Birmingham HOG HIGHLIGHTS April 2015 Ride and Have Fun V O LUME 15 I S SUE 4 IN S ID E TH IS ISS U E: From the Director 2 Assistant Director—Kick Stands Up 3 Secretary’s Report 4 Ladies of Harley 5 Activities 6 Safety 7 Let’s Ride! 8 March Membership Meeting 9 Children’s Teddy Bear Clinic 10 Meet & Eat Notice 13 New Members 14 Alexander City 16 Cheddars Tuscaloosa 17 Birthdays 18 Calendar of Events 19 Bama’s Boots, Bands and Bikes 22 Membership Form 23 The monthly meeting will be TUESDAY April 7th. Food will be served at 6:00 PM. New Member orientation will begin at 6:30 PM. The meeting will start at 7:00 PM. P AGE 2 V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 From the Director By: Rick Gamble 2015 CHAPTER OFFICERS Director Rick Gamble Assistant Director David Pardue Treasurer David Lee Secretary Julie Gamble DISCRETIONARY OFFICERS Ladies of Harley Sally Peek Activities Committee Lisa Townsend Safety Officer Tony Berenotto Photographer Lisa Kimbrough Philip Isbell Jessica Pajaron Hello Hog's I am calling on all members to step up and help sell Bike & Visa Raffle tickets. The money raised from the Bike Raffle is what funds 99% of our FUN! Money raised from Visa tickets will be split between Children's and Birmingham HOG. I know we like having FUN and supporting Children's Hospital...Right?...Like the Harleyween Party..Christmas Party with all the good food and gifts. So we need volunteers to work a couple hours on a weekend Saturday or Sunday...Saturday 11am -1 pm...2pm- 4pm...Sunday 1pm-3pm...If you can volunteer for any of these times please let me know and I will give you details. The event calendar for April is filling up fast. Lot of rallies, rides and fun. Make sure you keep a eye on the web site event calendar, things are posted all the time. If you have a idea for a ride or event just tell one of the officers. The HOG monthly meeting in April will be on Tuesday April 7th...due to the Officers being in Atlanta for H.O.T. 9th,10th and 11th. Harley Officers Training {H.O.T} are classes that helps us make sure our chapter runs smooth and within the guidelines set my Harley Davidson HOG. Webmaster Bryon McCool Membership Officer Nicole Land Head Road Captain Rex Parvin We all know someone that rides a Harley that's not in the chapter. Ask them to join you on a ride or invite them to a HOG meeting as your guest. Or ask a old member to rejoin. It's our membership that makes our chapter strong...Strength in numbers right? So glad to see all the new members that has joined over the past few months and the way most of you have got involved in helping out with events, just makes me smile Thank You All! Children's Hospital Committee Rick Gamble Rex Parvin Frank Pajaron Newsletter Editor Everett Vann Public Relations Warren Murray Get your motor running! Rick P AGE 3 V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 Kick Stands Up! By: David Pardue HAPPY SPRINGTIME!!! It is finally riding season and we’re having some pretty nice riding weather already. I had 17 bikes on my first ride. GREAT tyrn out! And As we start our season, be very safe and watch for the cages and hopefully they will be watching for us. Everyone remember Don McCombs in your thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. On a personal note, had a young lady pull right out in front of me on North Chalkville Road after crossing over 2 lanes to do so. And she didn’t even know I was in her zip code ‘til I reminded her. Thank God for anti-lock brakes! Lots of rides and events coming up. Watch the calendar for rides added weekly. I know I have 3 in April. And invite your fellow Harley Riders that are not members to ride along and show them much fun we have at BIRMINGHAM HOG! Your brother, David (DJ) Pardue P AGE 4 V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 SECRETARY’S REPORT By: Julie Gamble, Secretary We started the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. Then David introduced the new members to our family Marion McDaniel, Scott Smith, and Jeff Harris. Welcome. Rick wanted to know if everyone liked the nacho’s. He provided the Chapter with an update on Don McCombs he is home and getting better everyday. Our next meeting will be Tuesday April 7th due to Harley Officer Training (HOT). Melissa spoke about the Bama’s Boots, Bands and Bikes event. The ride with Mark Boone Junior and Tommy Flanagan will end at Riders. If you would like to meet them you will need a ticket. Check the web site for details. She also advised that Riders will have an open house on the 28th of March. David Lee said that we have plenty of bike raffle tickets to sell. Please see him if you would like to sell some. Rick asked for volunteers to sell bike raffle tickets on Saturdays and Sundays at Riders. We also have Visa gift cards for sell. There will be a ride to Gumbeaux May 30 th. Julie thanked everyone for the comments on her new car. Sally stated that once the weather warms up she will