FREE april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION - 1 nt name ur e 14 o ag 5 T On P 1 0 2 Ad Win $100! Enter The Bingo Bugle Contest! A New Contest Each Month…See Page 5 april 2015 San Diego County Vol. XXXIV No. 04 ® North America’s Bingo & Casino Gaming Newspaper Table of contents Friday Is Back 2015 Bingo Tournament ............................ 01 & 14 Classified Ads.....................................................08 Encinitas Elks Lodge #2243...............................08 First Samoan Church S. D...................................05 Good Shepherd...................................................03 Japanese American Cultural Center.....................08 Mission San Luis Rey.........................................03 MITE, Inc..............................................................10 Most Precious Blood Church..............................05 North County Alano Club....................................15 Oceanside Elks Lodge #1561.............................08 Poway Senior Center..........................................09 Program Listing......................................... 16 & 17 St. Columba.........................................................03 St. Martin’s Church.............................................06 St. Mary Magdalene............................................19 St. Peter Chaldean..............................................06 United Portuguese Hall.......................................09 USS Midway Museum.........................................18 Vista Elks Lodge #1968......................................08 MITE, Inc. Bingo is located at 1365 N. Johnson, Suite 110 in El Cajon. Friday night bingo had been closed in March, and Sunday had a grand opening on March 1. Now, Sunday is closed, and Friday is back in April. They play on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights with games starting at 6:00 p.m. Over $20,000 is given away each week. The free Progressive Jackpot is always at $1,199. A consolation prize (one night of FREE bingo) will be given if the Jackpot is not won. The count starts at 50 numbers. The $500 Flashboards are sold all night long each game night. The End-Of-Month Drawings will be held on April 24, 25, 27 and 30 when three lucky players will be selected to spin the Wheel. Bingo Games CASINo Games Pg# Pg# Nugget Casino.....................................................07 Pechanga Casino................................................12 Plaza Casino...................................................... 10 Station Casinos.................................................. 11 Sycuan Casino................................................... 20 Viejas Casino..............................................02 Bingo Manager Rachel Lopez and volunteer Mike Hauptmann help make Most Precious Blood Church in Chula Vista a success. CLOSED Sunday, April 5 North County - Oceanside Elks Lodge #1561 Friday, April 24 San Diego - St. Columba Church The following games have reported to the Bingo Bugle that they will be closed on specific dates in April. Wednesday, April 1 East County - St. Martin’s Church Thursday, April 2 North County - Good Shepherd Friday, April 3 San Diego - St. Columba Church Saturday, April 4 North County - Mission San Luis Rey This year, there have been numerous MPBingo® Jackpot wins for thousands of dollars, but this recent MPBingo® Jackpot is certainly a life-changer. On March 18, Roberta H. is the Blue Progressive Jackpot for $263,615 at Sycuan Casino, playing Planet Bingo’s® MPBingo®. “One of the greatest things about our business are moments just like this”, said Dave Forman, the VP and co-founder of Planet Bingo®, who ♥ ♥ St. Maarten was actually on-hand to congratulate the winner. Dave was present at the very first MP Bingo® Blue Jackpot 17 years ago. MPBingo® gives players a chance to win 5 Progressive Jackpots during most regular session bingo games. MPBingo® can be played on paper, electronics or both. See more winners at For more information about Sycuan Bingo, please call 1-800-2-SYCUAN or visit Daniel Reedy Jr. is the big winner at Sunset Station during Station Casinos’ $600,000 Big Bingo Weekend IV. He traveled to Las Vegas with open The following games have reported to the Bingo Bugle that they will be open on a specific date in April. Sunday, April 5 East County - Sycuan Casino Bingo, Viejas Casino Bingo North County - North County Alano Club Temecula - Pechanga Casino Bingo his wife, Tammarica. They are going back to Casper Wyoming with $25,000. 27TH Annual Bingo Bugle World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise To The Caribbean ♥ Antigua $100,000 In Prizes! ♥ St. Thomas ♥ For Information, Please Call 888-352-2464 Or Visit ♥ ♥ The bahamas 2 - BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION april 2015 Find us on: Viejas Casino & Resort • 5000 Willows Road, Alpine, CA 91901 • 619.445.5400 Earn drawing entries based on Bonus Pack purchase. Must have minimum electronic buy-in to participate. Exclusions apply. See a Bingo associate for details. Seating is limited. Viejas Casino may alter or cancel any event or promotion without notice. Please play responsibly. For help with problem gambling, call 1-800-426-2537. ©2015 Viejas Casino & Resort, Alpine, CA. april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION - 3 K ing Cro ssw o rd Doors Open 8:00 a.m. Games Start 10:30 a.m. All Regular Games Pay A Guaranteed $250 ! $1,199 Progressive Jackpot FREE With Buy-in april 4 Progressive Jackpots: Play CLOSED For Easter $500 Texas Blackout Missi Ballon $500 Double Action Early Bird, Double Action & Texas Blackout Sell For Only $1.00 Each We Now Play All Paper...No Machines 4070 Mission Ave., Oceanside 760-757-3250 OR 760-439-6700 fill DOWN 1 Weight 2 Cruising 3 Pub missile 4 Mrs. Johnny Cash 5 Go against 6 “- Lang Syne” 7 Merchant 8 Coop dweller 9 Bide one’s time 10 Staffer 11 Candlelight, e.g. 20 Renewed energy 22 Transparent 24 Shoe style 25 Central 26 Yoko of music 27 Bad hairpiece 29 Blackbird 30 Allow 31 Sheltered side 35 Parking space? 36 “Absolutely!” 39 Horse’s foot 40 Somewhere out there 41 Uncertain 43 Gumbo item 45 Concept 46 Venetian blind part 47 Animal-rights org. 49 High-arc shot #4 $10 Winner - Marian Moore of San Diego, St. Rita’s Church 1/2 2 2 3/4 1 1/4 Chicken Salad Dear Julia, Bill and Tracy, Thank you for the notes asking for the missing ingredient in the recipe for my Caramel-Filled Brownies. I forgot to list the one tablespoon of butter under the ingredients portion of the recipe. I apologize for my error. However, it was nice to know that the Bingo Bugle readers are so observant. Thanks again for the help. Annie Dear Ask Annie, My Mot her-i n-law is comi ng for a visit. I want to make her a chicken salad. She always orders it when we go to a restaura nt. Any ideas? Caryl Ann from Des Moine, Iowa Dear Caryl Ann, Ma ny yea rs ago I found t his recipe in a local school cookbook. This Hot Chicken Salad was always a big hit w ith my fr iends and family. —Annie Hot Chicken Salad 2 2 Mission San Luis Rey Parish wednesday & saturday Bingo Doors Open 9:00 a.m. Games Start 11:30 a.m. Answers To King Crossword ACROSS 1 Trip to Mecca 5 Inauguration recitation 9 Vacillate 12 Birthright barterer 13 100 percent 14 Have a bug 15 Flowerless plant 16 Blueprint 17 Altar affirmative 18 London gallery 19 Peculiar 20 Leftovers recipe 21 IV measures 23 Ram’s fan? 25 Esprit de corps 28 Automaker’s nightmare 32 Accustom 33 Recipient 34 GI ID 36 Set off 37 Baseball stat. 38 Homer’s neighbor 39 Source of Samson’s strength 42 Scepter 44 Thin streak of smoke 48 Vacationing 49 Michigan, e.g. 50 Between jobs 51 Lummox 52 Shrek is one 53 Spruced up 54 Saute 55 Abacus piece 56 Spread-sheet © King Features cups diced, cooked chicken cups chopped celery cup toasted almonds, slivered Tbsp. grated onion Tbsp. lemon juice cup mayonnaise cup crushed potato chips cup grated cheese Mi x t he chicken, celer y, a lmonds, onion, lemon juice and mayonnaise in an appropriately sized casserole. Mix potato chips a nd cheese. Spr i n k le over t he chicken mixture. Bake in a preheated 400 deg ree oven for 15 minutes. Serves 6 to 8. Your comments a nd quest ions about cooking and entertaining will be addressed in this monthly column. Write to “Ask Annie” c/o Annie Ennis, 8312 SE 168th Trinity Place, The Villages, Florida 32162. So Ask Annie. Don’t forget you ca n E -ma i l me at And let’s get cooking. Good Shepherd’s Thursday Night Bingo 8200 Gold Coast Dr., S.D. ❖ 858-271-0992 (On Thurs. Nites…Ext. 213) Doors Open 5:00 p.m. Weekly Payout W/Pull Tabs $7,000+ Play Starts 6:45 p.m. FREE Progressive Always Pays $1,199 Regular Games & Early Birds Pay $250 Each Speedies Each Pay $50 CLOSED - April 2 Holy Thursday Think About It, We Have... 1) Better Odds To Win 2) Great Prizes 3) Fun Volunteers 4) Fantastic Players ❖ Birthday Week Special: Get A $5 Discount With ID ❖ Monitors ❖ Electronic Verifier ❖ Door Prizes ❖ Pull Tabs ❖ Snack Bar St. Columba’s Friday Bingo Doors Open 4:00 p.m. Packet sales start 4:30 p.m. Guaranteed Early Bird $1-Flashboard Game Payout Of $1,199 Guaranteed First Friday Of The Month Early Bird $2-Flashboard Game Payout Of The Count Is At 52#’s As Of 3/27/15 c Starts At 50#’s & 1# Is Added Each Game Night Not Won. c A $50 Consolation Prize Given From 50#’s Through 54#’s. c A $100 Consolation Prize Begins At 55#’s. $200 All Regular & Special Games Pay Buy 1 Full Pack, Get A FREE Half Pack For Each New Guest. Games Start 6:30 p.m. FREE Jackpot Is Always $100 $250 Early Bird 6:15 p.m. april 3 & 24 CLOSED april 10 & 17 King & Queen Selected + Door Prize Drawings 1 FREE Half Pack With 1st Full Pack Purchased If It’s Your Anniversary Or Birthday ➥ Large Variety Of Flashboards ➥ 1 Regular Intermission + 2 Extra Shorter Intermissions ➥ Dinner Menu With Salad + Usual Hot Grill Items & Snacks 3327 Glencolum Drive San Diego ❖ 858-277-3863 ❖ — Star Pack Prices — 1 Pack...............................$12 2 Packs.............................$22 3 Packs.............................$27 4 Packs.............................$32 5 Packs.............................$37 4 - BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION april 2015 April 1 - Encinitas Elks Lodge #2243 is located at 1393 Windsor Road in Cardiff. The doors open at 4:00 p.m., and the Early Birds begin at 6:30 p.m. Raffles are held on Wednesday nights. Bonus Ball (option $1.00 buy-in), Double Action and a FREE Progressive game are played. Flashboards are available. See their ad for a map. ▼▲▼▲ April 1 - Most Precious Blood Church plays bingo on Wednesday nights at 1245 Fourth Avenue in Chula Vista. The doors open at 3:30 p.m. The games begin at 6:00 p.m. The FREE Progressive always pays $1,199. The count is at 60 numbers as of April 1 if it is not won sooner. The Powerball is at $2,100 as of April 1 if it is not won sooner. All regular games pay $250. Their Anniversary will be in May. ▼▲▼▲ April 1 - Pechanga Resort and Casino is located at 45000 Pechanga Parkway in Temecula. They play bingo seven days a week. Sales start at 9:00 a.m., and the session begins at 10:00 a.m. on Monday - Saturday for the Morning Matinee. Sales start at 11:30 a.m., and the Early Birds begin at 1:00 p.m., Monday - Saturday, for the Matinee. Sales start at 4:30 p.m., and the Early Birds begin at 6:30 p.m., Monday - Saturday, for the Evening session. The sales start at 11:30 a.m., and the Star-T Ups begin at 1:00 p.m. on Sundays for the Mega Matinee. Easter Bunny Basket Drawings will be held on April 5. The Cosmik Bingo Burlesque Bingo will include bingo at 11:00 p.m., music, dancing, a full bar and games on April 25. The buy-ins will be $15 for paper and $25 & $45 for electronic. See their ad on page 12 for the April Specials. Club membership is required for all promotions in the bingo hall. Their Mother’s Day Bash will be held on May 10 when over $30,000 must go in cash and prizes. The sales will start at 10:00 a.m., the Warmups will begin at 2:00 p.m., the Early Birds will start at 2:30 p.m. and the regular session will begin at 3:00 p.m. The following games will be Must Go Per Game: Warmups (5 games) - $200, Early Birds (5 games) - $500, regular session (10 games) - $1,199, Pechanga P $2,500, Bonanza - $2,500, Super Jackpot - $2,500, Double Take Special - $2,500, Pick 8 - $2,500 and Pot Of Gold - $1,000. Presale is available now at Pechanga Bingo, or call 1-855-WE-BINGO to pre-sale over the phone. You can experience bigger jackpots with MPBingo for your chance to win five big Progressive Jackpots. For more information, please visit www. or call 855-WEBINGO. You must be 21 or older to enter the bingo hall when bingo is in play. ▼▲▼▲ April 1 - St. Martin’s Bingo plays on Wednesday nights at 7710 El Cajon Boulevard in La Mesa. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. Three Early Birds start at 6:00 p.m. Over $4,000 is paid out weekly. All regular games pay $250. The $1,199 Jackpot game is FREE with buy-in. It is at 62 numbers as of March 25. Each game night in April, $100 in Door Prizes will be given away. They will be CLOSED on April 1 for Holy Week. Each COMING EVENTS player present will receive two FREE Bonanzas with the buy-in on April 8. Each player present will receive a 4-On-1 Special with the buy-in on April 15. Good Neighbor Night will be on April 22. The End-Of Month Drawing will be held on April 29 from April receipts. The winner must be present on the 29th. They have Bonanzas and Breakopens. A snack bar and security patrolled parking are provided. See their ad for pack prices. ▼▲▼▲ April 1 - Sycuan Resort and Casino hosts bingo daily. The bingo times are: Matinee I at 9:30 a.m., Matinee II at 11:45 a.m. and a Matinee III at 2:00 p.m. The Evening session starts at 6:15 p.m. They are located at 5469 Casino Way in El Cajon. After a player wins bingo on any regular game, the next ball that appears on the monitor will be called the Foolz Ball on April 1, April Fools Day. The player, who bingos on the Foolz Ball, will win 5x the number on the ball during Matinee I and II sessions on April 1. The player, who bingos on the Foolz Ball, will win 10x the number on the ball during the Evening session on the 1st. When you purchase the minimum buy-in for electronics, you’ll receive 60 FREE Level I electronic cards during all sessions on April 5, Easter Sunday. Two rows will win extra PHD regular game cards before each session begins on the 5th. PHD Table Giveaway Drawings will be held, and one electronic buy-in will be half OFF during all sessions on April 15. A FREE gift will be given with the buy-in (while supplies last) on April 22, Earth Day. The Spring Fling will be held on April 25 when over $85,000 must go. The buy-in is $35 for paper, $65 for electronic and $130 for the Spring Fling package. The day of the event buy-ins will be $45/$75/$150. All regular games will pay $2,000. When you buy the Special Evening and Matinee “$10,000 Package” for $65 in April, you’ll be entered into a chance of winning $10,000 in cash (max 5 buy-ins per session per electronic may be purchased). The drawings will take place on April 25 during the Spring Fling Event. Their Kozmik BinGLO Baseball Night will be held on April 25 at 11:00 p.m. Reserve your party of 10+ , and you’ll receive a bucket of goodies for your entire table. Wear your favorite baseball jersey, hat or apparel, and they will double your winnings when you yell “Bingo” on April 25. One PHD will be passed on from one player to the next during all sessions every Saturday in April. The PHD will be loaded with regular game cards and Jackpots excluding Bonanzas. Please visit www. for more information. ▼▲▼▲ April 1 - Viejas Casino is located at 5000 Willows Road. Matinee I begins at 11:00 a.m., Matinee II begins at 2:00 p.m., and the Evening session starts at 7:30 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Hot Seat winners will receive 120 cards for all of the remaining games during all sessions every Monday in April. All seniors will receive a FREE 6-On-1 with no Stars during all sessions every Tuesday. If you buy one electronic pack, you’ll get the second one at half OFF during all sessions every Wednesday. Pick-A-Pet Drawings and Guest Appreciation Night will be held on Thursdays in April. TGIF Drawings will be held during the Matinee sessions every Friday. Each player present will receive a FREE Easter dauber with the buy-in during the Matinee session on April 5. You could win the Grand Prize of $10,000 on Fridays and Saturdays in April. You’ll earn entries by purchasing a “Find Your Fortune” Bonus pack for only $35. The Evening session Drawing will be held on April 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 and 25. Purchase the minimum buy-in for a chance to win up to $7,500 on April 26. For more information, please visit ▼▲▼▲ April 1 & 4 - Mission San Luis Rey Bingo is located at 4070 Mission Avenue in Oceanside. The doors open at 9:00 a.m., and the games begin at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays. The doors open at 8:00 a.m., and the games begin at 10:30 a.m. on Saturdays. The Early Bird, the Double Action and the Texas Blackout sell for $1.00 each. All regular games pay $250 guaranteed. The Texas Blackout and the Double Action pay $500 each. They play Mission Ball. The $1,199 Progressive Jackpot game is given FREE with the buy-in. They will be CLOSED on April 4 for Easter. They play on paper only. ▼▲▼▲ April 2 - Good Shepherd Bingo is located at 8200 Gold Coast Drive in San Diego. The doors open at 5:00 p.m. Play starts at 6:45 p.m. on Thursday nights. Regular games and Early Birds pay $250 each. The weekly payout, including Pull Tabs, is over $7,000. The FREE Progressive always pays $1,199. They will be CLOSED on April 2, Holy Thursday. Players will get a $5.00 discount with ID during their birthday week. They have Door Prize Drawings each game night. Pull Tabs and a snack bar are available. ▼▲▼▲ April 2 - Japanese-American Cultural Center is located at 150 Cedar Road in Vista. The doors open at 3:00 p.m., the Early Birds begin at 6:15 p.m., and the games start at 6:30 p.m. Ten regular games pay $250 each. They have 4 Progressive games, Hot Balls and Flashboards. When you bring a new player, you will get $2.00 OFF your buy-in. Dinners, desserts and beverages are available, and the coffee is FREE. See their ad for pack prices. ▼▲▼▲ April 2 - United Portuguese Hall Bingo plays on Thursday nights at 2818 Avenida De Portugal in San Diego. The doors open at 4:00 p.m., and the Early Birds begin at 6:30 p.m. All regular games pay $250 each. The FREE Progressive Jackpot is always at $1,199. Two Hot Balls will pay $500, and one Hot Ball will pay $999. Each player present will receive a FREE dauber with the buy-in, and a Big Raffle will be held on April 2 for their Easter Celebration. They will have a $1,000 Flashboard on April 2. See their ad for directions. Ask Andrea about the availability of the hall for your special occasion. ▼▲▼▲ April 2, 3, 4 & 6 - MITE, Inc. Bingo is located at 1365 N. Johnson, Suite 110 in El Cajon. They play on Mon- day, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights with games starting at 6:00 p.m. The Early Bird Double Action Warm-ups sell for $2.00 and pay $200 with a $50 consolation prize. The FREE Progressive Jackpot is always at $1,199. A consolation prize (one night of FREE bingo) will be given if the Jackpot is not won. The count starts at 50 numbers. The $500 Flashboards are sold all night long each game night. Over $20,000 is given away each week. The End-Of-Month Drawings will be held on April 24, 25, 27 and 30 when three players will be selected to spin the Wheel. ▼▲▼▲ April 3 - All regular and Special games pay $250 each at St. Columba Bingo. The Early Bird $1-Flashboard game pays a guaranteed $100. The First Friday Of The Month Early Bird $2-Flashboard game pays a guaranteed $200. The doors open at 4:00 p.m., and the packet sales begin at 4:30 p.m. on Friday nights at 3327 Glencolum Drive in San Diego. The Early Bird is played at 6:15 p.m., and the games start at 6:30 p.m. The $1,199 Jackpot is FREE with the buy-in each game night. It is at 52 numbers as of March 27. It starts at 50 numbers. One number is added each game night that it is not won. There will be a $50 consolation prize given from 50 numbers to 54 numbers. There will be a $100 consolation prize when the count reaches 55 numbers. They will be CLOSED on April 3 and 24. A King and Queen will be selected, and Door Prize Drawings will be held on April 10 and 17. For each new player that you bring, you will receive a FREE Half pack with the purchase of one Full pack. Players, celebrating an anniversary or a birthday, will receive a FREE Half pack with the purchase of the first Full pack. They have a large variety of Flashboards. A dinner menu, with salad and the usual hot grill items and snacks, is available. Refer to their ad for pack price information. ▼▲▼▲ April 4 & 6 - First Samoan Congregational Christian Church plays bingo on Monday nights and Saturday afternoons. Double Action starts at 6:30 p.m. and 12:45 p.m., respectively. They are located at 1345 South 45th Street in San Diego. Two $1,199 Progressive games are FREE with the buy-in. The #1 Progressive game is at 53 numbers as of March 28. The #2 Progressive game is at 45 numbers as of March 28. One number is added on Saturdays if the Jackpot is not previously won. The Double Action is at 40 numbers and $300 ($100 consolation) as of March 28. One dauber will be given to each player present with the buy-in, and EXTRA Cash Drawings will be held on April 4 for their Easter Celebration. A total of $500 will be given away for their End-Of-Month Door Prize Drawings on April 27. All April attendees are eligible, and the winner must be present on the 27th. ▼▲▼▲ April 4 & 7 - Poway Senior Center plays bingo at 13094 Civic Center Drive in Poway. The EXTRA session starts at 12:15 p.m. on Tuesdays and at 5:30 p.m. on Saturdays. Twelve Saturday games pay $250 each. The FREE Progressive games always pay $1,199. The count starts at 48 numbers with one number added each week that they are not won. The Texas Blackout Progressive game pays $500. The count starts at 48 numbers with one number added each week that it is not won. The game will continue for a $200 consolation prize if it is not won. A Spring Plant Drawing will be held on Continued on page 5 Are You A Winner? The Bingo Bugle Contest awards a variety of prizes each month. Players need only fill in their name, address, phone number and favorite game on the blank coupon on this page. Coupons are to be deposited at the players’ favorite bingo games. Bingo Managers are then asked to send the coupons to our new address: Bingo Bugle-San Diego County P. O. Box 210277 Chula Vista, CA 91921-0277 Coupons have no expiration date. Any coupons not received by the 15th of each month will be held for the next month’s contest. Winners must find their names hidden somewhere in the paper and call the Bingo Bugle office by the 15th of the month to claim their prize, or they will forfeit their prize. If there is no answer, leave your name, address, and phone number on the voice activated answering machine. The Bingo Bugle offices can be reached Monday through Friday at 800-233-4884 or 619-4215843. No purchase necessary, but you can’t win if you don’t enter. (Please Note: Contest entry implies consent for the $100 winner’s picture to appear in the Bingo Bugle.) Most Precious Blood Church Player Wins $100 Contest The Bingo Bugle $100 Contest winner for March is Elizabeth Ehnow. Her name was hidden on page 14. She listed Most Precious Blood Church as her favorite game. Married for 54 years, Elizabeth has two children, six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Retired, she enjoys gardening, reading and playing bingo. How could you be a winner? Just complete the coupon on this page, and turn it in at your favorite game. Only one entry per name, per game, per month will be accepted. Players must find their name hidden somewhere in the paper and call the Bingo Bugle office between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 800-233-4884 or 619-421-5843 by the 15th of the month to claim their prize. The coupons will be sent to the Bingo Bugle office at P. O. Box 210277, Chula Vista, CA 91921. Players Aug. also send in one coupon per month directly to the Bingo Bugle. Entries received by the 15th will be in the drawing. Four prizes are awarded each month. The first prize winner will receive $100. The second prize is $50. The third prize is $25, and the fourth prize is $10. april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION - 5 First Samoan Congregational Christian Church Saturday Bingo Doors Open 9:30 a.m. Double Action 12:45 p.m. Doors Open 3:30 p.m. Double Action 6:30 p.m. Monday Bingo 2 FREE $1,199 Progressive Games 53#’s & 45#’s As Of 3/28/15 1# Is Added Every Saturday If The Jackpot Is Not Previously Won. Double Action: 40#’s & $300 As Of 3/28/15 l $100 Consolation — Saturday, april 4 — Easter Celebration free Dauber With Buy-in + Extra Cash Drawings — Monday, april 27 — Most Precious Blood Church wednesday Bingo Doors Open 3:30 p.m. Games Start 6:00 p.m. FREE Progressive Always Pays $1,199 Count Is At 60#’s As Of 4/1/15 (If Not Won Sooner) All Games Pay $250 Powerball Is At Anniversary Celebration In May! $2,100 As Of 4/1/15 (If Not Won Sooner) End-Of-Month Drawings Totaling $500 1245 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista ✰ (619) 422-2100 ✰ (All Apr. Attendees Eligible...Must Be Present On The 27th) 1345 S. 45 St., S. D. ✦ 619-262-2707 th Win $100! Deposit This Coupon At Your Local Bingo Hall — Please Print Clearly — Name Address CityZip Phone Where do you play Bingo most frequently? Only One Entry Per Person, Per Game, Per Month Will Be Accepted Names of winners #1, #2, #3 & #4 will appear in the next month’s Bingo Bugle. Winners must call the Bingo Bugle by the 15th of the month to claim their prize. Please leave name, phone number and the best time to be reached. Entry in this contest implies consent to photograph $100 Winner. The Bingo Bugle $100 Contest winner for March is Elizabeth Ehnow. BUGLE WORD GAME Continued from page 4 April 11 and 14. An Extra Lucky # Drawing will be held on April 25 and 28. See their ad for a map. All players, who are 18 or