Tidings May20142015 December Iyar/Sivan 5775 January 2015 KislevTevet-Shevat 5775 Founded 1866 Founded inin 1866 Publication No. 8180 • Vol. 88 • Issue No. 4 Publication No. 8180 • Vol. 87 • Issue No. 11 Our the flourishing flourishing Ourmission missionisis to to ensure ensure the of life through through educational, educational,social, social of Jewish Jewish life and in andConservative Conservative religious religious experiences experiences in warm and and dynamic dynamic community. aa warm 149th Annual Meeting • A Delicious Dairy Dinner • Oversized Games • Family Game Show Voting will take place from 9 am - 12:30 pm • Hanukkah Bingo Saturday, with Prizes Mazal tov to our honorees: January 24 • noon • Bounce House Presented by Men’s Club • Crafts • Donut Dipping Enjoy a selection of cholents Recipient of The Joseph P. Lomberg Award for Outstanding Individual Service Station cooked by our teams of chefs. Your • Menorah challenge is to pick the winner. If Lighting you’d like to enter the competition, • Dreidel team up with some friends to Rabbi Rudolph M. Rosenthal Award for Outstanding Family Contest Recipients of The 16th Annual Sheila Radman BalkSunday, May 3 • 7 pm Cholent Cookoff Bernice Rothman Carolann & Martin Cohen, Rifka Claypool, Rachel & Joel Heiser prepare your own special cholent recipe. You provide the creativity and expertise and we provide the Recipient of the Paul M. Koret Distinguished Teacher Award ingredients. Please register on the synagogue website or through the office by January 19 to sign up your team and/or to reserve your the edna and nat The Edna and spot at the luncheon. Please make $10 Adult • $8 Child 2 – 12 years • Free for ChildrenNat Under Marcus2 checks payable to B’nai Jeshurun Leadership $40 Family (household) max leadership Institute Men’s Club. Cost is $10 per&person; scholar weekeNd graduatioN • may 8–9, 2015 i N st i t u t e was created RSVP online at bnaijeshurun.org/hanukkahdinner children B ’ Nunder a i J9 eyears s hold u rare u free. N coNgregatioN through the generosity of Herbert December 18 • 5 – 8 pm Alan Goldweber MARCUS LeAdeRShip MARCUS or contact the synagogue office and (216) 831-6555 Cookie Marcus and Martin May 8: May 9: GuEsT spEakEr Rabbi iRwin Kula and Lois Marcus to honor the memory of their parents. 7:00 PM –Men’s kabbalat Clubs shabbat of B’nai 9:00 aM – shabbat services The Jeshurun, Park &Synagogue and ShaareyTheTikvah present Leadership Institute enables rabbi kula is the services Marcus Graduation selected members of the co-founder and co8:30 PM – Oneg and speaker: rabbi kula will address our Congregation to advance their December 13 executive editor ofSaturday, The leadership skills for the benefit of Beyond Tribe and Creed: graduates during services: Wisdom Daily. He also all members of B’nai Jeshurun. serves as president of $20 before Religion as a Path to Jewish Leadership in an Age of December 8 CLaL, The National Through this we hope to Human Flourishing Transformation and will speak after $25 after or atprogram, the door Jewish Center for be ever worthy kiddush: The Technology of Mitzvot: Babysitting will be provided on request doors Learning and Leadership,7:30 of pm the trust the open Is There an App for That? a leadership training 8Marcus – 11 family pm band This program is made possible by The Edna and Nat Marcus Leadership Institute Featuring institute, think tank 21 & placed us. over in• period dress and resource center in encouraged New York City. Price includes dinner with soft drinks and For more information, contact Shani Kadis • (216) 831-6555 ext. 131 • shanikadis@bnaijeshurun.org beer, great music and dancing! RSVP and pay online at bnaijeshurun.org/mensclubconcert or send payment and names of those attending to the synagogue office attn: Men’s Club concert. Tikkun Leil Shavuot Information ... page 9 27501 Fairmount Boulevard • Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124 • 216-831-6555 • Fax: 216-831-4599 • EMaIL: info@bnaijeshurun.org • WEBSITE: www.bnaijeshurun.org Beineinu - Between Us The Book of Ruth, which we read on Shavuot, is all about overcoming tragedy through compassion. After Naomi and her two daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, all lost their husbands, Naomi decides to return from Moab to her homeland in Israel. Ruth insists on accompanying her, stating “Wherever you go, I will go. Where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.” Naomi in turn shows great compassion to Ruth by helping guide her actions so she will come under the protective wing of their distant relative, Boaz. Boaz shows great compassion to Ruth by allowing her to harvest in his fields, providing for her needs, and ultimately taking her to wife. This chain of acts of compassion, paying it forward from one person to the next, ultimately has cosmic significance. The Book of Ruth ends with the genealogy from Ruth to her great-grandson, King David. According to tradition, the messiah will come from that greatgrandson’s stock and will usher in an age of universal fellowship marked by compassion of all human beings for each other. An article in last year’s Tablet online magazine pointed to a study by Cornell University sociologists which showed that when one receives or even observes an act of generosity, it increases the likelihood that the person will in turn be generous to a stranger. The author, Benjamin Corn, writes that the sociologists concluded “the experiencing of kind acts tends to play an important role in setting off cascades of compassion.” This is the lesson of the Book of Ruth…one random act of kindness begets another, and even small acts of compassion can change our world. “But wait,” you say. “Isn’t Ruth the story of a Jew by choice who voluntarily embraces the covenant with God and the Jewish people just as we did at Sinai? Isn’t that why we read it on Shavuot when we celebrate the giving of the Torah?” Indeed it is. The Book of Ruth celebrates Jews by choice and holds them up as an example for born Jews to follow, voluntarily and enthusiastically embracing Torah in our lives. But it also teaches us what the essence of Torah is: compassion. When all is said and done, all of the history and the stories, the values and the laws that make up the Torah have one fundamental purpose: to help us recognize that like Ruth, like Moses, like Joseph, like Abraham and Sarah, we are not here for our own benefit. We are here on this planet to serve and lift up others, to make God’s light and love be felt in the world, to bring the world closer to redemption through the greatest gift that God gives us, the gift of love. Wishing you and your family a joyous Shavuot! Hag Sameach! Rabbi Stephen Weiss Candle Lighting May 1..............................................8:05 pm May 8..............................................8:12 pm May 15..............................................8:19 pm May 22..............................................8:26 pm May 23..............................................9:34 pm May 24................................... after 9:35 pm May 29..............................................8:32 pm Torah Portions May 2................ Acharei-Mot/Kedoshim May 9.................................................... Emor May 16........................... Behar-Bechukotai May 23........................................... Bemidbar May 29...................................................Nasso Daily Service Schedule Mondays – Fridays 7:00 am, 7:30 am, 7:00 pm Saturdays - 9:00 am, 6:00 pm Sunday & Memorial Day 8:00 am, 6:00 pm June and July will be a combined issue; submissions for August Tidings are due by Monday, June 15. Flags for Memorial Day On Memorial Day a United States flag is traditionally placed on the graves of those who served our country. At our Jewish cemeteries, members of local Jewish War Veterans Posts perform this mitzvah, except at Chesterland Memorial Park, which is outside of Cuyahoga County. If you would like to assist in the placing of flags at Chesterland, or would like to help the JWV at other cemeteries, please contact Bernice Rothman at 440-449-0172. This is both a mitzvah and a good patriotic learning experience for children, one in which the whole family can participate. Please note: this year, Shavuot falls on Memorial Day and the cemeteries will be closed Saturday-Monday. Classic Memorials MONUMENTS • Granite & Bronze Monuments • Duplication of Existing Headstones • Nationally Recognized Artist • Professional Headstone Cleaning & Restoring 216.321.6740 www.classicmemorialsinc.com 14025 Cedar Rd. Cleveland OH 44118 2 May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 IKE YEDID Heritage President HERITAGE STEEL CORP. For all Custom Window Treatments Foryour all your For all Custom your Custom Window Window Treatments Treatments Showroom at: 14 Alpha Park, Highland Heights Showroom Showroom at: 14 at: Alpha 14Park, AlphaHighland Park, Highland HeightsHeights JoelJoel Herman 440-461-6262 Joel Herman 440-461-6262 Herman 440-461-6262 Joel Joel Herman 440-461-6262 Herman Joel Herman 440-461-6262 440-461-6262 Cleveland, Ohio Office: 216-292-9702 Cell: 216-407-7082 Email: iyedid66@hotmail.com info@bnaijeshurun.org President’s Message Cantor’s Corner It’s hard to believe my first year as President of B’nai Jeshurun is coming to an end. Over the last 12 months, I have had the opportunity to participate in a full cycle of events at our synagogue. From the High Holy Days to Hanukkah, from Purim to Pesach, from Consecration to Confirmation, from Board meetings to the Bonds event, each month brought a new experience that made this a truly memorable year for me and my family. While at times I have wondered if it was humanly possible to attend one more meeting, respond to one more e-mail, or make one more phone call, I have never wondered for a moment if all of the work was worth it. If there is one thing the last year has reinforced for me more than almost anything else, it is how very fortunate we are at B’nai Jeshurun to have a remarkably dedicated group of volunteers who work tirelessly on behalf of our synagogue. I hope you will join me at our Annual Meeting on May 3 as we recognize some of them for their outstanding contributions. First, we will recognize our Treasurer, Sue Nash, who will be stepping down after many years of serving as an Officer. In addition to helping us manage our budget, Sue led events like Casino Night, Sisterhood Shabbat, Canine Shabbat, and even (appropriately) Volunteer Shabbat; her dedication to B’nai Jeshurun sets an example for everyone to follow. We will also recognize the following members of the Board of Trustees who will be stepping down as they complete their terms: Gabe Adler, Gayl Berger, Margie Cohen, Steve Deutch, Arnie Feltoon, Dan Geller, Diane Ginsberg, Bob Greenberger, Rachel Heiser, Mark Milstein, Gary Okin, Beth Robbins and Sonya Shultz. I thank all of them for the leadership they have provided, and know they will all continue to serve our congregation in other capacities. continued on page 11 Volunteer Recognition Shabbat Saturday, May 30 • 9 am To show our heartfelt appreciation for the dedication our volunteers have shown over the past year, we will honor them during the Shabbat morning service. A sweets-filled kiddush will be sponsored by the Officers and Board of Trustees in their honor. If you would like a part in the Shabbat service, please contact Shani Kadis. Sincerely, Jody Katzner, President Susan Nash, Treasurer www.bnaijeshurun.org Over 3,500 years ago, we received the Torah. With eager anticipation, our ancestors stood by Mt. Sinai for the joining of our people with G-d. In my opinion, this was the greatest merger that ever took place. We verbally committed to G-d to follow the Torah. As stockholders in this merger, we receive dividends known as “mitzvot.” Upon doing a mitzvah, we accrue a spiritual wealth which we cannot quantify. The holiday of Shavuot celebrates this momentous occasion. On the first night of Shavuot, we study all night long in preparation for hearing the specific readings which discuss the events leading to the 10 Commandments on the first day of Shavuot. This is intended to elevate us to higher spiritual planes. Just as our ancestors prepared themselves for this historic moment, we try to emulate their behavior. We have an opportunity to reconnect with G-d and to show G-d why we are worthy partners. The bond we have is eternal, but with it comes a requirement to fulfill the Torah and its laws. We cannot be passive, but must be proactive, making ourselves and the world a better place. Our religion is very unique and allows for multiple entry points, via a holiday or whatever time period a person chooses, to engage G-d. There is no lost opportunity to commit ourselves to a lifestyle in which we are driven by the pursuit holiness. We should try to be consistent in this endeavor; G-d understands our frailties and is always welcoming of our efforts. Study after study has shown that those who embrace religion live a more fulfilled life. We should not feel inconvenienced by the privilege to be Jewish and actively involved. As with any relationship, we need to put forth an effort and the result will be very rewarding. As we usher in Shavuot, may we elevate ourselves and have a blessed and meaningful hag. Hag Sameach Cantor Aaron Shifman We’re Having a Party! We invite you to share a special day in our lives when our dear daughters, Shaina Malka and Avigayil Meital, will celebrate their Bat Mitzvah. Please save the date for Sunday, August 2, 2015. Love, Cantor Aaron and Sabrina Shifman May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 57755 3 Education & Youth Why do I value Jewish education? As a rabbi, why have I chosen to put so much focus on working with youth and teens? It’s because I believe that Jewish education, done right, leads to vibrant Jewish living. It’s not only about learning, it’s about inspiring passion, excitement! In February, we hosted 130 teenagers from all over the Midwest in Cleveland for our USY region’s Specialty Kinnus. Two weeks later, our region’s high school seniors took B’nai Jeshurun by storm for Senior Retreat, and in mid-April everyone came back together one final time for Regional Convention. These teenagers, including many from our own synagogue, took over the services, led prayers, chanted from the Torah and delivered Divrei Torah. But moreover, they displayed the ruach, (energy) that reminds us why we value Jewish education in the first place. If you’re in high school, get involved in USY! If you’re in middle school, get involved in Kadima! There are great local events each month for teens at B’nai Jeshurun, like our Mystery Ride on Sunday, May 3rd; sign up today! The prophet Zechariah says (4:6), “Not by might and not by power, but by ruach alone,” and it is indeed our spirit and energy that determines how our families and our children view Jewish life. Without the right energy and spirit we might easily see Judaism as a burden, but with the proper excitement, such as the unbelievable ruach our teenagers learn