get a ride together. June 27 th is the day for the Pet Adoption and Fashion Show. Per Tim don’t forget the bike nights the first Friday of each month. Riders will host the rider trainer class (safety course). This is in the works and should happen soon. The meet and eat this month will be at Hooters and the game night will be rescheduled per Rick. Tony spoke about the Ride like a Pro course and said that if you did a course years ago you might want to take a refresher course. Since Rex was out David provided information about some rides. George (Rattlesnake)/ Rick (Courtyard 280)/Phillip (Maggie Valley) and Pete (Dragon). Check web site for details on these rides and more rides. Everett reminded everyone that articles are needed by the 15 th of each month. If you have any photos that you would like to have added to the newsletter email them to Everett. If the pictures are on a hard drive then you can leave the hard drive at Riders and he will go by and pick them up. Children’s Hospital - the turn out for this months meeting was good. Would like to see more people come. Nicole advised that we have 111 members. Rick said that you have until the end of March to renew your membership. Prize drawings: LOH – Lisa Kimbrough 50/50 - David Pardue Rider’s gift certificate – Pete Ingram, Scott Smith, Julie Gamble P AGE 5 V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 LADIES OF HARLEY By: Sally Peek Can’t believe it is already April! It is wonderful seeing the sunshine and riding weather. I don’t know about you all but I cannot ride in the cold weather unless I have to. Well that was until Tim bought me for our anniversary the new Heated Riding Gear from Harley Davidson. I hinted and hinted and I just finally gave up. Of course “he had a plan”, quote from Tim. Even though it is spring, leaving early on rides will definitely make it more comfortable. The jacket and gloves will make riding also more enjoyable, especially on long distance rides which I hope on doing this summer. Check out the Heated Gear at Riders. If what you want is not in, the gear can be ordered for September when it’s colder again. Can’t imagine going through more cold weather this year, I think we have had our share. There are several rides already on the calendar. Check them out and go on as many as you can. Sometime in late April I am planning on a “Date Night” to dinner and a movie. Meeting at Riders, and then going as a group TBA. Don’t forget our Pet Fashion Show on June 27 th. Also I am planning a self-defense class in Brazilian Ju Jitsu in a school in Trussville. I am working on details and a date. I will let all know when that will be. Again, any suggestions please pass on to me and I will try my best to make it happen. It’s great to see and meet new members at our monthly HOG meetings. I love seeing our chapter grow! Don’t forget to check the calendar for upcoming events so you won’t miss out on the fun with your HOG family. Ride safe, Sally Peek, LOH Officer 2015 P AGE 6 V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 ACTIVITIES By: Lisa Townsend Holy cow, where is the year going? I can’t believe it’s already April. We don’t have an activity planned for April but the calendar is pretty packed with rides and rallies. Game night was a huge success. We had about 30 people show up to play Texas Hold ‘em, Cornhole and Taboo, but the best thing is, we raised $300 for Children’s Hospital. Everett Vann won a $25 gift certificate to Riders for his table and so did Tony Waitzman for his table. Congratulations Everett and Tony!! We’re planning to do another one in June so look on the calendar for more details later. Food for the April meeting will be BBQ. Remember its $5 and is first come/first served. There’s still time to sign up for Mystery Dinner Theater so if interested, please email me at or inbox me via Facebook if you would like a part in it. I believe we are shooting for May 9th for that. On a personal note, I went to the Children’s Hospital Visit in March and I had forgotten what a blessing it is to go and be there with the kids and their parents. This is a time for them both to get out of their room and have a little fun and it means so much to them. They play bingo and you get to watch their little faces light up when they win (and EVERYBODY wins). So if you’ve never been, please consider going this month. You won’t regret it!! See you at the meeting! Activities Committee Lisa Townsend Angie Waitzman Janice Isbell Sandy Phillips P AGE 7 V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 SAFETY By: Tony Berenotto Greetings fellow HOGs!! As I wrote last month – it's Riding Season!! George's ride to the Rattlesnake Saloon on March 21st was a success in every sense of the word! We had 19 motorcycles and 23 folks. The weather was comfortable and the rain held off except for a slight shower on the way home. The distance was perfect and the route that George chose was spectacular. The food and