PARISH OF BLESSED JOHN HENRY NEWMAN MORECAMBE St Mary’s, Matthias Street, Morecambe, LA4 5JR. Tel. 410501 Parish Priest Deacons Website Canon D Cooper, VG Rev. J McCann (tel 421795), Rev. J Murphy (tel 859254) and Rev. T Fagan (retired) SUNDAY 31ST MAY 2015 – THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Mary’s St Mary’s St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Mary’s St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Patrick’s Good Shepherd St Mary’s 6.00pm 8.30am 10.30am 9.00am 10.00am 10.00am 12.10pm 10.00am 10.00am 6.00pm 8.30am 10.30am Magdalen Kelly For the parishioners Pat Johnson James Hayes Helen and Philip Jones Myers family Vincent Seddon Private intentions Trudy Heggarty Mary Smythe For the parishioners Doug Cowell PLEASE PRAY FOR Sick Sarah Melville, Diana Hoey, Frances Nash, Sean O’Connor, Marie Robinson, Anne Iyengar, Barbara Howes, Eric Ainsworth, Sue Smith, Rev Debbie Peatman, John McDonald, Mary Wilcock and the sick and housebound in the parish and those in local hospitals and nursing homes. Welcome to all our visitors at Masses this weekend. Visits to the Church during the week are a good way of praying for your parish before the Blessed Sacrament. PLEASE PRAY FOR Anniversaries Fr F X Whiteside, Fr J Conway, Fr C Aspinall, James Hayes, Frank Howe, Audrey Maly, Judy Bottomley, Queenie Walmsley, Agnes Leak, Alice Gardiner, Leonard Parkinson, Patricia Wilson, Kameedea Brown, Denis Alton, Douglas Cowell, George Phimister, and all those whose anniversaries occur between 31st May and 6th June. SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION Saturday Good Shepherd 10.30am to 11.00am St Mary’s 11.30am to 12 noon (Sorry – there cannot be confession at the above time today because of a wedding service) St Patrick’s 5.15pm to 5.40pm FEASTS THIS WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday Saturday St Justin Sts Marcellinus & Peter (optional) Sts Charles Lwanga & Companions St Boniface St Norbert (optional) LAST WEEK Attendance 428 Collection £1,315.64 LATELY DEAD Parishioners have asked prayers for relatives and friends lately dead: Keith Heywood and Cassie Doherty SVP You are invited to a Mass with anointing of the sick on Friday 19th June at St Patrick’s at 11am. A light lunch will be provided afterwards. Lifts are available (ring Phil or Liz on 400212) Monthly SVP meeting on Thursday in St Mary’s presbytery at 6pm. There will be no refreshments in the hall after the 10.30am Mass today (Sunday) due to the 1st Holy Communion preparation. BAPTISM We welcome into the family of the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism: Hunter Jace Cargill son of Jack and Aimee today (Sunday) at St Mary’s at 12 noon SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Thank you to all for the wonderful celebration at the Cathedral last Sunday. Our good wishes and prayers go to: Emma Smith and James Pearce who celebrate their marriage at St Mary’s on Saturday at 11.30am and to: Natasha Burzacki and Daniel Carlton who celebrate their marriage at St Patrick’s on Saturday at 11.30am also to: Helen and Philip Jones who celebrate their Silver Wedding on Tuesday Next weekend we celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist will be re-commissioned at all three Masses (choose whichever Mass you prefer) At the 10.30am Mass, children and young people from the parish will make their 1st Holy Communion – so it could be a bit of a squash in Church! On Monday (hopefully) work will begin on refurbishing of the organ at St Mary’s. A substitute has been hired and will be placed in the Lady Chapel for the duration of the work – so there will still be music! LECTIO DIVINA on Thursdays, 7.30pm in the presbytery. The Catholic Voice – your free diocesan newspaper – is available this weekend UCM On Monday 1st June at 2pm, Mrs Mary McDonald will share her experiences of the 2014 UCM Presidents’ pilgrimage to Lisbon and Fatima. This will be followed by the usual business meeting. New members welcome. LEGION OF MARY Please note there will be no meeting on Monday 1st June as the group are going to Hyning Hall on a day retreat. Meetings will continue from the following Monday, 8th June at 2pm as usual. Bingo Cuppa and Chat 200 Club Monday night in St Patrick’s hall. Doors open at 7pm. Monday 1st June, 10am until 12 noon in St Patrick’s hall. All welcome. Week ending 24/05/15 1st prize Gillian Herbert; 2nd prize Paul Smith; 3rd prize Graeme Austin CASTLERIGG MANOR Sponsored Walk on Sunday 28 June. All are welcome to join us for a ten mile walk around Derwentwater and up Catbells, to raise funds specifically for the Castlerigg Manor refurbishment. Sponsorship forms and details on the Castlerigg website, or 017687 72711. WYDFest, 11-14 August. An opportunity for young people (aged 15-23) to join us at Castlerigg for a summer festival with international speakers, the opportunity to be with friends and make new ones, inspiring workshops, adventure and celebration of our faith. £125. Details all on – please book now. A further £140 has been donated for the Nepal appeal and will be forwarded at once. The total given is now £2,322. Many thanks to all. Diocesan Pilgrimage to Ladyewell Bishop Michael Campbell OSA will be leading this on the 20th of June 2015 starting from St Mary’s Church at 2pm with a Eucharistic procession (weather permitting) followed by a Homily and Benediction at 3pm. Confessions will be available. For further details, please call 01772 700181 or email The Parish in the Lancaster Diocese. Registered Charity No. 234331
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