FREE april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION - 1 t n ame rn 11 1 ou age 5T nP 20 Ad O Win $100! Enter The Bingo Bugle Contest! A New Contest Each Month…See Page 3 April 2015 Santa Barbara/Ventura Counties Vol. XXX No.04 North America’s Bingo & Casino Gaming Newspaper Table of contents Bingo Games Pg# 2015 Bingo Tournament......... 01 & 11 Program Listing...................... 08 & 09 Santa Clara High School.................07 St. Peter Claver................................02 St. Rose Of Lima..............................06 Simi Valley Elks Lodge #2492.........03 Temple Etz Chaim............................12 Ventura Elks Lodge #1430..............03 Where To Get A Bingo Bugle..........04 CASINo Games Pg# Chumash Casino.............................05 Nugget Casino.................................10 Plaza Casino....................................07 CLOSED The following games have reported to the Bingo Bugle that they will be closed on specific dates in April. Thursday, April 2 Simi Valley - St. Peter Claver Thursday, April 9 Thousand Oaks - Temple Etz Chaim open The following game has reported to the Bingo Bugle that it will be closed on a specific date in April. Sunday, April 5 Santa Ynez - Chumash Casino Bingo Betty Fisher a two time winner at the Ventura Elks Lodge #1430. She is taking home $75 from a regular bingo win and $200 from the Bullet Game win. ♥ ♥ St. Maarten ♥ Antigua Bugle Cruise News By Jeffrey Charboneau Special to the Bingo Bugle The 27th Annual World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise sets sail from Florida on November 7th and includes stops at four incredible Caribbean ports: St. Maarten, Antigua, St. Thomas, and Nassau, The Bahamas. Your second port of call is the blissful island of Antigua. A mere 14 miles long and 11 miles wide, Antig ua’s number-one claim to fame is its 365 beaches— one for ever y day of the year—and its exquisite coral reefs, which attract snorkelers and scuba divers from all over the world. But don’t assume that the sea is the only source for adventure in A ntig ua. There’s plenty to do on land as well. The island’s Shirley Heights is made up of an array of gun emplacements and military buildings of historical and military significance and makes for a fascinating tour. The site is equally memorable for its views of English Harbor and the island. Antiguan folk pottery dates back at least to the early 18th century, when slaves fashioned cooking vessels from local clay. Today, folk pottery is fashioned in a number of places around Antigua, but the center of this cottage industry is Sea View Farm Village. The clay is collected from pits, and the wares are hardened in open fires under layers of green grass in the yards of potters’ houses. Harmony Ha ll A rt Ga ller y, in Brown’s Bay, is the center of the Antiguan arts community. Shows change throughout the year, but the annual highlights are the Antigua Artist’s Exhibition and the Craft Fair, both of which take place in November. The sugar mill tower around which Harmony Hall is built has been converted to a tavern and provides patrons with one of the best panoramic views. This charming Museum of Antigua and Barbuda tells the story of Antigua and neighboring Barbuda from its geologic birth through the present day. A cool oasis in the middle of St. John’s, the island’s capitol, the museum contains a wide variety of fascinating objects and exhibitions. Betty’s Hope was the f irst large sugar plantation on Antig ua, and its success led to the island’s rapid development of large-scale sugar production. Although the only surviving structures are two stone sugar mills and the remains of a stillhouse, the site’s importance in Antiguan history prompted the government to develop it as an open-air museum. About a hundred stone windmill towers dot the Antiguan landscape, and the two restored examples at Betty’s Hope provide a dramatic sense of the way these mills dominated the island during the heyday of sugar production. Indian Town Point, on the eastern end of the island, is thought to have been an Arawak campsite prior to the arrival of European colonists. Devil’s Bridge—a large, natural limestone arch on the shoreline of Indian Town Point—offers one of the most spectacular sights on the island. At high tide, ocean waves create enormous geysers of water from boreholes in the rocks near the bridge. Built in the first half of the 18th century, this picturesque Fort James was intended to guard the harbor of St. John’s. Nearby is Heritage Quay, made up of duty-free shops, restaurants, and a casino. Antigua’s most picturesque drive, Fig Tree Drive, meanders from the low central plain of the island and up to the ancient volcanic hills of the Parish of Saint Mary in the island’s southwest quarter. The road passes through an area of lush vegetation and rainforest and rises to the steep farmlands around Fig Tree Hill before descending to the coastline again. Come and experience the many delights of Antigua during the World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise. For more information, please call the Cruise Hotline at 888-352-2464 or visit Jim Mack is a $250 winner on the “Six Crazy Bingo” at the Simi Valley Elks Lodge #2492. $200,000 Super Bingo Play for the big money in Downtown Las Vegas. Plaza Hotel and Casino’s $200,000 Super Bingo event is the perfect way to do it. The next Super Bingo will be on June 7, 8 and 9. They will also have two more events in 2015 and offer discounts for multiple events. Book your seat now by calling 866768-7032. You will receive a free gift with the Early Bird Registration. The $200,000 Super Bingo sells out fast. For more information, please visit w w w.Pla or for more information. Players May Mail In Their Own Coupons Too. T h e Bingo Bugle C o n t e s t awards a variety of prizes each month. Players need only fill in their name, address, phone number and favorite game on the blank coupon on page 3. Coupons are to be deposited at the players’ favorite bingo games. Bingo Managers are then asked to send the coupons to the address: Bingo Bugle Offices P. O. Box 210277 Chula Vista, CA 91921-0277 Players can also complete and mail their coupons to the above address. Coupons have no expiration date. Any coupons not received by the 15th of each month will be held for the next month’s contest. Winners must find their names hidden somewhere in the paper and call the Bingo Bugle office by the 15th of the month to claim their prize, or they will forfeit their prize. Please leave your name, add r e s s a nd phone nu mb e r on the answering machine. The Bingo Bugle of f ices can be reached at 800 233- 4884 or 619- 421-5843. Contest entry implies consent for the $100 winner’s picture. 