Registration Form National Biogas Convention 15-17 September, 2015 Full Name : ______________________________________________________ Gender : Male [ ] Female [ ] Position : ________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Organisation : ___________________________________________________ E-mail : __________________________________________________________ Phone : __________________________________________________________ Accommodation Required : Yes [ ] No [ ] Experience in Biogas Sector: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Title of Research Paper (if willing to submit): ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Registration Fee may be paid to a/c number 0346101060870, Canara Bank, IIT Delhi Branch, New Delhi (IFSC Code: CNRB0008599) or by Demand Draft on the name of “Biogas Forum India” Payable at New Delhi Registration Fee ₹ _______________________________________ DD Number : ____________________________________________ NEFT Transaction Number : ___________________________ Transaction Date/ DD Date: ____________________________ LAST DATE FOR REGISTRATION : 30 July, 2015 Registration Fee Please Tick [ ] in the appropriate category Research Scholar/Students BiGFIN Members Faculty/Scientist/Individual Industry [ [ [ [ ] ₹ 1000 ] ₹ 1500 ] ₹ 2000 ] ₹ 5000 *Optional: Field Visit on 17 September 2015 on actual charges basis. Important Dates Last date for acceptance of abstract : 30 May, 2015 Notification for acceptance of abstract : 15 June, 2015 Last date for full paper submission : 10 July, 2015 PLACE STAMP HERE 2nd Venue IIT Delhi is located in Hauz Khas, South Delhi. The campus of 325 acres (132 ha) is surrounded by the beautiful Hauz Khas area and monuments such as the Qutub Minar and Lotus Temple. The inside of the campus resembles a city, with gardens, lawns, residential complexes and wide roads. The campus has its own water supply and backup electricity supply along with shopping complexes to cater to the daily needs of residents. In Delhi the monsoons recede in late September with average temperatures around 20–25 °C in the comfortable range. Current and Emerging Trends in Indian Biogas and Bio– Fertilizer Development CETIBBD–2015 2nd National Biogas Convention 15-17 September, 2015 Accommodation Guest accommodation can be arranged if required, in the nearby hotels. Accommodation will be arranged on prior payment basis only. Room rent and other charges are to be borne by guests. Contact Dr. Ram Chandra, Scientist Mr. Abhinav Trivedi, Ph.D Scholar c/o Professor Virendra Kumar Vijay (Coordinator) Room Number 375, Block III Centre for Rural Development and Technology Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi–110 016 Email : Phone (o) : 011 2659 6351 Fax : 011 2659 1121 Dr. Ram Chandra Phone : 8010347500 Mr. Abhinav Trivedi Phone : 8744843380 Organised by – Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and Biogas Forum India & Indian Biogas Association Venue Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi–110 016 Invited Speakers About the Convention Dear Friends, The global warming and climate change agenda in the world is looking for green energy alternatives which can reduce greenhouse gases emission. Biogas technologies have proved to be a ray of hope for resolving the waste management and solving energy problems in rural areas. Over last three decades biogas plants played an important role in Indian villages by providing rural energy needs and bio–fertilizer. However, with the advancement of lifestyle even in rural areas the aspirations of rural people are skyrocketing. Most of the villages have cattle but the dung is being used mostly for making dung cakes for burning as fuel or as organic manure in an inefficient manner. Thus, there is utmost need to address these issues in a focused manner. Biogas offers an important solution to the present energy crisis in rural area. Besides being a clean and important source of energy for cooking it is an environmentally green and clean technology. This national convention will make an attempt towards preparing policy on national level for installation of 10 million biogas plants across the country including all sized biogas plants to draw attention of policy makers and the users for the greater use of biogas as cooking and vehicular fuel along with electrical power generation applications. Looking forward for your participation in the event. Yours Sincerely Professor Virendra Kumar Vijay Publication and Sponsorship The selected full length papers will be published as conference proceedings through internationally reputed publisher. A souvenir will be distributed to all the delegates along with the kit. The sponsors from Industries/ stakeholders are encouraged to support the conference and will be advertised in the souvenir. The details are available on the conference website. Dr. Praveen Saxena, Advisor MNRE Mr. G. L. Meena, Director MNRE Dr. B. S. Negi, Director MNRE Dr. Tushar Jash, Jadavpur University, Kolkata Dr. Pinakeshwar Mahanta, IIT Guwahati Dr. Srikanth Mutnuri, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus Dr. Sudhir Kumar, JUIT, Solan, Himachal Dr. Sachin Kumar, SSS-NIRE, Kapurthala Dr. S. S. Kapdi, AAU, Anand Prof. D. C. Baruah, Tezpur Univeristy, Assam Dr. P. Shanmugum, CLRI, Chennai Dr. S. S. Sooch, PAU, Ludhiana Dr. K. C. Pnadey, CIAE, Bhopal Dr. N. S. Chauhan, CAEPHT, Gangtok Mr. S. B. Dangayech, M/s Sintex Ind. Ltd., Gujarat Mr. Basavraj, M/s PRAJ Industries, Pune Mr. Paran Gowda, Patanjali, Haridwar Dr. Subhash, Mahindra Research Valley, Chennai Advisory Committee Prof. R. R. Gaur, IIT Delhi Dr. A. R. Shukla, President, BiGFIN, New Delhi Dr. K. Alagusundaram, D.D.G. (Engg.), ICAR, New Delhi Dr. H. N. Chanakya, IISc Bangaluru Dr. Deepak Sharma, MPUAT, Udaipur Prof. P. M. V. Subbarao, IIT Delhi Prof. T. R. Sreekrishnan, IIT Delhi Prof. Satyawati Sharma, IIT Delhi Dr. Anushree Malik, IIT Delhi Mr. Sandeep Garg, GBES, New Delhi Mr. Gaurav Kedia, IBA, New Delhi Convener Co–convener : Professor Virendra Kumar Vijay : Dr. Ram Chandra, Scientist Mr. Abhinav Trivedi, Ph. D. Scholar Mr. Bhaskar Jha, Ph.D. Scholar Mr. Vandit Vijay, Ph.D. Scholar Tentative Program and Schedule Day 1 (15 September, 2015) 09:00 – 10:00 Registration 10:00 – 11:00 Inaugural Ceremony 11:00 – 11:30 High Tea Session 1 - 11:30 – 13:30 Biogas production from various kinds of organic wastes and innovative fermentation and digester construction methods Lunch - 13:30 – 14:30 Session 2 - 14:30 – 16:30 Application and management of biogas spent slurry and its handling Poster Presentation and Tea : 16:30 – 18:00 Networking Dinner : 19:30 – 21:00 Day 2 (16 September, 2015) Session 3 - 09:00 – 11:00 Biogas enrichment and bottling for power generation, vehicular uses and other large scale applications Tea: 11:00 – 11:30 Session 4 - 11:30 – 13:30 Biogas related policy framework in India and its governance mechanism Lunch - 13:30 – 14:30 Session 5 - 14:30 – 16:00 Joint session on policies, promotion and trouble shootings of biogas systems and technologies Lab Visit and Tea: 16:00 – 16:30 Biogas Production, Up gradation and Bottling Facility Visit at IIT Delhi Valedictory Ceremony : 16:30 – 17:30 Day 3 (17 September, 2015) : Field Visit A field visit can be arranged at a working biogas enrichment and bottling plant depending on the sufficient number of interested participants
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