from and bring to USY, we can demonstrate how powerful and vibrant an active Jewish life can be! Rabbi Josh Foster B’nai Mitzvah ISAAC MORRIS KANTAROVICH Shabbat afternoon (Mincha), May 2 Isaac attends Beachwood Middle School and enjoys playing the piano, listening to music and being on the wrestling team. For his Mitzvah Project, he volunteers at Montefiore where he plays piano for the residents. He is the son of Sherrie & Abraham Kantarovich, brother of Rachel Kantarovich and grandson of Etti Kantarovich and Claire & Joseph Feigeles. Isaac is also the grandson of the late Carlos Kantarovich. JASON LEWIS LOEB Shabbat afternoon (Mincha), May 9 Jason attends The Agnon School and lives in Solon. He enjoys soccer, biking, swimming, drawing and Taekwondo. For his Mitzvah Project, he makes and collects items for APL and Rescue Village. He is the son of Judy & Jim Loeb, brother of Jonathan Loeb and grandson of Phyllis & Norbert Loeb and Flossy & Dennis Mitchell. RYAN DAVID ROSENFELD Shabbat afternoon (Mincha), May 16 Ryan attends The Agnon School and lives in Lyndhurst. He enjoys Taekwondo, electric guitar and building. For his Mitzvah Project, he donated Legos to inner city schools and items to the Geauga Humane Society. He is the son of Barbara & Arthur Rosenfeld, brother of Joshua Rosenfeld and grandson of Sandra Lieber and Ruth & Henry Rosenfeld. 4 May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 ETHAN SHANE ABRAHAM Shabbat morning, May 23 Ethan attends Solon Middle School and enjoys baseball, soccer and basketball. For his Mitzvah Project, he will be donating some of his gifts to JNF’s Project: Baseball/Softball. He is the son of Lori & Brian Abraham, brother of Brooke Abraham and grandson of Rosalyn & Harry Abraham and Bonnie & Stephen Traiman. BROOKE MAIA ABRAHAM Shabbat morning, May 23 Brooke attends Orchard Middle School, lives in Solon and enjoys dance and cheerleading. For her Mitzvah Project, she has donated her hair to Locks of Love four times. She is the daughter of Lori & Brian Abraham, sister of Ethan Abraham and granddaughter of Rosalyn & Harry Abraham and Bonnie & Stephen Traiman. TALIE SIEGEL AVATICHI Shabbat afternoon (Mincha), May 30 Talie attends Chagrin Falls Intermediate School and lives in Chagrin Falls with her mother and Brecksville with her father. She enjoys horseback riding, swimming, playing with animals, travelling and rock climbing. For her Mitzvah Project, she is volunteering at Rising River Farm, a nonprofit dedicated to equine education and horse rescue. She is the daughter of Allison Siegel and Uri & Angie Avatichi, sister of Julianna, Matt and Nick Pavicic and granddaughter of Nessa Siegel, M. Barry Siegel and Tzvia & Baruch Avatichi. info@bnaijeshurun.org Education & Youth Kinder Shabbat / Open Playroom Fridays • 10:15 am Drop in for our popular “get ready for Shabbat” program with challah making and singing. Free and open to the community. Someone Special & Me Wednesdays • 9:45 - 10:45 am May 6 - 27 (then ends for the summer) For children 15 months - 3 years with an adult. Join Mora Risa for art experiences, music, play and socializing. Free and open to the community. Registration and emergency paperwork required. Shabbat b’Yachad & Shabbat Shelanu May 9 • 10:30 – 11:30 am Shabbat b’Yachad is a family service for young children, their parents and grandparents led by Rabbi Hal. Shabbat Shelanu, with Ines Ades, is for children in grades K-2, full of songs, prayer, activities and stories. Playground Playgroup Wednesdays, June 3 & 10 • 10 – 11 am Meet on the B’nai Jeshurun playground for outdoor fun and socializing. Free and open to the community. In case of rain, program will be held in Room 1. Mazal tov to our 2015 – 5775 Confirmands: Confirmand Suzanne Berman Andrew Gilmore Noah Horowitz Kyle Schlessinger Parents Julie & Gary Berman Marcie & Robert Gilmore Lisa Bernd & Edward Horowitz Susan & Marc Schlessinger PJ Library® Shabbat with the East Coast Custard Truck Friday, May 15 • 6:15 pm • Abraham Family Courtyard Come join Rabbi Hal and Rabbi Foster for pre-Shavuot activities, Shabbat stories, songs and fun. For families with kids birth through 2nd grade; older siblings welcome. $5 per family provides ice cream for all! Register and pay on the BJC website. Mishpachot Shabbat Dinner Picnic Friday, June 5 • 5:45 pm Join us for an outdoor Shabbat dinner on our playground. Meet and schmooze with other young families with kids ages birth - 6 years (older siblings welcome, too). Songs, family-friendly Shabbat experience and entertainment by Outback Ray and his Live Animal Show. Register for our family matchup program, letting us seat you with another friendly family. Kosher menu includes chicken, sides, dessert and drinks; vegetarian option on request. $10/adult; $5/child ages 2-12; under 2 free if registered on the BJC website by Thursday, May 28. After May 28, cost is $12/adult; $7/child. To RSVP, or for more information about any of these programs, please contact Risa Roth. Mazal tov to our 2015 Bessie Hershey Religious School – Chai School Graduates: Student Miriam Bennett Mara Cohen Rachel Cohen Benjamin Gordesky Benjamin Huston Madison Jackson Rachel Katsman Jesse Mansoor Raya Zimon Parents Laura & Michael Bennett Gena & Ethan Cohen Margie & David Cohen Deborah Fish Gordesky and Darryl Gordesky Bonnie & Charles Huston Ellen & Lee Jackson Stanislava Katsman Joyce Rothschild & Dan Mansoor Jill Miller Zimon & Jeffrey Zimon S peedy P rinting We 27091 Chagrin Blvd. • Village Square Cleveland, OH 44122 Full Service Printer 216-464-3838 3681 Green Road, #202 • Beachwood, Ohio 44122 10% Off Entire Check Email: surespeedy@gmail.com Fax: 216-464-1622 (with this ad • Not valid with any other offers) www.bnaijeshurun.org S ure Are S peedy! (216) 831-5602 May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 5 From our Affiliates Our 20’s - 30’s group is invited to join our CHESED group and BJC as we participate in “the race” at Legacy Village Sunday, May 10. See item on this page. Hazak Happenings Hazak is B’nai Jeshurun’s senior adult group. To join, or for further information, please contact Membership Chairpersons, Barbara Warshawsky (440-473-0614), Adelle Gloger (216-292-2665) or President, Betty Fishman (216-591-9550). Spring into Summer Luncheon Kelly & Joe Monaghan present a musical program, Tell Me On A Sunday Sunday, May 31 • 12:30 pm Chairpersons: Judy & Bob Goodstein (440-646-9419) Hazak members $12; Guests $15. Reservations close May 26. This is our rescheduled February program. Hazak & Park Synagogue Senior Adults The Ohio Light Opera at the College of Wooster Matinee performance of “Brigadoon” including transportation and lunch at the Broken Rocks Café. Wednesday, June 17 Hazak members $80; Guests $85 Pre-paid reservations due by May 1. For further information contact Betty Fishman. CHESED at B’nai Jeshurun Sunday, May 10 - Mother’s Day • 8 am Take part in a FAMILY CHESED opportunity! This year, B’nai Jeshurun will be taking part in Cleveland’s 12th annual “the race” at Legacy Village. Sign on to be a part of Team B’nai Jeshurun when your Fine catering... register for the run or walk at wonderful cuisine DoTheRace.com. Relaxflawless ... service $20/adult; $15/child. Cost includes shirt, face painting, memories We’velasting got you covered! imaginative menus crafts and a bounce house. balloon artists, kids’ creative cuisine lasting memories Small to large events... graduations... rehearsals... benefits... bar/bat mitzvahs... dinner parties... weddings... If you can’t participate, you can