in the Second year ENR data provided online. The following are the rates and due dates for payment of examination fee for Advanced Supplementary Intermediate Public Examinations, May/June 2015 which will be held from 25-05-2015 to 02-06-2015. Sl. Details of Examination fee for 2nd year No. 1. Cost of examination application form 2. Examination fee for 2nd year regular students General courses Rs.290/- + Rs.100/- for Practicals. 3. Examination fee only for 1st year papers or only for 2nd year papers (irrespective of number of papers) 4. Examination fee for students appearing for both 1st and 2nd year (irrespective of number of papers) Rs.580/- + Rs.100/- for Practicals. 5. Examination fee for 2nd year regular students for vocational courses Rs.290/- + Rs.100/- for Practicals. 6. Examination fee for Practicals (General & Voc) only Amount Rs. 10/Rs.390/Rs.290/Rs.680/Rs.390/Rs.100/- nd 7. Examination fee for 2 year failed students appearing only for practical examinations (General/Vocational) 8. 9. Examination fee for 2nd year Vocational Bridge course Rs. 60/Examination fee for 1st & 2nd year Vocational Bridge course Rs.60/Rs.120/+ Rs.60/Examination fee for 1st & 2nd year Vocational Practicals Rs.100/- + Rs.200/Rs.100/Examination fee for Vocational Bridge Course Practicals. Rs.100/Bridge Course examination fee for Mathematics (for Bi.P.C stream) 1st Rs.120/& 2nd year papers (Rs.60/- +Rs.60/-) Examination fee for I & II year passed candidates (certificate Rs.680/-(Arts) holders) appearing for Improvement. Rs.780/(Science) 10. 11. 12. 13. Rs.100/- DUE DATES FOR PAYMENT OF EXAMINATION FEE & SUBMISSION of NRs: 1. 2. 3. 4. Last date for payment of Examination fee by Second year candidates. Last date for remittance of consolidated amount through online by the Principals. Submission of II Year fee paid printout and MNRs (Additions) by the principals in the R I O Office. Submission of fee paid print out & M N Rs to the BIE by R.I.Os. 05-05-2015 06-05-2015 06-05-2015 07-05-2015 IMPORTANT: The candidates whose Bio-Data is not found in the Second year E.N.R Data is to be submitted by M.N.R only along with fee paid challan and previous Marks Memos etc. to the RIO Office. Note: THERE IS NO PROVISION FOR PAYMENT OF EXAMINATION FEE WITH PENALTY AFTER THE DUE DATE (OR) UNDER TATKAL SCHEME. ATTENDANCE EXEMPTED CANDIDATES: The above due date is also applicable to private candidates (without college study) who were already granted exemption from attendance to appear (Humanities combination only) for Intermediate Public Advanced Supplementary Examinations May/June 2015. These candidates are directed to pay the examination fee to the Principals of the Govt. /Aided Junior College of their native or residing Mandal only. (Contd..P-3) 3 Improvement Provision for Second Year passed Candidates: The candidates who passed two year Intermediate course in the Year 2012 & afterwards can improve their performance within two years. They can avail only two chances during this period. The passed candidates of IPASE May/June 2012 can appear for Improvement in I.P.A.S.E May/June 2015 as last chance if they did not avail two chances in the previous I.P.Es. The candidates who wish to improve their performance have to appear for all the second year papers including Practicals (OR) to appear for all papers of first and second year including Practicals. The successful candidates have an option to retain the present performance or past performance which is beneficial to the candidates. There is no provision of Best marks in individual papers, like in first year. REMITTANCE OF EXAMINATION FEE THROUGH ONLINE: The Board of Intermediate Education has introduced the system of collecting the Examination & other fee from 2012 through State Bank of India, State Bank of Hyderabad and Andhra Bank through online transfer from the existing college Accounts to B.I.E Account of the concerned banks through e-challan generated by the cgg in the web site for Second year candidates with effect from IPASE May/June 2015. The principals of the colleges, who do not have their accounts in the above three banks, are also informed to pay the fee in any of the three banks through the generated challan provided in the BIE website The Account Numbers of two banks are furnished hereunder for online transfer of the examination fee. The account Number and details of SBH will be furnished in due course. Sl. Name of the Bank No. and address 1. Andhra Bank, Kapra, Sainikpuri, Hyderabad. 2. State Bank of India, MJJ Road Branch, Nampally,Hyderabad. Account Number 032710100125704 34891350399 IFSC Code Contact Person’s Name & Phone No. Sri Paul Raj T, Asst. Manager,AB ANDB0000327 040-23468651 SBIN0005894 Sri Venkata Ramana Branch Manager, 040-24601806 Separate e-challan is to be used for each category i.e., General/Vocational, ENR Candidates and Additions. At the backside of each e-challan the Principals have to furnish the following information without fail. 1) College Code. 2) College Stamp. 3) General/Vocational. 4) No. of candidates paid the fee. 5) Amount paid in words and figures. (Contd..P-4) 4 RECOUNTING, SUPPLY OF PHOTO COPY-CUM RE-VERIFICATION OF VALUED ANSWER SCRIPTS: There is a provision for Recounting, supply of Photo copy-cum-Re-Verification of valued answer scripts. The candidates who wish to avail these facilities have to pay online, an amount of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) per paper for Recounting and Rs.600/- (Rupees Six hundred only) per paper for Photo copycum-Re-verification of answer book, through Mee-Seva or A P-Online centres only. Candidates have to pay required fee at these centres and must furnish the Hall-Ticket Number and the subjects they intend to apply for Recounting or Photo copy-cum-ReVerification. The details of the candidates will appear on the screen. Candidates have to furnish their complete address and mobile number also. Candidates should take a printout and handover application only to the respective Principal of their Junior Colleges duly appending their signature and pasting photo. Candidates shall not send the applications for Recounting/Re-verification either to the RIO Office or BIE Head Office directly or by post. Under no circumstances the application will be accepted manually after due date. Last date for online payment of fee towards Recounting/Photo copy-cum-Re-Verification is from 28-04-2015 to 05-05-2015. This online service will be stopped after these dates and no further extension of service will be available. Under any circumstances the fee paid towards Recounting or Photo copy-cumRe-Verification will not be refunded. All the Principals are informed that the Intermediate Public Advanced Supplementary Examinations, May/June 2015 (Theory) will be held from 25-05-2015 to 02-06-2015. A copy of the detailed Time-Table is also available in the BIE Web-site The First Year examination will be held from 9.00 A.M to 12.00 Noon in Fore Noon session and Second Year Examination from 2.30 P.M to 5.30 P.M in After Noon session every day. Therefore, you are requested to give special emphasis on the dates & timings of the examinations. Practical Examinations will be held from 03-06-2015 to 07-06-2015 in two sessions from 9.00 AM to 12.00 PM & 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM. Wide publicity should be given among the students, parents and staff regarding the dates of examinations and also due dates for payment of Examination fee for I.P.A.S.E May/June 2015 in their Colleges without fail. THE COLLEGE MARKS REGISTER SHOULD BE PRESERVED AS COLLEGE OFFICE RECORD. Please acknowledge this letter along with the above documents. Sd/- M.V.Satyanarayana, I.A.S., SECRETARY Copy to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) All the R.I.O’s, B.I.E in the state for necessary action. All the R.J.D.I.Es/D.V.E.Os for information. All the Joint Secretaries in B.I.E Head office. All the Deputy Secretaries in BIE. All the Supdts., of Examination Sections (Gen & Voc) in B.I.E. The Secretary Peshi /COE Peshi. The EDP Manager & P.R.O BIE. //True copy attested// Joint Secretary(Exams-II)
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