older, are welcome. For more information, please visit ▼▲▼▲ April 5 - North County Alano Club is located at 4198 Mission Avenue in Oceanside. The doors open at 2:00 p.m., and the Early Birds begin at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. They have Flashboards. They play three Progressive games. Two Blackout games pay $400 each. They will be OPEN on April 5, Easter Sunday. A snack bar is provided. See their ad for the Bingo Buy-in Options. VISA® and MasterCard® are accepted. ▼▲▼▲ San Diego County Edition (A Subsidiary of J & K Publishing, Inc.) P. O. Box 210277, Chula Vista, CA 91921-0277 619-421-5843 ✺ 800-233-4884 ✺ Fax: 619-482-0882 ✺ email: Online At Editor/Publisher: Kathy Beinlich Verified Circulation - 30,000 The Bingo Bugle is published monthly in major metro-markets throughout the United States. All contents copyright ©1993 by Bingo Bugle, Inc. All rights reserved. Bingo Bugle is an international trademark of Bingo Bugle, Inc. Reproduction or use in whole or part of the contents, without the written permission of the publishers and copyright owners, is prohibited. Notice to Advertisers: Any error should be reported prior to next monthʼs publication. Publisher accepts advertising on condition the Advertiser agrees that at no time shall Publisherʼs liability exceed the cost of the space involved and that Publisher is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Notice to Readers: Publisher accepts no responsibility for ad contents or program changes which Advertisers deem necessary. April 5 - Oceanside Elks Lodge #1561 is located at 444 Country Club Lane in Oceanside. The doors open at 9:00 a.m., and the games begin at 12:30 p.m. on Sundays. They play twelve regular games, two Specials and Flashboards. The FREE Progressive game always pays $1,199. They will be CLOSED on April 5, Easter Sunday. All players are eligible for the End-Of-Month Door Prize Drawing. A Bonus Player is selected each game night. They have Hot Balls and Pull Tabs. If you bring a new player, you’ll receive one FREE Early Bird. This is a paper only game. ▼▲▼▲ April 6 - Vista Elks Lodge #1968 is located at 1947 East Vista Way in Vista. The doors open at 4:00 p.m. The games start at 6:15 p.m. on Mondays. The Progressive Flashboard is at $1,199. The Progressive Blackout is also at $1,199. Special End-Of -Month Door Prize Drawings will be held on April 27. All players are eligible for the End-Of-Month Door Prize Drawing. Two Bonus Players will be selected each game night. They have Hot Balls and Pull Tabs. If you bring a new player, you’ll receive one FREE Early Bird. This is a paper only game. ▼▲▼▲ April 7 - St. Mary Magdalene plays bingo on Tuesday nights at 1905 Illion Street in San Diego. The doors open at 4:00 p.m. Early Birds start at 6:30 p.m. The Lucky Star Special Bingo package or the regular Bingo package are available. Fourteen games, including the Bonanza, pay $250 each. The Daub Flashboards pay up to $500. Each bag of Daubs sold pays out $100. Four bags sold equals a $400 payout. The FREE Progressive Blackout game is always at $1,199. It is at 61 numbers as of March 24. If you bring any combination of three of the following: pasta sauce, pasta and boxed cereal for the Ecumenical C.C.S.A., you’ll receive one FREE Half pack with the buy-in on April 21. The pasta dinner will cost $1.00 on April 28. A wide variety of Flashboards are available. See their ad for a menu and a map. ▼▲▼▲ April 7 - St. Peter Chaldean plays on Tuesday nights at 1627 Jamacha Way in El Cajon. The doors open at 4:00 p.m. Bingo start at 6:00 p.m. Over $5,000 is given away weekly. The Flashboards pay $500. Boxes will be opened as long as the Flashboards are still selling. The FREE Progressive Jackpot always pays $1,199. It is at 55 numbers as of March 24. The Progressive Double Action is at $300 and 43 numbers as of March 24. There is a $150 consolation if the prize is not claimed. One number will be added each game night that it is not won. Ten regular games pay $250 each. The Happy Ball is at $550 as of March 24. A FREE Big Chip Continued on page 6 6 - BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION april 2015 St. Martin’s Wednesday Night Bingo Doors Open 3:30 p.m. Over 3 Early Birds 6:00 p.m. Reg. Bingo 6:30 p.m. $4,000 Paid Out Weekly…All Regular Games Pay $250 FREE With Buy-in: Always $1,199 $1,199 Jackpot april 1 CLOSED Holy Week At 62#ʼs As Of 3/25/15 april 8 april 15 2 FREE Bonanzas FREE 4-On-1 Good Neighbor Night Special E 1 Game Pack............... $12 E 2 Game Packs............. $22 E 3 Game Packs............. $30 april 22 E 100% Smoke FREE E Security Patrolled Parking E Bonanzas & Breakopens april 29 End-Of-Month Drawing From Apr. 2015 Receipts E Great Snack Bar E Helpful Verifiers E Improved Sound System 7710 El Cajon Blvd. In La Mesa E 619-461-1081 (Located 2 Blocks West Of Baltimore Drive At La Mesa Blvd.) $100 Weekly Door Prizes St. pETER CHALDEAN’S TUESDAY Bingo Doors Open 4:00 p.m. Bingo Starts 6:00 p.m. $5,000+ 10 Games Pay Each $250 Happy Ball Is At $550 Given Away Weekly! Progressive Double Action As Of Mar. 24, It’s At $300 & 43#’s. • $150 Consolation If Not Claimed • 1# Added Each Game Night Not Won apr. 07 - FREE Big Chip apr. 14 - FREE Double Action apr. 21 - King Or Queen Selected As Of 3/24/15 Flashboards Pay Unlimited Boxes As Long As They Keep Selling Played With All Main Games apr. 28 - End-Of Month Drawing 1627 Jamacha Way, El Cajon Call Jackie At 619-733-6621 [3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.] S. D. Natural History Museum Events April 2, 9:00 a.m. Camp: Grades 1 - 2 “Focus on Fossils” What is a fossil anyway? Learn how fossils form and how scientists know where to look for them. Handle real fossils and observe up close how details, large and small, help paleontologists figure out the history of life on Earth. Members $53/Non-members $58 April 2, 9:00 a.m. Camp: Grades 3 - 5 “Behind the Scenes” Did you know the NAT is the only museum in Balboa Park with active researchers on staff? During this single day camp, you will check out what happens on the other side of the exhibits. They will lift the veil to discover the libraries, laboratories and collections not typically seen by the public. Members $53/Non-members $58 April 3, 9:00 a.m. Camp: Grades 1 - 2 “Spots, Speckles and Stripes” From bugs to birds, tigers to terrapins, many animals use camouflage to blend in to the world around them. Explore the many different colors and patterns that animals use when they don’t want to be seen. Members $53/Nonmembers $58 April 3, 9:00 a.m. Camp: Grades 3 - 5 “I am a Citizen Scientist” This single day camp allows you to step into the shoes of their Museum scientists and discover how you can launch your “career” as a citizen scientist. Ever wonder what it would be like to be a paleontologist, entomologist, herpetologist, ornithologist or a botanist? The day will be spent dabbling in natural science as you conduct experiments, create crafts and explore their newest exhibit, “Coast $500 FREE Progressive Jackpot Always Pays $1,199 • Count Is At 55#’s As Of 3/24/15 • Starts At 50#’s With 1# Added Each Game Night Not Won to Cactus in Southern California”. You may even run into a Museum curator or two. Members $53/ Non-members $58 April 5, 12,19 & 26, 12:15 p.m. & 2:15 p.m. “Wacky Science Sundays With Ms. Frizzle” Get ready to explore the wild and wacky worlds of mysterious creatures, fascinating habitats and phenomenal science—hands-on. Wind up your mental motor, and cruise on down to surf some brain waves with the Frizz. FREE with paid general admission. April’s theme: Mountains (New!) April 9, 10:15 a.m. “Nature & Me Storytime” Calling all budding naturalists. Come enjoy an imaginative journey into nature through dynamic readings and museum specimens. Open to all ages with a parent. (Recommended for ages 1 - 5 with an adult.) Free with Museum admission. April’s theme: Big Trees & Small Animals. For more information, please visit April 25, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. “Forest Fun Family Day” Look to the east, and you will see the beautiful mountain ranges. They are home to many flora and fauna especially suited for life in the forest. You’ll on focus the mighty oak tree and its pivotal role in this habitat. You’ll also take a look at the mule deer, squirrels and woodpeckers, to name a few. You’ll create crafts and share activities that celebrate the forest. Free with the price of admission and always free for members. Please call 619-232-3821 or visit #3 $25 Winner - Thelma Eggert of San Diego, No Game Listed Continued from page 5 will be given to each player present with the buy-in on April 7. A FREE Double Action will be given to each player present with the buy-in on April 14. A King OR Queen (played with all main games) will be selected on April 21. The End-Of-Month Drawing will be held on April 28. ▼▲▼▲ May 30 - The $100,000 Bingo Blowout will be held on May 30 at Nugget Reno. The doors will open at 9:30 a.m. Entry tickets are $90 for two packs. EXTRA packs cost $20 each. This event will be played on paper only. See their ad for a complete schedule of games and prizes. Twenty of your favorite Nugget Bingo games will have prizes ranging from $1,199 to $25,000. There will also be several optional buy-in sessions with prizes ranging from $500 to $1,199. There will even be a $15,000 Super Sunday Bingo. All prizes are subject to 1,000 players. There are special room rates for bingo players (subject to availability). For more information, please call 800-843-2427, and ask for the Bingo. ▼▲▼▲ May 16 & 17 - Station Casinos’ $100,000 Big Money Matinee will be held on May 16 and 17. The buy-in is $99 ($10 for extra 6-On packs) for both days. The Warmup session will begin at 10:00 a.m. The first packs costs $10 ($5.00 for additional packs). The non-linked session will start at 11:00 a.m. The linked session will begin at 1:00 p.m. (Boulder Station, Palace Station and Red Rock). The buyin includes a gourmet lunch, two FREE breakfast or brunch buffets, two FREE dinner buffets and two daubers. See their ad for special hotel rate information. You must be 21 years of age or older. Please visit or call 866-961-3361 to reserve you spot today. ▼▲▼▲ June 7 - 9, August 30 - September 1 & November 15 - 17 - The Plaza $200,000 Super Bingo will be held on June 7 - 9, August 30 September 1 & November 15 - 17. Discounts are available for multiple events. A FREE gift will be given for Early Bird registration. Please call 1-866-768-7032 to book now. Please visit www.plazahotelcasino. com for regular daily bingo sessions and payouts. You may also visit them on The continental breakfast and cocktails are FREE. ▼▲▼▲ Lakeside’s River Park Conservancy’s 8th Annual San Diego River Run & Ride 5K Lakeside's River Park Conservancy will hold the 8th Annual San Diego River Run & Ride 5K on May 9, from 3:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., alongside City of Santee's River Park Festival. The San Diego River Run & Ride will have onsite registration beginning at 2:30 p.m. Registrants are welcomed and encouraged to attend the River Park Festival for beer samples, a small concert, vendors and the award ceremony. The event, in conjunction with River Park Festival, will take place at Town Center Community Park, 550 Park Center Drive in Santee. The San Diego River Run & Ride will truly take on the path of a fun Morning Glory Muffins We took t he ult i mate brea kfast muffin and made it healthier by reducing the calories and fat. With a few t wea ks, each lightened-up muffin has 75 fewer calories, 5.5 grams less fat and half the cholesterol of the original! 1 1/4 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 1/3 2/3 1/4 1/4 2 1 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour teaspoon baking powder teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt teaspoon ground cinnamon cup old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats, uncooked cup nonfat (skim) milk cup applesauce, unsweetened cup packed brown sugar cup light (mild) molasses tablespoons canola oil large egg medium carrots, shredded (1.5 cups) cup prunes, chopped 1. P reheat oven to 40 0 F. Grease 12 standard muffin-pan run with its theme of Sustainable Super Heroes. So, grab those costumes, and come out and run the race as the community's Sustainable Super Heroes. For more information, please visit or contact Christina Deleon, the Event Coordinator, at 619-443-4770 or Lakeside's River Park Conservancy, founded in 2001, is dedicated to the restoration of the San Diego River in Lakeside, from El Capitan Dam to the border of Santee. They protect critters, improve habitat, improve water quality and develop recreation for residents of Lakeside, East County and San Diego. cups or line cups with f luted paper liners. 2. In a la rge bowl, whisk to gether flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon; stir in oats. In medium bowl, w ith fork, mix milk, applesauce, brown sugar, molasses, oil and egg until blended; stir in carrots and prunes. Add applesauce mixture to f lour mixture; stir just until flour is moistened. 