JESUS SAVES Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church REVEREND JOHN FOSTER, PH.D., SENIOR PASTOR SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 7:45AM & 11:00AM WORSHIP SERVICES Annual lay day "“The Evidence of Discipleship" John 13:34-35 PRELUDE PROCESSIONAL WORSHIP LEADERS: 7:45 A.M. MR. RAUSHAN MURRAY 11:00 A.M. DR. STANLEY PRITCHETT WORSHIP & ARTS MINISTRY MINISTERS, STEWARDS, CHOIR, ACOLYTES AND PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS * DOXOLOGY #647 PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW ; PRAISE HIM ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW ; PRAISE HIM ABOVE YE HEAVENLY HOST, PRAISE FATHER, SON AND HOLY GHOST. AMEN. CALL TO WORSHIP……………………..……………..……MR. RAUSHAN MURRAY/ DR. STANLEY PRITCHETT Leader: I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem! People: For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness. Leader: For the sake of the house of the Lord our God: I will seek your good. People: They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. Leader: O Lord, I love the habitation of your house, and the place where your glory dwells. People: But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him. Leader: Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer. People: O sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things! I will sing of loyalty and of justice, to You, O Lord, I will sing. HYMN OF PRAISE…………………………….………………………..….MS. JENNIFER SMITH/ MS. CAROLYN SMITH 1. AMEC HYMN #582…………... LAYMEN’S SONG Laymen now have thus assembled, In Thy blessed name, O God. Guide us in our true endeavor, Light the pathway that we trod; Give us strength to ever labor for Thy cause, Give us strength to ever labor for Thy cause. 2. We are banded one in union, to fulfill Thy just command. May we be Thy true disciples, holding to Thy mighty hand; Give us blessings from the fountain of Thy love, Give us blessings from the fountain of thy love. 3. As we walk this Christian journey, let us keep our armor bright. Let our words be pure and holy, that we stand within Thy sight. Laymen Soldiers, strong in unity and love, Laymen Soldiers, strong in unity and love. 4. May we stand before Thine Altar, pledging, Lord, to work for Thee. In the Vineyard, in the pastures, Let us, Lord, Thy Pilgrims be; Let us lift the Cross forever to the skies, Let us lift the Cross forever to the skies. Amen. 2 BIG BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH INVOCATION………………………………………………,,..….MRS. MARGUERITE BRYANT/ MR. RAUSHAN MURRAY CHORAL RESPONSE WORSHIP THROUGH MUSIC…………………………………………………………………..…THE BETHEL CHORALE THE RESPONSIVE SCRIPTURE…………………………..………...MS. MARTINIQUE MIX/ MR. EUGENE DONALDSON JOHN 13:34-35 Leader: 34I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. All: 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. *THE PREFACE OF THE DECALOGUE (IN THE TUNE OF #258) “FROM ALL THAT DWELL BELOW THE SKIES, LET THE CREATOR’S PRAISE ARISE; LET THE REDEEMER’S NAME BE SUNG, THROUGH EVERY LAND BY EVERY TONGUE.” *THE SUMMARY OF THE DECALOGUE…………………………………….DR. OPAL KNOWLTON/MS. LISA WILLIAMS AND JESUS SAID TO HIM. YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOU HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND. THIS IS THE GREAT AND FIRST COMMANDMENT. AND THE SECOND IS LIKE IT: YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. ON THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS DEPEND ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS. GLORIA PATRI #XVII-XVIII “GLORY BE TO THE FATHER, AND TO THE SON, AND TO THE HOLY GHOST; AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING, IS NOW, AND EVER SHALL BE, WORLD WITHOUT END. AMEN.” WELCOME TO BIG BETHEL……………………………………………....PHILIPPIAN MINISTRY/ MS. CHERYL TAYLOR THE PASTOR’S WORDS THE BIG BETHEL MINISTRY MOMENT………………………………………………...….VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS THE RECOMMITTMENT CEREMONY…………………………………………….….……..MARRIED COUPLES MINISTRY THE HOLY BAPTISM THE LAY LITANY ………………………………….……………….………..MR. EARNEST TATE/ MS. SYLVIA MCRAE LEADER: AS LAY PERSONS WORKING WITH GOD WE CAN CREATE DISCIPLES PEOPLE: LAYMAN SOLDIERS STRONG IN UNITY AND LOVE LEADER: AS WE WORK TOGETHER, WE CAN INCREASE OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE CHURCH PEOPLE: LAYMAN SOLDIERS STRONG IN UNITY AND LOVE LEADER: AS LAY PERSONS WE TEACH ABOUT OUR CHURCH TO INCREASE MEMBERSHIP AND PARTICIPATION PEOPLE: LAYMAN SOLDIERS STRONG IN UNITY AND LOVE ALL: AS WE PRAY TOGETHER, PRAISE GOD TOGETHER, LOVE GOD AND ONE ANOTHER, WE CAN ALL BECOME DISCIPLES OF OUR CHRIST. THE PRESENTATIONI OF THE LAY PERSON OF THE YEAR……………….……..………DR. SHIRLEY WATERS-WHITE THE WORSHIP THROUGH CREATIVE EXPRESSION……………….…………….…..SIGNS OF PRAISE MIME MINISTRY THE ALTAR CALL………………………………………………………..MR. WILLIAM DAVIS/ MS. TEANER CORBETT WORSHIP THROUGH GIVING…………………………..