Church of the Blessed Sacrament 607 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12206 - Phone 482-3375 Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Americas 273 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12206 - Phone 465-3685 Rev. John J. Bradley, Pastor Rev. Francis A. O’Connor - Shrine Church Chaplain Rev. Brian Slezak – Associate Pastor Organist: Pastoral Associate: Parish Secretary: In Residence (Retired) In Residence Ed Savoy Sr. Judith Kapp, RSM Fred Talarico Rev. George St. John Rev. Francis A. O’Connor Parish: Email: Religious Education Office: 446-0997 Religion Education: Established 1902 School Principal: School Secretary: Shrine Church Pastoral Associate: Sr. Grace R. Diaz, S.N.J.M. School: Email: Blessed Sacrament School: 438-5854 seventh Sunday of Easter Processional: Glory to God: Responsorial Psalm: Gospel Acclamation: Preparation of the Gifts: Holy, Holy: At That First Eucharist – Gather #852 Music Card #1 This Is The Day – Gather 114 Easter Alleluia - Gather #424 I Have Loved You - Gather # 504 Music Card # 3 Mrs. Kelly Hession Mrs. Christina Wiley Sr. Patricia Lynch, RSM Mrs. Nancy Kelly May 16 and 17, 2015 Mystery of Faith: Great Amen: Lamb of God: Communion Music: Recessional: We Proclaim – Music Card #5 Gather #168 Gather #171 You Are Our Living Bread - Gather #819 Love Divine All Love’s Excelling Gather #622 From the pastor’s desk: I would like to take this opportunity and venue to personally, and on behalf of the Parish Family, thank Dorothy Connolly for her many years of dedicated service as one of our Parish Trustees. She has served the Parish with complete dedication, enthusiasm, and support. As she has served the Parish so faithfully, she has been a tremendous support to me as Pastor and I thank her. She is going to take things a bit easier at this time, but will still help us with specific projects and programs. At this time, I have asked David Parente to assume the position of Parish Trustee, and he has accepted. I am sure he will bring many gifts to the position and work to strengthen Parish life. By way of information, every parish is a legal corporation with a five member board. The Bishop is the President, The Vicar General the Vice President, the Pastor is Secretary Treasurer and the two Trustees now, Michaela Joyce and David Parente. We meet to discuss various aspects of parish life, mission and ministry. We are always informed and guided by the Parish Pastoral Council and other parish entities such as the School. I personally thank all of you who make all of this happen for the continuation of Jesus’ work here at Blessed Sacrament. PLEASE NOTE THE DATES OF UPCOMING EVENTS: SCHOOL NEWS: The Open House last week went well. We are still accepting registrations for next year, you can call the school for more information or to set up an appointment. We offer quality Catholic education from 3-year old nursery to 8th grade. The 3 and 4 year old programs are offered for full or half day. Kindergarten is full day and all have the option of after school care. Please continue to spread the news about our school. Thanks for helping us with the lawn signs and flyers. Lawn signs can be returned to Church, we will use them again. Lauren Meneghan who has taught in our Parish School for 41 years will retire this June. We are grateful to her for her service and dedication. To recognize her service and to thank her and wish her well; Sunday, June 14th we will recognize her service at the 12 noon Mass, and a reception will follow in the School Hall to which all are invited. Please spread the word to former students, they are welcome to come and thank her, and wish her well. COLLECTION NEWS: Regular collection $11,877. If you are away, please remember your parish with your envelope gift upon your return. We appreciate and need your ongoing support. The second collection this Sunday is for the Parish School. The Second Collection next Sunday is for the Churches of Eastern Europe. Bishop Scharfenberger has asked us to take up a special collection for the earthquake victims in Nepal. The money will be used by Catholic Relief Services who are already active in the area. Checks can be made payable to the parish and we will send one check to C.R.S. The collection will be Sunday, May 31st. SCRIPTURE READINGS: Scripture readings for this week: ACTS 1: 15-26; 1 JN 4: 11-16; JN 17: 11-19. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be offered at the 4PM Vigil Mass on Saturday, June 6th. Anyone having a need for this Sacrament is invited; please invite others who may wish to receive it. BISHOPS APPEAL UPDATE: Third week: $72,302 pledged by 320 donors. We are off to a good start, and we need the support of everyone to continue the works of Christ across the Diocese, and to help us meet our share of Diocesan expenses which is $102, 705. If we have not heard from you, please consider a gift or pledge. Your envelope can be placed in the collection today. FOOD PANTRY FACTS: During the month of April we served 241 families in our food pantry; there were 42 who came for the first time this year. Among those served were over 250 children, 40 of them under the age of four. There were nearly 400 adults served, over 40 of who are over the age of 65. This can only happen through your generosity in contributions to the poor boxes and donation of grocery items. Thank you so much for your support! In the coming weeks if you are thinking of making a donation, could you please consider donating tooth brushes, tooth paste or