APRIL 2015 BULLETIN Volume 42, Issue 8 BIRMINGHAM BRANCH Birmingham, Michigan Since 1920 birmingham-mi.aauw.net HAVEN ITEM FOR APRIL SATURDAY BRUNCH APRIL 18, 2015 Small cereal boxes The Village Club 190 East Long Lake Bloomfield Hills, 48304 MARK YOUR CALENDAR Tues., April 14, 10:30 am: Equal Pay Day, Lansing. Meet and Greet - 9:30 - 10 am Buffet Brunch - 10 am (Valet available, tips appreciated) Sat., April 25, 10 am: Bloomfield Twp. Library. U of M speaker Josh Sangmeyer. Topic: Health Policy. Hosted by our branch and LWV. Speaker: Collette Cullen, motivational educator. Thurs., May 7: 8 am, Diversity Champion Breakfast, Community House - Birmingham. Keller’s teacher, Annie Sullivan Macy, her methods in teaching and its relevance to the teaching of reading today. Wed., May 13, 2015: Birmingham Branch Lavish Luncheon, Pine Lake Country Club. (see pg. 7) Menu: Scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, bacon, fresh fruit, Program: Historical and philosophical overview of Helen Sat - Sun., May 15-16, 2015: AAUW State Convention, Escanaba. Bus travels 5/14 and 5/17. May 28-31: NCCWSL National Conference, College Park, Maryland. Sun., May 31: 2 pm, Theater Goers to see “Aida” at Stagecrafters, Royal Oak. (See pg. 8) Sat., April 30, 2016: Birmingham Branch to host 2016 AAUW State Convention at Somerset Inn, Troy. and fresh baked muffins. Vegetarian/lactose intolerant/gluten free available. Coffee, tea, orange juice. Reservation Deadline - Saturday, April 11 Please send $27 per person, check payable to AAUW Birmingham Branch, and program-only reservations, to Pam Hoffman, 2077 Burgundy Street, West Bloomfield, 48323 pamela.hoffman@comcast.net 248-865-7257 Sorry, no refunds. Hostesses: Breakfast Bunch NEW MEMBER IN THE SPOTLIGHT Geetha Balakrishnan was born and raised in India, earning her undergraduate degree in Kerala. She and her husband pursued "higher studies" in Ireland and England, and then a job offer at Wayne State and Detroit Medical Center brought them to Michigan. With her masters degree in computer Information systems, Geetha worked part-time at KMart headquarters, Michigan National Bank, and the Troy Public Library while caring for her young daughter at home. Recent health issues have slowed her AAUW involvement, but Geetha hopes to volunteer in the community and the branch very soon. She loves reading, cooking and travel. __________Barbara Gash, Co-editor_______________________ APRIL 2015 AAUW BULLETIN AAUW Bulletin, Vol. 42, Issue 8 2 THE PRESIDENT’S CORNER A phrase from Oscar Hammerstein’s lyrics for Carousel announces: “May is full of promises!” Our May 13 Lavish Luncheon is full The AAUW Birmingham Branch Bulle- of promises for all of you! This year’s theme is Baubles and Bows tin is published monthly, September featuring accessories, jewelry and fashions from Franklin Boutique and through June, for the members of the Simply the Best. Our branch members will model again this year. branch. AAUW Birmingham Board Branch President: Sue Longstreet 248-332-2284 Vice President-Program: Karen Boyk 248-321-6026 Vice President-Membership: Sandra Dickerson 248-673-8591 Recording Secretary: Sandi Spencer 248-651-5491 Corresponding Secretary: Patty Orlowski 248-641-3892 Treasurer: Sally Doty 248-909-4583 Dues Treasurer: Eileen Hitz 248-642-7325 Study Group Coordinator: Lynn Hipp 248-420-4615 Communications: Jean Ivory 248-454-8750 Branch Website: birmingham-mi.aauw.net Bulletin Editor: Marion Muma Co-Editor: Barb Gash We promise a variety of fabulous baskets and gifts donated by our Study/Interest groups. We promise a delicious luncheon in the company of members, friends and guests. We promise your generosity will enhance our local scholarships and charitable giving. A new addition to this year’s Lavish Luncheon is the 52 Card Vacation Raffle—only 52 chances to bid on a week’s stay at Shanty Creek Vacation Club in Bellaire, MI October 16-23. See the related article in this bulletin on page 3. The Lavish Luncheon is Wednesday, May 13, at Pine Lake Country Club. Doors will open at 11:00 with luncheon served at noon. Random Raffle tickets