……..DR. STANLEY PRITCHETT/ MR. CHRISTOPHER BROOKS 3 JESUS SAVES THE CHORAL RESPONSE………………………………………….…………………………………...AMEC HYMN #644 ALL THINGS COME OF THEE O LORD; AND OF THINE OWN HAVE WE GIVEN THEE. AMEN INTRODUCTION OF THE SPEAKER………………………….…….DR. SHIRLEY WATERS-WHITE/MS. DONNA WILLIAMS WORSHIP THROUGH MUSIC…………………………………..…………..………………..……...THE BETHEL CHORALE THE LAY DAY MESSAGE……………………………….……………………..………..MS. KABRINA BASS DIRECTOR OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, SIXTH EPISCOPAL DISTRICT …………………………………….…………………...MR. CEASAR MITCHELL PRESIDENT,ATLANTA CITY COUNCIL INVITATION TO CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP………………………………………………………....PASTOR JOHN FOSTER RECESSIONAL DOXOLOGY †THE LAY BENEDICTION MAY GOD BLESS US WITH THE TRUE SPIRIT OF CHRISTIANITY, THAT WE MAY LIVE TOGETHER, NOT AS MAN OVER MAN, BUT AS LAY PERSONS WORKING WITH GOD. AMEN. S E R V I N G I N T O D AY ’ S W O R S H I P E X P E R I E N C E 7 : 4 5 A M W ORSHIP E XPERIENCE Acolytes: 1 1 : 0 0 A M W ORSHIP E XPERIENCE Acolytes: Chandler Brooks/ Jaylaan Parker Philippians: Connie Mills/ Victoria White Philippians: Linda Jolly/ Ruth McKenzie Music Ministry: The Bethel Chorale Music Ministry: The Bethel Chorale Stewardess: Eva B. Watson Stewardess Ministry Stewardess: Eva B. Watson Stewardess Ministry Stewards: Chris Parker/ Stan Foster Stewards: Nancy Cooke/ Rosa Baxter Trustee: Janie Francis-Asante/ Oliver Hudson Trustee: Martha Thomas/ Dennis Brazil, Sr. Ushers: Samuel H. Giles Usher Board Ushers: Samuel H. Giles Usher Board 4 BIG BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH - Hearing God’s Word during the Service – Since we forget 90% of what we hear, it has been suggested that note taking will double the percentage of our take home response. Why not try it and see? Points/Topics: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Let us remember our sick and shut-in with our cards & calls. Sis. Lucille Burch, (404) 696-8524 Sis. Patricia Coles, (404) 254-4806 Sis. Jay Evans, (678) 467-2470 Bro. Horace Ford, (770) 478-3013 Sis. Daisy Gholston, (770) 439-9199 Sis. Jacquelyn Green, (678) 580-1248 Sis. Pearline Irving, (404) 284-4717 Sis. Ernestine Johnson Sis. Ruth Lee, (478) 453-8514 5 Rupert Littleton Rev. Betty Miley, (770) 323-6841 Sis. Eleanor Miller, (678) 938-3338 Sis. Mary Miller, Summerset Assisted Living Community Sis. Dorothy Moreland, (404) 691-0099 Sis. Ertha Poitier, A. G. Rhodes Nursing Home Sis. Joyce Spearman, (404) 286-4891 Bro. Thomas Sullivan, (404) 349-1572 Sis. Mildred Whalen, (770) 603-8266 JESUS SAVES KABRINA BASS Kabrina Bass serves as the Christian Education Director for the Sixth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church composed of 546 congregations in the state of Georgia. As the Christian Education Director, she brings creative and innovative vision and takes and "out of the box" approach to ministry. She also served eight years as the Christian Education Director for the Seventh Episcopal District and she has more than 30 years of Christian Education experience. Kabrina was instrumental in coordinating the certification of more than 1,000 teachers, 180 Christian Education Directors and 186 Church School Superintendents while serving the Seventh Episcopal District. She developed materials to support orientation sessions for ushers, hospitality, stewards, trustees, class leaders and stewardesses. She has also completed a new disciples guide to explore the Bible, the Church, Salvation, Christian Stewardship and the African Methodist Episcopal Church's polity, worship and history. She is a regional instructor for the Connectional Christian Education Department of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and a member of the Christian Education Certification Administrative team. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Religion with an Emphasis on Christian Education and a minor in Communication from Columbia College. Her academic preparation for the ministry included a Master of Religion degree with a focus on Christian Education and Spiritual Formation from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary. Kabrina understands God's call to ministry is diverse and everyone is not called to preach and pastor but diverse gifts make rooms for excellency in ministry affording people the opportunity to serve in their calling. Her motto, "Vision Is Seeing The Invisible" is based on Hebrews 11:1, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. She encourages everyone to seek God's vision for their life and ministry. CEASAR MITCHELL Ceasar C. Mitchell serves as President of the Atlanta City Council. He presides at all Council meetings and votes in the case of a tie vote by the 15 council members, makes council committee appointments, and would exercise all powers as mayor should that office become vacant or the mayor becomes