Student Government Association Constitution Drafted April 2015 Approved: April 15, 2015 Authored by: Austin DelPriore, Rachel Hahn, Taylor Jade Powell, Chad Pingel, and Katelyn Sussli Article I – General Section 1. Name. The governing organization of the Butler University student body shall be the Butler University Student Government Association, hereafter referred to as the SGA. Section 2. Precedence. The rules and regulations of Butler University shall take precedence of this constitution. Section 3. Context. The constitution of the SGA is a living, breathing document, able to be changed to fit the growth and needs of the student body. This document is a collection of ideas from student leaders that is expected to change over time. Section 4. Mission. The Student Government Association is the governing body for student life at Butler University. As representatives, members are responsible for making sound and ethical decisions to best represent their constituencies. SGA promotes campus unity and diversity, represents the voice of all students, addresses important campus issues, and encourages student involvement. Article II- Function The function of the Student Government Association shall be to act as the primary student voice of the Butler community; to manage the funds of the Student Activity fee and derived funds; to promote and sponsor services for the student body; and to recognize and support student organizations. Article III- Membership Section 1. Nondiscrimination Policy. Membership and participation in the Butler University Student Government Association will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, marital status, religion, creed, national origin, disability, age, military or veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or any other protected characteristic. Section 2. General. The membership of the SGA shall be comprised of Residential senators, Class senators, Academic College senators, and representatives of the six SGA Boards; all of which shall hereafter be referred to as SGA Representatives. Senators shall be chosen by their respective constituents at the start of each academic year and shall serve for the period of one year or until the next election cycle. There is no term limit for a senator; however, a returning senator must participate in the election process each year. Section 3. Residential Housing Senators. The fourteen residential housing senators will be comprised of Ross Hall, Schwitzer Hall, the Residential College, Apartment Village, the University Apartments, which includes Christian Theological Seminary, University Terrace, and Butler Terrace, Commuter students, and Senior OffCampus Housing. Section 4. Class Senators. Each class standing will be allotted one senator. The Class Officer President will fill the senator position. If the President is unable to fulfill this position, the senate seat will be appointed to the Vice President, then Treasurer, and finally Secretary. Section 5. Academic College Senators. The seventeen senators for academic colleges will be comprised of representation from the College of Business, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, the College of Education, the College of Communication, and the Jordan College of the Arts. Section 6. SGA Board Representation. The Student Initiatives Board; Finance Board; Marketing and Communications Board; Programming Board; Diversity & Inclusion Board; and Service & Philanthropy Board will work in collaboration with the Senate in order to follow and maintain the mission of the Student Government Association. Section 7. Plural Representation. Any one student may not represent multiple constituencies in the Senate. Section 8. University Status. All representatives must be enrolled, full-time undergraduate students of Butler University. Representatives must remain in good academic and conduct standing, as defined by the University, and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. Section 9. Attendance Policy. When a senator misses two weekly meetings, in one semester, without a written excuse approved by the SGA President, the senator shall be automatically removed from the Senate. Section 10. Senator Allocation. Every year, the number of senators for academic college, class, and residential housing area will be re-evaluated in order to account for an increase or decrease in the number of students within a respective area. Senators will be appointed to represent each academic college, residence housing unit, and class standing based on the ratio of constituents within those areas and the overall student body. The Senate will be comprised of a total of 35 senate seats. Residential housing units will be allotted 14 total senators, Academic Colleges will be allotted 17 total senators, and Classes will be allotted 4 total senators. Article IV- Senate Meetings Section 1. Senate Meetings. Meetings of the Student Government Association Senate shall be held weekly during the fall and spring semesters, as called by the SGA President. Attendance for SGA Senate meetings is mandatory. Voting privileges are bestowed upon members of the Senate exclusively. At least one Senate meeting a month will be held open for attendance by any Butler University, undergraduate student or group. Senators will be required to complete multiple outreach events to their constituents each month based on the best methods, which will be determined by the senators, ie: coffee chats, office hours, monthly newsletters, Q&A sessions. Section 2. Voting Methods. At the request of a majority of present senators, the vote of each senator shall be recorded, or the vote shall be cast by a secret ballot, as defined by Robert’s Rules of Order. The SGA President will serve as the tie-breaking vote within the Senate, as needed. All other Cabinet members will at no time cast a vote in the SGA Senate. Section 3. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the President and shall be called by a majority approval of the Cabinet. The purpose of the meeting shall be given in the call. At least two days’ notice shall be given. Section 4. Quorum. Quorum shall be defined as a majority (more than 50%) of SGA senators. If vacancy exists, within the SGA Senate, the absent seat will not be taken into account when determining quorum. Quorum is necessary to conduct any business at a regularly or specially called SGA meeting. Section 5. Resolutions. All elected members of the cabinet (SGA President, Vice President of Student Initiatives, and Vice President of Finance) and senators can bring resolutions to the floor. The Senate has final discretion of approving resolutions for the Student Government Association. Article V- Officers Section 1. General. The officers of the SGA, hereafter referred to as the Cabinet shall be comprised of, and ranked in the order of Student Government Association President, Vice President of Student Initiatives, Vice President of Finance, Director of Programming, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Director of Marketing and Communications, and Director of Service and Philanthropy. Cabinet members will be required to attend weekly Cabinet meetings as determined by the SGA President. Additionally, Cabinet members will be required to hold weekly or biweekly meetings with their respective boards and committees. Section 2. President. The regular duties of the SGA President shall be the following: A. Serve as the official representative of the student body B. Delegate specific duties to the Cabinet C. Coordinate student representation on Butler University committees D. Chair the SGA Senate E. Serve as a student representative on the Board of Trustees Student Affairs Committee F. Appoints student representatives for Board of Trustee committees G. Work actively with University Administration to ensure the wellbeing of the student body H. Act as an ex-officio, non-voting member on all boards and committees within the Cabinet and Senate Section 3. Vice President of Student Initiatives. The regular duties of the Vice President of Student Initiatives shall be the following: A. Chair the Student Initiatives Board B. Serve as a student representative on the Board of Trustees Student Affairs Committee C. Attend weekly Senate meetings D. Serve as a liaison between the students and a the Butler University Administration in order to address campus issues and preserve the voice of the student body E. Preside over meetings of the SGA Senate in the absence of the President F. Provide weekly reports on the status of Student Initiatives Board projects G. Coordinate monthly meetings with the Executive Council, as well as monthly meetings with administrators H. Act as an ex-officio, non-voting member on all boards and committees within the Senate relevant to responsibilities Section 4. Vice President of Finance. The regular duties of the Vice President of Finance shall be the following: A. Chair the Finance Board and grants committee B. Oversee the accounting and financial records of the SGA C. Attend weekly Senate meetings D. Present a weekly budget update to the SGA Senate E. Serve as student representative on the Board of Trustees Finance and Facilities Committee F. Manage the SGA scholarship program G. Supervise the distribution of SGA funds to recognized student organizations H. Serve as treasurer on the Program Board, Diversity & Inclusion Board, Marketing & Communication Board, and Service & Philanthropy Board I. Act as an ex-officio, non-voting member on all boards and committees within the Senate relevant to responsibilities Section 5. Director of Programming. The regular duties of the Director of Programming shall be the following: A. Chair the Program Board B. Oversee programming funded by the SGA C. Maintain communication within campus entities providing large scale programming D. Presents a monthly report to the SGA Senate on campus programming and events E. Oversee the programming funded by SGA to ensure that decisions support campus engagement and involvement F. Act as an ex-officio, non-voting member on all boards and committees within the Senate relevant to responsibilities Section 6. Director of Diversity & Inclusion. The regular duties of the Director of Diversity & Inclusion shall be the following: A. Chair the Diversity & Inclusion Board B. Maintain communication with all recognized diversity organizations C. Oversee Diversity & Inclusion Board programming D. Promote diversity and inclusion through all SGA boards E. Presents a monthly report to the SGA Senate on diversity and educational programming F. Act as an ex-officio, non-voting member on all boards and committees within the Senate relevant to responsibilities Section 7. Director of Marketing & Communications. The regular duties of the Director of Marketing & Communications shall be the following: A. Chair the Marketing & Communications Board B. Promote the unified brand of SGA C. Promote SGA activities D. Maintain the SGA website E. Presents a monthly report to the SGA Senate on the promotional and marketing campaigns of SGA activities and boards F. Act as an ex-officio, non-voting member on all boards and committees within the Senate relevant to responsibilities Section 8. Director of Service & Philanthropy. The regular duties of the Director of Service & Philanthropy shall be the following: A. Chair the Service & Philanthropy Board B. Serve as a liaison with the Student Affairs’ Service & Philanthropy Board C. Presents a monthly report to the SGA Senate on philanthropy and service initiatives throughout campus D. Act as an ex-officio, non-voting member on all boards and committees within the Senate relevant to responsibilities Section 9. Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall advise the SGA President on conducting meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. Only the President, not the Parliamentarian, can rule on the proper application of the rules. The Parliamentarian shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the SGA Senate and the Cabinet. The Parliamentarian shall keep record of all prior processes and decisions made by the SGA Cabinet and Senate to maintain a standard of precedence. Section 10. Cabinet Voting. All Vice Presidents and Directors are the voting members of the cabinet. The SGA President will serve as the tie-breaking vote within the Cabinet, as needed. Section 11. Term of Office Installation. The officers shall be elected to serve for one year or until their successors are elected and installed, and their term of office shall begin at the conclusion of the officer installation. The installation shall be held at the last scheduled regular meeting of the spring semester. Officers are eligible for re-application at the end of his/her first term. Section 12. University Status. All officers must be enrolled, full-time undergraduate students of Butler University, who remain in good academic and conduct standing, as defined by the University, and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. In the event that an officer’s status with the university changes, the office will be declared vacant. Article VI- Elections Section 1. General. The procedure for the election of the SGA Officers and Senators shall be consistent with the SGA Election Guidelines, where they are not inconsistent with this constitution, any special rules of order adopted by the Senate, or university rules and regulations. Any changes in the Election Guidelines are subject to a two-thirds affirmative vote of the present Senate. The Elections Oversight Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of the implementation of the SGA Election Guidelines for all SGA elections. Section 2. Election of President. The Student Government Association President shall be elected through a majority vote of ballots cast by the student body, and shall be elected annually in the spring election. If no candidate receives a majority vote, a runoff election will be held with the two candidates who received the most votes. In a runoff, the candidate who receives the most votes will be declared the winner. Section 3. Election of Vice Presidents of Student Initiatives and Finance. The Vice President of Student Initiatives and Vice President of Finance shall be nominated and elected through a majority vote of the SGA Senate. In order to be considered for one of these positions, the candidate must have served at least one full semester on the respective board. Section 4. Nomination and Confirmation of Directors of Programming, Diversity & Inclusion, Marketing & Communications, and Service & Philanthropy. The Directors of Programming, Diversity & Inclusion, Marketing & Communications, and Service & Philanthropy shall be nominated by the SGA President and confirmed by a majority vote of the SGA Senate. Section 5. Appointment of Parliamentarian. The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian. The office may be reappointed as needed. Section 6. Election of Residential and College Senators. Senators from respective residential areas and colleges are elected annually in the fall, by the specified constituent group. Allocated senate seats will be filled by the top vote-getters in each senate race. Section 7. Election of Class Senators. Each class standing will be allotted one senator. The Class Officer President will fill the senator position. If the President is unable to fulfill this position, the senate seat will be appointed to the Vice President, then Treasurer, and finally Secretary. Section 8. Unfilled Senate Seats. If a senator position(s) is not filled within the determined election period, the SGA President will appoint a student to fill the senator position until the annual election in the fall. The student must meet the criteria for the open position, ie: a College of Business senator position is not filled, a College of Business student must fill the senator position. All appointments must be approved by the SGA Cabinet in a majority vote. Article VII – Vacancies Section 1. Vacancy of President. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Student Government Association President, the Vice President of Student Initiatives shall become the Student Government Association President until the annual election in the spring. Section 2. Vacancies of Vice Presidents of Student Initiatives and Finance. In the event of a vacancy in the offices of Vice President of Student Initiatives or Vice President of Finance, a successor shall be elected by a majority vote of the SGA Senate. Section 3. Vacancies of Directors of Programming, Diversity & Inclusion, Marketing & Communication, and Service & Philanthropy. In the event of a vacancy in the offices of Directors of Programming, Diversity & Inclusion, Marketing & Communication, and Service & Philanthropy, a successor shall be nominated by the President and subject to confirmation by a majority vote of the SGA Senate. Section 4. Vacancy of Parliamentarian. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Parliamentarian, a successor shall be appointed by the President. Section 5. Vacancy of Senators. In the event of a vacancy in the senate, the SGA President will appoint a student to fill the senator position until the annual election in the fall. The student must meet the criteria for the open position, ie: a College of Business senator position is not filled, a College of Business student must fill the senator position. All appointments must be approved by the SGA Cabinet in a majority vote. Section 6. Vacancy on a Board or Committee. In the event of a vacancy on a board or committee, the proper procedures for initially appointing or electing members to that board or committee shall be followed. Article VIII– Disciplinary Actions Section 1. Cabinet Removal. A cabinet member’s election or appointment may be rescinded at any regular meeting of the Senate by a two thirds vote of the membership, provided the motion to rescind has been submitted in writing by a Senate or Cabinet member to the SGA President at the previous meeting. The officer in question will have the right to address the SGA Senate. Any SGA Cabinet member can be deposed from office for misconduct or neglect of duty in office. Section 2. Senator Removal. A senator may be removed from the SGA Senate by a two thirds vote within the SGA Cabinet and the SGA Senate. The motion to rescind must be submitted in writing by a Senate or Cabinet member to the SGA President at the previous meeting. Any Senator can be deposed from their role for failure to fulfill expectations and responsibilities, poor attendance, inappropriately representing SGA, misconduct, or negligence of duty in office. The senator in question will have the right to address the SGA Senate and SGA Cabinet. Section 3. Board Member Removal. Members of the Cabinet may remove any member of the Student Initiatives Board, Finance Board, Program Board, Diversity & Inclusion Board, Service & Philanthropy Board, or Marketing and Communication Board for poor attendance; misuse of SGA funds; inappropriately representing the SGA; University Conduct Probation (as outlined in the Butler University Student Handbook); or failure to fulfill responsibilities. Said board members shall have the right to know the cause of their removal. Section 4. Appeals. Appeals to decisions to remove any SGA member’s removal must be filed with the SGA President within one week of the announcement of their potential removal. Appeals will be heard by no less than five student members of the Butler University Student Conduct Board. Reversal of the removal requires a two thirds vote of the present members of the Student Conduct Board. Article IX – Advisors Section 1. General. The Student Government Association shall have advisors from the Division of Student Affairs, who shall serve as resources and offer consultation. Section 2. Faculty Advisor. The Student Government Association may have a faculty advisor, chosen by the SGA Cabinet. Section 3. Ex-Officio Membership. Advisors shall be ex-officio, non-voting members of the Senate, all boards, and all committees. Article X – Boards Section 1. Cabinet. There shall be a Cabinet, chaired by the President, comprised of the SGA Officers. The Cabinet shall be responsible for the leadership and direction of the SGA through the implementation of general operating procedures and activities. Meetings of the Cabinet shall be held weekly during the fall and spring semesters. Section 2. Student Initiatives Board. There shall be a Student Initiatives Board, appointed and chaired by the Vice President of Student Initiatives. The Student Initiatives Board shall serve as the liaison between the students and the administration to help address campus issues and work proactively towards change in the Butler community. Section 3. Finance Board. There shall be a Finance Board and Grants Committee, appointed and chaired by the Vice President of Finance. The Finance Board shall work with the SGA Senate, Program Board, Student Initiatives Board, Marketing & Communication Board, Diversity & Inclusion Board, Service & Philanthropy Board, and other student organizations to aid in financial assistance through fundraisers or grants. The Finance Board shall provide a process for grant allocation to provide student organizations with sufficient funds. The Finance Board shall provide information for fundraising opportunities to recognized student organizations. The Grants Committee shall be charged with the responsibility of reviewing and processing requests for General Purpose, Event, Club Sports, Service, and Diversity & Inclusion Grants, and distributing such funds under the SGA Guidelines. The committee shall consist of eleven full time undergraduate students who are in good standing with the University. Section 4. Program Board. There shall be a Program Board, appointed and chaired by the Director of Programming. The Program Board shall work with the SGA Senate towards developing and implementing broad cultural, intellectual, social, public service, and recreational programs for the students of Butler University. Section 5. Diversity & Inclusion Board. There shall be a Diversity & Inclusion Board, appointed and chaired by the Director of Diversity & Inclusion. The Diversity & Inclusion Board shall work with the SGA Senate towards developing and implementing broad cultural, intellectual, and public service programs with a diversity focus and towards addressing diversity concerns for the students of Butler University. There will be Diversity & Inclusion Board Forums with times and dates to be determined by Director of Diversity & Inclusion. The Director of Diversity & Inclusion shall be charged with the responsibility of reviewing requests for Diversity & Inclusion Grants, and then based on the decision of the Director of Diversity & Inclusion, the Grants Committee shall review Diversity & Inclusion Grant applications. Section 6. Marketing & Communications Board. There shall be a Marketing & Communications Board, appointed and chaired by the Director of Marketing & Communications. The Marketing & Communications Board shall work with the SGA Senate and all recognized student organizations to aid in promotions and advertisements of events and programs. Section 7. Service & Philanthropy Board. There shall be a Service & Philanthropy Board, appointed and chaired by the Director of Service & Philanthropy. The Service & Philanthropy