27TH Annual Bingo Bugle World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise To The Caribbean $100,000 In Prizes! ♥ St. Thomas ♥ For Information, Please Call 888-352-2464 Or Visit ♥ ♥ The bahamas 2 - BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION april 2015 “The Friendliest Bingo In Town!” Thursday Nights In Simi Valley Doors Open 4:30 p.m. Games Begin 6:30 p.m. All Games Always Pay A Minimum of $250 Major Credit Cards Are Accepted. FREE ACROSS 1 Trip to Mecca 5 Inauguration recitation 9 Vacillate 12 Birthright barterer 13 100 percent 14 Have a bug 15 Flowerless plant 16 Blueprint 17 Altar affirmative 18 London gallery 19 Peculiar 20 Leftovers recipe 21 IV measures 23 Ram’s fan? 25 Esprit de corps 28 Automaker’s nightmare 32 Accustom 33 Recipient 34 GI ID 36 Set off 37 Baseball stat. 38 Homer’s neighbor 39 Source of Samson’s strength 42 Scepter 44 Thin streak of smoke 48 Vacationing 49 Michigan, e.g. 50 Between jobs 51 Lummox 52 Shrek is one 53 Spruced up 54 Saute 55 Abacus piece 56 Spread-sheet fill DOWN 1 Weight 2 Cruising 3 Pub missile 4 Mrs. Johnny Cash 5 Go against 6 “- Lang Syne” 7 Merchant 8 Coop dweller 9 Bide one’s time 10 Staffer 11 Candlelight, e.g. 20 Renewed energy 22 Transparent 24 Shoe style 25 Central 26 Yoko of music 27 Bad hairpiece 29 Blackbird 30 Allow 1/2 2 2 3/4 1 1/4 $1,199 The Coverall Starts At 50#’s With 1# Added Each Game Night Not Won. CLOSED - Happy Easter april 9, 16, 23 & 30 Four Hopping Fun Nights Of Bingo Visit Us On Facebook! Corner Of Cochran & Stow Streets In Simi Valley Across From Simi Valley High School — 805-526-2781 — 31 Sheltered side 35 Parking space? 36 “Absolutely!” 39 Horse’s foot 40 Somewhere out there 41 Uncertain 43 Gumbo item 45 Concept 46 Venetian blind part 47 Animal-rights org. 49 High-arc shot #3 $25 Winner - Lauri Jecmen of Camarillo, No Game Listed Progressive Game Always Pays april 2 © King Features Answers To King Crossword St. Peter Claver Bingo K in g C r o sswor d Chicken Salad Dear Julia, Bill and Tracy, Thank you for the notes asking for the missing ingredient in the recipe for my Caramel-Filled Brownies. I forgot to list the one tablespoon of butter under the ingredients portion of the recipe. I apologize for my error. However, it was nice to know that the Bingo Bugle readers are so observant. Thanks again for the help. Annie Dear Ask Annie, My Mot her-i n-law is comi ng for a visit. I want to make her a chicken salad. She always orders it when we go to a restaura nt. Any ideas? Caryl Ann from Des Moine, Iowa Dear Caryl Ann, Ma ny yea rs ago I found t his recipe in a local school cookbook. This Hot Chicken Salad was always a big hit w ith my fr iends and family. —Annie Hot Chicken Salad 2 2 cups diced, cooked chicken cups chopped celery cup toasted almonds, slivered Tbsp. grated onion Tbsp. lemon juice cup mayonnaise cup crushed potato chips cup grated cheese Mi x t he chicken, celer y, a lmonds, onion, lemon juice and mayonnaise in an appropriately sized casserole. Mix potato chips a nd cheese. Spr i n k le over t he chicken mixture. Bake in a preheated 400 deg ree oven for 15 minutes. Serves 6 to 8. Your comments a nd quest ions about cooking and entertaining will be addressed in this monthly column. Write to “Ask Annie” c/o Annie Ennis, 8312 SE 168th Trinity Place, The Villages, Florida 32162. So Ask Annie. Don’t forget you ca n E -ma i l me at And let’s get cooking. april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION - 3 Are You A Winner? The Bingo Bugle Contest awards a variety of prizes each month. Players need only fill in their name, address, phone number and favorite game on the blank coupon on this page. Coupons are to be deposited at the players’ favorite bingo games. Bingo Managers are then asked to send the coupons to our address: Bingo Bugle Offices P. O. Box 210277 Chula Vista, CA 91921-0277 Coupons have no expiration date. Any coupons not received by the 15th of each month will be held for the next month’s contest. Winners must find their names hidden somewhere in the paper and call the Bingo Bugle office by the 15th of the month to claim their prize, or they will forfeit their prize. If there is no answer, leave your name, address, and phone number on the voice activated answering machine. The Bingo Bugle offices can be reached Monday through Friday at 800-233-4884 or 619-421-5843. No purchase is necessary, but you can’t win if you don’t enter. (Please Note: Contest entry implies consent for the $100 winner’s picture to appear in the Bingo Bugle.) St. Peter Claver Player Wins Monthly $100 Contest The Bingo Bugle $100 Contest winner for March is Darlene Stadler. Her name was hidden on page 4. She listed Ventura Elks Lodge #1430 as her favorite game. Married for over 50 years, Darlene has five children. She is retired. How could you be a winner? Just complete the coupon on this page, and turn it in at your favorite game. Only one entry per name, per game, per month will be accepted. The coupons will be sent to the Bingo Bugle office at P. O. Box 210277, Chula Vista, CA 91921. Players June also send in one coupon per month directly to the Bingo Bugle. Entries received by the 15th will be in the drawing. Players must find their name hidden somewhere in the paper and call the Bingo Bugle office, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 800-233-4884 or 619-421-5843 by the 15th of the month to claim their prize. Four prizes are awarded each month. The first prize winner will receive $100. The second prize is $50. The third prize is $25, and the fourth prize is $10. The Bingo Bugle $100 Contest winner for March is Darlene Stadler. All Proceeds From Ventura Elks Bingo Go To Local Ventura County Charities. Ventura Elks Lodge #1430 Monday Nite Bingo Doors Open 4:00 p.m. Early Birds 6:30 p.m. Early Birds Pay $100 Reg. Games Pay $200 Simi Valley Elks Lodge Wed. Bingo Doors Open 4:00 p.m. Early Birds 6:30 p.m. april 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 Doors Prize Drawings Each Week + 5 Players Spin The Wheel Of Fortune — apr. 27 — End-Of-Month Door Prize Drawing All Apr. Attendees Eligible Must Be Present On The 27th To Claim Prize Each Game Night 2 - $250 Blackout Specials 3 - Lightning Games 1 - Winner Take All Game The Smallest Bingo In Town Equals Better Chances To Win! 2126 Knoll Dr., Ventura P 805-642-1467 P i Pull Tabs i Lightning 1561 Kuehner Dr., Simi Valley O 805-522-2492 O Ventura Elks Lodge #1430 Bingo A Ventura Elks