disabled. Prior to being elected Council President, Mitchell served two terms as a Citywide Post 1 Councilmember from 2001 to 2009. As a public official, Mitchell advocates for safer communities through specific initiatives including police foot patrols. He has championed key legislation facilitating economic revitalization in underdeveloped areas by authoring measures to create 4 of the city's 10 Tax Allocation Districts and supporting legislation for community input in the Beltline Project. In 2004, Mitchell stepped up his efforts to make Atlanta clean, green, safe and thriving by creating a Parks Advisory Group to provide recommendations for Atlanta to achieve and sustain a world-class parks and recreation system with a governance structure. Additionally, he created a Clean Green Team to provide technical assistance and resources to 22 community groups to improve their neighborhoods. He also led the charge to turn a dangerous unpaved road into the Cahaba Drive Walking Trail, a safe path for a southwest Atlanta neighborhood. Mitchell is actively committed to the education and enrichment of our city's youth as reflected in Mitchell's annual College Prep Series—a college admissions exam preparation program. More than 5,000 middle and high school students and their parents have participated since 2006.President Mitchell's past leadership roles include chair of the influential Public Safety Committee, which oversees more than fifty percent of the City's General Fund budget; the Community Development/Human Resources Committee, which oversees the City's economic development activities; and the City Utilities Committee. He also is a past member of the City's Budget Commission, which authorizes the City's annual revenue levels. In 2004, Ceasar served as Acting President of the City Council during a vacancy in the position. Mitchell is Of Counsel with the global law firm of DLA Piper, LLP, where he practices commercial real estate and finance. A longtime community servant, Mitchell has held board directorships on behalf of civic, legal and community affairs organizations including Chairman of the Board of Directors for Hands On Atlanta, President of the Gate City Bar Association, Gubernatorial appointee to the Georgia Commission on Volunteerism and Service, and board member of Outward Bound Atlanta and Hands On Georgia. Ceasar has been featured in Georgia Trend magazine as one of Georgia's "40 under 40," and Atlanta Magazine as a "Rising Star" in its Super Lawyers Edition. Recently, Ceasar was named one of Atlanta's 100 most influential people. In 2003, he became the inaugural recipient of Leadership Atlanta's "Rising Star Award," and is a graduate of its 2005 class. He is also an alumnus of Outstanding Atlanta. In recognition of his community service, he has been honored by the Morehouse College Alumni Association and the UGA Black Law Students Association. Mitchell is a native Atlantan, the son of an Atlanta Police Officer and Atlanta Public Schools Teacher, and a graduate of Benjamin E. Mays High School. He is an honor graduate of Morehouse College with dual majors in Economics and English. Mitchell earned his law degree from the University Of Georgia School Of Law where he served on the International Law Journal and won a national moot court championship in constitutional law. Ceasar and his wife, Dr. Tiffany Mitchell are the proud parents to their daughters, Canon and Czarya. They reside in the Historic West End community and attend Impact United Methodist Church. 6 BIG BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH THE OCCASION A ‘Layperson” is any member of the local church who has not been ordained a minister. Although each church or station has an “organized” lay of members who join and pay dues, by definition every member of a local church except the ministers are part of the laity. HISTORY The organized lay movement has had three significant stages of growth and development. First, the early formative years under the Laymen’s Missionary League organized in 1912; second, the Connectional Lay College, organized in 1916; finally, in 1946 The Connectional Laymen’s Organization was organized by the delegates from the Lay College who were meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Lay Organization of the AME Church is one of the newest in our church relative to our total years of existence. The organized Lay operates as a vital force for good because it is free, independent and unmotivated by any desire, motive or purpose other than the general welfare of African Methodism. It is the duty and privilege of every lay member to participate fully in discussion, debate, and voting in every phase of church life. OBJECTIVES To instill in the membership of the Church a love for and an appreciation of the history, tradition and principles of African Methodism. To keep forever alive the sacred memory of