Board will work to create and apply a clearer definition of service and philanthropy on campus. The Service & Philanthropy Board will work with the Student Affairs’ Service & Philanthropy Board to create stronger service experiences for the student body. Section 8. Board Appointments. Boards shall be comprised of enrolled, full-time undergraduate students who are selected, through an interview and application process by the board’s respective chair. Members may only be appointed to one board at a time. Members must remain in good academic and conduct standing, as defined by the University, and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. Section 9. Term of Membership. Board members shall be appointed to serve for one year or until successors are appointed and their term on the committee shall begin at the conclusion of the officer installations. Board members are eligible to reapply for a board at the end of the year. Section 10. Oversight. All boards shall be subject to the decisions of the Senate, and none of their acts shall conflict with action taken by the Senate. Decisions of any board may be appealed by a majority vote of the SGA Senate. Article XI- Committees Section 1. Election Oversight Committee of Cabinet Elections. The Election Oversight Committee for Cabinet members shall be charged with the responsibility of the implementation of the SGA Election Guidelines for all Cabinet Elections and will be comprised of no less than 5 and no more than 10 members of the Senate. These EOC members shall be elected by the SGA Senate before Thanksgiving Break of the Fall semester. During the Spring semester, this committee will oversee the election process for the SGA President, Class Officers, Vice President of Student Initiatives, and Vice President of Finance. No member of this Election Oversight Committee may be a candidate for SGA President, SGA Cabinet member, or Parliamentarian, any class officer position, or serve on an SGA board. Decisions of the Election Oversight Committee may be appealed by a majority vote of the Student Conduct Board. Section 2. Election Oversight Committee of Senate Elections. The Election Oversight Committee for Senate members shall be charged with the responsibility of the implementation of the SGA Election Guidelines for all Senate Elections. During the Fall semester, the Cabinet will serve as the Election Oversight Committee during the election of all senators, except Class Senators. No member of the Election Oversight Committee may be a candidate for any senator position. Decisions of the Election Oversight Committee may be appealed by a majority vote of the Student Conduct Board. Section 3. Standing Committee Terms of Membership. Committee members shall be elected to serve until the process they are overseeing comes to completion. Section 4. Ad-hoc Committees. Special ad-hoc committees may be created as deemed necessary by the Senate or Cabinet. The President shall appoint all members of ad-hoc committees. Article XII – Finances Section 1. Budget. The yearly budget, presented by the Cabinet, shall be subject to a two-thirds affirmation of the present Senate. The budget for the upcoming school year will be approved in the Spring. Section 2. President Stipend. The SGA President shall receive a stipend of $1,500 per semester. Section 3. Cabinet Stipend. Each Vice President shall receive a stipend of $1,150 per semester. Each Director shall receive a stipend of $900 per semester. Section 4. Parliamentarian Stipend. The Parliamentarian shall receive a stipend of $400 per semester. Article XIII- Endorsement of Student Organizations Section 1. General. Prior to approval by the necessary administrative official in accordance with University regulations, the SGA Senate shall be empowered to endorse the constitution of any organization of students which is seeking recognition on the Butler University campus. Section 2. Good Standing. Organizations in good standing with the University and the Student Government Association may apply for grants and co-programming opportunities. To remain in good standing with the Student Government Association, organizations must comply with the expectations outlined by the SGA President and SGA Senate, ie: attendance at leadership summits, completion of required paperwork. Section 3. Amendments. An organization already established which makes extensive revisions or amendments to its constitution must follow the procedure established for the approval of constitutions of new student groups. Section 4. Oversight. The Senate will oversee all procedures regarding the endorsement of new student organizations. Article XIV- Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this constitution and any special rules of order the Senate may adopt. Article XV- Amendments Section 1. Amendment. Amendments to this constitution shall be submitted to the SGA Senate in writing and voted on not less than one regularly scheduled Senate meeting later. Amendments are subject to a two-thirds affirmation of the SGA Senate and shall take effect immediately upon adoption. All elected members of the cabinet (SGA President, Vice President of Student Initiatives, and Vice President of Finance) and senators can submit amendments. Section 2. Suspension. An article or section of this constitution may be suspended by a two-thirds vote, provided that the suspension of the article or section does not cause conflict with the rules and regulations of Butler University. Suspension of the constitution shall otherwise be considered as a motion to suspend the rules. Section 3. Committee Revision. This constitution shall be reviewed by an ad-hoc committee to be appointed by the President within four years of the last committee revision as determined by the Cabinet or otherwise ordered by the Senate.
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