Apri 2015 Newsletter - Big Birch Lake Association

No 119
April, 2015
President’s Letter
BBLA Board Meeting
BBLA Board Meeting
Annual Ladies Luncheon
Birch Lakes Beer & Wine Tasting
BBLA Board Meeting
Annual BBL Golf Outing
6th Annual Clean Up Day
BBLA Board Meeting
Inside this issue:
Welcome to the spring edition of the Big
Birch Lake Association (BBLA) newsletter.
It’s a good time of year: Winter has lost its
grip in favor of lake activities suggesting summer—cabins opened, docks and lifts wrestled
into the water, neighbors greet each other,
dreams of walleyes.
The BBLA Board resumes monthly meetings in the spring to discuss and resolve various topics impacting the membership. That
said, several important activities have taken
place over the winter months including the
annual member and sponsorship renewal effort; ongoing ‘clean water’ planning with
continued emphasis on combating Aquatic
Invasive Species (AIS) and measuring water
quality and clarity; procuring and coordinating
the use of lake safety equipment such as channel marker buoys and lights. Board members
and other volunteers work to see that these,
and other services, are in place to benefit all
who use Big Birch Lake.
Regarding AIS, much has been happening at
the local, regional and state level as the threat
posed by destructive invasive plant and animal
life is evermore apparent. Please see a separate
article outlining your Board’s 2015 plans to
deal with the AIS threat. As always, please
know and follow AIS laws when trailing boats
and transporting lake equipment; require guests
to do the same.
On a lighter note, spring brings the return of a
number of social and other activities that members and guests may consider. Look for individual articles about the BBL Annual Ladies
Spring Luncheon, the Birch Lakes Wine and
Beer Tasting Event and, the Big Birch Lake
Golf Outing. These events are fun and a great
way to meet your friends, neighbors and available BBLA Board members. If you have junk
around your property, you might be interested in
the 6th annual BBL ‘clean up’ day scheduled on
June 27.
Thanks to members, sponsors and volunteers
who continue to support the BBLA; it makes a
big difference to have our level of participation.
We invite non-members to join (contact your
local Director for information) and, to support
our business sponsors. Communication with the
BBLA is broader than ever with a new Facebook page to compliment email
(bbla@meltel.net) and phone contact.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, have a
fun and safe summer at Big Birch Lake!
Peter Rutherford
Balance Sheet
County approves BBLA lake monitoring plan for 2015
Wine & beer tasting
Kutter’s Column
Contributing Sponsors
Association Membership
Report on Activities
Registration for events
The Todd County Board of Commissioners
has approved the BBLA proposal for monitoring/inspection of public accesses on the Todd
County side of Big Birch Lake, and Little
Birch Lake as well as four other smaller,
nearby, Todd County lakes.
The AIS Subcommittee believes the additional lakes can be handled by our contractors
with a minimum of additional effort and that
adding them was an important part of our proposal being accepted. Todd County will pay
the BBLA for the monitoring/inspection services outlined above from funds appropriated
by the Minnesota Legislature to fight AIS. It is
expected the payments will save the BBLA nearly
$20,000 this summer visa vie paying the contractors from Association funds as we have done the
last two years.
The AIS Committee has also submitted a similar
proposal to the Stearns County Commissioners for
monitoring/inspection services at the two accesses
on the Stearns County side of the lake (St. Rose
Resort and Stundebecks Bay). We are awaiting a
decision on this proposal.
In the December newsletter you were advised of
BBLA monitoring plan continues on page 6
Obituaries of lake residents
Big Birch Lake Association Balance Sheet
Dec 31, 2014
Jan 31, 2015
Feb. 28,
Cert of Deposits- 9 mo
Cert of Deposits- 9 mo
Cert of Deposits 13 mo
Current Assets
Checking / SavingsCMCU
Holiday Club
Checking - CMCU
Money Mkt –CMCU
Total Checking / Savings
Initiative Found Fund
Share AccountCMCU
Property &
Building / Land
(appraised gift
Total Assets
Cynthia (DuFrene) Atwood of
Sigourney, Iowa and Big Birch Lake died
January 15. Memorials are preferred to
the Big Birch Lake Association.
Benjamin Russell "Ben" Johnson,
who died in February, was born April 14,
1931, in St. John, ND to Alfred & Irene
Shaver Johnson, the middle child in a
family of ten. Ben graduated Central
High School, Devils Lake, ND, and the
University of North Dakota. Ben was an
electrical engineer for Honeywell for
thirty-three years working in Minneapolis, MN, Wabash, IN and Arlington
Heights, IL.