are $3.00 each or 5 for $10.00. A chance on the 52 Card Vacation Raffle is $25.00. You’ll find the registration form in this bulletin. Please note: you do NOT have to send checks together if you have a group; just have everyone register and indicate seating preferences. If you can’t attend, please consider a donation to AAUW Birmingham Branch Foundation, Inc., sent to Carol Pyke. For reservation information, contact Pam Hoffman, 248-865-7257. For other information, contact chair Patty Orlowski, 248-641-3892. We promise you a wonderful afternoon—and we promise you won’t be disappointed! The Lavish Luncheon Committee 248-792-9780 248-338-3011 Bulletin copy deadline is the 10th of the previous month. Send copy and/or corrections to: marionmuma@yahoo.com AAUW of Michigan info: aauwmi.org OUR 2015 AAUW FUNDS HONOREE DIANE M. SCHRIFT Betty Cole Blenman, Honorary life Member: (AAUW Birmingham Branch parliamentarian Diane Schrift is on the right.) APRIL 2015 AAUW BULLETIN 3 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY: Misspelled name correction: Carole Alameddine NEW TO THE LAVISH LUNCHEON THE 52 CARD VACATION RAFFLE One of our members has generously donated a week at Shanty Creek Vacation Club in Bellaire, MI from October 16-23. Stay in a two bedroom fullyappointed and furnished condo which sleeps six. Also, enjoy a round of golf for two—18 holes plus a cart—at Hawk’s Eye Golf Course. Soak up Michigan’s vibrant fall colors before our next white winter. Highlights - Board Meeting Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Treasurer Sally Doty reported that net assets of the branch were $23,234.70 on February 28, 2015. President Sue Longstreet reported that Kathy Rice is our nominee to be honored at the Diversity Champion Breakfast on Thurs., May 7, at the Community House. Here’s how it works: For $25 you purchase one half of a playing card. The other half goes into the raffle basket. If we draw the half that matches yours, the prize is yours! Since a deck contains only 52 cards, you have a 1:52 chance to win—pretty good odds! And if you buy more than one card, those odds are even better. We are grateful for this donation—proceeds will enhance our local scholarships. And we are very excited about this new addition to our Lavish Luncheon! For further information, contact chair Patty Orlowski 248-641-3892. (see Patty below) The Lavish Luncheon Committee She also reported that our branch ranked second in membership in the state. Ann Arbor branch is larger by one member. The proposed branch budget presented by Treasurer Sally Doty was adopted. Colette Stager reported on developing marketing plans for the Escanaba convention as well as plans for hospitality bags for our state convention in May, 2016 at Somerset. Ideas and suggestions for free items sources are welcome. Pam Hoffman reported that we have identified two young university students who will attend NCCWSL in May, and the search is on for a third. . Highlights - Annual Meeting Wednesday, March 11, 2015 The branch members elected the proposed slate of officers: President: Sue Longstreet Vice President-Programs: Kathy Rice Corresponding Secretary: Mary Samulski The following members were certified as delegates to the AAUW of Michigan State Convention on May 15-16, 2015: Sue Longstreet, Karen Boyk, Sandra Spencer, Patty Orlowski. Other delegates may be added. Sue Longstreet and Patty Orlowski were chosen to be branch representatives to the AAUW National Convention on June 19-21, 2015. Other branch representatives may be added. APRIL 2015________ AAUW BULLETIN STUDY AND INTEREST GROUP CALENDAR ARTS AND HUMANITIES Beyond The Edge Topic: Socrates Café Hostess: Annis Pratt, 248-644-0737 1 pm, Mon., April 13 The Writing Group 1:30 pm, Tues., April 21 Topic: Writing from Prompt Hostess: Sue Frankie, 248-855-6149 ________ 4_ AAUW AND SOCIAL ISSUES Evening Public Policy Topic: Immigration Reform Hostess: Karen Linnell – 248-594-9871 7 pm, Thurs., April 9 International Relations 10 am, Monday, April 6 Topic: 1980-1993 Israel & Palestine: The Oslo Accords & the Invasion of Lebanon Hostess: Pam Burke, 