3. Spoon batter into prepared muff in-pan cups. (Muff in cups will be full.) Bake 23-25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center of a muffin comes out clean. Immediately remove muffins from pan. Serve warm, or cool on wire rack to serve later. #1 $100 Winner - Virginia C. Soliman of Oceanside, Oceanside Elks Lodge #1561 april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION - 7 Station Casinos’ $600,000 Big Cash Weekend IV The 2015 San Diego On The Run 5K Walk/Run Will Be Held On June 7! Lauren Skibbe of La Mesa, CA, is all smiles after she called “Bingo” at Green Valley Ranch. She is a $1,000 winner at Stat ion Casi nos’ $60 0,0 0 0 Big Cash Weekend IV. Barbara D’Agnese from Surprise, AZ, is playing in Station Casinos’ $600,000 Big Bingo Weekend I V event at Sunset Station. She is a $500 game winner. This event will take place on June 7 at the Embarcadero Marina Park North. Enjoy a beautiful walk or run along San Diego Bay, with free lunch for participants, awards, a raffle, a beer garden and more! There's something for everyone, and fun for the whole family. Schedule: • Registration - 7:00 a.m. • Runners start - 8:00 a.m. • Walkers start - 8:30 a.m. HELP US SAVE LIVES! Every three seconds someone needs blood. You probably know someone who has been in an accident; a burn victim; stricken with a life threatening disease like leukemia or sickle cell anemia, or had a newborn baby that needed a blood transfusion to live. Proceeds from this 5K walk/run will benefit the San Diego Blood Bank's programs and services. Registration Fees (All entries include a t-shirt): • $30 - Adult rate on or before 5/22/15 • $35 - Adult rate after 5/22/15 • $10 - Youth (12 and younger) on or before 5/22/15 • $15 - Youth (12 and younger) after 5/22/15 • $2 - Chip timing (optional) Julie Kolman traveled from Illinois to Las Vegas to play in Station Casinos’ $600,000 Big Bin- Someone Who Has Never Played Bingo Some columns ago I mentioned that Bingo is a tr uly universal game. I assumed that it would be difficult to find anyone who had never played Bingo before. I have found that person. Or “persons,” I should say. As you might remember, every Monday evening I make the “long trek” across the street to a hotel where they play Bingo and then Trivia ever y week. The Bingo is certainly not the elaborate kind I am used to. There is no electronic “Bingo-ball cage,” no tote board, no elaborate sound system and no army of runners taking care of things. It is what you might call “basic Bingo.” But, it is Bingo, nonetheless. T he ca l ler is a n i nfect iously f unny g uy who dresses up as Judy Garland each week. As a matter of fact, just down the street he packs the house each week with his “Judy Show.” It’s a parody of the old black-and-white television show that Judy Garland did in 1963 and 1964, Sunday nights on CBS Television. Dur i ng t he week ly t wo -hour Bingo session, “Judy” is constantly kidding visitors from out of the go Weekend IV at Palace Station with her sister, Bonnie Blackledge from CA. country who are there. The hotel in which the games ta ke place draws quite a n i nter nat iona l crowd. “Judy” seems always to be amazed that no matter from how far away the tourists have come, they ALL know how to play the game we love best. Recently, though, he found four people who didn’t have a clue what Bingo is. They were from China and were visiting the United States for t wo weeks. They were determined, though, to learn to play this all-American game. As each number was called, they discussed t he number a mong themselves and helped each other in pushing aside the little red seethrough panels across the numbers. I should poi nt out t hat t he cards we use are the old-fashioned k i nd where you “ma rk ” your number by pushing aside the see-through f lap. Over the years the cards have deteriorated and some of the numbers are a little hard to “mark” without quite a struggle. The visiting Chinese were having the same problems, in manipulating the small sliding flaps. Before the evening was over, they were really getting into the game. They seemed to enjoy everything about Bingo, especially when, in the final game, one of the four won the “coverall” and got the $50 food certificate grand prize. The only thing these wonderful tourists didn’t seem to like was the cards themselves. Age had rendered them dif f icult to use and hard to read. When “Judy” found out about this, he asked the visitors to turn the cards over and read what was on the back. “Made in China,” the cards read. NE X T T IME: More from t he mailbox at “” Collect pledges from your friends, family and co-workers starting today and earn great prizes. The top fundraiser over $1,000 wins a 2-night stay at the US Grant downtown and dinner for 2. Checks can be made out to San Diego Blood Bank. Bring your pledge form and checks and/or cash to the registration tables on event day. The deadline to be eligible for the top fundraising prize is one week after the event, June 14, 2015. Every pledge is tax deductible. $77,233 has been raised as of 3/25/15! Please visit for more details. 8 - BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION april 2015 Oceanside Elks Lodge #1561 SUNday Bingo Doors Open 9:00 a.m. Games Start 12:30 p.m. FREE Progressive Game Always Pays $1,199 april 5 CLOSED Easter Sunday We Play 12Reg. Games 2Specials +Flashboards • Play Paper Only • Packs (All 6-On) Sell For $10 Each • Hot Balls • Food Available All Afternoon • Pull Tabs • Bonus Player Selected Nightly • All Players Eligible For End-Of-Month Drawing • Bring A New Player, And You’ll Get A FREE Early Bird. Vista Elks Lodge #1968 MoNday Bingo Doors Open 4:00 p.m. Progressive Blackout $1,199 Games Start 6:15 p.m. Progressive Flashboard $1,199 april 27 Special End-Of-Month Door Prize Drawings • Play Paper Only • Packs (All 6-On) Sell For $10 Each • Hot Balls • 2 Bonus Players Selected Nightly • Pull Tabs • Food Available All Afternoon • All Players Eligible For End-Of-Month Drawing • Bring A New Player, And You’ll Get A FREE Early Bird. 444 Country Club Lane, OC 92054 • (760) 433-1561 1947 East Vista Way, Vista, CA 92084 ✦ (760) 724-1968 ✦ Encinitas Elks Lodge #2243 JAPANESE-AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER Wednesday Bingo Doors Open 4:00 p.m. Early Birds 6:30 p.m. • Bonus Ball (Option $1.00 Buy-in) • Free Progressive Game • Double Action • Raffles • Flashboards • Food Available Elks Lodge #2243 El Camino Real l (South ➝) N Windsor Rd. Santa Fe I-5 1393 Windsor Road, Cardiff (760) 753-2243 Thursday Night Bingo Doors Open Early Birds Regular Games 3:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 10 Regular Games Each Pay $250 • 4 Progressive Games • Flashboards • Hot Balls • Dinner • Desserts • Beverages • FREE Coffee • 1 Pack - $10 • 2 Packs - $18 • 3 Packs - $25 • 4 Packs - $31 • Additional Packs - $5 Bring A New Player, And You’ll Get $2.00 OFF Your Buy-in. 150 Cedar Road, Vista l 760-726-7628 Thank You For Playing Bingo At The JACC! San Diego County Classified Ads For Sale: NuWave oven, $75. Bookcase, $25. Bed rail, $20. Please Sue call 619-295-5203. ❖❖❖ For Sale: Set of knives with wood base, $25. Please Sue call 619-2955203. ❖❖❖ For Sale: DVDs, $2.00 each. Toys, misc., $1.00 & up. Please Sue call 619-295-5203. ❖❖❖ Free classified ads (non-business) Individuals (non-business) Aug. place up to five (5) FREE classified ads per issue not exceeding 20 words each. Ads over 20 words are charged at a rate of 25¢ per word for each word over 20. All ads must be typed or printed on 3” x 5” file cards and mailed (no phone orders!) to the Bingo Bugle. Payment must accompany order for ads over 20 words. FREE classifieds run for one (1) issue only. The sale of personal crafts and the provision of services is considered commercial advertising. Commercial Classifieds Businesses, including all types of services and profit seeking enterprises, are welcome to place classified ads. For standard classifieds, the cost is $10.00 for up to 20 words and 25¢ for each additional word. Ads must be typed or printed on Prepaid Boxed Classified Ads Boxed Classified ads are 2” high by 2 5/16” wide. All Boxed Classified ads must be prepaid by the 15th of the month preceeding publication. 1month......... $90 3months....... $65 each month 6months....... $45 each month 12months....... $40 each month No limit on the number of words Business card or product pictures OK 3” x 5” file cards and accompanied by a cashier’s check or money order. Commercial classifieds Aug. run for any number of consecutive issues providing payment is made in advance. Classified ads and checks must be received 15 days prior to publication date. Try our new boxed ads. Call (619) 421-5843 or 800-233-4884 for pricing. General Classified information The Bingo Bugle reserves the right to refuse, edit or categorize all classified ads due to inappropriate copy, layout and space considerations. No ads will be accepted by phone. No ads will be accepted with special printing instructions. Address Your Classified Ads To: Bingo Bugle SD Classifieds, P. O. Box 210277, Chula Vista, CA 91921-0277 free classified ad (20 words) please print clearly For more than 20 words (above) the charge is 25¢ for each additional word. (Commercial ads - minimum $10.00) Mail to: Bingo Bugle San Diego P. O. Box 210277 Chula Vista CA 91921-0277 Editorial Policy We retain the right to refuse any ad. FREE Guided Nature Walks Cleveland National Forest (Kitchen Creek Falls) April 4, 8:00 a.m. This 5-mile round-trip hike in the Laguna Mountains has an elevation gain/loss of 900 feet in a gradual slope. The view is spectacular as the trail rises. Plan to eat lunch at the falls. (Cleveland National Forest) Take I-8 east to Buckman Springs Rd. Turn right (south) at the first stop sign and left (east) at the second stop sign. Proceed for 2 miles to the Forest Service campground (Pacific Crest Trail parking). A National Forest Adventure Pass is required to park: please refer to Parking Fee Information on the inside front cover. Facilities and water available at the Buckman Springs Rest Stop. Allow 1.5 hours driving time. Mission Trails Regional Park (Rim Trail) April 5, 9:00 a.m. The Rim Trail on the western edge of Mission Trails Regional Park highlights views of Fortuna and Cowles Mountains, Suycott Wash and the Peninsular Ranges to the east. Look for threatened species of variegated Dudleya, summer holly, barrel cactus, johnny jumpups and shooting stars. (Mission Trails Regional Park, San Diego) From I-15 or CA-163, exit east on Clairemont Mesa Blvd. and park at the trailhead at the end of the road. No facilities. Allow 20 minutes driving time. Cuyamaca Rancho State Park (Juaquapin Creek Loop) April 11, 8:30 a.m. Walk along a beautiful, shaded creek and stop for lunch near an area where native people once prepared food in morteros. (Cuyamaca Rancho State Park) From I-8, exit north onto Hwy. 79 for 7.5 miles. Turn into the large parking area on the right (0.5 miles past the Green Valley Campground). No facilities. Allow 1 hour driving time. Cuyamaca Rancho State Park (Green Valley Falls Loop) April 12, 8:30 a.m. You’ll make an early-morning start at the falls and then hike along the east side of the Sweetwater River. After crossing to the west side of the river, you’ll return through chaparral, riparian and meadow habitats. (Cuyamaca Rancho State Park) From I-8, exit north onto Hwy. 79 for 7 miles to the Green Valley Campground kiosk. There is an $8.00 day-use charge per vehicle. Park at the falls day-use parking lot past campsite #76. Facilities. Allow 1 hour driving time. Eagle Peak April 18, 9:00 a.m. This trail has panoramic views of the Three Sisters Waterfalls. On a clear day, the view from the peak can extend to the ocean. (Descanso) From I-8, exit north on Hwy. 79 and then go left on Riverside Dr. Turn left on Viejas Grade then make an right past the store onto Oak Grove Dr. Turn right on Boulder Creek Rd. and drive 13 miles (it becomes a wellkept dirt road) to a hairpin turn that intersects Cedar Creek Rd. and the trailhead. No facilities. Allow 1.5 hours driving time. Lake Morena County Park April 19, 9:00 a.m. Morena Reservoir and the Pacific Crest Trail in the Cleveland National Forest provide access to some spectacular areas of vegetation, including riparian and chaparral communities. Giant granitic boulders border portions of the lake. (Morena Village) Take I-8 east to the Buckman Springs Rd. exit. Turn right (south) onto Buckman Springs Rd. (S1 ) and continue 5 miles to Oak Rd. Proceed to Lake Morena Dr. Turn right to the County Park. Meet at the Pacific Crest Trail parking lot. Please allow extra time to pay the County parking fee of $3.00 at the ranger station a short distance beyond the meeting site. Facilities. Allow 1.5 hours driving time. SDSU Field Station (Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve) April 25, 9:00 a.m. Canyoneers have permission to guide at this SDSU field station on this date only. This hike has it all. Explore Stone Creek and the Santa Margarita River at the bottom of this impressive gorge and discover a variety of native plants found on the steep slopes and open areas of chaparral. (Fallbrook) From I-15, exit