Ben was a loving and devoted husband
for sixty-two plus years to Marilyn Rude
Johnson. They have three children; Linda
(Brent) Auman, Rockford, IL, Lisa (Tim)
Bever, Lagro, IN, Blake (Ruth) Johnson,
Plymouth, MN.
He was an amazing inspiration to his
grandchildren; Kyle (Tricia), Lauren
(Jakob), Marc (Holly), Jennie (Jason),
Matt, Neil, Tyler, Breanna (Tucker),
Grant, Maddy, and great-grandchildren:
Ashlyn, Hunter, and baby girl due in
June; Emma, and Jerrick.
Obituaries continue on page 6
Fourth Annual Birch Lakes
Wine & Beer Tasting Event
Liab. & Equity
Long Term Liabilities
Buffer Obligations –
Strip Agreement
Aquatic Invasive
Total Reserve
Total Long Term Liab.
Opening Balance of Equity
Future Buffer Strips
Retained Earnings
Net Income
Total Equity
Sponsored by Coborns Liquor, Melrose
Meadowlark Country Club
Thursday,June 18, 2015, 6-8 p.m.
Beer, Wine, Hors d’ouevres
Tickets $20 single,
$35 for two.
Available from any lake
association board director
or Coborns Liquor.
Plan on joining us and greet your
neighbors on Big and Little Birch Lakes.
Last year’s event was another great
success. We look forward to seeing
everyone again this
All proceeds go to
the Big Birch and
Little Birch Lake Associations.
Deep frost pushes shoreline up
We had a sometimes cold and
sometimes mild, snowless winter.
January was a mix of very cold and
lived in Central Minnesota. Finally the
mild weather. The frigid start to the year
woman asked if I knew where Grey Earemained in place more or less for two
gle was. I was stopped in my tracks.
weeks. By mid-month temperatures
The woman had worked for the YWCA
moderated, and we even experienced a
in St. Paul and had spent many summer
full-blown January thaw, which continweeks at the cabin on Sandy Beach
ued through the end of the month, someowned by the YWCA. I told her I was
thing that was missing from 2014. Temthe kid who moved the lawn at the cabin
peratures rose from the mid-thirties to
and helped my dad put in and take out
lower 40’s on a few days.
the dock.
If people were expecting to snowmoThe cabin was known as the Budd
bile, cross country ski or ice skate, they
cabin. Mr. Budd, a railroad executive,
were sorely disappointed in January.
gave the cabin to the YWCA sometime
The warm temperatures melted what
in the 1950’s. I showed the couple some
little snow was on the ground and the
of the photos on the lake association
lake ice became soft on top.
Facebook page, and that helped them
Fishing activity ebbed and flowed
recall the beauty of the lake.
with the weather. In mid-January,
I counted over 40 fishing shacks on
the upper bay, but by the end of the
month there were 30 remaining.
After 17 days of above normal
temperatures, the first day of February reminded us winter was still
here. Without snow cover, the ice
shoved ridges of beach sand further
up the beach than usual. In one
place on the north shore, I counted
four sand ridges ranging from a
foot high to four feet high. There
was some minor damage to restraining barriers. Think of it this
way, the high water of 2014 pulled
lots of beach sand into the lake and
the ice of 2015 brought it back. So
The big story of the past winter was the work the
prepare for some shoveling and
frost did on the shorelines of BBL. See additional
raking when you return to you
photos on the association Facebook page.
cabin in the spring.
Photo by Robert Kutter
I traveled to Baltimore, Maryland, on February, 19, to attend a
conference. The weather was cold and
February was a colder than normal
schools were closed because of the wind
month. In fact, on average it was colder
chill from a minus one temperature. As I
than January. March began in the very
walked into the conference with a couple
same cold that February left us. It was
from Las Vegas, they saw I was from
-15 on the morning of March 5. The
Minnesota and asked where in Minnesecond week of March proved to be the
sota. The couple relayed that they had
direct opposite as a warm front pushed
grown up in St. Paul and raised their
temperatures into the 50’s, 60’s and on
family there but had been residents of
March 15 we had a 70 degree temperaNevada for a long time. I replied that I
ture for a few hours.
Kutter’s Column
The lake ice began to turn gray after
the warm temperatures, which of course
means it was getting fragile. As the ice
turns gray, it absorbs more sunlight and
that warms the water which in turn melts
the ice from the underside.
