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HEALTH HISTORY Diagnosis: Date of Onset: _________________ Please indicate current or past special needs in the following areas: Y N Comments Vision Hearing Sensation Communication Heart Breathing Digestion Elimination Circulation Emotional/Mental Health 1 Behavioral Pain Bone/Joint Muscular Thinking/Cognition Allergies MEDICATIONS (include prescription and over-the-counter; name, dose and frequency) Describe your abilities/difficulties in the following areas (include assistance required or equipment needed): PHYSICAL FUNCTION (e.g., mobility skills such as transfers, walking, wheelchair use, driving/bus riding) PSYCHO/SOCIAL FUNCTION (e.g.,. work/school including grade completed, leisure interests, relationships-family structure, support systems, companion animals, fears/concerns, etc.) GOALS (i.e. why are you applying for participation? What would you like to accomplish? Signature: ! Date: "! 2 ! Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment Form Participant __!!!Volunteer___ Name: _________________________________________ DOB: _______________ Phone: ______________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Physician’s Name: ____________________________________ Preferred Medical Facility: _______________ Health Insurance Company: _____________________________ Policy #: _____________________________ Allergies to medications:_____________________________________________________________________ Current medications: ________________________________________________________________________ In the event of an emergency, contact: Name: _________________________________________ Relation: _____________ Phone: ___________________ Name: _________________________________________ Relation: _____________ Phone: ___________________ Name: _________________________________________ Relation: _____________ Phone: ___________________ In the event emergency medical aid/treatment is required due to illness or injury during the process of receiving services, or while being on the property of the agency, I authorize Blue Sky Therapeutic Riding & Respite to: 1. Secure and retain medical treatment and transportation if needed. 2. Release client records upon request to the authorized individual or agency involved in the medical Emergency treatment. 3. Blue Sky's insurance is secondary to any individual’s primary insurance. Consent Plan This authorization includes x-ray, surgery, hospitalization, medication and any treatment procedure deemed “life saving” by the physician. This provision will only be invoked if the person(s) above is unable to be reached. Date: ____________ Consent Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Client, Parent or Legal Guardian Non-Consent Plan I do not give my consent for emergency medical treatment/aid in the case of illness or injury during the process of receiving services or while being on the property of the agency. ____ Parent or legal guardian will remain on site at all times during equine assisted activities ____ In the event emergency treatment/aid is required, I wish the following procedure to take place: Date: ___________ Consent Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Client, Parent or Legal Guardian ! ! "! 3 RELEASE OF LIABILITY Name of Rider ____________________________________________________________ Blue Sky Therapeutic Riding & Respite, its officers, members, employees, contractors, property Owners and agents will not be responsible for any damages to person, animal or property at the Blue Sky leased facility or its grounds, nor will they be responsible for any property lost or destroyed. The undersigned rider/parent/guardian/ volunteer hereby releases Blue Sky, its officers, members, employees, contractors, property owners and agents from any and all liability, claims and damages whatsoever(including costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees) that might result from damages, injuries, or losses to their person or property during, or in connection with, or arising out of any show, clinic, event or function, whether or not such damages, injuries, or losses result directly or indirectly from the negligent act or omission of such released parties. WARNING: UNDER TEXAS LAW (CHAPTER 87, CIVIL PRACTICE AND REMEDIES CODE), AN EQUINE PROFESSIONAL IS NOT LIABLE FOR AN INJURY TO OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT IN EQUINE ACTIVITIES RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES. In exchange for the use of property leased by Blue Sky and other valuable consideration, I agree that my use of the premises and any animals, facilities, or equipment leased or owned by Blue Sky is at my own risk. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Blue Sky, their respective officers, members, employees, contractors, property owners and agents from any and all suits, actions, or claims of any type arising from my use of the premises or participation in the equine activity of such use by my guest, whether or not such claims result directly or indirectly from the negligent act or omissions of the indemnified parties or otherwise. I acknowledge that riding and involvement with horses is a high-risk activity. I have read this agreement and fully understand its content. PLEASE SIGN HERE: _______________________________________ (Adult rider or parent / guardian of minor rider/volunteer) _______________________________________ Date Riders cannot participate in any activity at Blue Sky without this signed form. ! "! 