the scenery were fantastic at the Rattlesnake Saloon. Lastly, the ride was perfectly safe. I hope to see more rides like this posted in the future. At last month's meeting we talked about the importance of initial and continuing riders' education. I believe that everyone should seek out professional training appropriate to their level of experience. If you are new to motorcycles, look for a beginner level course. If you are an experienced rider, seek out an intermediate or advanced level course. There are various organizations that certify rider education courses. The most well known and the most well funded is the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF). Courses certified by the MSF offer consistency across the country. They also provide documentation that can be used to receive a discount on your motorcycle insurance policy. Some insurance companies also give discounts for other courses. Please check with your individual carrier to see what they will recognize for discount purposes. BUT – a discount is not the most important reason to get more training!! Your life and the lives of those around you are the most important reasons for bettering yourself. We have a number of choices in the local area for beginner, intermediate and advanced training. Here are some of the offerings: Alabama Motorcycle Safety Program @ The University of Montevallo. Offers MSF certified beginner, intermediate, and advanced level training. Basic Rider Course (BRC) is offered on Apr 25-26, May 16-17, Jun 9-10*, Jun 20-21, Jul 7-8*, and Jul 18-19 (*classes are weekday classes). Basic Rider Course 2 (BRC2) is intermediate and offered July 25th. Advanced Rider Course (ARC) is offered May 30th. Later dates to be determined. http:// Ride Like A PRO - Alabama. Conducted at Riders Harley-Davidson in Trussville. Advanced Rider Skills course is conducted approximately once a month. Dates for 2015 are currently being determined and will be published on their website. R.I.D.E. - Riders Institute for Defensive Education. Conducted at Heart of Dixie Harley-Davidson in Pelham. Offers scheduled beginner training on the following dates; Apr 25-26, May 16-17, May 23-24, June 13-14, and Jun 27-28. Later dates to be determined. Advanced training is conducted as required. A motorcycle is provided, currently a Honda Rebel 250. Additionally, an MSF certified course is being developed by Tim Peek here at Riders Harley-Davidson in conjunction with the Alabama Motorcycle Safety Program @ The University of Montevallo. Dates for the Basic Rider Course (BRC) will be determined once the certification complete and the training motorcycles arrive from Harley-Davidson. The new Street motorcycles will be provided. Intermediate and advanced courses may be added later. More to follow. All of these classes are taught by current or retired Motor Officers from various Law Enforcement Departments. Invest a little a time and money in something that will make you a better rider and may very well save your life!! That's it for this month. Please be safe out there; keep the greasy side down and your alertness level up!! V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 P AGE 8 LET’S RIDE! By: Rex Parvin Finally, winter is behind us this year. YEA! It is time to “Ride and have fun”. Check out the calendar at the and find some rides to go on. I have asked our road captains to work hard to offer rides and it’s just not any fun unless you come along. Please join us this riding season and get in as many miles with your HOG family. We are still needing road captains to help us this year. Please contact me about becoming a road captain. This is a great way to get involved with the chapter and make friends. We have 8 road captains that have already posted rides for the 2015 season. If you haven’t posted a ride yet please check your calendar and plan a ride. 4/4 Saturday – Top of the River. This is a new member ride to Gadsden and should be fun. Leaving Rider’s H-D at 2:30 PM. Rain cancels and temp below 55 degrees. Rick will be leading this ride. 4/16 Thursday – Alabama State HOG Rally is April 16-18. It is being held in Montgomery this year. As of now no ride has been posted. 4/19 Sunday – Tannehill Trade Days. Leaving Rider’s H-D at 12:30 PM.I will be leading this ride. Rain cancels ride. 4/24 Friday – Cherohala Skyway/Maggie Valley ride. Leaving Rider’s H-D at 7:00 AM. This is a 3-4 day ride. Phillip is leading this ride. 4/25 Saturday – Let’s Ride the Dragon. Pete will be leaving Rider’s H-D at 8:00 AM sharp. This ride is for experienced riders. Hotel info is on the web site. This is always a great ride so join Pete for this. 4/29 Wednesday – The 17th Annual Thunder Beach Rally. We need a road captain to post a ride. If anyone is going please let us know. Road Captains Kevin Back Phillip Isbell Sally Peak Tony Berenotto Don McCombs George Phillips Jerry Briscoe Frank Pajaron Gary Townsend Rick Gamble David Pardue Tony