In mid-March, I often walked past
Bass Creek, which flows from Bass Lake
east of Grey Eagle into the upper bay of
Big Birch Lake. I was struck by the
hundreds of red wing blackbirds that
gathered in the trees along the creek bed
for days on end. They sang continuously
and one could hear them from a quarter
mile away.
After a sometimes cold and sometimes mild snowless winter, the last
day of March was a perfect prelude
to the season ahead. Looking forward to spring and summer will assure us that heaven seems closer in a
house beside the water.
6th Annual BBL
Clean Up Day
9 am to 12 noon,
Sat., June 27, 2015
Rock Tavern parking lot
Provided by Tom’s Refuse
Miscellaneous junk,
old appliances, etc.
Fees for large items.
Call ahead for details
No chemicals, paint or oils accepted.
Big Birch Lake Contributing Sponsors, 2015
The Hub Supper Club
(320 285-4318
Atkinson Well & Pump Ltd.
(320) 836-2597
Freeport State Bank
(320) 836-2126
Hennen Lumber Co.
(320) 836-2135
Hennen Floor Covering
(320) 836-2217
Coborn’s Inc
(320) 256-4444
Coborn’s Liquor
(320) 256-4450
Dan Schmidt Printing, Inc.
Jackie & Joe Tschida
(320) 256-3700
Dymoke Law Office P.A.
Scott & Rachel Dymoke
(320) 256-4205
Engelmeyer Surveying PA
Ronald Engelmeyer
(320) 256-2798
Heartland Security
Tom Marthaler
(888) 264-6380
Joe Helleremann Repair
Joe & Sheila Hellermann
(320) 256-7730
Karen Molitor-Independent Norwex Consultant
Karen Molitor
(320) 256-3068
Kemper Excavating
Bill Kemper
(320) 256-3982
(320) 250-2068
Kraemer Lumber Co. Inc.
Barry Meyer
(320) 256-4275
Little Birch Repair
Gerald Osendorf
(320) 267-9350
Mayers Excavating Inc.
Bob, Mark, & Shawn Mayers
(320) 256-4479
Melrose Plumbing & Heating Services Inc.
(320) 256-5444
Melrose Bakery
David & Sherry Ostendorf
(320) 256-4623
Rahn’s Oil & Propane, Inc
Dave & Lisa Rahn
(320) 256-3680
Scotties Outdoor Services, LLC
Scottie Schmiesing
Scotties Dock & Lift Service (Porta Dock)
(320) 333-6382
Spaeth Sodding & Landscaping, Inc
Rick Spaeth
(320) 256-4634
Steve Schoenberg Construction LLC
Steve Schoenberg
(320) 250-0674
Ernie & Ricky Valencia
Rodney Atkinson
James J. Hemker
Benchmark Real Estate
Judy Frieler
(320) 491-0024
Bitz Hardware Hank
Steve & LaVonne Bitz
(320) 285-2000
Bitz Plumbing & Heating Services, Inc.
Loren Bitz
(320) 285-4875
Central Lakes Landscape & Construction Ken Frieler
(320) 285-5715
Central MN Credit Union—Grey Eagle
Nancy Tschida
(320) 285-2256
Chris’s Country Market
Chris Browen
(320) 285-2600
Clark Station - Grey Eagle Gas & Grocery – Dave & Lisa Rahn
(320) 285-2336
Double “R” Bar & Grill
Bob & Lenore Pallansch
(320) 285-2965
Eagle Fabricating
Tim Ainali
Water Walker Dock Systems
East-West Realty
Brandon Kelly-Broker
(320) 491-6107
Edina Realty
Jeff Piersak
(320) 250-3825
Grey Eagle Electric Inc.
Kevin, Nancy & Darrell Bitz
(320) 815-6333
(320) 285-2626
Guy Waymore’s Boat Storage & Music Emporium
Patrick Braegelmann
(612) 868-8819
Hinman Lawn Service
John & Kathy Hinman
(320) 285-3811
Historic Rock Tavern
Paul & Joan Ellering
(320) 285-3576
Kerzman Construction & Spray – Foam
Jeremy & Larry Kerzman
(320) 285-7785
Lake Country Storage
John & Janet Roe
(320) 285-4965
Kutter Insurance Agency
Michael & Janine Kutter
(320) 285-2299
Marilynn’s Vacations
Marilynn & Leroy Blommel
(320) 285-5595
Sound Force Disc Jockey
John Young
(320) 285-5263
Update Building Supplies
Duane Becker
(320) 285-8085
Our Daily Bread Café
Debra Belman
(320) 285-2800
Cabin Fever Saloon & Eatery
(320) 632-3526
The Outdoor News Inc.