still make a donation online under B’nai Jeshurun. Proceeds from this year’s call now to plan your special event... event will support breast cancer research at University 216.464.3090 Small to large events... bar/bat mitzvahs... rehearsals... Hospitals Cancer benefits...Seidman graduations... dinner parties... Center. For more information, weddings... call now to plan your special event... contact Shani Kadis. SCMAY07 METROPOLITAN PLAZA 22901 MILLCREEK DR. JOIN US FOR LUNCH AT HARVARD AT GREEN Café 56 Express Open until 3pm – Mon. thru Fri. 216-514-0056 Private Parties Available Wine & Cheese Oneg Friday, May 15 service at 7 pm; oneg immediately following Come and see for yourself all the music, fun and dancing that takes place at Shabbat Rocks! Then, stay and schmooze with your friends at a special oneg. RSVP to Elyse or Elana (Edwillen@gmail.com or ecohen27@gmail.com). The Book Club Sunday, May 3 • 2 pm • BJC My Father’s Paradise: A Son’s Search for His Family’s Past by Ariel Sabar In a remote corner of the world, forgotten for nearly 3,000 years, lived an enclave of Kurdish Jews so isolated that they still spoke Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Mostly illiterate, they were self-made mystics, gifted storytellers and humble peddlers who dwelt in harmony with their Muslim and Christian neighbors in the mountains of northern Iraq. To these descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel, Yona Sabar was born. Presented by Men’s Club. Men’s Club Brunch & Indians Game Sunday, August 9 More details to follow. Open to the entire congregation. BJUSY Mystery Bus Ride Sunday, May 3 • 2-5 pm • departing from Park East Free • Contact Dana Blocker to register or with questions. PLEASE JOIN US May 23rd (for all or some of the) PLYMOUTH MEMORIALS CO., INC. with BJC and community (216) 321-1800 Tikkun Leil Shavuot Study – Schmooze - Pray - Eat! 23240 CHAGRIN BLVD. BLDG. 4 FOR CATERING SERVICE Jay Leitson, Caterer Extraordinaire 6 216-464-3090 216-514-0056 cafe56.com May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 David Masciarelli Funded in part by the Estelle Rosenberg Memorial Shavuot Study Fund Phone 216-391-4822 • Fax 216-391-3430 Harriet Rosenberg Mann & Gary Mann 4400 Willow Parkway • Cleveland, Ohio 44125 www.brennanhvac.com See page 9 for the full schedule Barbara Brock President 1936 So. Taylor Rd. Cleveland Hts., Ohio mhersman@roadrunner.com Fax: (216) 371-0615 info@bnaijeshurun.org N Sisterhood Thank you to our 2014-2015 Torah Fund Supporters, Benefactors & Guardians We gratefully thank all the donors to Sisterhood’s Torah Fund, which supports The Jewish Theological Seminary of ADVISOR WHOSE APPROACH IS Judaism, which America and the Center for Conservative trains rabbis, cantors, educators and social workers for the Conservative Movement. ED ON KNOW-HOW. Rosalyn Abraham* Susan Nash* Gloria Abrams* Lenore Oscar* Dr. Sylvia Abrams* Leah Polikoff* Connie Altose* Bonnie Potash* Sherry Banchek* Robin Rood * Dr. Karen Bardenstein* Sandra Rosenthal* Marilyn Bell* Barbara Rosskamm * The Highland CJ Group Sandra Berkowitz Alice Roth CaroleChaiten, Blake* Bernice Rothman* Cynthia CIMA®, CRPC® Fay Blumenthal* Marcia Rothschild* Wealth Management Advisor Susannah Cohen* Erika Rudin-Luria* Wendy Dahar (216) 292-8046 Salli Rutsky* Lynn Katz Danzig* Jocelyn Saltz* Merrill Lynch Ruth Dobres* Michele Sass* Faith Eisenberg* Dr. Lifsa Schachter* 30195 Chagrin Boulevard Shulamith Erenberg* Schaffer-Polakof Pepper Pike, OH 44124Paula Linda Feldman Laurel Sheldon Diane Frankel* Sabrina Shifman** http://fa.ml.com/chaitenjanus Lynne Friedman* Deborah Shifrin* Zehava Galun* Linda Siegan* Lorin Gottlieb* lleen Tepper* ant anToby advisor realize your Gross*who can help you Natalie Titlebaum Shirley Haas* Someone with a firm grasp Carole of theWalters* financial Arlene Harris Naomi Weiss* scape and a deep understanding of you. A Sheila Hecht* Cheryl Wolkoff* LynchLaura Financial you to Katzner*Advisor can work Ronna with Zelwin* Nancy Kay* strategy that considers Dr. Teresa Zimmerman* p a customized where Joy Leventhal* you want to be. *denotes Benefactor Mildred Mandel* Harriet Rosenberg Mann** **denotes Guardian Carolyn Marcs AND KNOW YOU. Women of Valor Luncheon Program Sunday, May 17 • noon Honorees: Harriet Rosenberg Mann and Amy Berman We are delighted to honor these two outstanding women, who give so much Berman Mann of their time to Sisterhood, to our synagogue and to the community at large. $15 per person. RSVP by May 10 to Paula Schaffer-Polakof, c/o the synagogue. Questions or dietary requests? Call Paula at (216) 469-9688. Sisterhood Board Installation Thursday, May 28 • 7 pm We will honor outgoing co-president Faith Eisenberg, thank other leaders completing their terms and install the full slate of officers and board members. Robin Rood will chair the event. Slate 2015-2016 Sisterhood Board Officers: President: Lynn Katz Danzig Co-Vice Presidents of Programming: Shirley Haas and Wendy Dahar Co-Vice Presidents of Membership: Laura Katzner and Laurel Sheldon Vice President of Fundraising: Bernice Rothman Corresponding Secretary: Grace Brower Recording Secretary: Vivian Solganik Treasurer: Terry Amon Assistant Treasurer: Bonnie Huston Women’s Seder Photos by Shani Kadis and Lynn Katz Danzig. The Highland CJ Group Cynthia Chaiten CIMA®, CRPC® ealth Management and The Power of the Right Advisor are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bank of America Senior Financial Advisor n mark of Investment Management Consultants Association, Inc. CRPC® is a registered service292-8046 mark of The College for (216) (877) 212-8046 ent makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, a ember SIPC, and other subsidiaries of Bank of America Corporation. Merrill Lynch Management makes available products and services offered by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith ration. All rights reserved. Incorporated, a registered broker-dealer and member SIPC, ARK222P2-07-12 and other subsidaries of bank of444616PM-01/2014 America Corporation. ©2013 Bank of America Corporation. All rights reserved. AD-06-13-0051.A AR41L461-090-12 453007PM-06/2013 www.bnaijeshurun.org May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 7 Tree of Life In Memoriam We note with sorrow the passing of HANS SEGAL Father of Deborah Willen *NATHAN OSCAR Husband of Lenore Oscar Uncle of Larry Oscar and Dana Darvin Brother-in-law of Anclaire Oscar EVALYNN GOLDER Sister of Josephine Greenberger Aunt of Barbara Leeson Great-aunt of Michael Leeson *B’nai Jeshurun member We extend our deepest condolences to all the members of their families. Happy Milestone Birthday to: Sheila Allenick Benjamin Altose Joyce Becker Ernest Benchell Julie Beynenson Szlama Borensztein Arthur Broad Doris Copeland Alan Davis Daniel Ermine Marilyn Fenton Cheryl Goldner Beverly Gordon Pamela Goss Avery Gottfried Iris Granot Janice Greenberg Josephine Greenberger Cari Gross Fran Held Frances Hurwitz Ken Ingber Abraham Kay Stacy Kertesz-Steinberg Lois Klein Renee Klein Vivian Koppelman Lisa Kornspan Donald Levy Helayne Loeb William Proper Benjamin Reichstein Marcy Robbins Barbara Rosskamm Mark Scher Lois Shepard Elvin Shultz Harriet Siebert Helene Siegel Eleanor Steigman Laurie Terkel Joan Whitehill Alice Wyner 8 May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 • Sophie & Morris Brick on the birth of a grandson, Abraham Brick Riley. 