Untitled - Spirit Center

A Catholic Retreat Facility Embracing People of Other Faiths
Fannie Bluntzer Nason Renewal Center, Inc.
The Spirit Center
410 Chamberlain Street
Corpus Christi, TX 78404
361-888-7537 (phone)
361-888-7538 (fax)
Deborah L. Vickery
Executive Director
About Us
Our Mission and Objectives…………………………………………………….
Our History……………………………………………………………………………..
Our Leadership……………………………………………………………………….
Community Need
A Peaceful Place for Everyone…………………………………………………
For Youth………………………………………………………………………………..
For Retreat User Groups………………………………………………………….
For Many Others…………………………………………………………………….
Phase II Schematic………………………………………………………………….
Phase III Schematic………..……………………………………………………….
Phase IV Schematic…………………………………………………………………
Phase I Capital Campaign Completed………………………………………
Phase II Current Capital Campaign Underway…………………………
A Call To Action…………………….………………………………………………..
Commemorative Opportunities-Available……………………………….
Commemorative Opportunities-Currently Named…………………..
“Spirit Center Celebrity Dinner”………………………………………………………………..
Our Mission and Objectives
Our mission is to provide a place for spiritual, educational, and social
development for our youth and adults in South Texas.
As a result of a bequest from Fannie Bluntzer Nason’s will, The Sisters
of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament through a lease will
offer a spiritual retreat facility for everyone. Fannie Bluntzer Nason
Renewal Center, Inc. dba The Spirit Center became a 501C3 to
provide a facility and focus on our youth to include:
 A place where our youth can strengthen their faith, educate their minds, create memories, and
build their social development skills
 A place where people of other faiths can go to find their inner peace while enjoying nature’s
outdoor environment
 A much needed space for various retreat user groups, churches, school districts, businesses, youth
and adults.
Our History
1852 The Congregation of the Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed
Sacrament came to Brownsville, Texas to establish the order in America.
1871 The Sisters arrived in Corpus Christi and served in a variety of educational
and spiritual ministries.
1964 The Sisters received the Bluntzer homestead and the adjoining property
as a bequest in Fannie Bluntzer Nason’s will.
1996 The Sisters reviewed ways to continue to engage in viable ministry.
Criteria included fidelity to the mission of the congregation and the wise use of resources.
1997 A feasibility study for the expanded use of the property was completed. The study indicated a
definite need for a Catholic retreat facility for the people of South Texas. A conceptual plan was drawn
up and a proposal to develop the property was approved.
2000 A covered pavilion and a number of campsites were completed. Articles of Incorporation were
filed for the Fannie Bluntzer Nason Renewal Center, Inc.
2001 A clear title to the Bluntzer property was received. Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws were
officially adopted.
2002 Fannie Bluntzer Nason Renewal Center, Inc. was included by the Diocese of Corpus Christi in the
National Official Catholic Directory, giving the corporation 501 (c)(3) status.
2003 The Sisters established a Board of Directors with delegated responsibilities to develop the
renewal center plans to serve the mission. Specific directions included plans which use environmentally
friendly and functionally efficient construction.
2007 FBNRC, Inc. Board of Directors began doing business as “The Spirit Center”.
2009 A strategic planning process by Richardson Philanthropy Consultants and a feasibility study by
Dini Partners were conducted. The architectural plans by CLK Architects and Associates were completed
in preparation for the Capital Campaign.
2010 A formal Capital Campaign fundraising effort began and phase I implemented the feasibility
study, architectural designs, engineering and planning, was completed and implemented.
2011 Fulton-Coastcon selected and awarded the construction contract to build the facility. Capital
Campaign fundraising continued.
2012 The Board of Directors approved a Master Plan Redesign.
2013 The Fannie Bluntzer Nason Renewal Center, Inc. Board of Directors implemented the first annual
signature fundraising event called “Spirit Center Celebrity Dinner”. The Board began Phase II of the
Capital Campaign fundraising with a goal of $3.8M
2014-2015 The Board of Directors continued with efforts toward completion of the fundraising goal.
