2 DAY ESTATE AUCTION June 8, 2012 (9:00 AM) 19500 CR 130, Perry 2 Miles N. of Perry, OK on Hwy. 77 to Lariat Rd., 2 miles E. and .5 mile N. across the RR Tracks on the E. side. June 9, 2012 (9:00 AM) 510 Wakefield Rd., Perry From Fir Ave. (Hwy. 64), go N. on 7th St.(Approx. 1 mile) to Wakefield Rd., then E. on South Side. MACHINERY H EQUIPMENT H MISC (FRIDAY) 9:00 am 8350 JD 20-8 Double Disk DrillHMX8 JD 8’ Rotary Mower/Good ConditionH6’by5’ CM All Metal Stock Trailer/Good RubberH3 Pt. Hay ForkHDanuser Post Hole DiggeH6’ JD 3 Pt. BladeH3 Pt. 3 Bottom PlowHPU Bed Utility TrailerH14’ JD CultivatorH16’ JD 3 Pt. Drag Spring ToothH10’ Drag Spring ToothHVehicle Running GearH12’ Drag Rotary HoeH6’ DragH18’ Spring Tooth TrailerH16’ Metal Truck Stock RackHFord 4x16 Semi Mounted PlowH12’ Tandem Disk/CylinderH11’ Ford Chisel/Harrow AttachmentHDrag HarrowHFord 12’ Spring Loaded ChiselH3 Pt. 6’ CarrierH2 Row 3 Pt. JD PlanterH5 Metal Stock Panes/14’x5’HTumble BugHMetal Feed BunkH2 Round Hay FeedersHSheep Hay FeederHStock TanksH4’ Blade for Garden TractorHDitch Witch Front End LoaderHUsed TiresHAssorted LumberHAnhydrous Connector For TillerH250 Gal. Overhead Fuel TankHWheel BarrowHWood Ext. LadderH2x10’ Drill Filling AugersHSome Vet SuppliesHWater Well PumpHSome PipeHBuzz Saw BladeHRunning Gear for 2 Wheel TrailerHSome RocksHPr. Metal RampsHUsed Steel PostsHElect. Fence Charger and Elec. PostsHCistern CupsHWindow Water CoolerH2 PTO ShaftsHChain Link Fence, Posts and GatesHHigh Lift JackHHouse Jack/Other JacksH5” Hydraulic CylinderHLawn and Garden Tools HSickle ServicerHFord Sway BarsHCome AlongHHand ToolsHMetal Pop Crate/BottlesHNuts and BoltsHPVC PipeHMetal Trash DumpsterH32’ Grain Auger/6”/Condition ? HOld IH Sickle MowerHOld Scrap Machinery: 2 Binders, Sickle Mower/Steel Wheel, Wheel Weights, Steel Wheel Manure Spreader Frame, Steel Wheels, Dump Hay Rake, 6’ Drag Combine BOAT H LOT H ANTIQUES H HOUSEHOLD H TOOLS (SAT) 9:00 am Beautiful 17 Ft. Ranger Bass Boat / Trolling Motor / Depth Finder / 115 HP Johnson Motor- V4 Fast Strike /Ranger Trail Trailer CITY LOT - 188’ wide x 215’ deep lot on Hwy. 77 (across from stadium) Concrete Garage at 510 Wakefield ANTIQUES: Unusual "Great Western" Propane Heating Stove/4 Chimneys/4 Cast Iron Dog HeadsHOak Wall Phone HVictrola in Cabinet/ Record Storage H Office Chair H 2 trunks-1 Camel Back-1 Flat Top H Kerosene Lamp H 2 Corn Shellers H Hand Corn Planter H 3 10 Gal. Cream Cans H Wooden Planes H Old Wrenches H Double Brace H Well Pulley H Cherry Pitter H Ice Tongs Scythe Round Porcelain Coke SignHMining PanHWash BoardHIce SkatesHHand DrillHStove PokerHDraw KnifeHHay Hooks HFlat Irons W/Handles H1 & 2 Man Crosscut Saws H Cow Kickers H Kerosene Lantern H Depression Measuring Cup W/ Beater on Top Hay Knife H Hames & Harness PiecesH1940 License Tag H Live