west on Mission Rd. (S13) and turn right onto Willow Glen Rd. Drive to the end of Willow Glen and continue right (north) on Stage Coach Lane for 2 miles on a well maintained dirt road. The gate to the reserve will be open a half-hour before the hike. Follow the Canyoneer sign to the parking area. Facilities. Allow 1.5 hours driving time. Hollenbeck Canyon April 26, 9:00 a.m. This hike will pass through a riparian habitat wildlife area with the remains of a cabin and evidence of floodwaters. Lunch will be along a creek, sitting on boulders before you loop back to the trailhead. (Jamul) From I-8, exit I-805 south to Hwy. 94 east. Exit on Honey Springs Rd. and turn left and make a quick left into a parking lot to meet the Canyoneer host. Facilities. Allow 40 minutes driving time. Boulder Mountain Road Private Nature Trail May 2, 9:00 a.m. The owner of this private property has given the Canyoneers special permission to lead a hike on this date only. Please join them at this Poway location with an exceptional variety of native plants. (Poway) From I-15, exit east on Rancho Bernardo Rd., which becomes Espola Rd. (S5). Make right turns on Martincoit and Orchard Gate, then left on Lime Grove which turns right, becoming Arroyo Vista Rd. Turn left on Boulder Mountain Rd. and meet the Canyoneer host. Do not be late, as they will have limited access through the gate. No facilities. Allow 40 minutes driving time.Wildcat Canyon Rd.), and continue 12.3 miles to San Vicente Rd. Go east (right) on San Vicente Rd. 1.6 miles to Gunn Stage Rd. Go north (left) on Gunn Stage Rd. for 1.8 miles to the entrance of the Preserve and park in the staging area. Facilities. Allow 1 hour driving time. Please call 619-232-3821 or visit #2 $50 Winner - Barbara Taylor of San Diego, Viejas Casino april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION - 9 April Del Mar Fairgrounds Events april 10,11 & 12 Goodguys 15th Meguiar Del Mar Nationals Location: Multiple Locations Hours: Fri. & Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sun. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Price: Adults - $20, Ages 7 to 12 - $6.00, Children 6 and younger - FREE Parking: $10 Known far and wide as the “Best in the West”, the Goodguys 15th Meguiar’s Del Mar Nationals brings a full weekend of Southern California-style hot roddin’ to the Fairgrounds in Del Mar. The finest show cars in the country will be featured in both indoor and outdoor settings, plus you’ll see the crowning of the Street Rod D’Elegance. See over 2,500 of the country’s top 1972 & older hot rods, customs, muscle cars, tricked out trucks and classics. The big weekend also features vendor exhibits, ground-pounding Goodguys “Nitro Thunderfest”, high revvin’ Goodguys AutoCross racing competition, Swap Meet & AutoTrader Classics Cars 4 Sale Corral, live music, special “Good Wood” woody exhibit, FREE kids entertainment, Builder’s Choice awards by Charlie Hutton and so much more. Goodguys Rod & Custom Association:, 925838-9876 april 17, 18 & 19 Home Improvement Show Location: O’Brien Hall Hours: Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sat. 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sun. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Price: FREE Parking: $10 Celebrating 40 years, Home Shows USA has become the premiere home show in California. Since 1975, Home Shows USA is known as the one stop shopping experience featuring products, services and industry professionals who will answer questions to guide you through your home improvement projects indoors or outdoors. No project is too big or too small. Shows USA: 800-999-5400, www. april 17, 18 & 19 The Del Mar Antique Show & Sale Location: Exhibit Hall Hours: Fri. & Sat. 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sun. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Price: General admission - $8.00, Children FREE with paid adult Parking: $10 The Del Mar Antique Show & Sale is celebrating its 53rd year at the beautiful Del Mar Fairgrounds. Dealers are from all over the U.S.A. Everything from Tin to Tiffany. Appraisal booth and repair services on site. The appraisal people will be back for all 3 days of the show, and their rate is still only $5.00 per item. Also, great repair & restoration people will be there to help you make your damaged treasures as good as new. They are able to repair all types of glass & crystal, pottery & porcelain, furniture, jewelry, art and much more. Don’t forget to get the special Internet Discount Coupon, worth 50% off per person at the door. Your single admission charge is good for the entire 3-day run of the show when you get a return pass upon leaving. Michael Grimes: Michael@calen da, w w lenda r april 18 Cowboy Up For The Nice Guys Location: Wyland Center Registration opens at 5:30 p.m. Price: Individual tickets are $150 per person and can be purchased on the website. Parking: $10 The Nice Guys charity organization has been providing a “Hand Up” for San Diegans in need. For over 35 years, the Nice Guys have helped hundreds of deserving individuals and families throughout the San Diego community. The auction will have a western theme and costume contest with prizes for the best western outfit. Douglas Moore:, B*i*n*g*o Sat. & Tues. Sat. EXTRA Session 5:30 p.m. FREE Progressive Games Always Pay $1,199 april 19 20th Annual Ugly Dog Contest Location: Paddock Green Hours: 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Price: $10 - $25 Parking: $10 The Ugly Dog Contest is a family event held at the Del Mar Fairgrounds where dog lovers can enter their pets into any of 10 categories. Categories include Ugly Dog, Best Costume, Best Mutt, cutest puppy, most handsome, most beautiful, best trick and more. There will be food, a 50/50 raffle, family activities and fun for everyone. This event will help raise awareness and money for the San Diego Humane Society and Reality Changers. Ashley Sherman: www.sandiego, info @san april 25 & 26 4th Annual San Diego Wine Show Location: Paddock Green Hours: 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Price: Pre-sale - $55, At the door - $65 Parking: $10 The 4th Annual San Diego International Wine Show will feature an impressive collection of Californian and International wines. Learn about the fruit of the vine at educational forums featuring Sommeliers and top Chefs that will take every hour both days of show. Live music and specialty food vendors will also be part of the festivities. Donato Santarsieri: www.sandiego, san april 25 & 26 San Diego Kids Expo & Fair Location: O’Brien Hall Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Price: Adults - $8.00, Children 12 and younger - FREE Parking: $10 The San Diego Kids Expo & Fair is your one stop for all things kids. Expect to see over 150 companies with products and services for kids. The indoor portion of the event has interactive activities like building a wooden kit with Home Depot, building Robots with 3R’s Robotics, doing craft’s with Michael’s and building with Legos. The Baby Zone has tons of stuff just for your baby. There also is an outdoor fair with fun activities like a 200’ Zip line and a coconut tree to climb plus video games and laser tag. Johnny Bell: www.sandiegokids, Johnny@sandiegokids A ll information is subject to change without notice. Please contact event promoters for details and space rentals. The Del Mar Fairgrounds is located at 2260 Jimmy Durante Boulevard, Del Mar, CA, 92014-2216. To get there, take I-5 and exit West on Via de la Valle. The 24-hour Information Line is 858-793-5555. The Main Line is 858-755-1161. For more information, please visit Tues. EXTRA Session 12:15 p.m. Count Starts At 48#ʼs With 1# Added Each Week Not Won Texas Blackout Progressive Game $500 The Count Starts At 48#’s & 1# Is Added Each Game Day Until Won. If not Won, the Game Will Continue For A Consolation Prize Of $200. 12 Regular Saturday Games Each Pay $250 All Players 18 & Older Are Welcome. Sat., April 11 & tues., April 14 sat., Spring Plant Drawing sat., April 25 & tues., April 28 Extra Lucky # Drawing 13094 Civic Center Dr., Poway 858-748-6094 All Proceeds Support Poway Senior Center Programs & Services United Portuguese Hall Thursday Bingo Doors Open 4:00 p.m. Early Birds 6:30 p.m. FREE Progressive Easter Celebration Jackpot Is Always april 2 v $1,199 $1,000 Flashboard v Big Raffle v Free Dauber With Buy-in HOT BALL MANIA! Three Hot Balls $500 $999 All Regular Games Pay $500 $250 Each 2818 Avenida De Portugal, San Diego, CA 92106 • 619-895-6348 • Ask Andrea About The Availability Of Our Beautiful Hall For Your Special Occasion. I-8 West onto Rosecrans St/CA-209. Rosecrans St Turn left onto Avenida de Portugal. 2818 AVENIDA DE PORTUGAL (just past Scott St) — OR — I-5 to Hawthorn St., Right onto N. Harbor Drive (Just Past Pacific Highway) Turn Left on Rosecrans St. & Then turn left onto Avenida de Portugal. 2818 AVENIDA DE PORTUGAL (just past Scott St) 10 - BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION april 2015 Mite, inc. bingo ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Mon. Doors Open 2:00 p.m. Games Start 6:00 p.m. Early Bird Double Action Warm-ups Sell For $2.00 & Pay $200 With A $50 Consolation Prize. $500 Flashboards Over Sold Each Game Night All Night Long $20,000 Given Away Weekly FREE Progressive Jackpot Is Always At $1,199 A Consolation Prize (One Night Of FREE Bingo) Will Be Given If The Jackpot Is Not Won. The FREE Progressive Count Starts At 50#’s. apr. 24, 25, 27 & 30 End-Of-Month Drawings 3 Players Selected To Spin The Wheel! 1365 N. Johnson, Ste. #110, El Cajon 619-440-5768 JUNE 7-9, AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 1, NOVEMBER 15-17 BOOK NOW 1-866-768-7032 Discounts Available for Multiple Events Free Gift for Early Bird Registration Visit Our Website for Regular Daily Bingo Sessions and Payouts 1 Main Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 FACEBOOK.COM/Plazahotelandcasino • #plazabingo San Diego Civic Youth Ballet’s 70th Anniversary Production Of “The Sleeping Beauty” Is At The Casa Del Prado Theater In Balboa Park! Coinciding with Balboa Park's Centennial Celebration and the 70th Anniversary of the San Diego Civic Youth Ballet, directed by SDCYB Artistic Director Danika Pramik-Holdaway and set to Tchaikovsky's sweeping score, this spectacular ballet features 175 dancers, alumni guest artists and is perfect for families and ballet lovers alike! Don't miss your chance to experience history with SDCYB from March 27 to April 4. Performance Schedule: March 27 at 7:00 p.m. March 28 at 2:00 p.m. March 28 at 7:00 p.m. March 29 at 2:00 p.m. April 1 at 10:00 a.m.* *Special Education Show, but $10 tickets are now also available to the public. April 2 at 6:00 p.m.** **Special Show for Girl Scout Troops April 3 at 7:00 p.m. April 4 at 2:00 p.m. Three ways to secure your tickets! 1. Online at 2. By phone at 619-233-3060 3. Visit our office in Balboa Park (Casa del Prado, Suite 209) Lakeside’s River Park Conservancy’s Boars & Brew Lakeside's River Park Conservancy is introducing their first ever Boars and Brew event. Join the River Park in a beer stroll along the San Diego River on June 20 from 4:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. (or until the boars and brew run out). The Boars and Brew event will highlight local breweries and traditional BBQ styles. Held along the section of the San Diego River that is managed by Lakeside's River Park Conservancy, the entry point for the event will be the Channel Road Trail Head in Lakeside, CA. The admission ticket will include event entry, beer samples and food. This will be a 21 years or older event, and dogs on leashes are welcome. Their servers have the right to refuse to pour for those who may seem too intoxicated. For more information or to purchase a ticket, please visit or contact Event Coordinator Christina Deleon at Events@ LakesideRiver Park. org or 619-443-4770. They look forward to toasting clean water with locally crafted beer with the community. Lakeside's River Park Conservancy, founded in 2001, is dedicated to the restoration of the San Diego River here in Lakeside, from El Capitan Dam to the border of Santee. They protect critters, improve habitat, improve water quality, and develop recreation for residents of Lakeside, East County and San Diego. april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION - 11 , 100 000 $500,000 $ BIG MONEY MATINEE MAY 16 & 17 $99 BUY-IN $10 EXTRA 6-ON PACKS Entry Fee pays for both days of games. Each player receives one 6-on pack each day. BOULDER STATION, PALACE STATION AND RED ROCK WARM UP SESSIONS START AT 10AM $10 First Pack • $5 Additional Packs 10 Games Pay $250 Each MORNING GAMES: 11AM (NON-LINKED- INDIVIDUAL PROPERTIES) 10 Games Pay $500 Each AFTERNOON GAMES: 1PM (LINKED- ALL PROPERTIES) 15 - $1,000 Games $15,000 First Chance Coverall $3,000 2nd Chance Coverall $2,000 3rd Chance Coverall INCLUDES: GOURMET LUNCH, 2 FREE BREAKFAST OR BRUNCH BUFFETS, 2 FREE DINNER BUFFETS, 2 FREE DAUBERS GREAT DEALS ON HOTEL ROOMS ARE AVAILABLE TO OUR EVENT PLAYERS! VISIT STATIONCASINOSBINGO.COM OR CALL: 866-961-3361. BOOK YOUR SPECIAL HOTEL RATE BY CALLING (800) 678-2846 AND MENTION OFFER CODE: BBG MAY 5 v Sahara at I-15 702.367.2411 Boulder Hwy at 93/95 702.432.7777 I-215 at Charleston 702.797.7777 Must be 21 or older. Complete details available in the Bingo Room. Management reserves all rights. © 2015 Station Casinos, Las Vegas, NV a Station Casinos company. STCI 111276 Fcb Bingo Bugle April Nor-Cal-So-Cal-AZ AD: 9.8125”x15” • 4/0 • Qty: 1 RUNS APRIL 2015 12 - BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION april 2015 MONDAY - SATURDAY • MORNING MATINEE SALES AT 9AM • SESSION BEGINS AT 10AM MONDAY - SATURDAY • MATINEE SALES AT 11:30AM • EARLY BIRDS AT 1PM MONDAY - SATURDAY • EVENING SALES AT 4:30PM • EARLY BIRDS AT 6:30PM 7 DAYS A WEEK SUNDAY • MEGA MATINEE SALES AT 11:30AM • STAR-T UPS AT 1PM SUNDAY, MAY 10 OVER$30,000MUSTGO INCASH&PRIZES! Sales10AM•Warm-Ups2PM•EarlyBirds2:30PM•RegularSession3PM PrizeslistedbelowareMustGoPerGame Warm-Ups (5 games) - $200 • EarlyBirds (5 games) - $500 Regular Session (10 games) - $1,199 • Pechanga P - $2,500 Bonanza - $2,500 • Super Jackpot - $2,500 Pick 8 - $2,500 • Double Take Special $2,500 • Pot Of Gold - $1,000 Mother’s Day Bash PRESALENOWATPECHANGABINGOORCALL1-855-WE-BINGOTOPRESALEOVERTHEPHONE. SPECIALS MATINEE PROMOTIONS MON BOGO - DOUBLE YOUR BUY-IN CLUB 55+ CLUB 55+ TUES $5 Off Bingo Buy-In Age 55+ $5 Off Bingo Buy-In Age 55+ WED HURS T Buy-In And We Will Double Your Package For Free FREE FLIP-FLOP DOUBLE TAKE GAME With Buy-In. Prize $250 DOUBLE YOUR AGE BONUS CRY BABY BALL Earlybirds Pay $100 + Double Your Age Monitor Ball Bonus Prize $100 ELECTRONIC GIVEAWAY DRAWINGS Buy-In To The Earlybirds at Cashier to Enter. 