7:27am “Good Morning Perry Pumas!” Please rise and join me in the pledge of allegiance. Pause – 3 seconds - “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Thank you and you may be seated. Today is Friday, November 14, 2014 and here are your daily announcements… "Attention all Perry Hiking Club members, and any students or staff interested in joining us… Our next hike is coming up on November 22nd. Permission slips are available for pick up from Room F100 if you would like to attend. Permission slips are due by Wednesday November 19th. Space is limited so get your slips turned in as soon as possible. This will be a sunrise hike and we will be meeting in the parking lot at 4:45 AM. See you there!" Moveo has a dream, a dream that all the Perry High School students will come out to their Fall Performance “Legendary”. We want you to ‘Still Rock and Roll,’ or at least ‘Dance with Somebody’ cause we know ‘Baby, You’re a Star.’ Tickets are available now at the bookstore for $5 and $7 at the door. Performances start at 7p.m. next week on November 20th and 21st. Winter Color-guard auditions are coming up next week on November 18th and 25th from 2:30 to 5:30 in the band room D104. Dance experience is a plus, but is not required to participate. You don’t have to commit right away. Come on out, try it and see if you like it. Bring a friend and see you there! Also next week, Winter drum-line auditions are coming up on November 20th and December 4th from 2:30 to 5:30 in the band room D104. Experience with reading music is necessary. We are also looking for a two proficient piano players as part of the audition process. Calling all of our talented Perry Students…It’s that time of year again for our annual talent show competition, “Perry Idol!” Come stop by room C105 to sign up before November 21. Auditions will be in early December. “Drop In” tennis has officially started for both boys and the girls teams. Drop In will be from 2:30-4:30 each Tuesday and Thursday until the Varsity/JV season starts in February. Please come to the courts ready to play, with all your gear, and don’t forget to bring water. Both Coach Castillo and Coach Lennox will be present. If you have any questions, please see Coach Castillo in room F107. 7:27am Hey Seniors… This year the yearbook crew will be putting your senior quotes under your photos, so don’t forget to turn them into Mrs. Stueber, in classroom C117. Please make sure that your quotes are only 140 characters long and school appropriate. Attention Teen Court members- Please see Mrs. Halberg about identifying your photos from our last court session today! Hey Pumas…Now that the weather is cooling off…don’t forget that the bookstore has Perry Hoodies for sale for just $25.00. Stop by today to purchase one!!! Support our Perry Baseball teams and go to the movies… Our Baseball teams have secured a movie theater at the Chandler/Crossroads Harkins for a premiere of The Hunger Games “Mockingjay Part 1” on Wednesday, November 19th at 9:00pm. Tickets are $20.00. Everyone is welcome!! Purchase tickets by emailing: perrybaseballbooster@gmail.com. In Career Center News: A midshipmen from the U.S. Naval Academy and quite possibly a cadet from the U.S. Air Force academy would like to visit Perry during our conference period on Tuesday, November 25. If you are interested in joining any one of our service academies you are encouraged to attend this information session. Friday Fun Song Those are all of your fired up Friday Announcements… Have a wonderful day in Puma Nation!
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