Waitzman Pete Ingram Rex Parvin V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 March Membership Meeting P AGE 9 V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 P AGE 1 0 TEDDY BEAR CLINIC By: Children’s of Alabama To celebrate Child Life Month, the Child Life Department of Children’s hosted a Teddy Bear Clinic giving Children’s patients the opportunity to play the role of caregiver. Upon “admission” to the clinic, patients met their new stuffed animal, named them and supported their new friend as they progressed from triage through surgery. Medical play helps children better understand their own healthcare experience and gives trained Child Life professionals the opportunity to address misconceptions and answer questions in ways that patients can understand. Medical play is just one service that the Child Life Department of Children’s provides. Editor’s Note: Children’s of Alabama is the main organization that Birmingham HOG supports through fund raising and monthly visits. What you see here is a primary example of why we do it. V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 TEDDY BEAR CLINIC P AGE 1 1 P AGE 1 2 V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 RIDERS HARLEY DAVIDSON 4750 Norrell Drive Trussville, Al. 35173 (205) 655-1234 Open 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Sat. 10:00am-5:00pm on Sunday Come on out and see one of our sales professionals Salesmen J. J. Evans (205) 908-3956 Rick Mosley (334) 412-0100 Jimmy Richardson (205) 475-1678 Scott Vance (205) 473-2825 Brandon Vessels (205) 234-4783 Sales Manager Butch Fairfield (205) 837-1833 V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 P AGE 1 3 Let’s MEET & EAT In past years we met monthly at one of our advertisers for the monthly “Peel & Stick”, preparing the newsletters for mailing. It would be a lot of fun meeting with each other on a weeknight to have dinner and refreshments, catch up on news, and visit with each other. Now the newsletter is processed, stamped and mailed out without us doing it. We are leaving out the newsletter and just picking a place each month to meet up and catch up. The times and places will also be posted on the ride calendar. This months Meet & Eat will be at Pit Masters BBQ on Hwy. 11 On Thursday April 23, 2015, at 6:30PM 205-951-3675 V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 P AGE 1 4 New Members Marion (JR) McDaniel Jeff Harris Scott Smith V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 P AGE 1 5 P AGE 1 6 V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 Alexander City P AGE 1 7 V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 Cheddars Tuscaloosa P AGE 1 8 V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 April Birthdays _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE!!! We would like to be able to acknowledge all birthdays each month. However, we do not have that information in our database. So we need your help. Please email your birthday information, month and day only, to so we can update our database. If you don’t have access to email, then you can still provide the information through one of several ways: 1) Put the information in an envelope marked HOG membership and leave it at Rider’s, 2) bring it to a membership meeting, or 3) Mail it to: Nicole Land, P.O. Box 162, Locust Fork, AL 35097 ________________________________________________________________________________________ Nicole Land - April 2nd Barry Hatton - April 6th Tom Prewett - April 8th Judy Hall - April 12th Lynn Morgan - April 15th Ron Michael - April 21st Brandon Canfield - April 22nd Randolph Gailenna - April 25th P AGE 1 9 V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 April 2015 SUN MON TUE WED 1 THU 2 FRI 3 Rider’s Bike Night SAT 4 Children’s Hospital Top of the River 5 Biker Church 6 7 Monthly Meeting 8 9 Harley Officer Training (HOT) 10 HOT 11 HOT LA St. Rally LA St. Rally LA St. Rally 18 Alabama State HOG Rally Little River Canyon 12 Biker Church 13 14 15 16 Alabama State HOG Rally 17 Alabama State HOG Rally 19 Biker Church 20 21 22 23 Meet & Eat 24 25 Cherohala Skyway Rider’s Open House /Maggie Valley Pit Masters Tannehill Trade Days 26 Biker Church Cherohala Tail of the Dragon 27 28 29 Thunder Beach 30 Thunder Beach Cherohala Tail of the Dragon CHECK WEBSITE FOR UPDATES AT: WWW.BIRMINGHAMHOG.COM P AGE 2 0 V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 P AGE 2 1 HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN AN AMERICAN LEGEND?? 