(763) 546-4251
Glenn A Meyer
Centre Sports
Mark & Lisa Fiedler
(320) 351-7669
Felling Trailers, Inc.
Merle & Kathy Felling
(320) 352-5239
First State Bank & Agency of Sauk Centre
(320) 352-5771
Minnesota National Bank of Sauk Centre
(320) 352-5211
Godfather's Exterminating, Inc.
(800) 317-5974
All Stars Sports Bar & Grill
(320) 836-2154
Arnzen Construction, Inc
(320) 836-2284
Linda B’s LTD
(320) 836-2152
St. Rosa Lumber, Inc.
(320) 836-2284
Ron, Midge & Eric Kuehne
(888) 992-7844
Boomerang Marine & Sports
Dick Peifer
(320) 256-4642
Central Minnesota Credit Union—Melrose Corey Sand
(320) 256-4269
DK’S Tree Service & Landscaping
(320) 630-0670
Kim Lykken & Jeron Winter
Mike Arnzen
John Arnzen
Linda Bauer
John Arnzen
David Kuhl
2015 Big Birch Lake Association Members
Anderson, Marge
Anderson, Warren & Chadyienne
Athmann, Judy
Atkinson, Dan & Jan
Atwood, Duane & Cindy DuFrene
Bauer, Lois
Beckermann, Fran & Linda
Beekhuizen, Julie & Steve
Bell, Bradley
Benning, Ken & Mary Pat
Benolken, Susan
Berg, Aaron & Becky
Berg, Andy & Chelsea
Berg, Dwaine & Louise
Berg, Kenneth & Beverly
Bergmann, Ken & Marilyn
Beste, Tom & Julie
Beuning, Judine & James
Bitz, Steve & LaVonne
Blommel Family
Blommel, Leroy & Marilynn
Bohlig, Silverius (Ves)
Bomstad, Gary & Susan
Braegelmann, Patrick & Sandy
Brattensborg, Ruth
Brixius, Bernie & Lisa
Broman, Ruth & Raleigh
Brooking, Betty
Brunner, Paul & Lauri
Bruyere, James & Connie MarksBruyere,
Budde, Sheldon & Joan
Bullock, Louis & Debbie
Bushman, Wayne
Butte, Rick & Colleen
Cahanes, Paul & Roxe
Campbell, Mel & Sherry
Carlson, Allen & Shirley
Carpenter, Todd & Laura
Caspers, John & Allyson
Cavello, Butch & Amy
Cebuhar, Chuck & Mary
Chirhart, Jim & Penny
Chmielewski, Daniel & Barbara
Claussen, Kimberly
Collins, Joyce
Collins, Ken & Margaret
Costello, Kevin & Ann
Czap, Neil & Catherine
Damrow, June & Paul
Davis, Scott & Marjo
Dinndorf, Don & Floss
Dobesh, Jeff & Jill
Doth, Steve & Jean
Dougherty, Joan
Dougherty, Tim
Dubiel, Marvin & Pam
Duclos, Edwin & Verina
Elfering, Evelyn
Elieff, Daniel
Ellering, Ben & Jenn
Enneking, Gene & Cheryl
Enright, Jack & Kay
Erickson, Russ
Ersland, Lynn & Mary Kay
Fehn, Kenneth & Barbara
Felling, Merle & Kathy
Finken, Ida
Flaws, Michael & Marilyn
Fox, Tom & Laurie
Freeman, Dave & Sue
Froehling, Joe & Jeanie
Funk, Robb & Carolyn
Gagne, Robert & Christine
Gerads, Dale & Mary Lou
Gerding, Dewayne & Alvina
Gerdts, Bud & Elaine
Gerner, Robert & Charlene
Gervais, Greg & Cathy
Gordon, Brian & Kirsten
Grossman, Steve & Kathy
Gruenke Family
Hammerstrom, Lee
Hammerstrom, Malia
Hatton, Rene & LuAnn
Heisick, Rosemary
Hellerman, Joe & Sheila
Henderson, John & Mary
Hennemann, Kitty
Henry, Paula
Hess, Herb & Mary Kay
Hinman, John & Kathy
Hinnenkamp, Ebe & Helen
Hinnenkamp, William
Hird, Michael & Cathi Lyons
Hohnenkamp, Hollis
Holthaus, Kenneth & Joan
Hughes, Frank & Bonnie
Hughes, Parry & Kathy
Hughes, Robert & Sally
Humbert, Rick & Lois
Hylden, Thomas & Davis, Shelley
Ingold, Kirk & Mandi
Ingold, Linnea
