Bishop Filevich Ukrainian Bilingual School Українська двомовна школа ім. Владики Філевича 125 – 105th Street West, Saskatoon, SK. S7N 1N3 Phone: 306-659-7230 Fax: 306-659-2074 Website: Email: Principal: Mr. Mike Thorson Vice-Principal: Mrs. Jody Wolos-Knopp Office coordinator: Mrs. Sonia Kodak #11 February 12, 2015 Trustees: Lisa Lambert ( ), Wayne Stus ( and Todd Hawkins ( You can access our newsletter on our website: - click on “our schools” down the left hand column choose Bishop Filevich Ukrainian Bilingual School scroll down to Newsletter and click on the link called “Current and Back Issues 2014-2015” Notes from your administrators... Xристос Раждається! Khrystos Razhdayet’sya! Christ is Born! It is hard to believe that we are half way through the month of February! We continue to journey through more inclement weather and cope with the indoor recess breaks; but the promise of Spring is around the corner. Thank you to everyone for demonstrating their school spirit this past week. We also thank Bishop Bryan for blessing each classroom and office in our school yesterday as is our tradition at the end of the Christmas season. As we begin our pre-Lenten journey let us take the opportunity to be grateful for all of our blessings. We will gather in prayer the week after the break. Next week during the break, Saskatoon teachers will be attending the 2015 Convention where the theme will be “A Great School for Every Kid.” Our students are certainly looking forward to a break from routine and the ability to recharge! We hope you are able to spend time with your families, especially on Monday, February 16th. We pray that each of you will enjoy a safe and healthy week! God Bless Mike Thorson / pan Mykhailo / пан Михайло Jody Wolos-Knopp / pani Ivanna / пані Іванна DATES TO REMEMBER: Thursday, Feb 12 7:00 PM – Bethlehem High School Open House for parents of grade 8 students Monday February 16 – Family Day – School is closed Feb 17 and 18 – February Break – School is closed Thursday, Feb 19 Teacher Convention – no classes for students Friday, Feb 20 PLD – no classes for students Wednesday, Feb 25 Ski trip to Wapiti – regular school day for non-participants Call 306 659-7230 to book your 3 way conference time Thursday, Feb 26 10-11:30 – Grades 3 & 7 skating at ACT Arena DQ Hot Lunch for those who previously ordered Thursday, Mar 5 10:00-11:30 – Grades 2 & 8 skating at ACT Arena Wednesday, Mar 11 Catholic School Relay Championship – watch for more details Monday, Mar 16 PLD – no classes for students Tuesday, Mar 24 11:45-1:15 – Grade 8 Band at the Music Festival Thursday, Mar 26 11:45-1:15 – Grade 7 Band at the Music Festival Varenyky Hot Lunch – watch for forms going home early March 3:30-9:00 PM – 3 way conferences Friday, Mar 27 9:00-3:30 – 3 way conferences – No classes for students No Peanuts/Nuts No Sunflower Seeds We are accepting registrations for Kindergarten 2015-2016 - If you have a child who will be 5 years old by January 31, 2016 or know of anyone that may be interested in having their children attend this school, please call 306-659-7230 or email for further information. Sadok Dzvinok Ukrainian Preschool – If you are interested in a Ukrainian preschool for your 3 or 4 year old child, you may want to check out the Ukrainian Preschool housed at Bishop Filevich School. A few spots are still available for the 2015-2016 school year. There are 2 programs: 4 year old children attend the 3-day program and the 3 year old children attend the 2-day program. For more information, please call Shelley 306-249-4395. Indoor Relay Teams – The K of C Track Meet was very successful! Three of our teams advanced to the semi-finals: 2 under 11 girls’ teams and the under 15 girls. The under 11 girls’ team of Katya, Maria, Shyan and Tiana made it to the finals and came in 2 nd! Congratulations to these girls for winning a silver medal! We are extremely proud of all of our runners! Thanks again to the parents for supporting this activity and cheering so loudly! The final track meet, The Catholic School Relay Championship, will be on Wednesday March 11. Information will go home after the February Break. The basketball season for the senior boys and girls is well under way with play days taking place most Thursdays after school. Rosary (Chotky) Club will begin after the break. Students will have an opportunity to sign up and learn more it. The ski trip is taking place on February 25, 2015. Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to join us! Subscribe to email notifications with First Student Canada – If you would like an email notification that your child’s bus will be late or cancelled, go to First Student website and on the top right hand corner is an icon for subscriptions – click on it – click on subscribe. It will then ask for your email address. Once that is accepted, it will prompt you to choose the school and/or route that you would like to be notified about. Once that is set, the program will automatically send you notifications if your school bus is delayed or cancelled. Your password will be emailed to you so that you can log on at any time. Bishop Filevich Health and Nutrition Information Backpack Strategies for Parents and Students Carrying too much weight in a pack or wearing it the wrong way can lead to pain and strain. Parents can take steps to help children load and wear backpacks the correct way to avoid health problems. Loading a Pack • A child’s backpack should weigh no more than about 10% of his or her body weight. This means a student weighing 100 pounds shouldn’t wear a loaded school backpack heavier than about 10 pounds. • Load heaviest items closest to the child’s back (the back of the pack). • Check what your child carries to school and brings home. Make sure the items are necessary for the day’s activities. • If the backpack is too heavy or tightly packed, your child can hand carry a book or other item outside the pack. Wearing a Pack • Distribute weight evenly by using both straps. Wearing a pack slung over one shoulder can cause a child to lean to one side, curving the spine and causing pain or discomfort. • Select a pack with well-padded shoulder straps to reduce discomfort. • Adjust the shoulder straps so that the pack fits snugly on the child’s back. A pack that hangs loosely from the back can pull the child backwards and strain muscles. • The bottom of the pack should rest in the curve of the lower back. It should never rest more than four inches below the child’s waistline. • School backpacks come in different sizes for different ages. Choose the right size pack for your child as well as one with enough room for necessary school items. (sourced from AOTA) Working on Words! – From the Speech/Language Department at Bishop Filevich School Storytelling is a great way to encourage your child’s speech and language development. Today’s tip: Share your family photo album with your child and encourage him/her to use the photos to recount past experiences with family members. Help him/her fill in the missing details. BISHOP FILEVICH CATHOLIC SCHOOL COMMUNITY COUNCIL NEWS Zabava - Thank you to all the families who braved the frigid weather Friday for the Valentine's Zabava. We had a packed gym with about 100 children and adults. Thank you to all the parents and staff for helping with set up and clean up and to the grade 8s for the tattoo booth. We look forward to seeing you all again next year. A special thank you to Carla Adamko, our Zabava coordinator and her volunteer committee. A fun family event doesn't happen without people power. All your efforts are truly appreciated! Check out this website for updated “goings on” in the Ukrainian community: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (PART-TIME): UKRAINIAN DANCE OUTREACH COORDINATOR - UCC Saskatchewan invites applications for a part-time Ukrainian Dance Outreach Coordinator position. Expected start date: February 2015. Application deadline is Friday 20 February 2015. Details (PDF) Community News th The Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation is pleased to invite you to the 15 annual ‘Swing into Spring’ Fashion Show & Dinner on Thursday, April 30, 2015 at Prairieland Park – Hall B. Once again, plans are well under way for a fabulous evening of fun, food, fashions, camaraderie and great prizes. Support school division employees as they step out of their traditional roles to walk the runway in the latest spring fashions. Please check the posters displayed at your school or your parish bulletin boards. Early Bird tickets purchased before February 28, 2015 are $65.00ea or $70.00ea after February 28, 2015. Tickets are available through the Foundation office. Phone: 659-7003 Fax: 659-2013 Email: Your presence helps us put faith in education. ALL ABOARD 2015 MODEL TRAIN SHOW - Saturday Feb.21 & Sunday Feb.22 at The Western Development Museum. More info at Family Mini-Golf Tournament for KidSport Saskatoon on Sunday February 22nd from 11 am to 5 pm at the Market Mall MiniGolf Course. Entry fee is $30 per team of four. Pre-registration not required. There will be autograph opportunities by the Saskatoon Blades, Hilltops and Huskies. All proceeds to KidSport. Saskatoon Rush Football – Online registrations accepted for girls in grades 1-8. Learn skills, social interaction, passing, catching and running in a non-contact setting with lots of fun. Visit to register or for more information.
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