10 Guests Will Win a $50 PHD Receive $5 Off Buy-In & Coupon For $5 Off Any Session Mon-Wed in April FREE BINGO BONUS POINTS One Free 6on and Hotball PLAYER APPRECIATION SAT SUN FREE BONANZA GAME With Buy-In, Prize $500 EASTER BUNNY BASKET DRAWINGS • SUNDAY, APRIL 5 10 Guests Will Be Selected to Pick a Prize From the Easter Bunny Basket. Prizes $25 to $250 Cash. BINGO BIRTHDAY PARTY SESSIONS IN APRIL Guests with April Birthdays are Invited To Attend Our Bingo Birthday Party Sessions on Friday, April 3 and Friday, April 17 at 6:30PM. Birthday Guests Will Receive a Free Paper Buy-In During The Birthday Sessions. Must Present Players Card & Valid ID. FREE 6-ON WITH PAPER BUY-IN That’s 12 Cards for the price of 6. Up to $7 savings! (Limit one per guest - excluding Double Pack Day, $5-$7 Paper Packages, Mini Matinee and Special Events) Earn Up To $20 in Bonus Points Bonus Points are good for Slot Play, Food, & Bingo Purchases FRI APRIL MONTHLY SPECIALS EVENING NEW BINGO REWARDS PROGRAM! Play Bingo 10 Times and Get $25 Off Your Next Bingo Buy-In. BOGO - DOUBLE YOUR BUY-IN Buy-In And We Will Double Management reserves all rights to cancel or modify promotions. Your Package For Free FREE BONANZA GAME With Buy-In, Prize $500 Experience bigger jackpots with MPBingo for your chance to win 5 big progressive jackpots! Visit or call 1-855-WE-BINGO. ELECTRONIC GIVEAWAY DRAWINGS Buy-In To The Earlybirds at Cashier to Enter. 10 Guests Will Win a $95 PHD WIN FREE BINGO FOR A WEEK Earn Drawing Tickets Each Time You Play in April Drawings Every Sunday. Must Be Present and Playing To Win. Pechanga Club Card required for all promotions. Management reserves the right to modify or cancel at any time. Not valid on holidays, special events. Promotions can not be combined. Excludes $5-$7 paper buy-in packages. Limit one per guest, must be equal value, no splitting for packages. Purchase required. PHD electronic giveaways require EarlyBird purchase. Burlesque Bingo SATURDAY, APRIL 25 All Party, All Night! Get Your Costumes On & Get Ready to Bingo! Doors open 10PM, Bingo at 11PM. Dress in Theme. Costume Contest, Music, Dancing, Full Bar, Games, and Bingo. $15 Paper • $25 & $45 Electronic 877.711.2WIN | PECHANGA.COM 45000 PECHANGA PARKWAY I-15 | TEMECULA FOLLOW US Insta Must be 21 or older to enter the Bingo Hall when Bingo is in play. Club Membership required for all promotions. Management reserves all rights. april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION - 13 Where You Can Get A FREE Bingo Bugle In Addition To The Games Listed On Pages 16 & 17 Of This Issue Alpine Frontier Liquor & Deli Alpine Inn Wine & Spirits Ayers Inn Bakery Corner (racks) Best Western Big 7 Motel Bobar Liquor Bobar Liquor Coin Laundry Coin-Op Laundry Coin-Op Load Comfort Inn Suites Cristinaʼs Beauty Salon CVS Pharmacy Daphneʼs Laundromat Days Inn El Nopal Ernieʼs Liquor (rack) Harbor View Motel J Street Liquor Jack Donuts Laundry Tub Lucyʼs Market Mercado International Market Mini Mart (racks) Seafood City South Bay Liquor Sunny Market T & T Liquor Travelodge USA Liquor Americaʼs Best Value Inn A & W Liquor & Deli Beef N Bun Best Western Broadway Mesa Coin Coin Laundry Coin Laundry Cotixan Mexican resturant Country Wafles Foothill Liquor Friendly Liquor Genie Car Wash Go-Goʼs Liquor Grinder Sand Restaurant Haʼ Penny IHOP Jamacha Liquor & Deli Launderland Madison Ave. Coin Laundry Magnolia Market Main Street Liquor Mega Spin Midtown (Northgate) Motel Motel 6 Nuda Pharmacy Parkway Bowl Party Time Liquor Perryʼs Café Speedy Mart Super 8 Motel 619-579-1144 Super Laundry The Pancake House The Yogurt Mill Town & Country Liquor Tylerʼs Restaurant Valley Coin Laundry Valley Coin Laundry Valley Motel Winter Garden Liquor Big Tub Laundry Centre Laundry Golden State Liquor IHOP Marcus Liquor Rodeway Inn Best Western Inn Chalet Liquor & Deli Donut Pastry Donut Stop Du It Wash El Torro Market Fallbrook Lodge Joslyn Senior Center Village Market Bobar Liquor C.H. Donuts Capri Lodge Frankʼs Liquor Laundry Land Los Bodegós Mexican Lucky Laundry Land Palm Ave. Market & Liquor Star Motel Stop-N-Wash Super 8 Motel Super Wash & Dry Travelodge Yum Yum Donuts 7 Liquor Coin Laundry Coin-OP Laundry Dukeʼs Liquor Hitching Post Motel Holiday Inn Laundermat Fluff-N-Fold Starlight Market Super 8 UPS Store Country Donuts Lakeside Discount Liquor Lakeside Liquor Mr. Liquor SunburstCoin Laundry 1730 Alpine Boulevard, Ste. 201 Alpine 2223 Alpine Boulevard Alpine 1251 Tavern Road Alpine 1001 3rd Avenue Chula Vista 946 Broadway Chula Vista 333 Broadway Chula Vista 1459 Melrose Avenue Chula Vista 3189 Main Street Chula Vista 1562 3rd Avenue Chula Vista 856 3rd Avenue Chula Vista 3158 Main Street Chula Vista 632 E Street Chula Vista 1013 3rd Avenue Chula Vista 1376 3rd Avenue Chula Vista 1223A 3rd Avenue Chula Vista 747 E Street Chula Vista 1655 Broadway Chula Vista 1223- B 3rd Avenue Chula Vista 1089 Broadway Chula Vista 7701 Broadway Chula Vista 1355 Broadway, Suite A Chula Vista 1285Broadway, Suite 107 Chula Vista 1576 Industrial Boulevard Chula Vista 1415 3rd Avenue Chula Vista 772 3rd Avenue Chula Vista 1340 3rd Avenue Chula Vista 1355 Broadway, Suite L Chula Vista 449 Broadway Chula Vista 620 Broadway Chula Vista 394 Broadway Chula Vista 947 Broadway Chula Vista 1274 Oakdale Avenue El Cajon 7021 University Avenue El Cajon 2478 Fletcher Parkway El Cajon 650 Mollison El Cajon 8743 Broadway El Cajon 1043 E. Main Street El Cajon 1406 E. Main Street El Cajon 538 2nd Street El Cajon 1248 E. Main Street El Cajon 405 Jamacha Road El Cajon 8225 Winter Garden Blvd El Cajon 816 2nd Street El Cajon 1295 2nd Street El Cajon 1300 2nd Street El Cajon 1549 E. Main Street El Cajon 1286 Oakdale Avenue El Cajon 1530 Jamacha El Cajon 576 Jamacha Boulevard El Cajon 126 E. Madison Avenue El Cajon 112 E. Madison Avenue El Cajon 861 East Main Street El Cajon 1154 Main El Cajon 461 Magnolia Avenue El Cajon 550 Montrosse El Cajon 455 Magnolia El Cajon 1280 Fletcher Parkway El Cajon 518 Jamacha Boulevard El Cajon 475 Magnolia El Cajon 1791 2nd Street El Cajon 588 North Mollison El Cajon 1235 E. Main Street El Cajon 1000 2nd Street El Cajon 935 Broadway El Cajon 330 2nd Street El Cajon 576 2nd Street El Cajon 880 North Mollison El Cajon 8051 Winter Gardens Boulevard El Cajon 585 North Mollison El Cajon 8047 Winter Garden Boulevard El Cajon 1706 E. Valley Parkway Escondido 670 Broadway Escondido 935 West Mission Avenue Escondido 354 W. El Norte Parkway Escondido 440 West Felicita Avenue Escondido 250 W. El Norte Parkway Escondido 1629 South Mission Road Fallbrook 1051 South Main Street Fallbrook 833-F South Main Street Fallbrook 1418 South Mission Road Fallbrook 322 East Mission Road Fallbrook 337 North Main Fallbrook 1608 South Mission Road Fallbrook 399 Heald Lane Fallbrook 1510 Main Fallbrook 1777 Palm AvenueImperial Beach 1070 13th StreetImperial Beach 1381 Palm AvenueImperial Beach 1610 Palm Avenue Imperial Beach 1010 Palm AvenueImperial Beach 1542 1/2 Palm AvenueImperial Beach 1555 Palm AvenueImperial Beach 1200 Palm AvenueImperial Beach 1060 Outer RoadImperial Beach 1540 Palm AvenueImperial Beach 1788 Palm AvenueImperial Beach 1220 Palm AvenueImperial Beach 1722 Palm AvenueImperial Beach 1820 Coronado AvenueImperial Beach 7401 El Cajon Boulevard La Mesa 7454 University Avenue, Ste. 202 La Mesa 2890 Navajo Road La Mesa 7029 El Cajon Boulevard La Mesa 449 Guava Avenue La Mesa 8000 Parkway Drive La Mesa 5860 Parkway Drive La Mesa 7020 El Cajon Boulevard La Mesa 6952 University Avenue La Mesa 7918 El Cajon Boulevard La Mesa 12169 Woodside Avenue, Ste. C Lakeside 8909 Winter Garden Lakeside 9936 Maine Lakeside 12215 Woodside Avenue Lakeside 12562 Lakeshore Drive Lakeside The Watering Hole Vons Grove Market Lidoʼs Foods Mannyʼs Liquor Big Lots (rack) Jimboʼs Liquors Marvelous Cleaners Mira Mesa Senior Center The Donut Shop Days Inn Econo Lodge Family House of Pancakes Grand Plaza Inn Balboa Liquor Daleʼs Liquor Elks Lodge #1561 IHOP Mission Donut Oceanside Coin Laundry Oceanside Senior Center Quality Inn & Suites Carriage Lanes Coin-Op Laundry Poway Senior Center Bernardo Heights Rec. x2Ctr IHOP Rancho Bernardo Cmmnty Ctr Adams Avenue Market Centre Laundry City Administration Building City Rack City Rack City Rack City Rack City Rack/Balboa Park Comfort Inn Comfort Inn County Admid. Building Court Building Crest Balboa Liquor Crowne Plaza D Z Akins Restaurant Days Inn Days Inn Double Tree El Cajon Boulevard Market Halaal Market Hall Of Justice Hotel Circle Inn Howard Johnson IHOP Laundryland Marine Corps Recruit Depot Motel 6 Nikoʼs Market Pacific Liquor Park Cafe Premier Inn Quality Resort Ramada Limited & Suites Ramada Plaza Hotel Rayʼs Liquor Safari Market Sundance Market Sunshine Coin Laundry Super 8 Tortilleria Market Travelodge Mission Valley Burger Stop California Chile Campus Coin Laundry Circle Market Coin Laundry El Leon Market Gourmet Liquor Highlander Laundry Philly Frankʼs Cheesteaks San Marcos Senior Center Supreme Donuts Ranch House Restaurant Santee Market 79 Super Market Casa de Oro Coin Laundry Casa de Oro Liquor Harness Market Miss Donuts Spring Creek Liquor Stan’s Liquor Bates Bros Nut Farm Community Pharmacy Harvest Farms Portinoʼs Restaurant The Box Office 24 Hour Laundry Bottle Bin Liquor Bowl And Banquet Brengle Vista Senior Center Coin Laundry Coin Laundry Franciscan Motel Golden Dragon Restaurant IHOP La Favorita Meat Market La Vista Market (Rack) Rodeo Meat Market Tommyʼs Liquor Townsite Community Church Vista Entertainment Center Vista Inn 12168 Woodside Avenue Lakeside 12419 Woodside Avenue Lakeside 7977 Broadway Lemon Grove 7252 Broadway Lemon Grove 8729 Broadway Lemon Grove 9396 Mira Mesa Boulevard Mira Mesa 9388 Mira Mesa Boulevard Mira Mesa 9396 Mira Mesa Boulevard Mira Mesa 8460 Mira Mesa Boulevard Mira Mesa 9330-Suite E Mira Mesa Blvd. Mira Mesa 1640 East Plaza Boulevard National City 1700 East Plaza Boulevard National City 1900 East Plaza Boulevard National City 1125 East Plaza Boulevard National City 1604 Mission Avenue (Rack)Oceanside 107 Brooks Street (Rack) Oceanside 300 County Club LaneOceanside 1806 Oceanside Boulevard Oceanside 1502 Mission AvenueOceanside 1824 Oceanside Boulevard Oceanside 441 County Club LaneOceanside 1403 Mission AvenueOceanside 12941 Poway Road Poway 13520 Poway Road Poway 13094 Civic Center Drive Poway 16150 Bernardo HeightsRancho Bernardo 10155 Paseo MontriRancho Bernardo 16934 Old Espola Road Rancho Bernardo 2740 Adams Avenue San Diego 1460 S. 43rd, Suite D San Diego 202 C Street San Diego 794 West Broadway San Diego 993 West Broadway San Diego 1236 1st San Diego 2200 Hawthorn San Diego Village Place San Diego 2485 Hotel Circle Place San Diego 1955 San Diego Avenue San Diego 1600 Pacific Hwy. San Diego 220 Broadway San Diego 6139 Balboa Avenue San Diego 2270 Hotel Circle N. San Diego 6930 Alvarado Road San Diego 475 Hotel Circle S. San Diego 3350 Rosecrans Street San Diego 1515 Hotel Circle S. San Diego 3504 El Cajon Boulevard San Diego 3725 University Avenue San Diego 330 Broadway San Diego 2201 Hotel Circle S. San Diego 1631 Hotel Circle S. San Diego 6135 Balboa Avenue San Diego 1212 43rd Street San Diego MCRD Recreartion Ctr., Bld. 590 San Diego 2424 Hotel Circle N. San Diego 333 Adams Avenue San Diego 2931 El Cajon Boulevard San Diego 1944 30th Street San Diego 2484 Hotel Circle Place San Diego 875 Hotel Circle S. San Diego 641 Camino Del Rio S. San Diego 2151 Hotel Circle S. San Diego 3041 30th Street San Diego 4348 54th Street San Diego 909 S. 47th, Suite A San Diego 4028 30th Street San Diego 