ST GEORGE’S PARISH CHURCH, STALYBRIDGE WELCOME TO OUR WORSHIP TODAY We especially welcome anyone who is here for the first me Sunday 1st February 2015 PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE Please take this sheet home with you Please send any entries for next weeks pew sheet to: or telephone Val on 0161 304 9522 COLLECT Almighty and ever-living God, clothed in majesty, whose beloved Son was this day presented in the Temple, in substance of our flesh: grant that we may be presented to you with pure and clean hearts, by your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen HYMNS 714, 28, 375, 438 First Reading Malachi 3 verses 1–5 (Bible page 926) Psalm Psalm 24 verses 7–end (Bible page 532 or back of sheet) Second Reading Hebrews 2 verses 14–end (Bible page 234) Gospel Luke 2 verses 22–40 (Bible page 63) COMMUNION HYMNS Let us light a candle in the darkness (sung by Choir), 157, 901 POST COMMUNION PRAYER Lord, you fulfilled the hope of Simeon and Anna, who lived to welcome the Messiah: may we, who have received these giŌs beyond words, prepare to meet Christ Jesus when he comes to bring us to eternal life; for he is alive and reigns, now and for ever. Amen. PRAY FOR THE CHURCH THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Pray for The Anglican Church of Burundi The Most Revd Bernard Ntahoturi Archbishop of the Province of Burundi & Bishop of Matana. Church of England: Diocese of Birmingham, Bishop David Urquhart, Bishop Andrew Watson. Church of Ireland: Diocese of Cork, Cloyne and Ross, Bishop Paul Colton Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark: Diocese of Elsinore, Bishop Lise-Lotte Rebel. PRAY FOR THE DIOCESE OF MANCHESTER Diocesan Bishop: Bishop David Walker. Suffragan Bishops: Bishop Mark; Bishop Chris. Bishop of Beverley: Bishop Glyn Webster; Dean: Rogers Govender; Archdeacons: Cherry Vann, David Bailey, Mark Ashcroft, David Sharples. PRAY FOR THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD For our Queen & all people and leaders of all Nations. Peace in the world and for all working for peace and an end to terrorism. For all refugees and asylum seekers. PRAY FOR THIS PARISH AND COMMUNITY Please continue to keep in your prayers our Priest in Charge: Revd Philip Brierley, Assoc. Priest: Revd Doreen Broadbent. The towns of Stalybridge and Armentières. Please pray for Treasurer & Secretary. Also, those who live on Stephens Close and Stephens House. Also pray for Fraser Alan McParland, Joe Harry Mc Parland, Ryan William McParland, Cameron Matthew McParland, Angel Alice McParland, Billy Peter McParland, Lexi Lauren Graham and Finley James Yates who are to be baptised here today, and for Kevin and Georgia who are to be married here on Friday PRAY FOR THE SICK, THE BEREAVED, THOSE IN TROUBLE— Leslie Bland, Tamsin Winstanley, Ann Winstanley, Shirley, Audrey Hurst, Linda, Rose Hayward, Chris Shaw, Alison Shaw, Yvonne Cooper, Camaron, Linda Collins, Glenis & Dennis Ping, Helga Green, Jojo Sykes, Norman Quest, Angie, Terence Slattery, Gord Davis, Rosemary Blease, Andy Harrop, Ian Diggle, Margaret Dunn, and anyone known personally to you. PRAY FOR THE DEPARTED – Pauline Collinson, Steven John Lawton, Rebecca Shone-Walker, Walter Saville, Lewis Winterbottom, Anthony Welsh, Phyllis Hallworth, James Raymond Carrington, Edwina Stokes and anyone who has recently died. ANNIVERSARIES — Ernest Albert Whitehead, Vera Hadfield, Carl Stephen Morrison, Mary Priestley, Margaret Longmate, Peter Andrew Diamond, James Howarth, Albert Livsey, Annie Howard and Adam Constantine. 175th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS — As you are aware, 2015 is the 175th anniversary of our beautiful Church. During this special year, the PCC are planning a number of social events to help us celebrate this historic event. Planned events include quizes, a race night, ladies afternoon, crown green bowling, to name just a few. There is to be a meeting on Tuesday February 24th, starting at 8pm, to discuss the planned activities. Everyone is welcome, and don’t worry, you will not be forced to do anything you do not wish to do. Neither will you be ‘treading on anybody’s toes’. Every member of the Church has as much right to their opinion as everybody else. Sunday Lunch at Stamford Golf Club — Our 175th Anniversary Sunday Lunch at Stamford Golf Club is on Sunday 8 February. Please meet at Stamford Golf Club, Huddersfield Road, Heyheads, Stalybridge SK15 3PY at 1.30pm for our wonderful meal together. Please have a word with Philip or one of the Wardens if you need a lift. Please give any outstanding deposit to Joyce Hansell. THE ASHTON DEANERY YOUNG ADULTS GROUP holds monthly meetings for young adults aged between 18 and 30. They are having a pancake and quiz night on 7th February starting at 6pm, at Holy Trinity in Ashton. If you are interested, please see the notice in the lounge. A great way to meet young Christians from other Churches. FAIR TRADE EASTER EGGS—Orders are now being taken for fair trade Easter eggs, priced at only £3.99. The list is on the notice board in the lounge. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK– If you would like someone to be remembered in our prayers, please either email me (address at the front of the pewsheet) or put their name on the list at the back of Church. Names will be put in the pewsheet for four weeks and can be put on each following month as required. Please remember to have their permission as the pewsheet is put on our world wide website weekly. PSALM at 10.30am Psalm 24: 7– end (Bible page 532) Leader: Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in. All Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle. Leader Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors! that the King of glory may come in. All Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Sunday 1st Feb PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE 10.30am Parish Eucharist and Junior Church 12.30pm Holy Baptism x 8 Tuesday 10.30am Thursday 9.30am 7.30pm Time 4 fun (0-5 year old) Tameside Community Voices Practice Friday 1.00pm Wedding of Kevin and Georgia Sunday 8th Feb Holy Communion SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT 8.30am Holy Communion 10.30am Parish Eucharist and Junior Church 1.30pm Anniversary Celebration Lunch at Stamford Golf Club Sidepersons Firsts Feb 1st A Smith J Waterhouse Feb 8th N Nield J Vidler Feb 15th M Walsh E Stokes Eucharistic Assistants Feb 1st K Wright D Redyoff Feb 8th H Flood A Harris Feb 15th L Ryan N Nield Seconds G Vernon J Vernon V Fallows S Fallows L Hurst J Catlow S Fallows H Lees M Smith
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