Lodge #1430 player, Fabian Stadler is a “Four Corner Stamp Bingo” winner. Debbie Novak is a winner on the “Four Leaf Clover” and on the “Hard Way Bingo” at the Ventura Elks Lodge #1430. This is the first time Wilma Powell won two times in one night at Ventura Elks Lodge #1430. Vickey Butler is a “Double Bingo” winner at the Ventura Elks Lodge #1430. BUGLE WORD GAME Santa Barbara/Ventura Counties Edition (A Subsidiary of J & K Publishing, Inc.) P. O. Box 210277, Chula Vista CA 91921-0277 800-233-4884 ✺ 619-421-5843 ✺ Fax: 619-482-0882 ✺ email: Now Online At Editor/Publisher: kathy Beinlich Verified Circulation - 15,000 The Bingo Bugle is published monthly in major metro-markets throughout the United States. All contents copyright ©1993 by Bingo Bugle, Inc. All rights reserved. Bingo Bugle is an international trademark of Bingo Bugle, Inc. Reproduction or use in whole or part of the contents, without the written permission of the publishers and copyright owners, is prohibited. Notice to Advertisers: Any error should be reported prior to next monthʼs publication. Publisher accepts advertising on condition the Advertiser agrees that at no time shall Publisherʼs liability exceed the cost of the space involved and that Publisher is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Notice to Readers: Publisher accepts no responsibility for ad contents or program changes which Advertisers deem necessary. Win $100! Deposit This Coupon At Your Local Bingo Hall — Please Print Clearly — Name Address CityZip Phone Where do you play Bingo most frequently? Only One Entry Per Person, Per Game, Per Month Will Be Accepted Names of winners #1, #2, #3 & #4 will appear in the next month’s Bingo Bugle. Winners must call the Bingo Bugle by the 15th of the month to claim their prize. Please leave name, phone number and the best time to be reached. Entry in this contest implies consent to photograph $100 Winner. 4 - BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION april 2015 Where You Can Get A FREE Bingo Bugle Renaissance Agoura Hills Hotel Courtyard Camarillo Holiday Inn Express Hotel Residence Inn - Camarillo Agoura Hills 30100 Agoura Road Camarillo 4994 Verdugo Way 4444 Central Avenue 2912 Petit Street Agoura Hills Camarillo Camarillo Camarillo Professional Wash Center Carpinteria 4416 Via Real Motel 6 Santa Barbara - Goleta Goleta 5897 Calle Real Half Century Club Lompoc 341 North N Street Donut Shop West Moorpark Community Center Moorpark 300 W. Los Angeles Ave. 799 Moorpark Avenue A Street Coin Laundry C Street Coin Wash Comfort Inn (near Channel Islands) Courtyard Oxnard Ventura Del Playa Inn Eagles #232 Embassy Suites Family Laundry Glass Bottle Liquor Hilton Garden Inn Launderland Coin Laundry Laundromax Regal Lodge Residence Inn-River Ridge Ros-Eda Motel Oxnard 909 N. Oxnard Blvd. Oxnard 330 South C Street Oxnard 1001 Island View Avenue Oxnard 600 E. Esplanade Drive Oxnard 711 W. Hueneme Road Oxnard 4684 Saviers Road Oxnard 2101 Mandalay Beach Road Oxnard 111 South Rose Street Oxnard 344 South Coast HwyOxnard 2000 Solar DriveOxnard 310 W. Pleasant Valley Road Oxnard 3530 Saviers Road Oxnard 1012 S. Oxnard Blvd. Oxnard 2003 W. Vineyard Avenue Oxnard 1155 Saviers Road Oxnard Carpinteria Goleta Lompoc Moorpark Moorpark America’s Best Value Inn Mom’s Laundromat Seaside Inn & Motel Surfside Motel Port Hueneme 340 E. Pleasant Valley Road 705 East Hueneme Road 645 E. Port Hueneme Road 615 E. Hueneme Road Port Hueneme Port Hueneme Port Hueneme Port Hueneme Agave Inn Best Western Bubbles & Beans Extended Stay America House of Laundry Launderland North Milpas Laundry Spudnuts and Donuts The Sandman Inn Wash 4 Less Yum Yum Donuts Santa Barbara 3222 State Street 2220 Bath Street 1930 De La Vina Street 4870 Calle Real 310 North Milpas Street 2636 De La Vina Street 834 N. Milpas Street 220 West Carrillos #1 3714 State Street 828 Bond Avenue 202 North Milpas Street Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Ocean Gateway Inn Santa Paula Inn Santa Paula 350 S. Peck Road 111 N. 8th Street Best Donuts Best Western Posada Royale Hotel Eastside Donuts Extended Stay America Grand Vista Hotel Hair 4 All Holiday Inn Express J’s Liquor Market Stonegate Laundry Subway Susana Oaks Postal Center Simi Valley 2325 Kuehner Drive 1775 Madera Road 5820 E. Los Angeles Ave. #B 2498 Stearns Street 999 Enchanted Way 1413 Kuehner Drive 2550 Erringer Road 5924 E. Los Angeles Ave. 5702 E. Los Angeles Ave. 5827 E. Los Angeles Ave. 1409 Kuehner Drive Simi Valley Simi Valley Simi Valley Simi Valley Simi Valley Simi Valley Simi Valley Simi Valley Simi Valley Simi Valley Simi Valley Thousand Oaks 1380 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd. Thousand Oaks Ventura 363 N. Ventura Avenue 156 N. Ashwood 1050 Schooner Drive 760 S. Seaward Avenue 5818 Valentine Road 5722 Telephone Road 3237 E Main Street 3075 Johnson Drive 2790 E. Thompson Blvd. #B 2611 E. Thompson Blvd. #102 9286 Telephone Road 2055 Harbor Blvd. Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Ventura Thousand Oaks Coin Laundry Coin Laundry College Square Coin Laundry Four Points by Sheraton Golden China Restaurant La Quinta Inn Ventura Launderland Mission Bell Motel Motel 6 Ventura South Thompson Donuts Thompson Square Wash & Dry Tony’s Burrito Hut Ventura Beach Marriott Santa Paula Santa Paula April 1 - Chumash Casino Resort is located at 3400 E. Hwy. 246 in Santa Ynez. They regularly play bingo on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The $2.00 Sock Promotion Jackpot will accumulate every bingo session until it is hit. In order to buy-in, you must also buy into the $1.00 Daily Sock Promo. The Jackpot applies to the regular session games only. The Super pack buy-in will be $27/$46, twelve regular games will pay $500/$1,000, and the starting time will be 6:00 p.m. on April 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28 and 29. The Super pack buyin will be $27/$46, twelve regular games will pay $500/$1,000, and the starting time will be 1:00 p.m. on April 4 (Saturday) and 18 (Saturday). A FREE dauber will be given to each player present with the buyin (while supplies last) on April 5, Easter Sunday, plus play a Special game for a chance to win Casino FREE Play. The Mini-Marathon will be held on April 5 and 19, and it will include a $64/$102 buy-in, 40 regular games paying $1,199, and a starting time of 1:00 p.m. Blast From The Past Monday will include an $22/$33 buy-in, 12 regular games paying $750 and a starting time of 6:00 p.m. on April 6, 13, 20 and 27 (No Late Birds). If you and a friend buy-in together and sit together, you’ll