445 Hotel Circle S. San Diego 3725 University Avenue San Diego 1201 Hotel Circle S. San Diego 2506 S. Santa Fe, #B2 San Marcos 165 S. Santa Fe San Marcos 218-Suite 112 San Marcos Blvd. San Marcos 202 Rancho Santa Fe Road San Marcos 117 Rancho Santa Fe San Marcos 2506 S. Santa Fe, #B10 San Marcos 2966 S. Santa Fe San Marcos 1375 S. Rancho Sante Fe San Marcos 151 Rancho Santa Fe Road San Marcos 111 Richmar Street San Marcos 208 San Marcos Blvd., Ste. 103 San Marcos 11510 Woodside Avenue, Ste. F Santee 11007 Woodside Avenue Santee 9905 Mira Mesa Boulevard Scripps Ranch 9750 Campo Road Spring Valley 9727 Campo Road Spring Valley 9095 Harness Street Spring Valley 9729 Campo Road Spring Valley 9155 Campo Road Spring Valley 9907 Campo Road Spring Valley 15954 Wood Valley Road Valley Center 29115 Valley Center Road, #F Valley Center 28960 Lilac Road Valley Center 28916 Valley Center Road Valley Center 29115 Valley Center Road, #K Valley Center 1066 E. Vista Way Vista 810 East Vista Way Vista 435 West Vista Way Vista 1400 Vale Terrace Vista 102 East Vista Way Vista 915 East Vista Way Vista 965 S. Sante Fe Vista 1050 E. Vista Way Vista 632 Sycamore Avenue Vista 932 Vista Village Drive Vista 1591 E. Vista Way Vista 356 Vista Village Drive Vista 1581 E. Vista Way Vista 642 Vista Village Drive Vista 435 West Vista Way Vista 745 W. Vista Way Vista ★ Cactus Bingo Supply, 6190 Fairmount Ave., San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 795-7220 14 - BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION april 2015 JOIN US ABOARD THE BREEZE AND PLAY FOR 100,000 IN CASH & PRIZES $ The Bingo Bugle World Championship 27THAL ANNU BINGO TOURNAMENT & GAMING CRUISE Sail From Miami to the Exotic Eastern Caribbean aboard Carnival Breeze! NOVEMBERSt. Maarten 7, 2015• Antigua • 8 DAY CRUISE St. Thomas, USVI • Nassau, The Bahamas Bask in the Caribbean sun as you experience eight exotic, carefree days of luxurious ocean adventure during the 2015 Bingo Bugle World Championship Bingo Tournament & Gaming Cruise. Compete for fantastic cash prizes, tour incredible ports of call and enjoy luxurious, pampered living aboard the exquisite Carnival Breeze. With more than $100,000 in combined cash and prizes to be given away, you won’t want to miss a moment of this amazing travel and gaming experience! Twenty-seven years of experience guarantees that the Bingo Bugle knows just how to bring you the best of Bingo. Our courteous, friendly and experienced staff members offer early bird Bingo and special games in addition to the World Championship Tournament games. Don’t Miss The Fun! Call toll-free to reserve your place today! (888) 352-2464 Join us on Facebook at april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION - 15 Dear Aunt Bingo, I just returned home from Bingo and I am fuming! Well, more accurately, I just retur ned home from the Bingo hall—which had a big sign stuck on the door saying that due to the weather, Bingo had been cancelled. Here I am, a 70-year-old widow, and I had no problem driving to and from the hall in spite of the snow. But apparently the folks who run the Bingo were too frightened to leave their homes. There had to have been at least 30 ca rs t hat pul led i nto t hat parking lot only to see the sign and have to turn around and go home. A nd t here isn’t a not her Bingo near enough that any of us could have driven there in time to get there before the start of Bingo. Not that I would have. The last thing in the world I was in the mood for was driving another 10 miles to find that hall closed, too! Thank you for letting me vent! —TCC, Binghamton, NY Dear TCC, What a rotten way for your Bingo night to begin and end! Unfortunately, that’s sometimes how things go during wintertime. In defense of t he ha l l, it is one thing to venture out in bad weather by choice because you hope to win some Bingo bucks, as opposed to venturing out in that same lousy weather because you volunteer to hand out Bingo packs and pull tabs. The person who posted the sign was likely the unfortunate Bingo manager who had f ielded calls from workers who couldn’t make it, tried to find substitutes and failed, and finally had to make the same snowy drive you did so he could hang the sign and disappoint his players. If nothing else, hopefully you ca n ta ke from this a reminder that it is always wise during bad weat her to CA LL A HE A D a nd make sure that Bingo—or whatever event you are planning to attend—is still in session. A ca ncel lat ion w i l l st i l l be a disappointment, but at least it will be a disappointment from the safety and warmth of your home. —Aunt Bingo Dear Aunt Bingo, Get this. We’re in the middle of a brea k bet ween Bingo sessions when a tow truck pulls up and the driver walks into the hall and calls out a woman’s name. A lady walks over and speaks with him and the two of them go outside. They get in the tow tr uck and drive away. Fifteen minutes later, just as Bingo is about to start again, the tow truck pulls up (this time towing a car), drops the lady off, and drives away. The woman comes back into the hall and begins the second session of Bingo. I didn’t think much of it until one of my friends says, “Now I’ve Dear Pat, I have to hand it to that woman—she certainly is unflappable! And while I love Bingo as much as the next player, I don’t think I’m quite enough of a fan that I could coordinate an unexpected car accident, a tow truck, and a lift home with a double Bingo session. Amazing! If the woman who did this reads this column—and I’m confident that if she does, she will surely recognize herself in this story—I hope she will send me a note or email and tell us all about this experience. I’m sure we would all love to hear how she pulled this off! —Aunt Bingo Write to Aunt Bingo c/o the Bingo Bugle, P.O. Box 527, Vashon, Washington 98070, or email her at STENGL 456 @ Be sure to include your name and address (you can ask that your name not be used). Would Ya’ Believe? Before you ink yourself, you might want to consider this: The cost of removing an unwanted tattoo can be up to 10 times as much as it cost to get the tattoo. …During the Victorian era, a welldressed gentleman was never outdoors without a hat, and most had different hats for different occasions. Of course, the cost of such haberdashery could mount significantly, so one enterprising British soul registered a design (which was much less expensive than registering a patent) for a “duplex hat”—an elaborate contraption that, by means of hidden springs, could convert from a top hat to a bowler to suit the circumstances. …The average American parent gives kids $3.40 from the tooth North County Alano Club Sunday Bingo Doors Open 2:00 p.m. Bingo Buy-in Options: ✴ $15 Buy-in Includes: 1 Pack, 1 Set Of Specials & 1 Speedy $24 Buy-in Includes: 2 Packs, 2 Sets Of Specials & 1 Speedy ✴ $32 Buy-in Includes: 3 Packs, 3 Sets Of Specials & 1 Speedy ✴ $40 Buy-in Includes: 4 Packs, 4 Sets Of Specials & 1 Speedy ✴ ✴ $45 Buy-in Includes: 5 Packs, 5 Sets Of Specials & 1 Speedy Dumbo Cookie Jar Q: During the 1940s, I received a Dumbo cookie jar. I still have it and wonder if it has any value. — Lynda, Grand Junction, Colorado A: Dumbo is one of my favorite Disney characters. In the 1941 film, a circus elephant was born with ears so big that both he and his mother became objects of humiliation. The film was a major success, and its score by Oliver Wallace and Frank Churchill won an Academy Award. In all of the years that I have prowled antique shops and malls, I have never seen a Dumbo cookie jar. I did find it referenced in The Official Price Guide to Disney Collectibles by Ted Hake and published by House of Collectibles. According to Hake, your cookie jar is valued in the $65 to $250 range depending on condition. Q: In my mot her’s estate is a coin collection, including an 1883 silver coin that has a face of a lady with a decorative vine of flowers. How much is it worth? Answer me via my email. —C.W., Brooklyn, New York A: It sounds like your coin is a silver dollar. With coins, condition is extremely important. Because I have not seen the coin and am not even certain which one it is, that is about as far as I can go. Since you live in Brooklyn, my advice is to show your coin to several dealers in your area for an idea of current value. Wr ite to L a r r y Cox i n ca re of KFWS, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475, or send e-mail to Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr. Cox cannot personally answer reader questions, nor do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring return mail. © King Features fairy for each tooth lost. …The first canned meat product, known as Hormel Spiced Ham, was developed in 1937. Several imitators followed, and the executives at the Hormel Company, concerned about the new competition, decided to have a competition to rename the product. The winner, Broadway actor Kenneth Daigneau (and brother to the company’s vice president), won $100 for the winning entry: Spam. …If you’re a pickle-maker in Connecticut, you should know that your product cannot legally be considered a pickle unless it bounces when dropped. …Philadelphia brand cream cheese was originally made in New York. © King Features Early Birds 4:30 p.m. We Play 3 Progressives! 2 Blackouts Each Pay $400 April 5 open - Easter Sunday • Flashboards • Snack Bar • VISA® and MasterCard® accepted I-5 76 Take Driveway Just East Of Mission San Luis Rey Bingo North County Alano Club Mission Ave. Mobile Home Park Academy Rd. seen everything.” “What?” I asked her. It t ur ns out t hat on t he way to Bingo, the woman got her car stuck in a ditch up the road. She left it and walked the rest of the way to Bingo. Once she got to the hall she called a tow truck and then proceeded to play Bingo. She asked the tow guy to try and time it so she could meet him during the break and then come back to Bingo. It worked out perfectly! W hen Bingo was over, one of her friends gave her a ride home. —Pat K., via email 76 4198 Mission Avenue, Oceanside ✴ 760-757-1166 ✴ 16 - BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION april 2015 BINGO BUGLE WEEKLY MONDAY NORTH COUNTY Vista Elks Lodge #1968 1947 E. Vista Way, Vista (See Ad) 6:15 p.m. (760) 724-1968 SAN DIEGO First Samoan Congregational Christian Church 1345 S. 45th Street, San Diego 6:30 DA (See Ad) (619) 262-2707 EAST COUNTY MITE, INC. 1365 N. Johnson, Suite 110, El Cajon 6:00 EB (See Ad) (619) 440-5768 SYCUAN CASINO Bingo (9:30 & 11:45 a.m. , 2 p.m.) 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon 6:15 W-U (See Ad) 1-800-272-4646 Viejas CASINO Bingo (11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.) 5000 Willows Road, Alpine 7:30 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-yell Bingo TUESDAY NORTH COUNTY Poway Senior Center BINGO 13094 Civic Center Drive, Poway (858) 748-6094 12:15 W-U (See Ad) SAN DIEGO ST. MARY MAGDALENE 1905 Illion St., San Diego 6:30 EB (See Ad) (619) 276-4538 EAST COUNTY St. peter chaldean 1627 Jamacha Way, El Cajon 6:00 p.m. (See Ad) (619) 733-6621 SYCUAN CASINO Bingo (9:30 & 11:45 a.m. , 2 p.m.) 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon 6:15 W-U (See Ad) 1-800-272-4646 Viejas CASINO Bingo (11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.) 5000 Willows Road, Alpine 7:30 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-yell Bingo SOUTH BAY First Samoan Congregational Church Of National City 1715 E. 17th Street, National City 6:30 W-U (619) 474-5228 WEDnesday THURSday NORTH COUNTY NORTH COUNTY Encinitas Elks Lodge #2243 1393 Windsor Road, Cardiff (760) 753-2243 6:30 EB (See Ad) First Samoan Congregational Church 745 Avenida De Benito Juarez, Vista (760) 758-8571 6:30 p.m. Mission San Luis Rey Parish 4070 Mission Ave., San Luis Rey (OC) (See Ad) (760) 439-6700 11:30 a.m. EAST COUNTY ST. MARTIN’S Church 7710 El Cajon Boulevard, La Mesa 6:00 EB (See Ad) (619) 461-1081 CLOSED Apr. 1 SYCUAN CASINO Bingo (9:30 & 11:45 a.m. , 2 p.m.) 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon 6:15 W-U (See Ad) 1-800-272-4646 Viejas CASINO Bingo (11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.) 5000 Willows Road, Alpine 7:30 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-yell Bingo SOUTH BAY Most Precious Blood Church 1245 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista 6:00 p.m. (See Ad) (619) 422-2100 GOOD SHEPHERD CHURCH 8200 Gold Coast Dr., S. D. [Miramar Area] (Carroll Canyon Exit off 15 North) 6:45 p.m. (See Ad) (858) 271-0992 X 213 CLOSED Apr. 2 JAPANESE-AMERICAN CULTURAL CENTER 150 Cedar Road, Vista 6:15 EB (See Ad) (760) 726-7628 SAN DIEGO United Portuguese Hall 2818 Avenida De Portugal, San Diego 6:30 EB (See Ad) (619) 895-6348 EAST COUNTY MITE, INC. 1365 N. Johnson, Suite 110, El Cajon 6:00 EB (See Ad) (619) 440-5768 SYCUAN CASINO Bingo (9:30 & 11:45 a.m. , 2 p.m.) 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon 6:15 W-U (See Ad) 1-800-272-4646 Viejas CASINO Bingo (11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.) 