Our Leadership
Board of Directors
Andy Crocker, President
Dr. Mary Jane Garza, Vice President
Mary Teeter, Treasurer
Diana Contreras, Secretary
Deacon Bob Allen
Hugo Berlanga
Noela Garza
Sister Mary Ann Korczynski
Sister Michelle Marie Kuntscher
Yvette Lara
Connie Laughlin
Mary McQueen, CFRE
Pete Wyro, CFRE
Advisory Council
Bill Beck
Bob Becquet
Hilary Colmenero
Deborah Galatzan
Bill Green
Bea Hanson
Gloria Hicks
Jerry Kramer
Mike Lippincott
Mayor Nelda Martinez
Yvonne Olvey
Bert Quintanilla
Sang Sananikon
Ed Schetzsle
Reverend Billy Storms
Tim Tate
Advisory Council (continued)
Michelle Unda
Leah Wiggins
Spirit Center Staff
Deborah L. Vickery,
Executive Director
Christopher Munro
Development Assistant
Sylvia Basaldu
Office Assistant
A Peaceful Place For Groups
The Spirit Center, a place to renew the inner spirit and enjoy peaceful
meditation and activities within a beautiful, natural environment, is just 30
minutes from Corpus Christi’s south side, and easily accessible from
surrounding towns and communities.
Not only will The Spirit Center be a place to nurture the soul, but will also be an
example of nature’s purity and a responsible use of land and natural resources.
Indigenous trees, plants, wildflowers, birds, and the Cayaman Creek that flows
through the land will remain undisturbed so that all may enjoy their natural
beauty in this habitat unique to South Texas.
Fulton-CoastCon was selected and awarded te construction contract to build The Spirit Center with
guaranteed pricing. Value-engineered, the facility will not only be cost-effective to operate, but also
self-sustained by its users. The facility will be energy efficient with a lower rating of “green” building
materials that are common for this area. The Spirit Center will focus on green buildings and facilities
that are environmentally friendly where effective use of natural resources will be respected,
encouraged and promoted.
Community Need For Our Youth
The Spirit Center is focused on providing a facility for
our youth that can strengthen their spiritual,
educational and social development experience!
Currently many youth groups travel over two hours to
and from youth camps in South and Central Texas. The
Spirit Center will offer a fresh and exciting new
experience closer to home yet far enough away from
the city.
In a beautiful, non-threatening environment, the youth can deepen their faith with a retreat,
experience a summer camp, or enjoy a school related function in a quiet, focused environment away
from the distractions of everyday life.
While a retreat or camping experience is different for
every person, the experience often defines and
strengthens one’s perspectives, convictions and values.
A youth retreat and/or camping experience can be a fun
experience for young people to:
-Explore a range of themes through various methods and
- Help the youth to examine their own “interior” faith.
- Allow participation in conferences, games, discussion
time, skits and relaxation.
- Engage youth in spirit-filled worship
- Provide youth with rich opportunities for fellowship and
mentoring in small group sessions to help them discover,
explore and celebrate
- Participate in many outdoor activities with nature trails, a ropes course, an amphitheatre, campfires,
hiking, bird watching, meditation areas.
Community Need For User Groups
The Spirit Center will be able to fill a void in the community for
various faith-based retreat user groups. Many groups who
coordinate spiritual retreats currently do not have a stable
consistent place for their three day weekend retreats,
candlelight services, etc. In this community, several of the
groups are some of the fastest growing in the nation.
The Spirit Center will be built to accommodate user group needs, including special storage closets, and
a walk-in freezer that can store up to five days of groceries. User groups include the following:
Beginning Experience
Engaged Encounter
Journey to Damascus
Rachel’s Vineyard
James 2:17 Ministries
Walk To Emmaus
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Community Need For Many Others
The Spirit Center will also be available to
corporations to use for their leadership
retreats, and corporate events. There are
several community organizations that have a
need for a facility to have their weekend
leadership retreat where participants use outdoor activities like a ropes course to build teamwork.
