Global Forestry Trends

First announcement
Global Forestry Trends
A PhD seminar in forest sciences
7-10 October 2015
Joensuu, Finland
University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences
in collaboration with the Finnish Graduate School in Forest
Sciences and International Partnership for Forestry Education
Global Forestry Trends is an international seminar for PhD students in forest sciences.
The objective of the seminar is to bring together PhD students from around the world
to discuss about contemporary issues in forest sciences.
Preliminary programme
Wed 7 Oct
Plenary session, key note speakers
Sub-plenary sessions
Get-together and sauna by the lake Pyhäselkä
Thu 8 Oct
Sub-plenary sessions
Excursion (tentatively) to European Forest Institute /
John Deere / Fortum biorefinery
18Fri 9-10 Oct
Excursion to St. Petersburg, Russia
Call for papers
Voluntary speakers for short papers are invited to submit abstracts by 15 June 2015.
Based on these abstracts the organiser of the seminar will invite the speakers for the
different sessions. The topics of the abstracts can be from any field in forest sciences
and the duration of the presentation is 20 minutes, including the time for discussion.
Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail by 30 June 2015. The abstracts
should be up to two pages (A4) font 12 Times New Roman, line space 1.5.
Important dates
Deadline for abstracts submission
Notification of acceptance of abstracts
Second announcement
Deadline for registration
The seminar
15 June 2015
30 June 2015
17 August 2015
21 September 2015
7-10 October 2015
Further information about the seminar from coordinator Pauliina Karvinen.
Organising committee
Coordinator Pauliina Karvinen
University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences
Joensuu, Finland
Tel. +358 50 4422 572
Director Timo Tokola
University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences
Joensuu, Finland
Tel. +358 50 4015 835
Co-operation partners
Finnish Graduate School in Forest Sciences
International Partnership for Forestry Education
International Forestry Students’ Association
Global Forestry Trends
- a PhD seminar in forest sciences