2015 HARLEY DAVIDSON STREET GLIDE $50 per chance Only 650 chances to be sold Raffle Date: Saturday, July 18, 2015 Rider’s Harley Davidson-Trussville Door Prize Drawings every 30 minutes beginning at 12:30 p.m. The final drawing for the bike is at 5:00 p.m. To purchase your raffle ticket contact: Rick Gamble or any Birmingham HOG Officer/Member Tickets can also be purchased at Rider’s Harley Davidson – Trussville Sponsored by: Birmingham Harley Owners Group You do not have to be present to win the motorcycle V O L UM E 15 I S S UE 4 P AGE 2 2 Bama’s Boots, Bands and Bikes Motorcycle Ride Benefiting the Boot Campaign Ride begins at Pelham Event Center, 2050 Lee Street Pelham, Al 35124 Ends at Rider’s Harley Davidson 4750 Norman Dr. Trussville, Al 35173 Gates Open at 11:00 am at Pelham Event Center & Ride Begins 1:00 pm Sunday May 17, 2015 Come Ride with Tommy Flanagan and Mark Boone Jr. $25.00 Rider - $15.00 Passenger Each Rider receives Souvenir Pin and T-shirt Ride free – Solicit $250.00 in donations to Bama’s Boots Bands and Bikes Get your boots from Boot Campaign – Register Early Name_____________________________________________________ Age________ T-Shirt size _________ Address _______________________________City ________________State _____Zip ______Phone_________ Check enclosed _______ CC (Visa or MC) __________________________ Exp____________ Security Code______ Mail to Bama’s Boots Bands and Bikes, 2121 Patton Street, Hoover, Al 35226 V O L UM E 1 5 I S S UE 4 P AGE 2 3 CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP ENROLLMENT FORM AND RELEASE CHAPTER NAME: BIRMINGHAM AL CHAPTER 0030________________________________________________________ MEMBER NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY______________________________ STATE __________________________ ZIP ________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ________________________ MEMBER NAT’L H.O.G. NUMBER _______________________________ EXPIRATION DATE OF NATIONAL HOG. MEMBERSHIP __________________________ I have read the Annual Charter for HOG. Chapters and hereby agree to abide by it as a member of this dealer sponsored chapter. I recognize that while this Chapter is chartered with H.O.G., it remains a separate, independent entity solely responsible for its actions. THIS IS A RELEASE, READ BEFORE SIGNING I agree that the Sponsoring Dealer, Harley Owners Group (HOG.), Harley-Davidson, Inc., Harley- Davidson Motor Company, my Chapter and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents (hereinafter, the “RELEASED PARTIES”) shall not be liable or responsible for injury to me (including paralysis or death) or damage to my property occurring during any HOG. or HOG. chapter activities and resulting from acts or omissions occurring during the performance of the duties of the Released Parties, even where the damage or injury is caused by negligence (except willful neglect). I understand and agree that all HOG. members and their guests participate voluntarily and at their own risk in all H.O.G. activities and I assume all risks of injury and damage arising out of the conduct of such activities. I release and hold the “RELEASED PARTIES” harmless from any injury or loss to my person or property which may result from my participation in HOG, activities and EVENT(S). I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS MEANS THAT I AGREE NOT TO SUE THE “RELEASED PARTIES” FOR ANY INJURY OR RESULTING DAMAGE TO MYSELF OR MY PROPERTY ARISING FROM, OR IN CONNECTION WITH, THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR CHAPTER DUTIES IN SPONSORING, PLANNING OR CONDUCTING SAID EVENT(S). WAIVER OF RIGHTS UNDER STATE STATUTES I further agree to waive all benefits flowing from any state statute which would negate or limit the scope of this Release and Indemnification Agreement including, but not limited to, Section 1542 of the California Civil Code which provides: “A general release does not extend to the claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known to him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor.” By signing this Release, I certify’ that I have read this Release and filly understand it and that I am not relying on any statements or representations made by the “RELEASED PARTIES”. MEMBER SIGNATURE __________________________________________ DATE ___________________________________ LOCAL DUES PAID $____________________________________________ DATE ___________________________________ (Dues not to exceed maximum amount prescribed in, “Annual Charter for HOG. Chapters”, as contained in the H.O.G. Chapter Handbook.) $20.00 per year per member RETURN THIS FORM TO YOUR CHAPTER Membership Officer Birmingham HOG P.O. Box 162 Locust Fork, AL 35097 Birmingham HOG Chapter 0030 PO Box 162 Locust Fork, AL. 35097 Riders Harley-Davidson (205) 655-1234 Chapter Membership To remain in the local chapter, your national H.O.G. membership has to be active. National H.O.G sends out reminder e-mails and invoices in advance of your expiration date. Please understand that it is your responsibility to renew your national H.O.G. membership when it is due. If you don’t renew your national membership, it is our obligation to remove you from our mailing lists as a local H.O.G. member, and you will no longer receive e-mails or a newsletter. PLEASE keep your national membership current!
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