5000 Willows Road, Alpine 7:30 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-yell Bingo BINGO BUGLE WEEKLY San Diego County San Diego County San Diego County San Diego County SYCUAN CASINO 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon SYCUAN CASINO 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon SYCUAN CASINO 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon SYCUAN CASINO 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon Viejas CASINO 5000 Willows Road, Alpine Viejas CASINO 5000 Willows Road, Alpine Viejas CASINO 5000 Willows Road, Alpine Viejas CASINO 5000 Willows Road, Alpine Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 619-445-6002 800-935-5246 Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 619-445-6002 800-935-5246 Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 619-445-6002 800-935-5246 Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 619-445-6002 800-935-5246 april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION - 17 BINGO Listings FRIDAY SATURDAY SAN DIEGO NORTH COUNTY ST. COLUMBA CHURCH 3327 Glencolum Dr., San Diego 6:15 EB (See Ad) (858) 277-3863 CLOSED Apr. 3 & 24 First Samoan Congregational Church 745 Avenida De Benito Juarez, Vista 5:30 p.m. (760) 758-8571 ST. RITA’S CHURCH 5115 Churchward St., San Diego 6:30 EB (619) 264-3165 EAST COUNTY MITE, INC. 1365 N. Johnson, Suite 110, El Cajon 6:00 EB (See Ad) (619) 440-5768 SYCUAN CASINO Bingo (9:30 & 11:45 a.m. , 2 p.m.) 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon 6:15 W-U (See Ad) 1-800-272-4646 Viejas CASINO Bingo (11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.) 5000 Willows Road, Alpine 7:30 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-yell Bingo Mission San Luis Rey Parish 4070 Mission Ave., San Luis Rey (OC) 10:30 a.m. (See Ad) (760) 439-6700 CLOSED Apr. 4 Poway Senior Center BINGO 13094 Civic Center Drive, Poway 5:30 ES (See Ad) (858) 748-6094 SAN DIEGO First Samoan Congregational Christian Church 1345 S. 45th Street, San Diego 12:45 DA (See Ad) (619) 262-2707 EAST COUNTY SUNDAY NORTH COUNTY NORTH COUNTY ALANO CLUB 4198 Mission Avenue, Oceanside 4:30 EB (See Ad) (760) 757-1166 OPEN Apr. 5 Oceanside Elks Lodge #1561 444 Country Club Lane, Oceanside 12:30 p.m. (See Ad) (760) 433-1561 CLOSED Apr. 5 EAST COUNTY SYCUAN CASINO Bingo (9:30 & 11:45 a.m. , 2 p.m.) 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon 6:15 W-U (See Ad) 1-800-272-4646 OPEN Apr. 5 Viejas CASINO Bingo (11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.) 5000 Willows Road, Alpine 7:30 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-yell Bingo OPEN Apr. 5 MITE, INC. 1365 N. Johnson, Suite 110, El Cajon 6:00 EB (See Ad) (619) 440-5768 Astrology april 2015 ARIES Mar. 21 to Apr. 20 Lucky No. 42 - Magic No. 59 1st thru 6th - Uphill until the 5th. 7th thru 12th - Keep it coming to you the 8th$$ 13th thru 18th - RED works 16th-17th! 19th thru 24th - An opportunity for 21st$$$ 25th thru 30th - Surprise awaits you 25th-26th! TAURUS Apr. 21 to May 21 Lucky No. 60 - Magic No. 49 1st thru 6th - Pull it together to win the 1st$$ 7th thru 12th - GREEN’s your power color 11th$ 13th thru 18th - BLUE has hope 14th-15th! 19th thru 24th - Strongly favored the 24th$$ 25th thru 30th - Your best shot 28th/29th$ GEMINI May 22 to June 21 Lucky No. 17 - Magic No. 64 1st thru 6th - Going your way 3rd and 4th$$ 7th thru 12th - PURPLE is rewarding 12th$$ 13th thru 18th - Put your $$ on RED 16th-17th!$ 19th thru 24th - Get busy the 21st! 25th thru 30th - Your fire is stoked 25th-26th$$! CANCER June 22 to July 22 Lucky No. 4 - Magic No. 20 1st thru 6th - Engaged to win 1st and 6th$ 7th thru 12th - Back off a bit until the 10th. 13th thru 18th - Winning by osmosis 14th-15th$ 19th thru 24th - Good fortune the 19th!$ 25th thru 30th - Concentrate the 28th and win$ LEO July 23 to Aug. 23 SYCUAN CASINO Bingo (9:30 & 11:45 a.m. , 2 p.m.) 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon 6:15 W-U (See Ad) 1-800-272-4646 Lucky No. 11 - Magic No. 65 1st thru 6th - You know how to do it 3rd-4th! 7th thru 12th - Put it on RED 8th/9th$ 13th thru 18th - You’re number one 16th-17th! 19th thru 24th - Some possibilities the 21st. 25th thru 30th - Make yourself proud the 26th! Viejas CASINO Bingo (11:00 a.m. & 2:00 p.m.) 5000 Willows Road, Alpine 7:30 p.m. (See Ad) 1-800-yell Bingo VIRGO Aug. 24 to Sept. 23 SOUTH BAY Lucky No. 27 - Magic No. 1 1st thru 6th - You can’t lose 1st-2nd$$ 7th thru 12th - Smashing good time 10th-11th! 13th thru 18th - Sluggish after the 15th. 19th thru 24th - Look at 23rd/24th to win$ 25th thru 30th - Right up your alley the 28th! First Samoan Congregational Church Of National City 1715 E. 17th Street, National City 6:30 WU (619) 474-5228 LIBRA Sept. 24 to Oct. 23 Lucky No. 71 - Magic No. 9 1st thru 6th - Odds are in your favor 3rd-4th! 7th thru 12th - Looking great 8th/9th$$ 13th thru 18th - Wise connections 12th-13th!$ 19th thru 24th - GREEN/PURPLE best 21st$ 25th thru 30th - Give it a go 26th-27th! SCORPIO Oct. 24 to Nov. 22 Between April 13 to 18, please report any changes or information on special events for the May issue of the Bingo Bugle. Lucky No. 14 - Magic No. 28 1st thru 6th - Out of this world 1st/2nd$!! 7th thru 12th - Your pockets are full 10th/11th$$ 13th thru 18th - BLUE brings $$ 14th-15th! 19th thru 24th - Healthy win 23rd-24th$$ 25th thru 30th - Slick strategy 28th/29th! SAGITTARIUS Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 casino Listings San Diego County San Diego County San Diego County SYCUAN CASINO 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon SYCUAN CASINO 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon SYCUAN CASINO 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon Viejas CASINO 5000 Willows Road, Alpine Viejas CASINO 5000 Willows Road, Alpine Viejas CASINO 5000 Willows Road, Alpine Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 619-445-6002 800-935-5246 Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 619-445-6002 800-935-5246 Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) Casino Open 24/7 (See Ad) 619-445-6002 800-935-5246 Lucky No. 5 - Magic No. 23 1st thru 6th - You can pull it off 3rd/4th$ 7th thru 12th - Wake up and win the 8th! 13th thru 18th - Bet your bottom $ the 17th! 19th thru 24th - Some highlights the 22nd. 25th thru 30th - YELLOW shines 25th-26th$$ CAPRICORN Dec. 22 to Jan. 20 Lucky No. 75 - Magic No. 46 1st thru 6th - Fabulous 1st and 6th! 7th thru 12th - You got it going on 10th-11th!$ 13th thru 18th - Uncanny luck 14th-15th$$ 19th thru 24th - Better than most 18th-19th$! 25th thru 30th - You make it look easy 28th. AQUARIUS Jan. 21 to Feb. 19 Lucky No. 61 - Magic No. 3 1st thru 6th - Nicely done 3rd/4th! 7th thru 12th - You’re RED hot the 8th!$ 13th thru 18th - Be next in line 16th-17th! 19th thru 24th - ODD chance to win 21st$ 25th thru 30th - It’s a breeze the 30th$$ PISCES Feb. 20 to Mar. 20 Lucky No. 31 - Magic No. 57 1st thru 6th - Show them your stuff 5th/6th$$ 7th thru 12th - Get real and win 10th/11th$$ 13th thru 18th - It’s a “maybe” the 15th. 19th thru 24th - Bountiful w/BLUE 23rd-24th$$ 25th thru 30th - Hang around to see $ 27th. 18 - BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION april 2015 april 2015 BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION - 19 Vietnam Medal Of Honor Recipients To Be Recognized On Forever Stamp Sheet March 8, 2015, marks the 50th Anniversary of the beginning of the ground war in Vietnam with the deployment of 3,500 Marines. By war’s end on April 30, 1975, nearly 3 million service men and women fought in the conflict that would take the lives of more than 58,000 Americans. Of those who served during the Vietnam War, 258 were awarded the Medal of Honor. More than six out of 10 award recipients made the ultimate sacrifice, giving their lives while performing the courageous acts for which they were later honored. American military advisers had been involved in South Vietnam since the 1950s. The Postal Service will honor these brave Americans by dedicating the Limited Edition Vietnam War Medal of Honor Prestige Folio Forever stamps on Memorial Day, May 25. The 1:00 p.m. ceremony, hosted by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and the National Park Service, will take place at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, DC. The Prestige Folio stamp sheet, depicting many of the nearly 50 living Vietnam War recipients, will be previewed later. The folio, which lists the names of all 258 recipients, will be modeled after the World War II and Korean War Medal of Honor Prestige Folio stamp sheets issued in 2013 and 2014 respectively. The Medal of Honor is our nation’s most prestigious military decoration. It is awarded by the President of the United States on behalf of Congress to members of the armed services who distinguish themselves through “conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty” while engaged in action against an enemy of the United States. The Medal of Honor traces its origins to the first year of the Civil War when Congress saw the need for a formal means of recognizing or rewarding acts of heroism. In 1861, James W. Grimes, a senator from Iowa, introduced a bill to “promote the efficiency of the Navy” by distributing “medals of honor”. President Abraham Lincoln signed the bill into law on December 21, 1861. Lincoln signed a similar measure on behalf of the U.S. Army on July 12, 1862, and the country had two Medals of Honor: one for sailors and one for soldiers. There are now three similar, yet distinct, versions of the Medal of Honor, one for each Military Department (Army, Navy, and Air Force). The medals are similar in that each consists of a variation of a five-pointed star worn around the neck on a light blue ribbon. The Navy version is awarded to those serving in the Navy and Marine Corps, and during times of war, to members of the Coast Guard. The Air Force, which was established as an independent department in 1947, adopted its distinctive Medal of Honor in 1965. The first presentation of the U.S. Air Force’s medal took place in 1967 during the Vietnam War. The Postal Service receives no tax dollars. Tuesday Night Bingo Doors Open 4:00 p.m. Early Bird 6:30 p.m. 14 Games, Including Bonanza, Each Pay $250 Daub Flashboards $500 Pay Up To Each Bag Of Daubs Sold Pays Out $100 4 Bags SOLD = A $400 Payout FREEProgressive Blackout Game FREE Is Always At $1,199 Starts At 52#’s & 1 Number Is Added Each Game Day The Top Prize Is Not Won. $1,199 & 61#’s As Of 03/24/15…If Jackpot NOT Won Sooner $100 Consolation Prize — april 21 — Ecumenical C.C.S.A.! Bring Any Combination Of 3 Of The Following: q Pasta Sauce q Pasta q Boxed Cereal & Get 1 Half Pack FREE With Buy-in. Freddy Groves reg rets t hat he cannot personally answer reader questions, but will incorporate them into his column whenever possible. Send email to - Meatloaf Dinner.............................. $6.00 Joeʼs Breaded Chicken.................. $6.00 Turkey Dinner................................. $6.00 Pasta Dinner. . ................................. $1.00 Lucky Star Special Bingo Package OR Regular Bingo Package Available ✔ Bonanza ✔ Wide Variety Of Flashboards ✔ Padded Chairs ✔ TV Monitors ✔ Ample Parking ✔ Security Patrolled Parking X Parking Clairemont Drive (Exit #22) Milton X o Kn Sea World Tecalote Rd. Drive (Exit #21) lle xvi •• •• Illion 07 14 21 28 Denver apr. apr. apr. apr. (Menu Subject To Change) Morena Blvd. Ever y Tuesday morning since Sept. 11, 2001, the Freeport Flag L adies — Ca r men, Ela i ne a nd JoAnn—have stood on a corner in downtown Freeport, Maine, holding f lags to honor those in uniform who’ve worked to guarantee our freedoms. Rain, wind, snow, ice, heat of summer…they haven’t missed a si ng le day. On most Tuesday mor ni ngs, t he ladies aren’t alone. People come from all walks of life to stand with them: leaders of groups like the American Legion or the Veterans of Foreign Wars, parents of active-duty military, or school kids or neighbors. Many are veterans. The ladies do so much more t ha n br i ng people toget her on Tuesday mornings. Wearing their instantly identifiable f lag shirts, t hey attend mi l ita r y f unera ls, take photos of incoming and out- —M•e•n•u— FWY I-5 film salutes going service personnel at the airport and post them on the website (, send packages to veterans in hospitals, place flags at veteran cemeteries, and more. Now you can meet these lovely ladies in a film that’s been made about them, and hear their philosophies and beliefs about heroes and freedom, and why they do what they do. A Ma i ne f i l mma ker has pro duced a spot- on documenta r y that captures the essence of the Freeport Flag Ladies. The f i lm One Tuesday Mor ning is available now on Video for $2.99 to rent (for a 48-hour period) or for $8.99 to buy. If you’d like to wait for the DVD and be notified when it’s ready, send an email note to info @onetuesday, and you’ll be put on the list. To watch the trailer, please visit onetuesdaymorning. com. Don’t miss the Extras section, linked from the left. 4 Way Stop… Go Up Hill FWY I-8 • 100% Smoke-Free…All Players Welcome 1905 Illion Street, San Diego 619-276-4538 20 - BINGO BUGLE - SAN DIEGO COUNTY EDITION april 2015
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