55 Years 40 Years 35 Years 35 Years 35 Years 25 Years 20 Years Brick Brenner • Lorin & Alan Gottlieb and Bernice Gottlieb on the birth of a grandson and great-grandson, Liam Saul Brenner. • Penny & Bob Greenberger on the birth of a granddaughter, Sadie Nilah Greenberger. Greenberger • Beth & Isaac Lewin on the birth of a grandson, Leon Joseph Vorell. • Ronna & Ed Bernstein and Rosalind Bernstein on the birth of a granddaughter and greatgranddaughter, Aliza Kennedy Bernstein. Bernstein • Donna & Jerry Fiala on the birth of a granddaughter, Lucy Fiala. • Debbie & Steve Karklin on the marriage of their son, Drew, to Lindsey Putterman. • Elliot Teichman on the marriage of his daughter, Alana, to David Frezel. Fiala • Rebecca Schein & Spencer Israel on their engagement. • Shari & Richard Rood on the engagement of their daughter, Allison, to Nick Littman. Teichman & Frezel • Irene & Michael Gribov on the engagement of their son, Sasha, to Carli Siegel. Yasher Koach Rood & Littman Schein & Israel • Julian Gelwasser was nominated by the French Chancery of the Legion of Honor as a Knight in the Legion. The award is France’s highest distinction for his participation in WWII US Army operations that led to the liberation of France. Gelwasser Happy Milestone Anniversary to: Natalie & Ron Titlebaum Wendy & Alex Goldstein Lorin & Alan Gottlieb Tricia & Arthur Klein Karen & David Yahr Jennifer & Neil Tramer Sheryl Handler-Matasar & Scott Matasar Maz al Tov to • Harley Gross received the Eisenman Award, Federation’s highest level volunteer award. • Spencer Kawalek and Sam Roter are our National Gross Bible Contest Finalists. They qualified for the National Finals of the Chidon Ha’Tanach, to be held in New York City on May 3rd. They are the sons of Monique & Wayne Kawalek and Elisabeth & Eric Roter, respectively. Yasher Koach also to Paul Koret, their teacher. If you have an achievement or mazal tov to share, please contact Diane Shalom. We are happy to share your good news! Milestone listings recognize birthdays at 5-year intervals beginning with age 25, and every year after 90. Anniversaries are recognized at 5-year intervals. info@bnaijeshurun.org Tikkun Leil Shavuot Saturday, May 23, 2015 FREE & Open 7:30-8:15 pm Session 1 Rabbi Michael Hecht: The Medium is the Message? Do the Words of our Prayers Matter? to the community Dr. Lifsa Schachter: Women Who Take Fate into Their Own Hands: Alternative Readings of Biblical Stories Rabbi Steve Segar, Kol HaLev: The Secret Meaning of “Mazel Tov”: Astrology in the History of Jewish Thought SPONSORS: ADL Cleveland: Word to Action Estelle Kevin Adelstein & Bob Jacob, CJN: The Role of a Jewish Newspaper & Editorial Decisions: Rosenberg You Be the Editor for a Day Tikkun Leil Ken Bravo, Jewish Genealogical Society: Bring Your Questions Shavuot Study Dr. Rick Kodish and Rabbi Susan Stone, Cleveland Clinic: Dress Secular, Think Jewish: Session Fund Tensions and Alignment in Clinical Medical Ethics of B’nai Jeshurun Rabbi Shalom Plotkin, Agudath B’nai Israel, Lorain: Courage Congregation and: IC Next, Teen Israel Photo Exhibition: Docent-led Tour Shaarey Tikvah Congregation 8:20 pm Mincha - 9:00 pm Seudah Shlisheet (Lite Dinner) 9:30 pm Festival Evening Service/Ma’ariv Cleveland Jewish News Gross Schechter Day School 10:00-10:45 pm Session 2 Rabbi Stephen Weiss: TBA Rabbi Stanley Schachter: Where Was the Torah Given and When? Rabbi Steve Grundfast, Beth El, Akron: The Tablets: A Midrashic Exploration Rabbi David Kosak, Shaarey Tikvah: TBA Doron Kalir, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law: The 10 Commandments, Part II: The Last Five Miriam Geronimus, Kol HaLev: Jewish Responses to the Theory of Evolution Judge Dan Polster: The Letter & Spirit of the Law: Freedom, Slavery & the Pursuit of Justice Kol HaLev 10:50 pm Grand Dessert Bar Beth IsraelThe West Temple Beth El Congregation 11:15 pm-Midnight Session 3 Cantor Aaron Shifman: Psalms: Biblical History, Poetry, Song & Prayer Agudath B’nai Israel Synagogue Rabbi Josh Foster: God of Compassion or God of Vengeance? Cantor Beth H. Friedman-Romell, Ph.D., Knesseth Israel Temple, Wooster: Singers, Sages, and Seers: Female Prophets in the Hebrew Bible Rabbi Enid Lader, Beth Israel, The West Temple: Standing at Sinai with Martin Buber PARTNERS: Todd Rosenberg: Did God Choose the Jews or Christians at Sinai? Replacement Theology Must Be Rejected CYP Minyan Toby Rosenberg: Torah Yoga The Agnon School Moishe House Urbanites; Downtown Jewish Cleveland Youth & Family Programs Young Family Program 7:30-8:30 pm Teen/Pre-Teen Tikkun 7:30-11:15 pm Midnight Breakfast Bar 12:15-1:00 am Dr. Ari Yares, Gross Schechter: Mah La'asot: Ethical Dilemmas in the Eyes of the Rabbis 12:15-1:00 am Rachel Davidson, Kol HaLev: Transgender Identities and Judaism: A Community Centered Workshop 1:00-1:45 am Jerry Isaak-Shapiro, Agnon: I Didn’t Even Know We Were Nominated: Why We Were and Are We Still Chosen? 1:45-2:30 am Elise Braverman Plotkin: Rabbis of the Talmud: Wicked, Wonderful and Everything In-between 2:30-3:15 am Rabbi Hal Rudin-Luria: Jewish Food Ethics 3:15-4:00 am Rabbi Paula Sass: Priests and Rabbis, or Jocks and Nerds: Characterizations of Jewish Leadership www.bnaijeshurun.org 4:15 am Kabbalistic Wedding 5:00 am Sunrise Shacharit Festival Morning Service May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 9 Tribute Dinner Tribute Dinner honoring Name: ______________________________Phone: ____________________ Hedy & Michael Milgrom Address: _______________________________________________________ June 28, 2015 Payment: _______________________________________________________ It is with gratitude and pride that we will celebrate Hedy & Michael Milgrom at this year’s Tribute Dinner on June 28, 2015. Congregants, community members and clergy will gather to recognize and thank the Milgroms for their years of leadership, volunteerism and philanthropy. Save the Date! You can also recognize the Milgroms’ dedication and commitment by purchasing a Tribute Ad in the Program Book, which also serves as the Congregational Directory. Honor the Milgroms, thank our clergy, or send a message of greetings -- the choice is yours. Invitations will be mailed in early May. Email Address: __________________________________________________ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Diamond Page (4 5/8 x 7 5/8).......................................................... $ 10,000.00 Emerald Page (4 5/8 x 7 5/8)............................................................ $ 5,000.00 Platinum Page (4 5/8 x 7 5/8)........................................................... $ 3,600.00 Gold Page (4 5/8 x 7 5/8)................................................................... $ 1,800.00 Silver Page (4 5/8 x 7 5/8).................................................................. $ 1,000.00 Full Page (4 5/8 x 7 5/8)...................................................................... $ 500.00 Half Page (4 5/8 x 3 3/4)..................................................................... $ 250.00 Quarter Page (4 5/8 x 1 7/8 or 2 1/4 x 3 3/4).............................. $ 180.00 Eighth Page (2 1/4 x 1 7/8)............................................................... $ 100.00 Tribute Ad Copy ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ (If you would like to include a logo or art with your ad, please contact Paula Botkin.) Tribute Ads are tax deductible and support the programs of B’nai Jeshurun. The deadline for inclusion in the Program Book is May 11. For more information or to purchase a Tribute Ad online, visit bnaijeshurun.org/TributeDinner or contact Paula Botkin. “Getting Paid to Be Philanthropic…and