Jacobsen, James & Marjorie
Jaeger, Dwight & Audrey
Jarsko, Judy
Jepperson, Craig & Mary
Johnson, Adrian & Kathryn
Johnson, Craig & Debra
Johnson, Dale & Janet
Johnson, David & Betty
Johnson, Evelyn
Johnson, Jim & Mary
Johnson, Prudence
Johnson, Ray & Caryl
Kappes, Mike & Jannie
Kaschmitten,Jack & Teresa
Kelly, Brandon , Becky & Finley
Kemper, Jeff & Linda
Kennedy, Dennis
Kerfeld, Art & Rosie
Kerfeld, Don & Diane
Kerfeld, Glenn
Killian, Delores
Kirchner, Jerry & Jonelle
Kirscht, Dwight & Inez
Klaphake, Florian & Doreen
Klaphake, Pam & Steve
Klaphake, Rick & Deb
Klapperich-Straw, Julie
Klasen, Kyle
Klasen, Vern & Marlene
Klocker, Barb
Kluempke, Dave
Kluempke, Jim & Cathy
Kluempke, Sarah & Paul
Klug, Darlene
Knutson, Deb & Schanhaar, Tom
Koch, Bob & Connie
Kollodge, Marvin & Mary Jane
Konsor, Stephen & Karen
Kotsmith, Randy & Karen
Kotsmith, Terry & Sharon
Kraker, Bob
Krig, Gary & Peggy
Kuehne, Ron & Midge
Kuhlmann, Mary
Kutter, Edith
Kutter, Robert & Nancy
Kutter, Lee & Gay
Kutter, Michael
Kutter, Wayne & Sherry
Krig, Gary & Peggy
Kyllo, Carole & Jack
Lafayette Resort
Lambrecht, Paul & Sandra
Larson, Gayle & Lemons, Karen
Larson, Max & Brenda
Larzelere Cabin; Debbie, Jacquie,
Lemiex, BJ
Lieder, Bill & Renee
Lilligren, Kirk & Cathy
Linz, Curtis & Mary
Loehr, Jim & Renee
Mack, Murray & Sue
Maeder, Nik & Brandee
Martin, Julie
Matchinsky, James & Roselyn
McConnell, David & Ann
McQueen, Kathleen
Mehr, Mike & Lori
Mehr, Ralph & Mary Ann
Meyer, Aloys (Red) & Arlene
Meyer, Barry & Stacy
Meyer, Glenn & Dianne
Meyer, Juel
Meyer, Mark H.
Meyer, Roy & Susie
Meyer, Virg & Joyce
Mies, Roger & Mary
Miley, Rod & Nancy
Moening, Lee & Judy
Mohr, Richard & Marilyn
Mohs, Dean & Sandy
Molitor, Jon & Pat
Molitor, Karen & Chick
Moser, Scott & Helen
Nathe, Howie & Renee
Neibling, Peggy
Neville, Jim & Judie
Neville, Steve
Niehaus, Bob & Deb
Niehaus, John & Mary
Niehaus, Tony & Carol
Nohner, Kevin & Mary
Olson, Cathy
Osendorf Rosie & Family
Ostendorf, Mark & Lisa
Ostendorf, Ozzie & Lenore
Ostrem, Justin & Amy
Palmquist, Mary Pluth
Patch, Dick & Lois
Pelo, Rod & Phyllis
Peterson, Tom & Ginger
Phillips, Roger & Rosemary
Piersak, Tom & Jeff
Pladson, Terry & Sue
Plombon, Roger & Gloria
Poganski, Rob & Lisa
Poganski, Joyce
Poganski, Roger & Marcia
Powers, Robert & Kathy
Provinzino, Chuck & Jannine
Rahn, Dave & Lisa
Rasmussen, Steve
Rediske, Marilyn
Reed, Beverly
Renard, Jeanine & Tom
Richardson, David & Anna
Richie, Betty
Rieger, Pamela & Joel
Rieland, Chuck H. & Lucille
Rieland, Matt & Shari
Rieland, Mike & Mary
Rieland, Shirley
Ritter, Greg & Barb
Roe, John & Janet
Roehrl, Mel & Ann
Rose, Herm & Therese
Rose, John & Sharon
Rudolph, Jerry & Deb
Russell, Jim & Mindy
Rutherford, Peter & Laurel
Salwasser, James & Louise
Sand, Dan & Mary
Savage, Bill & Sharon
Schanhaar, Tom
Schestak, Robert & Marilyn AmpeSchestak
Schiemann, Chuck & Ellie
Schlicht, Diane
Schlough, Tom & Joyce
Schmid, Ted & Julie
Schmidt, Tom & JoAnn
Schmit, Nick & Karen
Schnettler, John & Jan
Schnettler, Edmund W.