Trap H Bridles & Bits H Brass Torch H Pump Jack HHoof TrimmerHLeather PunchesHPitching Horse ShoesHHOUSEHOLD: Beautiful Bedroom Suite: King Bed / Lg. Dresser with Mirror/Chest of Drawers/Night Stand H Queen Size Bed/Hollywood Bed FrameFrench Provencal Twin Bed FrameHGE Side -by-Side w/WaterHKenmore Washer & DryerH3 Cushion Hide-a-Bed/ Matching Love Seat (Beige & White w/Wooden Trim)HLg. Dining Table/ 2 Leaves/ 6 Chairs-Upholstered Seats/ Wicker Backs –Matching Beautiful China CabinetH Lg. Framed MirrorHGlass Topped Entry TableHLg. Framed MirrorHGlass Topped Entry TableHMatching Chest of Drawers / Dresser w/Mirror/Night StandHLane Cedar Chest W/TrayHKenmore Chest Deep FreezeHUpholstered Top BenchH2 Matching Brown ReclinersHBrown Floral Hide-a-Bed/Matching Love SeatHModern Roll Top Desk and ChairH4 Upholstered Chairs/on RollersHBrown Tweed Lift ChairH2 Matching Brown Tone Rocker/ReclinersHSpindle Back RockerHSm. SecretaryH2 Sewing Machines in Cabinets-1 Singer-1 WhiteHSq. & Octagon Lamp Table/Matching Coffee Tables (Glass on Ends)HLg. Console Stereo-Turntable & RadioHMauve Swivel RockerHWelby Wall ClockHLg. Brass Swan Magazine HolderHFolding ChairsHFansHLightweight Photo TripodHModel Sea Witch ClipperHWorld Globe on StandHSanyo VCR & DVD PlayerHVideo, Cassette Tapes & CD'sH4 Drawer Metal Legal File CabinetHFoot StoolsHRCA XL 100 TV W/ControlHMagnavox Portable Colored TVHSm. Orion TVHSwag Oil LightHAssort. Books (1 Perry Pride-1 Will Rogers)HFire Place Tools & Log CarrierHBasketsHTV TraysHPaper ShredderH2 Glass/Metal Mag. RacksHSeveral Lg. VasesHBaskets W/ Arrangements & PlantsHJewelry Cases & Costume JewelryHSeveral Lg. Sea ShellsHAssort. ClocksHFigurines & What NotsHWall Decorations & Assort. PicturesHFloor, Table & Swag LampsHMetal/Marble Top Plant StandH2 Radio/Cassette RecordersHOld Burroughs Adding MachineHMetal Exchange Bank BanksH2 Pr. BinocularsHSewing Supplies: Yard Goods, Quilt Batting, Yarn, Thread, Sewing BasketHAssort. VasesHEureka & 2 Bissell SweepersHShoe Shine Kit & Dremel Shoe PolisherHClothes HamperHPlaying Cards & GamesHUmbrellasHBrass Quilt RackHBaby's Play YardH2 Stools H Bedding: Blankets, Spreads, Bed Pillows & Throw Pillows, Sheets, 2 Quilts H Towels & Wash Cloths sHPie Plates & Cake PansHAssort. Lg. PlattersHFruit BowlsHAssort. Sm. Kitchen Appliances: Bread Machine, Crock Pots, Mixers, Can Openers, Elec. Roasters & Skillet, Bunn Coffee Maker Etc.HTea Towels & Pot HoldersHCeramic CanisterHSeveral Luncheon SetsH12 Pl. Setting Stoneware-Floral ExpressionsH12 Pl. Setting China (Carlion-Corsage Pattern)H Lg. Set Hearthside Stoneware-Autumn Fair PatternHEtched GoblesHLg. Ceramic PitcherHNumerous Assort. Glasses, Cups & Mugs HVinegar CruetsHBlue Casserole (Made for Montgomery Ward by Hall Co.) HBowlsHBaking DishesHRevere Ware KettlesHBaking Pans, Muffin Tins & Cookie SheetsHNational Pressure CookerHSet of Knives in Wood BlockHButcher KnivesHWood Bread BoxHAssort. Kitchen UtensilsH Oneida Stainless Flatware HWm. Rogers Oneida Flatware in Wood Case-Serv. 12HButter Dish/Silver TrimHBeautiful Glassware:15 Cranberry/Crystal Pedestal Glasses, Elegant Compote, Etched Wine Glasses, Gold Trim Fruit Bowl /Ind. Dishes, Green Pedestal Fruit Bowl, Pr. Crystal Candle Holders, Open Lace Pedestal Cake Plate & Assort. Other Pieces TOOLS & MISCELLANOUS JD Riding Mower- 20 HP- 48" Deck - GX 335HMetal Upright Safe w/LockHStock Tanks HRound Bale FeederHMiller Blue Star 2 E Welder/Metal Trailer/Propane Cutting TorchH100 PSI Air CompressorHWelding TableH12V Yard SprayerH20th. Century Arc Welder & Welding RodHLg. Craftsman Table Saw/Planer-Jointer/ Hvy. StandH13" 5 Spd. Craftsman 1/3 HP Drill Press on StandHHvy. Duty Hand GrindersHDremel SetHBattery ChargersHLg. ViseHAssorted Hyd. JacksHNuts / BoltsHLevelsHAssort. Hand Wrenches & Socket SetsHPipe WrenchesHHammers & HatchetsHAssort. Elec. Drills, Drill Bits, Drill Bit SharpenerHFence ChargersHStihl & McCullough Chain SawsHLg. AnvilHGear Puller SetH1/2 HP Grinder/Stand HSabre SawHCraftsman 5 HP TillerHElec. StaplerHCord ReelHCraftsman RouterHBoomers, Hand Saws, Rope, Elect. Cords, Long 220 Ext. Cord, Buckets, Tubs, Lawn & Garden Tools, Cut Off Saw, Mitre Box, Dollies, Battery Testers, Stihl Ext. Limb Saw, Weed Eaters, Fuel CansHLg. Assort. Of Fishing Equipment and Supplies, Trolling Motors, Boxes of Tackle, Life Jackets, Approx. 20 Rods & Reels, Fishing Nets & SeinesH2 6' Alum. Step Ladders,HTarpsH2-Way RadioHWindow FanH3 Tiered Waterfall Cement Bird BathHHumming Bird FeedersH2 Martin HousesHPatio GliderH2 Metal/Upholstered Lawn Chairs-Other Lawn ChairsHDog HouseHPellet/ BB Gun HColeman Propane LanternHLg. Coleman Ice Chest & OthersHChristmas Trees and Decorations. SELLERS: VIVIAN AND JOHN NIDA ESTATE TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Refreshments Available ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS THE DAY OF AUCTION SUPERCEDE ALL PREVIOUS ADVERTISING. “SM” auctions get the action! HHH H FOR ACTION... CALL 580-336-2030 321 SEVENTH • PERRY, OKLAHOMA www.starlingmiller.com e-mail: doc@starlingmiller.com H H 2 DAY ESTATE AUCTION June 8, 2012 (9:00 AM) 19500 CR 130, Perry 2 Miles N. of Perry, OK on Hwy. 77 to Lariat Rd., 2 miles E. and .5 mile N. across the RR Tracks on the E. side. June 9, 2012 (9:00 AM) 510 Wakefield Rd., Perry From Fir Ave. (Hwy. 64), go N. on 7th St.(Approx. 1 mile) to Wakefield Rd., then E. on South Side. BOAT H LOT H ANTIQUES H HOUSEHOLD H TOOLS (SAT) 9:00 am CITY LOT - 188’ wide x 215’ deep lot on Hwy. 77 (across from stadium) Concrete Garage at 510 Wakefiled 321 Seventh Perry, OK 73077 (580) 336-2030
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