Other Innovative Ways to Leave Your Legacy” Thursday, May 21 • 7:30 pm Did you know there are charitable giving tools that can provide you with an income stream (gift annuities and similar tools)? That a gift of as little as $5,000 can create a fund that will last forever (well, basically)? And that you can bequeth a percentage of your estate, rather than a set amount, to provided added assurance for your loved ones? Learn about these charitable giving tools and more as we come together for a wine & cheese reception, presentation and discussion with congregant and financial advisor, Cynthia Chaiten of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Learn more and RSVP at bnaijeshurun.org/ EnsuringTheFuture. Staff Announcement We are pleased to welcome Renee Greller as our 150th Anniversary Coordinator. Renee has a bachelor of arts in communications and criminology from The Ohio State University and a JD from Cleveland Marshall College of Law. She is married to Guy and they have three children, Maya (9), Jonah (5) and Lielle (3), all of whom attend Gross Schechter Day School. Renee may be reached at reneegreller@bnaijeshurun.org or ext. 136. Courtyard Dedication Friday, June 19 (prior to Shabbat Rocks!) Join us as we dedicate the next installations in the Linden Family Courtyard, including the bima furnishings and newly dedicated pavers. Additional details to follow. 10 May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 info@bnaijeshurun.org Shabbat Rocks! Friday, May 15 • 7 pm We hope you’ll join us at our popular musical Friday evening service. Shabbat Rocks! combines the flowing poetry of Psalms with a live band playing some of today’s hottest Jewish music. This unique liturgical experience will make your heart sing, your hands clap and your feet dance. Listen to and download tracks from our website. Future dates: June 19, July 17, August 21 Matzah Meal Photos by Shani Kadis and Lynn Katz Danzig A great evening was had by all. From the asparagus soup, apricot chicken and meatballs to the chocolate mousse, everything was delicious. Thanks to Murray Berkowitz and everyone that helped him in making this meal possible. The Barking Blessing Friday, June 12 • 6 pm Cookout Dinner: 6 pm Service: 7:30 pm Sing with our furry family friends at B’nai Jeshurun’s Annual Canine Shabbat. Celebrate with a picnic dinner and awards, followed by service and oneg. All are welcome! $10/adult; $5/child; $30/family max. Dogs beg for dinner. BYOB (bring your own bags for cleanup!) Dinner by reservation only; please RSVP to the synagogue office by June 8. Please bring blankets, towels and cleaning supplies to donate to local animal shelters. From the President continued from page 3 We will also be recognizing this year’s award winners, Bernice Rothman (the Joseph P. Lomberg Award for Outstanding Individual Service recipient), and Carolann & Marty Cohen, Rifka Claypool and Rachel & Joel Heiser (the Rudolph M. Rosenthal Award for Outstanding Family recipients). I am grateful to all of them for their volunteer efforts on behalf of the synagogue! And finally, we will also recognize teacher extraordinaire Alan Goldweber who will become the third recipient of the Paul M. Koret Distinguished Teacher Award. Alan’s teaching has left a legacy that will live on well beyond his upcoming retirement, and I hope you’ll join me at the Annual Meeting to thank him for everything he has meant to the education of our children and to our synagogue. B’shalom, Jody Katzner Solon Granite Memorial Works, Inc. Your Best Resource For The Design, Print and Mail Of Announcements, Invitations & Save the Dates. (216) 861-5588 jacbusiness.com www.bnaijeshurun.org MONUMENTS • MARKERS BRONZE MEMORIALS FOR ALL JEWISH CEMETERIES We Make House Calls - Phone 440-248-6606 Serving the Jewish Community for over 81 years 1-800-630-3432 • Fax: 440-248-2218 36050 Aurora Rd. • Solon, OH 44139 DYNOWSKI FAMILY May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 11 Donations ABRAHAM FAMILY COURTYARD FUND In Honor of: Engagement of Erica Rosenthal to Adam Hirsh by Marty & Carole Blake. ABRAHAM-GRUENSPAN HIGH HOLY DAY CHOIR SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Milestone Anniversary of Jerry & Linda Siegan; Norma Geller for receiving the John Carroll University Alumni Medal Award by Charles & Linda Gruenspan. JULIUS ABRAMS MINYAN FUND By: Malcolm & Evelyn Brahms. In Honor of: Our 33rd Anniversary by Arnold & Joy Kohn… Speedy Recovery to Sandy Berkowitz by Robert & Barbara Leeson. In Memory of: Esther Berezin by Alec & Marcia Berezin…Harry Magar by Arlene Magar… Ben & Naomi Kohn by Arnold & Joy Kohn… David Dobres and Rhonda Greenberg by Richard & Robin Douglass…Leon Ades by Kenny & Yael Cohen… Rhonda Greenberg by Monroe & Marcia Elbrand… Sonia Goldstein by Harvey & Karen Kugelman. ALIYAH FUND In Honor of: Aliyah by Bob & Barbara Bilenker…Our Aliyah, Special Blessings, Rabbi Weiss and Staff by Jeremy & Sandra Rosenthal…Our Aliyah by Howard & Bonnie Potash. In Memory of: Carol Berke by Bob & 12 May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 Received as of March 17, 2015 To better manage administrative expenses, it is requested that contributions be at least $10 or more each. Thank you for helping us reduce the synagogue’s cost, which increases the actual value of your gifts. Barbara Bilenker…Ceil Gecht by Joel & Phyllis Gecht. EUNICE AND ERNEST BENCHELL ENDOWMENT FUND In Honor of: Milestone Anniversaries of Gary & Cari Gross and Richard & Elayne Glueck; Milestone Birthdays of Ileen Tepper and Judy Shafron by Ernie & Eunice Benchell. In Memory of: Jonas Miller by Ernie & Eunice Benchell. BETH AM ENRICHMENT FUND In Honor of: Our Torah reading by Dan & Miriam Rose. In Memory of: Edward Malkis by Marlene Ricanati. B’NAI JESHURUN CHESED FUND In Honor of: Mishloach Manot by Selma Friedman. In Memory of: Hermina Sternfeld by Joel & Nancy Kay…Jonas Miller by Ileen Tepper…Leon Ades by Nelson Pole…Rhonda Greenberg by Murray & Connie Altose, Nelson Pole and Betty Fishman…Susan Pole by Nelson Pole. BOHNEN SCHAFFER GARDEN FOUNDATION In Memory of: Audrey M. Goldring by Lisa Kulkin. PHYLLIS AND JULES BOOKATZ FUND FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS In Memory of: Phyllis Bookatz by B’nai Jeshurun Sisterhood. TEMPLE BUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT FUND In Honor of: The Clergy by Randy & Rhonda Kertesz and Lois Shepard…Birth of Maurice & Rowena Sanders’ great grandchildren by Marty & Carole Blake. In Memory of: Merle Gordon by Fran Gordon…Abraham Rosen by Faye Reuven… Army Greenfield by Emily Kabert…Barbara Joyce Gilden by Arlene Temsey… Benjamin Rosenbaum by Anita Rosenbaum… Charles Kaufman by Elvin Shultz…Etta Kalb by Ed & Roslyn Kowit…Henry Pickell and Mor Neuman by Randy & Rhonda Kertesz…Ilse Newburger by John Newburger… James “Red” Reider by Lynn Chesler…Jennie Schlossberg by Maurice & Rowena Sanders…Leo & Eileen Nittskoff and Moses & Muncie Newman by Daniel Newman… Margaret Greenfield and William Greenfield by Shirley Gordon… Nathan Bartell and Frances Greenberg by Lois Shepard…Rae Bradley by Joel & Jane Novack…Regina Rothstein Stahlberg and Leonard Irwin Stahlberg by Harry & Caren Lever… Sam Laderman and June Laderman by Cele Laderman…Sidney Arlen by Janis DeVito… Sidney Himmel by Robert Himmel…Hanna Berg by Pete & Doris Copeland… Lena Kaufman by Elvin Shultz…Doris Weiss by Joel & Barbara Goodman… Florence Horwitz by Alvin & Nancy Kitay…Hortense Bittker by David Bittker… Joan Miller, Jonas Miller and Leon Ades by Jay Ross & Susan