Richard Allen, the illustrious founder of the AMEC. To advocate respect and loyalty at all times to constituted authority and leadership. To encourage the laity to support the total program of the church in the local community and throughout the Connection. To foster a systematic and regular study of the Doctrine And Discipline Of The African Methodist Episcopal Church and parliamentary procedure, to the end that greater knowledge and information may be disseminated among the laity, and with the further purpose of encouraging lay members to participate more largely in the general functioning and supervision of the AME Church. To foster, influence, and support all constructive and progressive legislation for the church that promotes the teachings of Jesus Christ. To encourage development, recognition, and utilization of the most appropriate operational practices and modern technology in conducting the activities of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. To promote the spread of personal evangelism through activities designed to prepare lay members for appropriately conveying God’s Word, To provide training in Christian stewardship, which causes lay members to recognize that the connotation of stewardship addresses more than giving money, To increase the circulation of church periodicals, To provide for the orderly and systematic training of lay persons, especially officers, in order that they might more effectively perform their service responsibilities. To promote activities that will result in harmonious fellowship for lay persons throughout the connection, To help in the support of the AME educational institutions. To give financial assistance to the connectional Lay Economic development Corporation (CLEDC) in support of Connectional programs. 7 JESUS SAVES WE ARE STREAMING LIVE!!! CHECK US OUT AT: →→( bigbethelamechurch)←← TWITTER: #LiveatBigBethel Like Us On FACEBOOK: Big Bethel AME Church Follow Us On Instagram: bigbethelamec YOUTH CHURCH URBAN GARDEN During the 2014-2015 Annual Conference year Youth Church will be raising awareness about environmental responsibility. While there are other facets of learning that will occur, they will all be centered around the completion of an urban garden which will be housed in the amphitheater. There is a booklet available that goes into more detail regarding the urban garden. We are asking for donations of $10 per book. We would love to see everyone get involved by filling out a volunteer card and committing to one of the seven areas of assistance. Any way that you can help would be much appreciated in addition Youth Church is held on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of each month during the 11:00AM Worship service. Volunteer assistance is needed for chaperones and teachers during each service. Snacks are being provided and individual and/or ministry sponsors are requested. Contact the Church office for additional information. Quarterly Conference Reports Quarterly Conference Reports are due to the Church Office. Please submit your reports as soon as possible. ANNUAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE MEETING Annual Conference Committee Meeting will take place Monday at 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall. All volunteers and interested persons are asked to attend. WOMEN’S DAY CHOIR All female church members are invited to participate in the Women's Day Choir, mothers and daughters are encouraged to participate! Choir rehearsal will begin on Tuesday, April 21st at 6:30 PM in fellowship hall. We look forward to having you join us! All married couples are asked to register with the Married Couples Ministry. Your registration allows you to receive information and notices of upcoming activities and events, gain access to the Married Couples Ministry Discussion Forum, and facilitates your participation & recognition in a Re-commitment Ceremony during your anniversary month. You may register using your computer, your tablet, or your smart phone by pointing your browser to and clicking on Online Registration. You may also fill out a Registration Card found in each vestibule. CHURCH SCHOOL You are invited to join us each Sunday at 9:45am for study and fellowship. We have classes for all age levels. COME and GROW SPIRITUALLY WITH US! ~~Sis. Sylvia McRae, Superintendent~~ CHURCH CLEAN UP Thanks to everyone that participated in the church wide clean up yesterday. Your time and efforts were greatly appreciated. UNTIL THE ATLANTA NORTH GEORGIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE ACTIVITIES STARTS HERE AT BIG BETHEL! WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS First Reading………….…Acts 3:12-19 Psalm…………………………..…Psalm 4 Second Reading…........1 John 3:1-7 Gospel………...…....…Luke 24:36b-48 MARRIED COUPLES MINISTRY 8 BIG BETHEL A.M.E. CHURCH
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