deodorant. Thank you. OVER 50 CLUB: Meeting: Monday, June 1st, following Noon Mass. Pot luck luncheon – bring food to share. Beverages provided. Saturday 05/16/15 4:00 Nancy Campbell Loretta and Howard Miller Dorothy Mittler Catherine Mooney Mary and Gene Rossi Joe Ross Jim and Jimmy Sullivan 7:00 Esther Roddy - 1st Anniv Monday 05/18/15 7:00 For the People 12:00 Brian Crouch – 14th Anniv Gavin Durni – 1st Anniv Josephine Giuffre Catherine Zalucki 1st Anniv Wednesday 05/20/15 Friday 05/22/15 7:00 For the People 7:00 Joseph and Frances 12:00 Marie Connolly Bologna Burkhard – 2nd Anniv Monsgn. James G. Brian Cromie Hart John C. Cromie 12:00 Leo M. Dinneeen – 32nd Anniv Kathleen A. Hourigan 49th Anniv Sunday 05/17/15 Tuesday 05/19/15 Thursday 05/21/15 9:00 For the People 7:00 Mark McArdle 7:00 For the People 10:30 Kelly and Caliguire Families 12:00 Marie DeLorenco – 10:00 School Spec Inten 12:00 Gonzalez Family Angella, Sylvie, and Wilson William C. Kelly Jacques Sr. Maureen Joyce Sue Ryan – Spec Inten Joyce Ann Ragone Lydia Nieves 3rd Order St. Francis Joseph Palazzola 12:00 Claire Fournier Segarra Family Fiorello LoGiudice Josephine Spano Peter Saverino Pat and Rose Zeccola Stefan, Helena, Edward and Joanna Wittbrodt CONFESSIONS EVERY SATURDAY FROM 3:00 - 3:30 pm INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? At the Easter Vigil, 7 people came into our Church. If you know someone who is interested in becoming a Full Member of the Catholic Church, please contact Sr. Jude for more information. You can contact her at the Rectory, 482-3375 or by email: COLONIE CENTER SCHOOL BUCKS: The School Bucks ends June 1st and all receipts must be registered by that date. Any purchases can be registered in the name of our school. Receipts must be registered at the Service Desk next to CVS within 60 days of purchase. Please help our school win cash prizes by registering your receipts in our school’s name. You helped us win in the past and we appreciate your support. Invite others to help us. You can register receipts from all stores and restaurants in the Center, as well as the Post Office. We are grateful for your support. PLEASE HELP US OUT! YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: Follow us on or e-mail FAITH FORMARION FOR YOUTH: The last Children’s Liturgy of the Word offered during the 10:30 AM Mass will be Sunday, May 24th. We will resume in the fall. We thank our catechists, Wendy Brady and Chuck Tobin for sharing God’s love with our children. Please contact Mrs. Hession if you have any questions. - Email:; Phone: 518-225-4897. YOUTH MINISTRY: We have many wonderful activities planned for the summer. We will be participating in the 5k Run 4 Vocations at 2 PM on Sunday, May 31st at the Crossings Park. Please contact Mrs. Hession to register or if you have any questions. Email:; Phone: 518-225-4897. EXPOSITION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT: First Friday of the month after 7:00 AM Mass; Benediction at 11:45 AM. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: Prayed the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tues of each month after noon Mass. Instruction/prayer cards will be offered. LEGION OF MARY: Meets every Tuesday at 6:00 PM in the Forman Room. RECITATION OF THE ROSARY: First Tuesday of month after noon Mass; 2nd and 4th Wednesday of month, 6:00 PM. HOLY NAME SOCIETY: 50/50 raffle supports parish, youth, and school activities. Tickets available in the Sacristy before and after Mass. Next meeting/drawing: Mon. June 1st, 7:00 PM, Church Hall. New members are always welcome. THRIFT SHOP: is open Wed and Sat, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Items that are clean and in good working condition can be dropped off when the store is open. Stop in and check us out. We are in need of household items, small appliances, lamps and linens. PENTECOST CELEBRATION: Sunday, May 24, 4:30 PM. Bishop Scharfenberger D.D., Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. BUS TRIP: Music of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s - Hilton Garden Inn, Troy; Dinner and show, June 30. Reservation by May 20. Cost $70. Sponsored by Mater Christi Church. CATHOLIC CHARITIES NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: June 18, 2015 at 5:30 pm at the NY State Museum in Albany, and we hope to see you there! The event will honor Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin, CSJ (posthumously) with the Bishop Howard Hubbard Humanitarian Award and John Daly with the Sr. Maureen Joyce Charities Award. The event will feature food, drinks, music, silent auction, and a raffle. Tickets are $125 and all proceeds will benefit Catholic Charities, working in the fourteen counties of our Diocese helping the poor and vulnerable. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 518-453-6650. Tickets Available Online at CCRCDA.ORG! EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS EVENING OF REFLECTION: Dominican Retreat Center, Tuesday, May 26. Director – Fr. Pat Butler. Registration at 6:00 PM, program begins at 6:20 PM and ends at 9:15 PM. $25.00 per person. 393-4169 for more information. NEW TO THE PARISH? Welcome. Please sign below and drop in the collection. You may also use the form to receive envelopes and/or “The Evangelist”. Check the appropriate boxes. Name: Address: Phone: Email: ( ( ( ) I am new to the parish ) Send me “The Evangelist” ) Please send church envelopes BULLETIN PRINTED COURTESY OF THE McVEIGH FUNERAL HOME
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