Schrom, Joyce
Schwantes, Amy & Mike
Schwartz, Dr. Richard & Ellen
Schwartz, Steve & Joann
Schwieters, Chuck & Bea
Sealock, Don & Jennie
Seep, Terry & Kimberly
Seitzer, Jim & Belinda
Shafer, Tom & Bonnie
Sieben, Chris & Ann
Sieben, Russ & Mary
Silbernagel, John & Marie
Sinclair, James & Carolyn
Sinclair, Ken & Jan
Smoley, Greg & Gretchen
Sorenson, Larry & Loanne
Sorenson, Lois
Stalboerger, Lorraine
Steinbring, John & Sandy
Strack, Robert & Laurie
Strait, Peggy
Stueve, Charlie & Doris
Tanner, Ed & Lucy
Taylor, Norm & Mildred
Tembrock, Henry & Marion
Thelen, Steve & Amy
Thieschafer, Beth / Sieben, Kevin
Thieschafer, Joshua & Alicia
Thode, Family of Ed & Barbara
Thome, Scott & Maxine
Thompson, Rod & Sally
Tiemann, George & Lorraine
Tiemann, Modonna
Timmerman, John & Molly
Timp, Art & Jean
Tomsche, David & Molly
Tomsche, Ed & Theresa
Trulson, Kent K. & Loretta
Tweedale, Craig & Mary Lou
Vannatta, Jeremy & Jill
Vener, Mike & Kim
Viere, Kevin & Ann
Waldorf, Gene & Bernie
Waldvogel, Dennis
Walker, Tom
Walters, George & Susan
Wander, Dave & Joan
Warnert, Ron & Lee Meyer
Weitzel, Robert & Jean
Weitzel, John P.& Mary M.
Welle, John & JoAnn
Westbroch, Larry & Diane
Westpahl, Monte & Pat
Wheelock, Brad & Kathy
Wiebolt, Bernard, Dorine & Family
Wolf, Lori
Worms, Tim & Gidlow, Sonja
Wright, Walter & Phyllis
Zaborski, Tom & Julia
Zachman, Jeff, & Linda
Zackoski, Mike & Kim
Zaczkowski, Marie
Zimmerman, Larry & Marion
Memberships received
after March 25, 2015, do
not appear in this issue
of the newsletter.
BBLA monitoring plan continued from page 1
a State requirement that anyone trailering a boat must have taken on-line AIS
training, and received and displayed a
trailer decal. Because of legislative concern about this program, the DNR has
delayed the program and supports several modifications, including one that
would allow a boat owner to take a boat
in and out of the lake on which they own
property without needing a decal. We
will keep you informed of this situation
but it should have no effect for the upcoming boat season.
In other news from St. Paul, the Governor has made a proposal to protect our
waters from excessive phosphorus and
sediment by requiring a 50 foot buffer on
Obituaries continued from page 2
He loved serving the Lord, golfing,
wood working, gardening, working
crossword puzzles, and a good project.
The Lafayette Resort and Apache Wells
held a special place in his heart. He
taught us that family was a priority and
he loved his brothers and sisters; Elaine
Caldis (Gordy), Duane (Ann), Ray
(Caryl), Lee (Betty), Larry (Marilyn),
Brian (Susan), Marna Brown Keith
(Brad), Brad, Larry Chaput. He was
proceeded in death by his parents and
sister, Lynn Engel.
Ben will be remembered as a kind and
gentle man. Those around him recognized his quiet leadership style and his
willingness to put others first. He served
as president of his church councils, The
Lafayette Resort, and Apache Wells
homeowner's association. His patience
and humility will be his legacy. Ben's
final words to us were, "Have fun, have
lots of fun."