810-694-0456 Modern Art 12:30 pm, Thurs., April 23 Topic: Isamu Noguchi (@ Bloomfield Twp. Senior Center) The Breakfast Bunch 8:30 am, Tues., April 28 Coordinator: Michelle Stephens, 248-310-2719 Topic: TBD Location: Kerby’s Koney Island, Square Lake/Woodward Music Appreciation 1 pm, Thurs., April 16 Co-chairs: Callie Schmidt (248-334-6943) & Topic: Dr. Greenberg lecture Patty Orlowski (248-641-3892) Hostess/Presenter: Gaye Bluford, 248-683-2335 ON THE TOWN BOOK CLUBS Afternoon Readers 1 pm, Thurs., April 16 Topic: Mr. President, Harlow Unger Hostess: Sally Jackson, 248-644-5990 Excursions Unlimited No Meeting Scheduled Opera Divas 9:30 am, Mon., April 20 Location: Bloomfield Twp. Library Discussion: Mascagni’s Cavalleria Rusticana, Belles Lettres 7:30 pm, Thurs., April 2 Presenter: Barbara Gash Topic: Annie’s Ghost: A Journey into a Family’s and Leoncavallo’s Pagliacci. Presenter: Lana Klingensmith Secret, Steve Luxenberg Performance Date: April 25, 12:30 pm Hostess: Biani Moran, 248-646-7387 Contact Lorraine Clay, 313 535 2787 Beyond Adelante! 6:30 pm, Tues., April 7 (Please RSVP for discussion) Topic: Silent Spring, Rachel Carson Theater Goers Sunday, May 31, 2 pm Hostess: Marianne Donohue, 248-647-4027 Event: Aida, at Stagecrafters, Royal Oak Contemporary Books 12:30 pm, Mon., April 20 Tickets are $20. Please send check payable to AAUW Topic: Orphan Train, Christina Baker Kline Birmingham to Sharon Grisdale, 2961 Viking Dr., Hostess: Ruth Goulding, 248-792-7125 Commerce Twp., MI 48390. Checks due to Morning After Readers 9:30 am, Mon., April 13 Sharon by April 30. (see pg. 8) Topic: Orphan Train, Christina Baker Kline Two Thumbs Up Thurs., April 2 Hostess: Linda Schnorbus, 248-723-5008 Time, location and movie determined by hostess. Mystery Book Club 1 pm, Wed., April 22 Hostess: Michelle Stephens, 248-338-1294 Topic: Murder by Misrule, Anna Castle Hostess: Mary Samulski, 248-723-5008 JUST FOR FUN Northside Books 1 pm, Monday, April 27 Topic: Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity For Women Worldwide, Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn Hostess: Sue Meneilley, 248-626-6167 Mah Jongg Wed., 1:30 pm, April 1, 15, 22, 29 Hostess: Sue Frankie – 248-855-6149 Bridge 4th Monday April 27, 11:30 am, Peabody’s (upstairs) (Please note location change) st April 7, 11:00 am, Village Club Political Inquiry 10:30 am, Wed., April 15 1 Tuesday Hostess: Beverly Pintar– 248-626-4311 Topic: A Fighting Chance, Elizabeth Warren 3rd Wednesday April 15, 11:30 am, Village Club Hostess: Gaye Bluford, 248-683-2335 Chair: Mary Hines – 248-642-1881 Potpourri 12 pm, Wed., April 22 3rd Wednesday Evening April 15, 5:30 pm, Heathers Topic: Marie Curie and Her Daughters: The Private Chair: Kay Norton –248-737-0648 Lives of Science’s First Family, Shelley Emling 2nd Thursday April 9, 11:30 am, Village Club Hostess: Sally Wells, 248-269-9436 Chair: Lynn Gavras - 248-851-2414 2nd Friday April 10, 11:30 am, Village Club HOME AND GARDEN Chair: Mary Lou Harrison - 248-643-8983 Artistic Endeavors No event scheduled 3rd Friday April 17, 11:30 am, Village Club Green Thumb Tues., 12:30-2, April 21 Chair: Carol Wiseman – 248-540-2178 Topic: Better Living Through Worms 4th Friday (Duplicate) April 24, 11:30 am, Village Club Hostess: Kathy Wentz, 248-852-0792 Chair: Kay Norton –248-737-0648 Let’s Cook - What’s New for Lunch Tues., noon, April 28 Hostess: Sonia Just, 248-646-2321 Cooking Light Thurs., 12 noon, April 30 (NOTE: Date Change) Program: Field Trip to Henry Ford Hostesses: Joanne Brown (248-642-2118) & Corine Alonso (248-528-1508) CONTACTS Sue Frankie for bridge - 248-855-6149; Lynn Hipp for calendar changes - 248-420-4615; Info due before the 10th of the month. Study/Interest Group Membership – call Chair listed In the AAUW Directory, pages 8-10. Lynn Hipp APRIL 2015 AAUW BULLETIN _ _______ 5 American Association of University Women 2015-2016 Dues Renewal Information Amount Due Renew online at www.aauw.org. Member, Birmingham Branch $78 ( **Assoc. $49; State $12, plus Branch $17) DEADLINE FOR THE 2015-2016 DIRECTORY - JUNE 30 Paid Life Member - $29 (State & Branch) Student Affiliate - $19 (State & Branch) RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP BEFORE THAT DATE IN ORDER TO BE INCLUDED IN THE NEW DIRECTORY. Dual Member - $17 (State & national dues paid to another branch) Please complete form below exactly as Honorary Member - 0 you wish it to be printed in the directory and indicate any changes including phone **$46.00 of the $49.00 AAUW dues are number or email address. deductible as a charitable contribution for IRS purposes. AAUW 2015-16 BIRMINGHAM DUES RENEWAL PLEASE PRINT Your Name__________________________________________________________ Check the appropriate box: _____ All MY INFORMATION IS CORRECT or _____ MAKE THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS OR ADDITIONS TO THE DIRECTORY MATERIAL AS PRINTED IN THE 2014-15 DIRECTORY. Address____________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________________________ Zip_____________ E-mail Address_______________________________________________________________ Phone(s) Home_____________________________ Cell ____________________________ Make checks payable to AAUW-Birmingham Branch and send with the completed form to Karen Boyk, 385 Tanglewood Ct., Rochester Hills, MI 48309. karenbyk@aol.com. APRIL 2015 AAUW BULLETIN _______ 6 2015-16 Women’s Issues now on Michigan Legislative Docket HEALTHCARE: House Bill 4309: “Religious Liberty & Conscience Protection Act”. Sponsor Rep. Cindy Gamrat (R-Plainwell) Status: Introduced in House and referred to House Health Policy committee. Would allow medical facilities, health care payers/purchasers, to refrain from offering health care services and procedures based on moral or religious beliefs. House Bill 4279: Sponsor Rep. Cindy Gamrat (R-Plainwell) Status: Introduced in the House and referred to the Government Operations Committee. Would define life as beginning at conception and would apply to fertilized eggs used in in-vitro procedures. House Bill 4241: Sponsor Rep. Tom Hooker (R-Byron Center). Co-sponsors Howrylak, Crawford. Status: Introduced in House and referred to House Health Policy Committee. Would require a physician to listen for a fetal heartbeat before performing an abortion and, if detected, offer patient option of hearing or seeing heartbeat . Senate Bill 4: Sponsor Sen. Mike Shirley (R-Clarklake). “Religious Freedom Restoration Act.” Status: Introduced in Senate and referred to Judiciary Committee. Would excuse any person from any state or local law they claim “burdens” their exercise of religion, including beliefs that do not stem from any established religion. Senate Bill 27: Sponsor Sen. Rick Jones (R-Grand Ledge). Co-sponsors Marleau, Robertson. Status: Introduced in Senate and referred to Health Policy Committee. Would add “allergic response” and “anesthesiarelated complications” to list of already required information already being reported by providers. Senate Bill 63: Sponsor Curtis Hertel (D-East Lansing). Status: Referred to House Insurance Committee. Would repeal current law that prohibits all private and public health insurance companies from offering plans that cover abortion care. Current law requires a woman to purchase a separate insurance policy prior to becoming pregnant; and pregnant woman are ineligible for coverage even if pregnant from rape, incest, or if their health is in danger. House Bill 4145: Sponsor Rep. Tom Hooker (R-Byron Center). Status: Referred to House Appropriations Committee. Would defund Planned Parenthood and deny contracts and funding to hospitals that offer abortion services. House Bill 4146: Sponsor Rep. Tom Hooker (R-Byron Center).Co-sponsor Howrylak. Status: Referred to House Health Policy Committee. Would require all abortions performed after 19 weeks gestation to be done in a hospital with a neonatal unit. (There are only a handful of hospitals that perform abortions in the state, and it is unknown if they all have neonatal units. This could render abortions post 19 weeks inaccessible in all cases, including those involving rape, incest, and health of the mother.) Senate Bill 84, House Bill 4140: Sponsors