Other users that will have a need for The Spirit Center include various churches school districts, and
Construction Phases
Phase I – Engineering & Architectural Design
Phase I of The Spirit Center has been created, implemented, and completed. This includes the
feasibility study, architectural designs, engineering, and planning. The lead gift of $1M was secured
and the Capital Campaign was placed in motion. The total amount raised to date is $2,029,981.
Phase II – Youth Facilities
Phase II is our current focus which includes raising the remaining $1.8M, writing the closing campaign
grants, implementing a robust Capital Campaign structure, and building the two Dormitories and
Dining/Activity Center.
Phase III – Conference Center
Phase III will include raising the $1.5M needed to build the Conference Center.
Phase IV – Welcome Center, Lodging & Chapel
Phase IV will include raising the remaining revenue needed to build the Welcome Center, the Lodging
area, and the Chapel.
Construction Elements
Dining Hall & Activity Center – Phase II
The Dining Hall & Activity Center will provide a place for
meals and activities. The multi-purpose space and two
activity rooms will have a professionally designed and
well equipped kitchen with a walk-in cooler and a walk-in
freezer. The storage space in the kitchen will easily hold a
week’s supply of groceries. Space will include 60’ X 68’
with seating for 200 at round tables, or 300 in an auditorium style setting. An outdoor kitchen with a
Bar-B-Q area will also be available.
Dormitories – Phase II
Two dormitories will provide accommodations for a total of 96 youth or adults in a safe and easy to
monitor facility.
Outdoor Activities – Phase III
Many outdoor activities for everyone to enjoy will be constructed with possibilities to include a,
volleyball court, ropes course, Amphitheatre, misting stations and gazebos!
Meditation Areas and Nature Trails – Phase III
Located in a quiet yet accessible corner of the property, the meditation areas will provide participants
with peaceful places for quiet contemplation and prayer. Walking trails will showcase the natural
beauty of South Texas flora and fauna. Benches and gazebos will be located in various places.
The Conference Center – Phase III
The Conference Center will host gatherings and be available to the community at large for meetings,
seminars and events. The center will include a meeting area which can be divided into two rooms
measuring 38’ X 50’ seating approximately 120 at tables or 192 in chairs without tables. The rooms can
also be divided into four rooms measuring 38’ X 25’, seating approximately 60 at tables or 96 in chairs.
Eight individual secure storage areas for users will be available.
The Welcome Center – Phase IV
The Welcome Center will serve as the starting point for all
activities and will include a lobby, an office suite, four offices,
ice machines, coffee stations.
Lodging – Phase IV
The two story hotel
style lodging will
sleep 96 adults in bed rooms. Each room will have two extra
long “athletic style” single beds, a small closet and a
bathroom to include a shower, sink, and toilet.
Chapel – Phase IV
The chapel, a space conducive for prayer, reflection and worship, will seat approximately 300 people.
Phase II Schematic
Phase III Schematic
Phase IV Schematic
Funding: Phase I Capital Campaign Completed
Fundraising for Phase I has been completed and includes the lead gift from an Anonymous Donor of
Funding: Phase II Capital Campaign Underway
Phase II projected construction costs will include the following:
Site work/Utilities
Dining/Activity Building
General Conditions
Construction Subtotal $
Furnishings & Equipment
Kitchen Equipment in Main Dining
Portable Stage
Audio/Video Equipment
Furnishings & Equipment Subtotal
We currently have $2,031,688 in revenue and in pledges. We need approximately $1,760,185
to break ground on Phase II. Our current Capital Campaign is underway. The remaining funds
will be raised through individuals, corporations and foundations which will include closing
campaign grant awards.
A Call To Action
In order to reach our goals and break ground on the
Phase II Construction for the youth in our community,
we need your help.