Arlene Hiltunen, 86, a resident of Grey
Eagle died February 17 at the CentraCare Health Nursing Home in Long
Arlene Marie was born March 26,
1928, in Millwood Township, Stearns
County to George and Ruth (Murphy)
Ainali. On June 16, 1946 she married
Willard Hiltunen at the Ainali Farm in
Grey Eagle. After their marriage the
couple lived in Little Falls before moving to Grey Eagle and residing at Big
Birch Lake. The couple enjoyed fishing
and she enjoyed listening to Willard
play his concertina and guitar.
Arlene was a member of St. John’s
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Grey
all rivers, lakes and streams. This buffer
proposal would not apply to lake homeowners. As you would expect, not all parties support the above proposal and in our
estimation the proposal may not pass this
session but may have enough support to
eventually be approved in some form.
As we approach the boating season once
again, please remind all your guests to
clean and drain their boats before putting
them in Big Birch Lake and remind your
neighbors to have newly-purchased docks,
lifts, swim platforms, etc., inspected and
decontaminated if they have been in any
other lake within the last 21 days. We all
need to continue our vigilance if we want
our lake to stay free of AIS infestation.
Eagle where she taught Sunday school.
She loved gardening, listening to the radio, quilting and embroidering, reading,
baking, bird watching, attending movies in
Sauk Centre, going on picnics and taking
road trips.
Survivors include her daughter-in-law,
Sandra Hiltunen of Grey Eagle, grandchildren, Kurt Hiltunen of Minneapolis, Shane
Meagher of Circle Pines and Crystal
meagher of St. Michael; greatgrandchildren Austin, Aaron, Julie, Tessa
and Autumn.
Arlene was preceded in death by her husband, son Thomas, and sister Elaine.
AIS continued from page 7
in great numbers to almost any hard AIS
7face—rocks, metal, fiberglass, wood
and other mussels, destroying beaches
and fouling equipment. Dense mats of
Eurasian milfoil interfere with swimming and boating and also shade or
crowd out native plant species. These
mats can interfere with oxygen absorption at the lake surface and help to deplete lakes of valuable oxygen when
they die and decompose each year.
Once these invaders infiltrate a lake, it is
very difficult to get rid of them!
Several speakers at the summit emphasized that the best defense is prevention.
Fortunately, Big Birch Lake (BBL) is
thought to be free of both zebra mussels
and Eurasian milfoil at this time. The
Lake Association has been monitoring
the major lake accesses since the summer of 2013. Trained monitors educate
boaters while performing inspections.
BBL volunteers sample lake vegetation
each summer month, looking for invasives like E. milfoil and Curly-leaf pond
weed. Also, the lake association has
plans to begin water monitoring for zebra mussel larvae and young mussels,
allowing for a rapid response should
they invade the lake. However, the responsibility for lake health lies with all
of us. It’s imperative that we inspect our
boats and equipment, especially if we
travel to other lakes, and encourage our
neighbor and friends to do the same.
Together, we can all work for the protection of BBL.
Big Birch Lake Association Board of Directors
Peter Rutherford, Pres.
John Roe, VP
Janne Kappes, Sec.
Kent Trulson, Treas.
Ken Berg
Laura Carpenter
Steve Doth
Lynn Ersland
Bob Hughes
Deb Johnson
Robert Kutter
Lee Moening
Dean Mohs
Chuck Schiemann
Russ Sieben
Lake Phone
Director At Large
Area E Director
Area I Director
Director At Large
Area F Director
Area A Director
Director At Large
Area H Director
Area G Director
Director At Large
Director At Large
Area J Director
Area D Director
Area C Director
Area B Director
612-578-7298 763-425-3182
320-285-2712 615-890-0991
Big Birch Lake Association e-mail address: bbla@meltel.net
Home Phone
BBL vulnerable to Aquatic Invasive Species
By Debra Johnson
The key message from the State Aquatic
Invaders Summit in October was Minnesota’s vulnerability to invasive species
and the huge danger they represent to our
lakes and rivers.
Minnesota is located at the intersection
of 3 great watersheds: the Great Lakes,
the Mississippi River, and Hudson Bay.
Also, it has 90,000 miles of shoreline,
more than Florida, California, and Hawaii, combined. The chances of many
MN lakes becoming infested with foreign
invaders like zebra mussels, Eurasian
watermilfoil, spiny water fleas, and others are good unless we act to prevent
their spread.
Most of these foreign invaders originate from the Caspian Sea area of E.