both be winners if one of you wins on April 7, 14, 21 and 28. Play a Special game for a chance to win $1,099 in Casino FREE Play on April 15. The Haku Special will be played on April 26 when $10,000 must go if it is not won earlier. See their ad for information about FREE shuttle service to the casino. For more information, please call 1-800-CHUMASH or visit ▼▲▼▲ April 2 - Santa Clara High School offers bingo on Thursday nights at 2121 Saviers Road in Oxnard. The doors open at 4:00 p.m. The Early Birds start at 6:30 p.m. If you spend $50 or more, you’ll receive one FREE 4-on-1 with the buy-in all month long. All regular and Special games pay $250 each. The Early Bird games pay $100. They play a $500 Double Action. You could win a Door Prize on the third Thursday of every month. There is a wide variety of Flashboards. Bingo is played on paper only (no machines). ▼▲▼▲ April 1 - The Simi Valley Elks Lodge #2492 plays bingo on Wednesday nights. Located at 1561 Kuehner Drive in Simi Valley, the doors open at 4:00 p.m. The Early Birds start at 6:30 p.m. Door Prize Drawings will be held and five players will spin the Wheel Of Fortune on April 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29. They play Lightning. Pull Tabs are available. ▼▲▼▲ April 2 - St. Peter Claver Bingo is located at the corner of Stow Street and Cochran Street across from Simi Valley High School. The doors open at 4:30 p.m., and the games begin at 6:30 p.m. All games always pay a minimum of $250 each on Thursday nights. The FREE Progressive game always pays $1,199. The Coverall starts at 50 numbers. One number is added each game night that it is not won. They will be CLOSED on April 2 for Easter. #1 $100 Winner - Vivian Gordon of Ventura, Pleasant Valley Senior Center COMING EVENTS You can visit them on Facebook at Major credit cards are accepted. ▼▲▼▲ April 2 - Temple Etz Chaim plays bingo at 1080 East Janss Road in Thousand Oaks. Games start at 6:15 p.m. on Thursday nights. Multiple Socks are possible in April. Each game night, $100 will be put into the Sock, plus $1.00 for each player present. The #1 Sock is at $360+ as of March 26. The maximum for each Sock is $1,199. When a Sock reaches $1,199, a new Sock will start. Each Sock has a separate number. Three Door Prize Drawings, for a FREE $75 buy-in, will be held each game night in April. The Manager’s Special will be on April 2. They will be CLOSED on April 9. Hot dogs will be on the menu on April 16. When you purchase the $55 buy-in, you’ll get $5.00 OFF your buy-in; when you purchase the $75 buy-in, you’ll get $10 OFF your buy-in; and when you purchase the $100 buy-in, you’ll get $15 OFF your buy-in on April 16 for Tax Relief Day. Odd/Even will be on April 23. The End-Of-Month Special Door Prize Drawing, for one month of bingo FREE (a weekly value of $75), will be held on April 30. The winner must be present on the 30th. Attend every game night in April to increase your chances to win. The bingo hall is equipped with Wi-Fi. ▼▲▼▲ April 4 & 6 - St. Rose of Lima Bingo is played on Monday and Saturday nights at 1325 Royal Avenue in Simi Valley. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Games start at 6:30 p.m. The lowest buy-in around is $55. Thirty games pay a minimum of $250 each on both nights. The Monday and Saturday Night Special game pays $250. Both Double Actions pay $250. One FREE Bonus pack will be given with the buy-in on April 6 and 11. You’ll receive 24 Max packs for just $90 on April 6, 13, 18, 20 and 27. One FREE Double Action will be given with the buy-in on April 13. A FREE Special will be given with the buy-in on April 20. Eight players will each win one night of FREE bingo (a $55 value) on April 25 and 27. The Knights of Columbus, Simi Valley Council #5803 will present their 28th Annual Chili Cook-off and Car Show on June 14, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1305 Royal Avenue in Simi Valley. For more information, please email strosebingosimi@aol. com or call 805-526-5565. ▼▲▼▲ April 6 - The Ventura Elks Lodge #1430 plays bingo on Monday nights. Located at 2126 Knoll Drive in Ventura, the doors open at 4:00 p.m. The Early Birds start at 6:30 p.m. They play two $250 Blackout Specials, three Lightning games and one Winner Take All game each game night. The Early Birds pay $100. Regular games pay $200. The EndOf-Month Door Prize Drawing will be held on April 27. The winner must be present on the 27th to claim the prize. All April attendees are eligible. The smallest bingo game in town equals better chances to win. ▼▲▼▲ May 30 - The $100,000 Bingo Blowout will be held on May 30 at Nugget Reno. The doors will Continued on page 7 april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION - 5 April 2015 Happy Easter Mini Marathon SUNDAY – APRIL 5 Starts 1pm. $64/$102 Buy-in with 40 regular games paying $1,199. Play a special game for a chance to win Casino Free Play. Free dauber while supplies last. Bingo Sunday SUNDAY – APRIL 12 Starts 1pm. $27/$46 Buy-in with 12 regular games paying $500 or $1,000. Mini Marathon Sunday SUNDAY – APRIL 19 Starts 1pm. $64/$102 Buy-in with 40 regular games paying $1,199. Haku Special Sunday SUNDAY – APRIL 26 Starts 1pm. $10,000 must go today if not won earlier. $27/$50 Buy-in with 15 regular games paying $1,000. Blast From the Past Mondays MONDAYS – APRIL 6, 13, 20, 27 Starts 6pm. $22/$33 Buy-in with 12 regular games paying $750. Extra packs $3. No late birds. PLANET BINGO 5 New Progressive Jackpots! Have a chance to win on selected 8 regular session Games! $2 SOCK PROMOTION Jackpot accumulates every Bingo session until it is hit and then starts over. In order to buy in you must also buy into the $1 daily sock promo. Jackpot applies to regular session games only. Sales close at the start of the regular session. Buddy Night Bingo Tuesdays TUESDAYS – APRIL 7, 14, 21, 28 Starts 6pm. $27/$46 Super-Pack Buy-in with 12 regular games paying $500/$1,000. Bring a friend, buy in together, sit together, and if either of you win, both of you are winners! Buddy winner will receive $300 in Casino Free Play, multiple winners split, valid on regular session games. 