Sen. Patrick Colbeck (R-Canton Twp) and Rep. Tom Hooker (R- Byron Center). Co-sponsors Senators Marleau, Knollenberg, Robertson. Status: Passed out of Senate Transportation and House Infrastructure and House Transportation Committee. Would require development of a “Choose Life” fund-raising plate by Right to Life of Michigan. House Bill 4218: Sponsor: Rep. Charles Smiley (D-Grand Blanc). Status: Introduced in House and referred to House Health Policy Committee. Would require emergency and urgent care health facilities to provide info about, and administration of, emergency contraception to sexual assault victims. ECONOMIC AND FAMILY ISSUES: Senate Bill 101 and House Bill 4167: Sponsors Sen. Jim Ananich (D-Flint), Rep. Stephanie Chang (D-Detroit) Status: Referred to House Commerce and Trade Committee. Would require employers to offer 1 hr. of sick leave for every 30 hrs. worked and apply to both part-time and full-time employees. House Bill 3024: Sponsor Rep. Robert Kosowski (D-Westland). Co-sponsors Moss, Wittenberg, Greig. Status: Referred to House Commerce and Trade Committee. Would require some employers to give employees 4 weeks leave for newborns or adoption, and protects employees from employer discrimination. House Bill 4188, 4189 4190, Sponsor Rep. LaFontaine (Re- Colombus), Rep. Harvey Santana (D-Detroit), Rep. Eric Leuthesusor (R-Hillsdale). Co-sponsors Crawford, Runestad, Webber, Jacobsen. Status: Passed House Families, Children and Seniors Committee: Would allow adoption agencies to object to child placement based on religious or moral convictions. (Could deny same-sex couples the freedom to adopt or foster children who need good, stable homes.) The above information is presented by the AAUW Birmingham Branch Public Policy Committee. Branch members may wish to ask their legislators to support or vote against each bill. APRIL 2015 AAUW BULLETIN _______ _ 7 Lavish Luncheon - Baubles and Bows A fundraising event supporting scholarships and NCCWSL attendees . Pine Lake Country Club Wednesday, May 13, 2015 Basket raffle begins at 11:00 a.m. Luncheon at noon $50.00 per person - $20.00 is tax deductible Bring your guests and join your branch friends for an afternoon of delicious food, conversation, music—and a fashion show highlighting accessories and jewelry. Reservations for you and your friends will be accepted at the April branch luncheon, or you may send your check and the form below to Pam Hoffman, 2077 Burgundy St. West Bloomfield 48323 Please make your checks payable to: AAUW Birmingham Branch Foundation, Inc. Reservation deadline: April 30, 2015 Seating will be assigned, so if you wish to sit with friends and guests, please include their names on the form below and send your checks together. Tables of eight. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return this form with your check Your name______________________________________________________________________ Names of guest(s)_____________________________________________________________________ I would like to sit with: Postmaster Form P.O.D. 3579 Karen Linnell 1025 Fairfax Birmingham, MI 48009 Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund (VGIF) VGIF, an organization which our branch supports, is named after Virginia Gildersleeve, one of the founders of the International Federation of University Women. VGIF provides grants globally to fund locally generated projects that help improve the lives of women and girls by advancing women’s rights and social justice. Among their current projects is one to give vocational training to 30 girls in Nigeria and another is to fund a gynecological care clinic in Burundi. For more information go to: vgif@vgif.org Joan A. H. Black International Relations Chair Entered as a Periodical in Birmingham, Michigan THEATER GOERS Sunday, May 31 2:00 pm "Aida” by Elton John at Stagecrafters 415 S Lafayette Ave, Royal Oak, MI 48067 Tickets $20. Deadline for reservations - April 30. Send checks made out to AAUW Birmingham Branch to Sharon Grisdale 2961 Viking Drive Commerce Twp. MI 48390
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