We would ask that you take a moment, read these
materials, pray and consider becoming a partner in this
Please consider the following:
Donating your own personal financial gift (a one time, monthly, quarterly, yearly, multi-year, etc. gift)
Donating a group gift, family gift, corporate gift, etc. (it is easier to make a larger gift if many people
are donating)
Prospecting: Consider other people you know that might be interested in hearing about this
Volunteering: Consider joining one of our committees, assisting with a special event.
Commemorative Opportunities-Available
Commemorative opportunities are appropriate ways to honor beloved family members, friends, or
others. The opportunities listed below are available on a first pledge basis. The suggested minimum
gift for a commemoration does not necessarily reflect the actual cost of that item but it does suggest its
significance in accomplishing the goals of the construction of The Spirit Center.
$1,500,000--Youth Complex
$1,500,000--Welcome Center
$1,000,000--Dining Hall/Activity Center
$1,000,000--Conference Center
$500,000--Existing Pavilion
$250,000--Youth Dormitory Sections (4)
$250,000--Welcome Center Lobby
$250,000--Welcome Center Lodging Wings (4)
$250,000--Dining Hall/Activity Center Rooms(2)
$150,000--Conference Center Courtyard
$150,000--Outdoor In ground Swimming Pool
$150,000--Outdoor Volleyball Court
$150,000--Ropes Course
$100,000--Welcome Center Recognition Wall
$100,000--Welcome Center Office Suite
$100,000--Outdoor Amphitheatre
$100,000--Kitchen – Indoor
$50,000--Memorial Garden Courtyard Circle
$50,000--Meditation Area Circle
$50,000--Misting Systems/Stations
For under $50,000 Commemorative
Opportunities’ gifts, please contact
The Spirit Center Office.
Commemorative Opportunities-Currently Named
Anonymous Donor (Bench In Memory of Earl and Selda Scott)
Anonymous Donor (In Honor of Hugo Berlanga – Board of Director)
Andy and Pat Crocker (Bench)
Grateful Hearts Reunion Group (Bench In Memory of Sandy Uhlenhaker)
Florence Mahoney Knolle (Meeting Room)
Tim and Cyndy Legamaro (Pond, Fountain, Outdoor Kitchen & BBQ Area)
Multiple Donors Group (Mediation Area)
Les and Terri Shook (Meeting Room)
Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament Sisters (Long Nature Trail In Memory of Sister Olga Cardona)
Spirit Center Celebrity Dinner “Candelight Challenge” Donors (7 Bunk Beds)
- Gough/Laudadio (2 bunk beds)
- Spirit Center Board of Directors (1 bunk bed)
- Diane Peters (1 bunk bed)
- John G. and Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation (1 bunk bed)
- Diocese of Corpus Christi (1 bunk bed)
- Mireles/Baca/Cassiano/Msgr. McGowan/Dolinger (1 bunk bed)
Sweet Surrender Sisters Reunion Group (Bedroom)
Team Glory (Long Nature Trail In Memory of Dale Baird)
Thomas B. and M. Delia Cortez Tucker (Bedroom)
“Spirit Center Celebrity Dinner”
Friday, January 15, 2016
6:00 pm
Solomon Ortiz Center
The Spirit Center will be “serving up the fun” as our high
profile community celebrities serve as a waiters and
entertainers for our upcoming signature fundraiser.
“Spirit Center Celebrity Dinner” event
“Honoring Youth Who Serve”
The evening will include dinner, music, silent & live auctions, a photo booth, table decoration contest,
awards, cash bar and much more. We will be honoring and recognizing selected youth from various
youth groups in the community for outstanding service. They will be paired with our celebrity waiters
for a casual night of healthy competition and fun as high profile members of the community serve the
guests as they compete for various awards like the “Slowest Waiter”, “Top Tip” and “Silver Service”
With your support, this event will allow us to help provide a place for spiritual, educational, and social
development of youth and adults in South Texas. All funds raised will assist our Phase II construction
focusing on the youth. Sponsorships start at: $1,000
Tickets $125 each or $200 for two