Warshay…Jonas Miller by Mark & Beth Milstein, Arlene Willen and Martin & Carolann Cohen… Scott Arkovitz by Marty & Carole Blake. CANTOR’S MUSIC FUND In Honor of: Cantor Shifman by Richard & Robin Douglass, Larry & Sherry Miller and Ira & Sherry Feuer. In Memory of: Marvin Potter by Steven Potter & Ellen KowitPotter…Rosa Granek by Dani & Ines Ades…Edith Sherman by Carol Spero… Jonas Miller by Richard & Robin Douglass…Miriam Rakusin by Robert & Barbara Leeson…Rhonda Greenberg by Jay & Leslie Weller and Larry & Marcia Simon. PHYLLIS AND DR. SIDNEY COHEN KOSHER KITCHEN FUND In Memory of: Jonas Miller, Doris Weiss, Leon Ades, Stuart Rosenstein and Sylvia Scher by Steven Polakof & Paula Schaffer-Polakof. DOBRES-BERKOWITZ ISRAEL PROGRAMMING FUND In Memory of: Leon Ades and Rhonda Greenberg by Ruth Dobres. ERENBERG FAMILY PASTORAL CARE FUND In Memory of: Ronald Goldman by Gerry & Shu Erenberg. info@bnaijeshurun.org FRANK AND IDA FRIEDMAN FUND FOR SPECIAL NEEDS In Memory of: Ida Friedman by Robert & Carole Langus. HARRY AND LOUISE GIPS HOLOCAUST EDUCATION FUND In Honor of: Speedy Recovery to Harriet Zelman by Harry & Louise Gips. GOTTLIEB FAMILY FUND FOR HOLOCAUST MISSIONS In Memory of: Eisig Gettenberg by Elda Pincus…Saul Gottlieb by Bernice Gottlieb, Jeff & Jodi Gottlieb, Jerry & Susan Gottlieb and Alan & Lorin Gottlieb. SAM GREENBERGER CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Faith “Fayge” Golub by Jay & Robbie Schonfeld. ALVIN A. HERSHEY MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Alvin A. Hershey by Peter & Debra Guren. BESSIE HERSHEY RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND In Memory of: Jonas Miller by Barry & Shawn Simon…Cecile Simon and Dr. Martin Weinbaum by Larry & Marcia Simon. ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: Nesya Shpaner by Marius & Alexandra Shpaner. JACK JACOBSON AND BELLE WINOGRAD MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND In Honor of: Birth of Mosell Ruth www.bnaijeshurun.org Freiman; Speedy Recovery to Mike Levine and Sylvia Cowan by Robert & Barbara Leeson and Rafi Simon by David & Margie Cohen. In Memory of: Edward Kaplin by David & Gail Kaplin…David Dobres by Robert & Barbara Leeson and Monroe & Marcia Elbrand…Florence Horwitz and Jonas Miller by B’nai Jeshurun Fellowship. by Jerry & Linda Siegan… Harry & Anna Bordman by Morrie & Rhoda Bordman. ETOLE AND JULIAN KAHAN FINE ARTS ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of: Rosalyn Adler by Julian & Etole Kahan. MARILYN AND RICHARD M. MYERS FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND In Memory of: Shirley & David Boman by Dick & Marilyn Myers. CLARENCE KOHN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: George Friedman, Joseph Frankel, Leon Ades, Lillian Goodman and Mary Wolf by Richard & Robin Douglass. BRENDA ZIMM OSCAR MEMORIAL LECTURE FUND In Memory of: Brenda Zimm Oscar by Larry Oscar & Jeanne Shatten. SANFORD AND GLORIA KURLAND EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND In Memory of: Griffin Michael Bell by Corky & Lenny’s. BERNARD MARGOLIS FAMILY FUND In Memory of: Edith Sherman by Chicky Margolis and Scott & Jody Spero…Steve Roth and Dr. Joy Roth’s sister-inlaw by Michael & Abbey Guggenheim. MAZON HUNGER FUND In Honor of: Our Anniversary and Linda Siegan’s Birthday by Linda & Jerome Siegan…Birth of Hayden Foster Lyndon by Jerry & Cindy Brodsky. In Memory of: Alexander Weil, Isadore Frosch and Norbert Frosch by Ruth Weil…Alvin Siegan MOSKOWITZ ENDOWMENT FUND FOR OPERATIONS In Honor of: Speedy Recovery to Charles Shuman by Ron & Bunny Moskowitz. In Memory of: Joan Miller by Ruth, Ron & Jan Moskowitz Families. PAYNER-BESUNDER FAMILY FUND In Memory of: Horty Besunder by Sandy & Pam Besunder. PETERS-FELBAIN LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT FUND In Memory of: A. Bernard Peters by Harvey & Marilyn Peters. PRAYERBOOK FUND In Memory of: Alyssa Rose by Sylvia Rose…Rhonda Greenberg and Sharon Kran by Robert & Barbara Leeson. RABBIS’ DISCRETIONARY FUNDS In Honor of: Rabbi Weiss by Alan & Gail Moskowitz, Mark & Shelley Scher, Richard & Robin Douglass and Family of Harry Zeid… Birthday of Emil Spitzer by Ethel Klein… Herb & Marilyn Bell’s greatgrandaughter, Brin Diane by Ethel Klein…Milestone Birthday of Jerry Rothschild by Toby Macknin…My Birthday by Mathilda Kolt… Rabbi Rudin-Luria by Mark & Shelley Scher, Richard & Robin Douglass, Eric Weingart & Emily Hoffman and Bill Jones & Linda Schoenberg. In Memory of: Danny Moskowitz by Alan & Gail Moskowitz…Fred Gold by Shirley Gold…Fred Maxson, Lillian Weisblat and Irvin Weisblat by Richard & Wendy Halle… Marvin Potter by Steven Potter & Ellen Kowit-Potter… Patricia Wuliger by Tim & Sandy Wuliger…Paul Jacobs by Keith & Marilyn Jacobs… Phillip Kotton by Bernie & Barbara Kotton… Jacob Chaim by Alan & Gail Moskowitz…Ina Lazerick by Robert & Barbara Leeson… Joan Miller by Stephen & Wendy Dahar and Jay Ross & Susan Warshay… Jonas Miller by Howard Epstein & Gregg Levine… Rebecca Miller by Alan Groedel, Howard Groedel, Marc Groedel and Marcie Rubin…Sophie Zychick and Gertrude Zychick Kleiner by David & Carol Willen… Rosalind Held by Eric Greenberg & Fran Held. LILLIAN AND HARVEY PHILIP ROSENSTEIN BOOK FUND In Memory of: Florence Horwitz, Leon Ades and Rhonda Greenberg by Paul & Helen Wolf. JONATHAN ROTH TORAH FUND By: Samuel & Jennifer Rosenberg. May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 13 RUTH AND GEORGE ROTHSTEIN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: George & Ruth Rothstein by Selma Friedman. RUTSKY FAMILY EDUCATION FUND In Memory of: Gertrude Sonnenstein by Robert & Barbara Leeson… Jonas Miller by Alan & Salli Rutsky. OZZIE SCHINDLER EDUCATIONAL MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Ozzie Schindler by Marcy Schindler. THOMAS AND RICHARD SHATTEN MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Richard Shatten by Larry Oscar & Jeanne Shatten. IDA AND SAM ZELWIN FAMILY FUND In Memory of: Florence Goldfarb, Ida Zelwin and Florence Wineberg by Robert & Ronna Zelwin…Florence Wineberg by Beverly Galun…Norma Wolfson by Estelle Payner, Beverly Galun and Sandy & Pam Besunder. VIDEO STREAMING In Memory of: Meta Schnerb by Jay & Leslie Weller. Please note: Donations may be made by mailing or bringing in a note to the synagogue office detailing the name of the fund, the reason for the donation, to whom acknowledgement should be made, and the donor’s name, along with a check made out to B’nai Jeshurun Congregation. It would be greatly appreciated if checks for donations were separate from other checks to the congregation. For Sisterhood Enrichment Fund, please mail your donations and full information to Millie Mandel, 25805 Fairmount Blvd., #103, Beachwood 44122. For Torah Fund, please mail your donations and full information to Lynne Friedman, 180 Fox Hollow Drive, #304, Mayfield Heights, 44124. Todah Rabah We are tremendously grateful to announce the creation of two new endowed funds: the Dobres-Berkowitz Israel Programming Fund and the Jody and Laura Katzner Family Fund. Our heartfelt thanks to these families for their generosity and investment in the future of B’nai Jeshurun. To learn more about how you can establish an endowed fund, please contact development director Kim Cole. Miles, Miles, Calling All Miles We are quickly approaching the kickoff to commemorate our 150th Anniversary. There are many plans in the works and we are going to make them all unforgettable! In order to do so and keep within budget, however, we need your help. If you have miles to