2-for-1 floor sales apply to specials only, excludes Lucky 8’s. Bingo Wednesdays WEDNESDAYS – APRIL 1, 8, 22, 29 Starts 6pm. $27/$46 Super-Pack Buy-in with 12 regular games paying $500/$1,000. Tax Day Relief Special WEDNESDAY – APRIL 15 Starts 6pm. $27/$46 Super-Pack Buy-in with 12 regular games paying $500/$1,000. Play a special game for a chance to win $1099 in Casino Free Play. Matinée Saturdays SATURDAYS – APRIL 4, 18 Starts 1pm. $27/$46 Super-Pack Buy-in with 12 regular games paying $500/$1,000. SHUTTLE SERVICE Oxnard, Ventura Alvand Transportation 805.325.1358 Fillmore, Santa Paula, Ventura, Panorama City Alvand Transportation 805.325.1168 Chatsworth, Thousand Oaks, Woodland Hills, Simi Valley Roadrunner 800.247.7919 ($20 per passenger) Our Bingo Hall is smoke-free. FREE VALET PARKING 800-248-6274 CHUMASHCASINO.COM 3400 EAST HWY 246 SANTA YNEZ CA CASH, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD ACCEPTED AT TIME OF BUY-IN MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER. CHUMASH CASINO RESORT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OR CANCEL PROMOTIONS AND EVENTS. 6 - BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION april 2015 LOWEST BUY-IN AROUND NOW, ONLY B-I-N-G-O On Both Nights, 30 Games Each Pay A Minimum Of Doors Open 4:30 p.m. On Both Nights. Sponsored By The Knights Of Columbus 30 Game Format Starts @ 6:30 p.m. — April 04 — CLOSED - Holy Saturday Happy Easter To All! — April 11 — Get 1 Free Bonus Pack With Buy-In + Door Prize Drawings — April 18 — Purchase 24 Max Packs For Just $90 + Door Prize Drawings Mon. & Sat. Night Special Game Pays $250! $250 Double Action Will Pay $250 Credit Cards Accepted Saturday Night Bingo $55! Monday Night Bingo Sponsored By St. Rose Of Lima School 30 Game Format Starts @ 6:30 p.m. april 04 CLOSED Holy Saturday HAPPY EASTER TO ALL! Thanks… For Making Us The #1 Bingo Hall In Ventura County — April 25 — End-Of-Month Bonanza 24 Max Packs Cost Just $90 Each Monday! — April 06 — Get 1 Free Bonus Pack With Buy-In — April 13 — Get 1 Free Double Action Pack With Buy-In — April 20 — Get 1 Free Special Pack With Buy-In — April 27 — End-Of-Month Bonanza 8 Players Will Each Win A Night Of free Bingo (A $55 Value) 8 Players Will Each Win A Night Of free Bingo (A $55 Value) 1325 Royal Avenue, Simi Valley ✶ 805-526-5565 (Across From Royal High School) Email Address: The Knights of Columbus, Simi Valley Council #5803 Presents Their TH Annual Chili Cook-Off 28th & Car Show June 14, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. • Adult Admission…$6.00 • Senior Admission…$5.00 • All Active Duty Military…FREE • Children (6-12)…$3.00 • Chili Taste Tickets…50¢ Each. Chili Cook-OFF •1st Place Winner…Cash Award + Trophy •2nd Place Winner…Cash Award •3rd Place Winner…Cash Award •“Peoples Choice” Category Winners Will Receive Cash Awards As Well As Trophies •Restaurant Chili Competion. Best Chili In Town! Car Show 12 Categories For Classic Vehicles — Over 125 Cars — •Muscle Cars •Custom Cars •Sport Cars •Street Rods •Special Interest Vehicles •Trucks Trophies & Prizes Awarded To All Category Winners Including Best of Show At 3:30 p.m. Non-Stop Entertainment •Live Remotes With Local TV & Radio •Great Live Bands • Royal High Cheerleaders •Simi Valley Police Department Foundation •West Valley LAPD Equestrian Unit •Plus Much, Much More Food & Craft Booths •Over 80 Vendor Booths •Hamburgers •Polish Sausage •Hot Dogs •Funnel Cake •Beer & Margaritas •Ice Cream •Soda Game Booths & Rides •For Children Of All Ages For More Information Craft & Vendor Registration...805-558-4328 Car Show Registration............805-559-2944 Chili Cook-Off Registration......805-794-0714 Download Registration Forms Or Check Out The Photos From Last Year On Our Website At St. Rose Of Lima School Grounds, 1305 Royal Ave., Simi Valley ✶ 805-208-8970 april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION - 7 The Simi Valley Elks Lodge #2492 Bingo A Simi Valley Elks Lodge #2492 player, Erika Calloway is a winner on a Pull Tab, a “Two Card, Six Pack” and a “Six Card Bingo”. Kevin Kaye is a winner on the “Bow Tie Bingo” at the Simi Valley Elks Lodge #2492. Would Ya’ Believe? Before you ink yourself, you might want to consider this: The cost of removing an unwanted tattoo can be up to 10 times as much as it cost to get the tattoo. …During the Victorian era, a welldressed gentleman was never outdoors without a hat, and most had different hats for different occasions. Of course, the cost of such haberdashery could mount significantly, so one enterprising British soul registered a design (which was much less expensive than registering a patent) for a “duplex hat”—an elaborate contraption that, by means of hidden springs, could convert from a top hat to a bowler to suit the circumstances. …The average American parent gives kids $3.40 from the tooth fairy for each tooth lost. …The first canned meat product, known as Hormel Spiced Ham, was developed in 1937. Several imitators followed, and the executives at the Hormel Company, concerned about the new competition, decided to have a competition to rename the product. The winner, Broadway actor Kenneth Daigneau (and brother to the company’s vice president), won $100 for the winning entry: Spam. …If you’re a pickle-maker in Connecticut, you should know that your product cannot legally be considered a pickle unless it bounces when dropped. …Philadelphia brand cream cheese was originally made in New York. © King Features SantaClara HigH School Thursday Bingo Doors Open 4:00 p.m. Early Birds 6:30 p.m. Reg. Program 7:15 p.m. You Could Win A Door Prize On The Third Thursday Of Every Month! All Reg. & Special Games Each Pay Charlotte Hale (l) got a chance to spin the Wheel at the Simi Valley Elks Lodge #2492. Cindy Friar is a winner on the “Double Small Diamond” and on the “Small Crazy Kite”. $250 Early Bird Games Pay $100 ALL MONTH LONG Spend $50 Or More, And You’ll Get One FREE 4-On-1 With The Buy-in. $500 Double Action! ALL Paper Bingo...No Machines Variety Of Dab & Daub Games Available Wide Variety Of Flashboards 6 - TV Monitors Verifiers Security 2121 Saviers Road., Oxnard Linda Paine(I) and Joycelyn Wiltz are dedicated bingo players at the Simi Continued from page 4 open at 9:30 a.m. Entry tickets are $90 for two packs. EXTRA packs cost $20 each. This event will be played on paper only. See their ad for a complete schedule of games and prizes. Twenty of your favorite Nugget Bingo games will have prizes ranging from $1,199 to $25,000. There will also be several optional buy-in sessions with prizes ranging from $500 to $1,199. There will even be a $15,000 Super Sunday Bingo. All prizes are subject to 1,000 players. There are special room rates for bingo players (subject to availability). For more information, please call 800-8432427, and ask for the Bingo. ▼▲▼▲ June 7 - 9, August 30 - September 1 & November 15 - 17 - The Plaza $200,000 Super Bingo will be held on June 7 - 9, August 30 September 1 & November 15 - 17. Discounts are available for multiple events. A