4 ! ! ! ! ^5=-=S8!<@@7/00Z! X;%'!A761/S!<776*! N/S36SR!H/450!]':%#! A57S!<@@7/00Z! )%#[!CE!I\G!X]]! <.,7/2R!H/450!]'::]! ! ! PHOTO RELEASE I ! DO "! DO NOT Consent ____________________________________to and authorize the use and reproduction by (Blue Sky Therapeutic Riding and Respite) of any and all photographs and any other audio/visual materials taken of me for promotional material, educational activities, exhibitions or for any other use for the benefit of the program. Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Client, Parent or Legal Guardian Confidentiality Agreement I understand that all information (written and verbal) about participants at this PATH Intl. center is confidential and will not be shared with anyone without the expressed written consent of the participant and his/her parent/guardian in the case of a minor. Signature: ! ! (volunteer/staff/ parent/ guardian)! Date: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 9!:%;$+!<--!7=8>30!7/0/7?/@+!ABCD!EFG!HIDJ<KDCHLM!JLNLOP!Q!JDEKLHDR!LST+!=0!5!S6S(U76V=3R!354(/4/WU3!)%;"T&"X&! 6785S=Y53=6S+!<--!@6S53=6S0!57/!354!@/@.T3=,-/!36!3>/!/43/S3!5--6*/@!,2!-5*+!ABCD!EFG!=0!5!K<HI!LS3/7S53=6S5-!<TT7/@=3/@! M/S3/7+!O6!866@0!67!0/7?=T/0!*/7/!U76?=@/@!,2!3>/!6785S=Y53=6S!=S!7/3.7S!V67!3>/!T6S37=,.3=6S+! ! ! "#$%&!'%%(%)$)! ***+,-./0123/450+678! 5 ! ! ! ! ! g5<-<>8!W==7/00d! bA%'!:761/>!W776*! O/>36>E!R/450!f'V%#! :57>!W==7/00d! )%#e!Y;!]P\!bff! 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RF5>1!26.!D67!26.7!G57/D.-!G6>0<=/753<6>E! :-./!;12!RF/75?/.3<G!S<=<>8!T!S/0?<3/!:657=!6D!O<7/G3670! ! ! U!V%A$+!W--!7<8F30!7/0/7C/=+!:XYZ!;[\!R]ZSW^ZYRJ_!SJOJ`a!T!SZ;^JRZE!J>G+!<0!5!>6>(?76D<3E!354(/4/@?3!)%A"G&"b&! 6785><c53<6>+!W--!=6>53<6>0!57/!354!=/=.G3<,-/!36!3F/!/43/>3!5--6*/=!,2!-5*+!:XYZ!;[\!<0!5!^WR]!J>3/7>53<6>5-!WGG7/=<3/=! _/>3/7+!`6!866=0!67!0/7C<G/0!*/7/!?76C<=/=!,2!3F/!6785><c53<6>!<>!7/3.7>!D67!3F/!G6>37<,.3<6>+! ! ! "#$%&!'%%(%)$)! ***+,-./0123/450+678! 6 Date: !"#$#%&'())*+,,-' 2"*%'())*+,,-' ./01'2*34+%'(**35' >0=?'@A'BCD'.;;' 6+%73%8'9+:",';1<0=' (EF*+G8'9+:",';1<<;' ! ! Dear Health Care Provider: Your patient (Participant’s name) is interested in participating in supervised equine activities. In order to safely provide this service, our center requests that you complete/update the attached Medical History and Physician’s Statement Form. Please note that the following conditions may suggest precautions and contraindications to equine activities. Therefore, when completing this form, please note whether these conditions are present, and to what degree. Orthopedic Medical/Psychological Atlantoaxial Instability - include neurologic symptoms Coxarthrosis Cranial Defects Heterotopic Ossification/Myositis Ossificans Joint subluxation/dislocation Osteoporosis Pathologic Fractures RA, MS) Spinal Joint Fusion/Fixation Spinal Joint Instability/Abnormalities Allergies Animal Abuse Cardiac Condition Physical/Sexual/Emotional Abuse Blood Pressure Control Dangerous to Self or Others Exacerbations of Medical Conditions (e.g., Neurologic Migraines PVD Respiratory Compromise Recent Surgeries Substance Abuse Hydrocephalus/Shunt Seizure Spina Bifida/Chiari II Malformation/Tethered Coed/Hydromyelia Other Age - under 4 years Indwelling Catheters/Medical Equipment Medications - e.g., Photosensitivity Poor Endurance Skin Breakdown Fire Settings Hemophilia Medical Instability Thought Control Disorders Weight Control Disorder Thank you very much for your assistance. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this patient’s participation in equine-assisted activities, please feel free to contact the center at the address/phone indicated above. Sincerely, Blue Sky Therapeutic Riding & Respite Board of Directors 7 Participant!s Medical History & Physician!s Statement Participant: Address: Diagnosis: Past/Prospective Surgeries: Medications: Seizure Type: Shunt Present: Y N Date of last revision: Special Precautions/Needs: DOB: Height: Weight: Date of Onset: Controlled: Y N Date of Last Seizure: Mobility: Independent Ambulation Y N Assisted Ambulation Y N Wheelchair: Y N Braces/Assistive Devices: For those with Down Syndrome: Neurologic Symptoms of Atlantoaxial Instability: Present Absent Please indicate current or past special needs in the following systems/areas, including surgeries. These conditions may suggest precautions and contraindications to equine activities. Y N Comments Auditory Visual Tactile Sensation Speech Cardiac Circulatory Integumentary/Skin Immunity Pulmonary Neurologic Muscular Orthopedic Allergies Learning Disability Cognitive Emotional/Psychological Pain Other Given the above diagnosis and medical information, this person is not medically precluded from participation in equine-assisted activities and/or therapies. I understand that the PATH Intl. Center will weigh the medical Information given against the existing precautions and contraindications. Therefore, I refer this person to the PATH Intl. Center for ongoing evaluation to determine eligibility for participation. Name/Title: MD DO NP PA Other Signature: Date: Address: Phone: ( ) License/UPIN Number: ! ! ! "! 8
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