spare and are willing to donate some to cover travel expenses for some of the artists, musicians and speakers we plan to bring in throughout the year, please contact Renee Greller, 150th Anniversary Coordinator. Thank you! Simon Roofing Commercial, Industrial, and Metal Roofing B’NAI JESHURUN’S PREFERRED ROOFER Mike Mills Vice President of Regional Accounts 412-670-2245 • mmills@simonroofing.com TIDINGS Vol 88, No. 4 May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 Thank you to our March kiddush & bima flower sponsors: March 7: The kiddush was sponsored in part by Sue & Vic Amster. March 28: The bima flowers were co-sponsored by Melissa Frankel Kahn & Leonard Kahn in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Adam Kahn; and by Marcy & Bradley Robbins in honor of the Mincha Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Abigail Mendelsohn. The kiddush and congregational luncheon were sponsored by Naomi & Leon Kahn and Nina Frankel in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Adam Kahn. Development Corporation for Israel BRAIN AEROBICS This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in State of Israel bonds. This is a representative sampling of the securities offered. Issues subject to availability. Member FINRA Take Your Brain to the Gym Mental Stimulation and Brain Exercises for Senior Adults Private in-home sessions 440-821-3652 www.brainaerobics-cleveland.com lori@brainaerobics-cleveland.com 14 May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 440.442.0777 wwwww.miklusflorist.com www.israelbonds.com Israel Bonds 23240 Chagrin Blvd., Ste. 810 • Beachwood, OH 216-454-0180 • 800-752-5667 (ISSN 2327-2341) is published monthly except January and July by B’nai Jeshurun Congregation 27501 Fairmount Boulevard, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 Periodicals postage at Cleveland, OH. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: TIDINGS 27501 Fairmount Boulevard, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 info@bnaijeshurun.org May 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY Iyar/Sivan 5775 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY RECURRING EVENTS Tuesdays at 10:30 am Torah Study with Susan Wyner Thursdays at 12:10 pm Lunch & Learn Commerce Park IV (corner of Chagrin & Green) Fridays at 10:15 am Kinder Shabbat & Open Playroom Saturdays at 9:00 am Starbucks, Bread & Torah 2:00 pm The Book Club 3 4 5 7:00 pm Annual Meeting 6 9:45 am Someone Special & Me Lag B’Omer FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 7:00 pm Service; Birthday Shabbat; Zamir Choir 2 9:00 am Service 9:45 am Open Tent Minyan 4:30 pm Isaac Kantarovich Bar Mitzvah 7 7:00 pm Service; Baccalaureate 8 8:00 pm Oneg followed by Irwin Kula 7:00 pm Confirmation Class Night 9:00 am Service; Marcus Fellows Graduation; Irwin Kula 9 10:30 am Shabbat b’Yachad 10:30 am Shabbat Shelanu 5:15 pm Jason Loeb Bar Mitzvah 10 11 Mother’s Day; Last Day of Sunday School 12 13 9:45 am Someone Special & Me Last Day of Bet Limmud 14 8:00 am the race @ Legacy Village 15 6:15 pm PJ Library Shabbat & East Coast Custard Truck 7:00 pm Shabbat Rocks!; Anniversary Shabbat Last day of Shabbat School 16 9:00 am Service 8:00 pm Ryan Rosenfeld Bar Mitzvah 8:00 pm Atid Oneg 17 18 Yom Yerushalayim 12:00 pm Sisterhood Women of Valor Program Rosh Hodesh Sivan 19 20 9:45 am Someone Special & Me 21 7:30 pm Your Legacy Event 7:00 pm Service 22 Erev Shavuot 23 9:00 am Service; Brooke and Ethan Abraham B’nai Mitzvah 7:30 pm Tikkun Leil Shavuot 1st day Shavuot 24 9:00 am Festival Service; Confirmation 12:30 pm Hazak Program 25 2nd day Shavuot; Memorial Day; office closed 9:00 am Festival Service; Yizkor 26 27 9:45 am Someone Special & Me 7:00 pm Sisterhood Installation 28 29 7:00 pm Service 30 9:00 am Service; Volunteer Shabbat 7:00 pm Talie Avatichi Bat Mitzvah 31 www.bnaijeshurun.org May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775 15 Periodicals Postage Paid DATED MATERIAL Please Deliver Promptly PHONE: 216-831-6555 FAX: 216-831-4599 EMAIL: info@bnaijeshurun.org www.bnaijeshurun.org Stephen Weiss, Senior Rabbi...................................................................... ext 104 rabbiweiss@bnaijeshurun.org Hal Rudin-Luria, Rabbi.................................................................................. ext 101 rabbirudinluria@bnaijeshurun.org Aaron Shifman, Cantor................................................................................. ext 112 cantorshifman@bnaijeshurun.org Stanley J. Schachter, Rabbi Emeritus....................................................... ext 106 Michael Hecht, Rabbi Emeritus................................................................. ext 105 Josh Foster, Educational Engagement Rabbi....................................... ext 124 rabbifoster@bnaijeshurun.org Jay Ross, Executive Director....................................................................... ext 107 jayross@bnaijeshurun.org Kim Cole, Development Director.............................................................. ext 132 kimcole@bnaijeshurun.org Marcy Stahm, Controller.............................................................................. ext 111 marcystahm@bnaijeshurun.org Shani Kadis, Membership/Programming Director............................. ext 131 shanikadis@bnaijeshurun.org Barbara Rosenfeld, Executive Educator.................................................. ext 121 barbararosenfeld@bnaijeshurun.org Dr. R. Raphael Simon, Librarian................................................................. ext 114 ralphsimon@bnaijeshurun.org Dana Blocker, Youth Director..................................................................... ext 120 danablocker@bnaijeshurun.org Risa Roth, Early Childhood Director......................................................... ext 125 risaroth@bnaijeshurun.org Diane Shalom, Asst. to Rabbi Weiss/Newsletters Editor................... ext 104 dianeshalom@bnaijeshurun.org Paula Botkin, Accounting/Cemeteries/Calendaring.......................... ext 109 paulabotkin@bnaijeshurun.org Wendy Altmire, School Admin. Asst........................................................ ext 123 wendyaltmire@bnaijeshurun.org Julie Berman, Asst. to Cantor..................................................................... ext 102 julieberman@bnaijeshurun.org Shirley Haas, School Admin. Asst.............................................................. ext 122 shirleyhaas@bnaijeshurun.org Rachel Taxer, Receptionist, Asst. to Rabbi Rudin-Luria and Jay Ross.............................................................. ext 100 racheltaxer@bnaijeshurun.org Renee Greller, 150th Anniversary Coordinator.................................... ext 136 reneegreller@bnaijeshurun.org A full service landscape design and build firm. Yard maintenance and lawn fertilizer programs available. Matt Angelotta, Owner 440-336-1590 �ome, Let Us �ing B ’ n a i J E s h u R u n C O n g R E g at i O n P R E s E n t s O u R s P R i n g 2 0 1 5 C O n C E R t (Psalm 95) FREE and Open to the Public Sunday, June 7 • 7 pm • Doors Open at 6:30 pm B’nai Jeshurun Congregation Hosted by 27501 Fairmount Boulevard, Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124 Featured artists Mark Opatow Cantor Aaron Shifman Lazer Lloyd Avram Pengas For more information call 216.831.6555 • www.bnaijeshurun.org Come, Let Us Sing has been made possible through the generosity of the Daniel and Ethel Hamburger Music Fund Harold and Sandy Levine, Trustees.
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