FREE gift will be given for Early Bird registration. Please call 1-866-768-7032 to book now. Please visit www.plazahotelcasino. com for regular daily bingo sessions and payouts. You may also visit them on The continental breakfast and cocktails are FREE. ▼▲▼▲ June 14 - The Knights of Colum- 805-483-9502 Valley Elks Lodge #2492. bus, Simi Valley Council #5803 will present their 28th Annual Chili Cook-off and Car Show on June 14, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1305 Royal Avenue in Simi Valley. The admission will be as follows: Adults - $6.00, Seniors - $5.00, Active Duty Military (with ID) - FREE, and Children (6 - 12) $3.00. Chili Taste Tickets will cost 50¢ each. The 1st Place winner will get a cash award and a trophy. The 2nd and 3rd Place winners will receive a cash award. The Car Show will have twelve categories for classic vehicles including custom cars, street rods, muscle cars, sports cars, trucks and special interest vehicles. Trophies and prizes will be awarded at 3:30 p.m. There will be live remotes with local TV and radio, live bands, the Royal High School Cheerleaders, the Simi Valley Police Department Foundation, the West Valley LAPD Equestrian Unit and more. Over 80 vender booths will have food and crafts for sale. Game booths and rides will be available for children of all ages on June 14, 2015. See their ad for the different registration phone numbers. To download registration forms or to check out the photos from last year, please visit #4 $10 Winner - Florence Sherrick of Ventura, No Game Listed JUNE 7-9, AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 1, NOVEMBER 15-17 BOOK NOW 1-866-768-7032 Discounts Available for Multiple Events Free Gift for Early Bird Registration Visit Our Website for Regular Daily Bingo Sessions and Payouts 1 Main Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 FACEBOOK.COM/Plazahotelandcasino • #plazabingo 8 - BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION april 2015 BINGO BUGLE WEEKLY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDnesday Santa Ynez Santa Ynez Santa Ynez Chumash Casino Bingo 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez 6:00 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash Chumash Casino Bingo 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez 6:00 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash Chumash Casino Bingo 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez 6:00 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash THURSday — Santa Barbara County — — Ventura County — Camarillo Pleasant Valley SENIOR CENTER 1605 E. Burnley, Camarillo 3:00 p.m. (805) 482-4881 Thousand Oaks Goebel Senior Adult Center 1385 E. Janss Road, Thousand Oaks 1:00 p.m. ( 805) 381-2744 Oxnard VenTURA Hobson Way Bingo (SCAI - SOS) Oxnard Performing Arts Center 800 Hobson Way, Oxnard 6:45 Warmies (805) 986-1424 Ventura Bingo Hall The Richard H. Bejune Memorial Foundation 3503 Arundell Circle, Ventura 6:30 EB (805) 658-6674 Simi Valley ST. ROSE OF LIMA CHURCH 1325 Royal Avenue, Simi Valley 6:30 EB (See Ad) (805) 526-5565 Camarillo Pleasant Valley SENIOR CENTER 1605 E. Burnley, Camarillo 12:00 p.m. (805) 482-4881 Oxnard Hobson Way Bingo (VCCOA) Oxnard Performing Arts Center 800 Hobson Way, Oxnard 6:45 Warmies (805) 986-1424 MOORPARK Moorpark Senior Center Bingo (American Legion - Moorpark Post #502) 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark 1:00 p.m. 805-750-0095 Oxnard SANTA CLARA HIGH SCHOOL 2121 Saviers Road, Oxnard 6:30 EB (See Ad) (805) 483-9502 Simi Valley Simi Valley Simi Valley Elks Lodge #2492 1561 Kuehner Drive, Simi Valley 6:30 EB (See Ad) (805) 522-2492 ST. PETER CLAVER 2380 Stow Street, Simi Valley 6:30 p.m. (See Ad) (805) 526-2781 CLOSED Apr. 2 VENTURA Thousand Oaks Ventura Elks Lodge #1430 2126 Knoll Drive, Ventura 6:30 EB (See Ad) (805) 642-1467 TEMPLE ETZ CHAIM 1080 Janss Road, Thousand Oaks 6:15 p.m. (See Ad) (805) 497-6891 CLOSED Apr. 9 BINGO BUGLE WEEKLY Chumash Casino 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash Chumash Casino 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash Chumash Casino 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash Chumash Casino 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION - 9 BINGO Listings FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Santa Ynez Santa Ynez — Santa Barbara County — Chumash Casino Bingo 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez 1:00 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash OPEN Apr. 4 & 18 ONLY Chumash Casino Bingo 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez 1:00 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash OPEN Apr. 5 Astrology april 2015 ARIES Mar. 21 to Apr. 20 Lucky No. 42 - Magic No. 59 1st thru 6th - Uphill until the 5th. 7th thru 12th - Keep it coming to you the 8th$$ 13th thru 18th - RED works 16th-17th! 19th thru 24th - An opportunity for 21st$$$ 25th thru 30th - Surprise awaits you 25th-26th! TAURUS Apr. 21 to May 21 Lucky No. 60 - Magic No. 49 1st thru 6th - Pull it together to win the 1st$$ 7th thru 12th - GREEN’s your power color 11th$ 13th thru 18th - BLUE has hope 14th-15th! 19th thru 24th - Strongly favored the 24th$$ 25th thru 30th - Your best shot 28th/29th$ GEMINI — Ventura County — Camarillo Pleasant Valley SENIOR CENTER 1605 E. Burnley, Camarillo 12:00 p.m. (805) 482-4881 Thousand Oaks Goebel Senior Adult Center 1385 E. Janss Road, Thousand Oaks 1:00 p.m. ( 805) 381-2744 Simi Valley ST. ROSE OF LIMA CHURCH 1325 Royal Avenue, Simi Valley 6:30 EB (See Ad) (805) 526-5565 Thousand Oaks VENTURA Ventura Bingo Hall The Richard H. Bejune Memorial Foundation 3503 Arundell Circle, Ventura 12:30 EB (805) 658-6674 VENTURA Ventura Bingo Hall The Richard H. Bejune Memorial Foundation 3503 Arundell Circle, Ventura 6:30 EB (805) 658-6674 Ventura Bingo Hall The Richard H. Bejune Memorial Foundation 3503 Arundell Circle, Ventura 6:30 EB (805) 658-6674 Lucky No. 17 - Magic No. 64 1st thru 6th - Going your way 3rd and 4th$$ 7th thru 12th - PURPLE is rewarding 12th$$ 13th thru 18th - Put your $$ on RED 16th-17th!$ 19th thru 24th - Get busy the 21st! 25th thru 30th - Your fire is stoked 25th-26th$$! CANCER June 22 to July 22 Lucky No. 4 - Magic No. 20 1st thru 6th - Engaged to win 1st and 6th$ 7th thru 12th - Back off a bit until the 10th. 13th thru 18th - Winning by osmosis 14th-15th$ 19th thru 24th - Good fortune the 19th!