Europe and W. Asia. They are very old
species, geologically, and have had eons
of time to develop complex methods to
spread throughout their habitats. For
example, Eurasian milfoil (E. milfoil)
reproduces with flowers and seeds but
also produces many new plants when its
Big Birch Lake Association, Inc.
Report on Activities: Dec, 2014, Jan & Feb 2015
Dec 1,
2014 –
Dec 31,
Membership Dues - Members
Membership Donations- Members
Jan. 1,
2015 –
Jan 31,
Sponsor Dues -
Sponsor- DonationInterest Income
Grant- Stearns Electric Trust
Misc income (building relatedPropane reimbursement to end of yr)
Building / Land (appraised gift value)
Feb 1,
2015 –
Feb 28,
stems are torn into small pieces. Unfortunately, motorboats just facilitate its reproduction. It can spread throughout a lake in
just a few years, and fragments can be carried to other lakes.
A female zebra mussel produces 30,000
to 1,000,000 eggs in a year. When fertilized, these become thousands of tiny
swimming larvae which later drop to the
lake bottom and grow into many new mussels. When these invaders hitchhike to
MN lakes on boats, trailers, and in live
well, bait, or ballast water, they find a new
environment free of their past predators.
Their high reproductive rate coupled with
the lack of native enemies make it easier
for foreign species to colonize MN lakes.
The dangers posed by aquatic invasive
species are manifold. Invasive species are
ecosystem engineers; they rebuild their
habitats to their own advantage. In Mille
Lacs Lake, which is infected with zebra
mussels, spiny water fleas, and E. milfoil,
the walleye population has been declining.
Most of the walleye young that hatch each
year are not surviving even 2 years. A big
part of the problem is thought to be the
presence of the foreign invaders. Zebra
mussels and spiny water fleas disrupt the
food chain by eating plankton which
means there is less food available for small
foraging fish. Also, the zebra mussel filtration increases water clarity which may
help sight-feeding predators to eat young
walleye and perch. Eurasian milfoil floating mats can provide cover for northern
pike to ambush walleye.
Zebra mussels and E. milfoil can cause
other major problems too. Zebra mussel
shells are razor sharp, and they can attach
AIS continues on page 6
Sauk River Watershed (water analysis)
Safety Deposit Box- annual fee
Arvig (Internet)
Building Insurance- Annual Premium
Building Rent July-Dec 2014
Crown Gas
Stearns County COLA- member dues
Postage- Jan Newsletter
Postage- Member / Sponsor Drive
Postage- misc
AIS Summit Registration
Tax Preperation
Misc Expense- BBLA Camera repair
Printing- Newsletter & Membership
The Big Birch Lake Association Newsletter is an official publication of the Big
Birch Lake Association, Inc.
PO Box 342
Grey Eagle, Minnesota 56336
Peter Rutherford, President
Robert Kutter, Editor
E-mail: bbla@meltel.net
Web Site:
DNR Grant- BBLA share of AIS
monitoring cost
Mission: The purpose of the BBLA shall be to
improve and protect water quality, to advance
propagation and habitat of fish and to protect
the welfare of Big Birch Lake and adjacent
PO BOX 342
CODE 56352
18th Annual
12:30 p.m. Sign in
1:30 p.m. Tee off
5:30 p.m. Attitude Adjustment
6:00 p.m. Dinner
$35.00 Entry fee includes golf, carts and dinner
Big Birch Lake Annual Ladies Spring Luncheon
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Rock Tavern
Big Birch Lake
German Rouladen
Spaetzle, Red Cabbage
Vegetable Salad
Fresh Baked Rolls
Black Forest Cake
Coffee—Iced Tea—Soft Drinks
$10.00 Entry fee includes dinner only, no golf and is
non-refundable for no-shows. LIMIT 90 GOLFERS.
Gratuities & Taxes Included
Open bar and social hour at 11:30 a.m.
Lunch at 12:30 p.m.
Please detach entry form below and send to:
P.O. BOX 342
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____ ENCLOSED IS MY CHECK FOR $35.00 GOLF AND
Come meet your friends and neighbors
Please return registration with payment by May 9 to:
(Make checks payable to Big Birch Lake Association)
Marilyn Blommel
Big Birch Lake Association
PO Box 342
Grey Eagle, MN 56336
NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------ADDRESS -------------------------------------------------------------------CITY AND STATE ----------------------------------------------------------
Name _____________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
No. of reservations __________ Phone no. _______________