notice inviting tender for printing of textbooks for the academic

Debargaon, P.O. Rangalikhata
Tel./Fax No. 03661277183 (O)
Kokrajhar – 783370, BTC, Assam.
Tel. No. 03661-271230 (R)
Mobile No. 94353-22888
F.No- BU/Dy. Reg(Aca)/Ph.D Ad.S./13-14/19/9665
date – 30/03/2015
Sealed Tenders are invited from registered established printers for printing of Ph. D
Regulation of Bodoland University, Kokrajhar and will be received by the undersigned up to
2.00 p.m. on 20th Aril 2015 and will be opened on the same day at 2.30 p.m.
The details particulars of Tender may be obtained from the office during working hours
31st March and 2nd April 2015 or downloaded from the website on
payments of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One thousand) only (non-refundable) in the form of bank
draft in favour of the Registrar, B.U, Kokrajhar payable at SBI North Kokrajhar Branch.
Total numbers of copies – 2000 copies.
The Bodoland University reserved the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without
assigning any reason thereof.
Bodoland University
Copy for information to:
No. BU/Dy. Reg(Aca)/Ph.D Ad.S./13-14/19/9665
date – 30/03/2015
The P.S. to the Vice-Chancellor, Bodoland University.
The Academic Registrar, Bodoland University.
The System Administrator, to upload in website, Bodoland University.
The Assistant Engineer, Member Secretary, Tender Committee, B.U.
Notice Board – Administrative Building.
Bodoland University
Debargaon, P.O. Rangalikhata
Kokrajhar – 783370, BTC, Assam.
Tel./Fax No. 03661-277183 (O)
Tel. No. 03661-271230 (R)
Mobile No. 94353-22888
F.No- BU/Dy. Reg(Aca)/Ph.D Ad.S./13-14/19/
date –
Sealed tender in the prescribed form/format are invited from the registered established printers
for the work listed as above.
Time Schedule:
Date of issue of tender document/forms: 31st March and 2nd April 2015.
Last date of submission of completed forms: 20th April 2015 till 2.00 PM.
Date, Time and Venue for opening of Tender: 20 th April 2015 at 2.30 Hrs. at the Registrar’s
Place from where to collect the tender forms: Office of the Assistant Engineer, during office hour
on production of Bank Receipt/Cash for Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand) only or down load
form the website.
1. Only the Printers having their own established printing press and those having previous
experience in Regulation printing works should quote in the prescribed form. The certified copies
of documents of registered established printing press, printing/publication works and VAT
clearance certificate and any other clearance required should be enclosed along with the Tender
Form. The size of the sample papers and cover papers should be of 10" x 15" and signed by
putting rubber stamp seal.
2. Number of copies – 2000 copies.
The sample papers required are:(a)
Regulations printing paper of 70 GSM.
Cover paper of 250 GSM hard wide boards.
2. The Bidder/Agencies should have the own printing facility or a Joint Venture/ Consortium of two
firms as Partners. However, one of the Partners has to be nominated as Lead Partner and the Joint
Venture/Consortium partners shall have to submit a joint declaration by the intending members to
participate in the package mentioning the name of Lead Partner/Firm with the joint signatories of
all the members.
In case the tender is submitted as Joint Venture/Consortium, any one of the Criteria for Technical
Requirement of the concerned package must fulfill jointly with other technical partners of the
joint venture/ consortium.
The Lead Partner shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive instructions for and on behalf
of any and all Partners of Joint Venture/ Consortium and the entire execution of the Contract
including the receipt of payment shall be done exclusively through the Lead Partner.
All the Partners of the Joint Venture/ Consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for the
execution of the Contract in accordance with the Contract Terms and a copy of the Contract
entered into by the Joint Venture/ Consortium Partners having such a provision shall be submitted
with the Bid during the subsequent tendering.
A firm/company shall be entitled to form only one joint venture/consortium for all the packages
under this tender i.e. one bidder forming more than one joint ventures/consortium shall not be
The tenderer (s) should quote NET RATE per copy INCLUDING the cost of the
following:a. Regulations printing paper of 70 GSM.
b. Cover Printing Paper.
c. All type of art-works and art-pulls.
d. Printing of text and covers in colours as per samples.
e. Cover papers.
g. Cover binding & finishing.
h. Composing/Calligraphy/Resetting/Illustrations etc.
Processing-Negative/Plate/Blocks/Halftone etc. making.
The chargeable taxes (VAT) should be quoted separately.
The printing work should be completed within thirty (30) days from the date of issue of the work
order with sample copies/manuscripts of the Regulations/exercise books. Printing and supply of
Regulations is a time bound work and therefore extension of time shall not be given. Earnest
Money shall be forfeited if the tenderer (s) fails to collect the printing work order within one
week from the date of intimation of acceptance of rates. In that event, the tenderer (s) may be
debarred from participating in tender for the printing and supply works of the University. In the
event of failure to complete the total work after expiry of the said period, 5% penalty shall be
imposed on the total amount of the incomplete work to be calculated on the approved rate and the
number of title undelivered.
The successful tenderer (s) shall collect the sample copies/manuscripts of Regulations from the
office of the Registrar within seven (7) days of receipt of the work order. The printer (Regulation)
shall obtain approval from the Registrar for all the art works, art-pulls, and proof copies before
final printing is undertaken. Expenses involved in securing the proof copies have to be borne by
the printer themselves. The printing of the Regulations binding, side stitching, artworks, art-pulls,
covers, size of letter and pages should be strictly as per samples of books and papers.
That the University shall not liable to make payment for the Regulations which are
defective and not according to the specification and samples of the books.
That the printer shall submit two specimen copies of printed Regulations to the Registrar office
for final scrutiny of the specifications and quality of printing works, papers etc.
The tenderer of the printing press already debarred by the University shall not be accepted at all.
The tender will be opened by the Tender Opening Committee constituted by the University in
presence of the tenderer (s) or their representatives (not more than one) who wish to be present on
the date and time indicated above.
The concerned departmental officers from the University shall visit the printing press within
15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of the works order of Regulations with samples
books/manuscripts and specifications. The printing work order shall be cancelled with forfeiture
of security money if the printing works is found not started at the time of visit within a period of
15 (fifteen) to 20 (twenty) days from the date of issue of work order. In that event, the manuscript
shall have to be returned forthwith. If the manuscripts are not returned on cancellation of printing
work order, the university shall be entitled to cover damages to cover the cost of preparation of
another sample books/manuscripts, besides the forfeiture of the security deposit money. Besides
this, the printing press is liable to be black-listed for issue of any further works by the university.
The printing press shall also be liable to pay compensation for all losses that the university
suffers on account of breach of the terms and conditions laid down in the ‘Notice Inviting Tender’
and bid document, letter of award and the agreement.
Successful bidder (s) shall have to submit a Bank guarantee towards contract performance
security @ 2% of the total bid amount, in favour of the Registrar, Bodoland University,
Kokrajhar valid upto 180 days from the date of signing of agreement.
Envelope containing sealed bid shall be submitted by hand delivery or sent by post to the
Registrar, Bodoland University, Kokrajhar so as to reach by the due date and time.
University, will not be responsible for
non-receipt/late receipt or loss of tender documents in
Postal transit.
The university reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any
reason thereof.
This NIT is also posted at the website:
Bodoland University