$ 25th thru 30th - Concentrate the 28th and win$ LEO July 23 to Aug. 23 Goebel Senior Adult Center 1385 E. Janss Road, Thousand Oaks 1:00 p.m. ( 805) 381-2744 VENTURA May 22 to June 21 Lucky No. 11 - Magic No. 65 1st thru 6th - You know how to do it 3rd-4th! 7th thru 12th - Put it on RED 8th/9th$ 13th thru 18th - You’re number one 16th-17th! 19th thru 24th - Some possibilities the 21st. 25th thru 30th - Make yourself proud the 26th! VIRGO Aug. 24 to Sept. 23 Lucky No. 27 - Magic No. 1 1st thru 6th - You can’t lose 1st-2nd$$ 7th thru 12th - Smashing good time 10th-11th! 13th thru 18th - Sluggish after the 15th. 19th thru 24th - Look at 23rd/24th to win$ 25th thru 30th - Right up your alley the 28th! LIBRA Sept. 24 to Oct. 23 Lucky No. 71 - Magic No. 9 1st thru 6th - Odds are in your favor 3rd-4th! 7th thru 12th - Looking great 8th/9th$$ 13th thru 18th - Wise connections 12th-13th!$ 19th thru 24th - GREEN/PURPLE best 21st$ 25th thru 30th - Give it a go 26th-27th! SCORPIO Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 Lucky No. 14 - Magic No. 28 1st thru 6th - Out of this world 1st/2nd$!! 7th thru 12th - Your pockets are full 10th/11th$$ 13th thru 18th - BLUE brings $$ 14th-15th! 19th thru 24th - Healthy win 23rd-24th$$ 25th thru 30th - Slick strategy 28th/29th! Between April 13 to 18, please report any changes or information on special events for the May issue of the Bingo Bugle. SAGITTARIUS Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 Lucky No. 5 - Magic No. 23 1st thru 6th - You can pull it off 3rd/4th$ 7th thru 12th - Wake up and win the 8th! 13th thru 18th - Bet your bottom $ the 17th! 19th thru 24th - Some highlights the 22nd. 25th thru 30th - YELLOW shines 25th-26th$$ CAPRICORN Dec. 22 to Jan. 20 casino Listings Chumash Casino 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash Chumash Casino 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash Chumash Casino 3400 East Hwy. 246, Santa Ynez Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 1-800-Chumash Lucky No. 75 - Magic No. 46 1st thru 6th - Fabulous 1st and 6th! 7th thru 12th - You got it going on 10th-11th!$ 13th thru 18th - Uncanny luck 14th-15th$$ 19th thru 24th - Better than most 18th-19th$! 25th thru 30th - You make it look easy 28th. AQUARIUS Jan. 21 to Feb. 19 Lucky No. 61 - Magic No. 3 1st thru 6th - Nicely done 3rd/4th! 7th thru 12th - You’re RED hot the 8th!$ 13th thru 18th - Be next in line 16th-17th! 19th thru 24th - ODD chance to win 21st$ 25th thru 30th - It’s a breeze the 30th$$ PISCES Feb. 20 to Mar. 20 Lucky No. 31 - Magic No. 57 1st thru 6th - Show them your stuff 5th/6th$$ 7th thru 12th - Get real and win 10th/11th$$ 13th thru 18th - It’s a “maybe” the 15th. 19th thru 24th - Bountiful w/BLUE 23rd-24th$$ 25th thru 30th - Hang around to see $ 27th. 10 - BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION april 2015 or at home using a portable device. Treatment Options Sleep Apnea Dear Savvy Senior, W hat ca n you tel l me about sleep apnea? My husband, who’s 60, has become such a terrible snorer he wa kes himself up at night, and he keeps me up too. Sleepy Shelly Dear Shelly, If your husband is a loud snorer who wakes himself up during sleep, he probably needs to be tested for sleep apnea, a dangerous disorder that affects around 22 million Americans—and most don’t even know it. Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes a person to stop breathing during sleep, dozens and even hundreds of t i mes dur i ng t he night for up to 30 seconds at a time. Left untreated, it can cause extreme daytime sleepiness, as well as a host of serious health conditions like high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure, diabetes, depression a nd gast roesophageal ref lux disease. In fact, it’s estimated that every year, around 38,000 A mer ica ns die in their sleep from a hea r t att ack or stroke because of sleep apnea. But the good news is that sleep apnea is very treatable and most insurance companies, including Medicare, cover it. Who Has It? THE Bingo Bugle NEWPAPERS Hotlines & information numbers ARIZONA ✆ Phoenix....................... (830) 885-4818 ✆ Tucson........................ (520) 797-6555 CALIFORNIA ✆ Central [8 am-8 pm].... (559) 323-2122 ✆ Los Angeles................ ✆ Oakland/East Bay....... (925) 829-2009 ✆ Orange County........... ✆ Sacramento................ (916) 421-5512 ✆ San Bernardino........... ✆ San Diego County..........(619) 421-5843 from 858 & 760 area codes (800) 233-4884 ✆ San Francisco............. (925) 829-2009 ✆ San Jose..................... (925) 829-2009 ✆ Santa Barbara/Ventura Counties ................................ (619) 421-5843 or from 805 area code... (800) 233-4884 ✆ Marin, Sonoma, Lake, Napa & Solano Counties.................. (925) 829-2009 COLORADO ✆ Denver........................ (303) 458-6601 FLORIDA ✆ Cape Coral/Ft. Meyers.. (239) 945-4830 ✆ Tampa/St. Petersburg.... (954) 776-3322 ✆ Central/East Coast..... (954) 776-3322 Georgia....................... (404) 731-6552 IOwa.............................. (309) 333-5891 IDAHO................. ........... (888) 478-3088 ILLINOIS ✆ Chicago...................... (708) 579-3629 ✆ Rockford..................... (815) 547-1096 ✆ South Chicago............ (800) 938-1285 ✆ Central and S. Illinois and E. St. Louis......... (800) 338-9584 INDIANA ✆ Indianapolis Metro and Fort Wayne Metro.... (765) 348-2859 ✆ Northwest Indiana....... (800) 938-1285 KANSAS........................ (785) 654-3939 MAINE............................ (207) 883-4582 MARYLAND ✆ South Maryland........... (540) 943-0898 MICHIGAN..................... (616) 784-9344 MINNESOTA.................. (651) 600-9019 MISSOURI ✆ West Missouri............. (816) 822-1940 NEVADA......................... (702) 269-3300 New Hampshire......... (603) 382-4800 New Mexico................ (866) 443-4373 NEW YORK ✆ Western...................... (716) 829-7309 ✆ Syracuse..................... (315) 451-1071 ✆ Long Island................. (516) 797-0224 OHIO ✆ Cleveland/Akron......... (877) 210-5700 ✆ Columbus................... (877) 210-5700 ✆ North Central Ohio...... (877) 210-5700 OREGON ✆ Portland Metro............ (360) 798-0391 ✆ Oregon........................ (888) 478-3088 TEXAS ✆ Austin.......................... (830) 885-4818 ✆ Houston...................... (800) 459-9558 ✆ San Antonio................ (830) 885-4818 VIRGINIA ✆ Richmond/Petersburg.... (804) 615-6977 ✆ Lynchburg, Roanoke... (434) 239-3072 ✆ Norfolk........................ (800) 938-1285 WASHINGTON ✆ Seattle, Everett............. (206) 453-5756 ✆ Tacoma....................... (360) 798-0391 ✆ Vancouver & SW Washington........ (360) 798-0391 ✆ Eastern Washington... (888) 478-3088 WASHINGTON D.C........ (804) 615-6977 WISCONSIN................... (414) 327-0705 There are three types of sleep apnea: obstructive, central and mixed. Of the three, obstructive sleep apnea is by fa r the most common, and occurs when the throat muscles relax during sleep blocking the airway. While anyone can have it, sleep apnea is most common in people who are overweight, male, middle-aged and older. For women, the risk rises after menopause. The sy mptoms i nclude loud snor ing (however not ever yone who snores has apnea), long pauses of breathing, gasping or choking during sleep and daytime drowsiness. Because most of these symptoms happen during sleep, most people don’t recognize them. It’s usually the person they’re sleeping with who notices. Get Help To help you get a ha ndle on your husba nd’s problem, t he American Sleep Apnea Association has several quick diagnostic tests he can take at—click on “diagnosis and treatment.” If you suspect a problem after taking these tests, he should tr y some self-help measures, including: Sleeping on his side or stomach: This will help keep his air ways open. To promote side sleeping, there are products available that can help like the Rematee Bumper Belt ( and Sona Pillow ( L osi ng weight: Excess body weight, especia l ly a round t he neck, puts pressure on the airway, causing it to partially collapse. Even a slight weight loss may help. If his problem persists, make an appointment with his primary care doctor or a sleep specialist who will probably recommend an overnight diagnostic sleep test, which can take place at a sleep center (see, If he is diagnosed with apnea, the most commonly prescribed treatment is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. This involves sleeping with a snorkel-like mask that’s hooked up to a machine that gently blows air up your nose to keep the passages open. A not her less i nvasive t reatment option is Provent therapy ( This is a small, disposable patch that fits over each nostril to improve airf low. A 30 -day supply of these prescr iption-only patches cost $65 to $90, but unfortunately, it’s not currently covered by insurance or Medicare. If the CPA P or nasa l patches aren’t an option, an oral appliance that fits into the mouth like a removable mouth g uard may be the solution. Oral appliances work by positioning the lower jaw slightly forward to keep the airway open during sleep. If these don’t work, there are also a variety of surgical options available to help keep the throat open and prevent blockages. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit www.SavvySenior. org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of The Savvy Senior book. Morning Glory Muffins We took t he ult i mate brea kfast muffin and made it healthier by reducing the calories and fat. With a few t wea ks, each lightened-up muffin has 75 fewer calories, 5.5 grams less fat and half the cholesterol of the original! 1 1/4 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/3 2/3 1/4 1/4 2 1 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour teaspoon baking powder teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt teaspoon ground cinnamon cup old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats, uncooked cup nonfat (skim) milk cup applesauce, unsweetened cup packed brown sugar cup light (mild) molasses tablespoons canola oil large egg medium carrots, shredded (1.5 cups) cup prunes, chopped 1. P reheat oven to 40 0 F. Grease 12 standard muffin-pan cups or line cups with f luted paper liners. 2. In a la rge bowl, whisk to gether flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon; stir in oats. In medium bowl, w ith fork, mix milk, applesauce, brown sugar, molasses, oil and egg until blended; stir in carrots and prunes. Add applesauce mixture to f lour mixture; stir just until flour is moistened. 3. Spoon batter into prepared muff in-pan cups. (Muff in cups will be full.) Bake 23-25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of a muffin comes out clean. Immediately remove muffins from pan. Serve warm, or cool on wire rack to serve later. #2 $50 Winner - Charles Donnel of Camarillo, No Game Listed april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION - 11 JOIN US ABOARD THE BREEZE AND PLAY FOR 100,000 IN CASH & PRIZES $ EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Book By February 6, 2015 The Bingo Bugle World Championship 27THAL ANNU BINGO TOURNAMENT & GAMING CRUISE Sail From Miami to the Exotic Eastern Caribbean aboard Carnival Breeze! NOVEMBER 7, 2015• 8 DAY CRUISE St. Maarten • Antigua • St. Thomas USVI • Nassau, The Bahamas Bask in the Caribbean sun as you experience eight exotic, carefree days of luxurious ocean adventure during the 2015 Bingo Bugle World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise. Compete for fantastic cash prizes, tour incredible ports of call and enjoy luxurious, pampered living aboard the exquisite Carnival Breeze. With more than $100,000 in combined cash and prizes to be given away, you won’t want to miss a moment of this amazing travel and gaming experience! Twenty-seven years of experience guarantees that the Bingo Bugle knows just how to bring you the best of Bingo. Our courteous, friendly and experienced staff members offer early bird Bingo and special games in addition to the World Championship Tournament games. Don’t Miss The Fun! Call toll-free to reserve your place today! (888) 352-2464 Join us on Facebook at 12 - BINGO BUGLE - SANTA BARBARA/VENTURA COUNTIES EDITION april 2015 Temple Etz Chaim’S Thursday Bingo Doors Open 4:00 p.m. Games Start 6:15 p.m. April 16 - Tax Relief day With the $55 buy-in, You’ll Get $5 OFF Your Buy-in With the $75 buy-in, You’ll Get $10 OFF Your Buy-in With the $100 buy-in, You’ll Get $15 OFF Your Buy-in Multiple Socks Possible Winners Possible Each Game Night. $100 Will Be Put Into The Sock Each Night, Plus $1.00 For Each Player Present. #1 sock $360+ As Of 3/26/15 The Maximum For Each Sock Is $1,199. When A Sock Reaches $1,199, A New Sock Will Start. Each Sock Has A Separate Number. All Games, Including Early Birds, Pay April 02 - Manager’s Special April 09 - CLOSED April 16 - Hot Dogs On The Menu April 23 - Odd/Even April 30 - End-Of-Month Special Door Prize: $250 Each Night You Play, You Will Be Eligible To Win A Month Of Bingo FREE (A Weekly Value Of $75) u All April Attendees Eligible To Win u Must Be Present On The 30 th To Claim The Prize Three Door Prize Drawings For A FREE $75 Buy-in Each Week April 9 closed The Bingo Hall Is Equipped With Wi-Fi. ® 1080 E. Janss Rd., Thousand Oaks u 805-497-6891 u
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