April / 2015 Newsletter - Greater Saint Paul BOMA

Saint Paul
April 2015 Vol. 53, No. 4
BOMA’s mission is to provide
leadership to the commercial real
estate industry through legislative
and regulatory advocacy, education,
research, and international
Help Celebrate BOMA Successes
Please join us for Greater St.
Paul BOMA’s annual meeting.
In addition to the election
of Board Members, award
presentation and the year in
review, St. Paul Police Chief,
Tom Smith and Billy Collins
with the Downtown St. Paul
YWCA will join us to discuss
the St. Paul Youth Initiatives
program and the partnership
with St. Paul BOMA.
Learn about the history of the
program. Where did the idea come from? Why it
is needed? Why now? What are the measurable
successes to date and impact on the community;
the statistics and demographics of participants
and the desired goals? How can the program
impact and assist local businesses and multitenant buildings?
In this edition:
Chair’s Report....................2
Upcoming Events.............3
Events at a glance:
Brokers Group............Apr. 1st
Lunch & Learn.......... Apr. 2nd
Security Group.......... Apr. 7th
Meeting.................... Apr. 13th
Group....................... Apr. 15th
332 Minnesota Street
Suite W2950
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Phone: 651-291-8888
Fax: 651-291-1031
They will also cover how deterring At Risk
Youth can add to the livability and vibrancy
in the downtown areas and how creating jobs
and program continuity can affect downtown
properties and tenant attraction.
Finally, they will share how BOMA members can
create partnerships and utilize this program and
mentor youth to learn about building operations
and possible careers in real estate.
Monday, April 13, 2015
11:40am -12:00 – Networking
12:00 – 1:30pm - Program
LOCATION:The Doubletree by Hilton
411 Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN
$39.00 early member registration
$44.00 late/walk-in registration
$48.00 non-member
One hour of Continuing Education is pending
To register, call 651-291-8888 or visit www.
bomastpaul.org. Cancellations must be received
by Friday, April 10th by 10:00am. Substitutions
will be honored. Credit cards are accepted online
and through the BOMA office.
Sponsored by:
Legislative Update
Friday, March 27 marks the second of three
committee deadlines during the legislative
session. By midnight Friday, bills must be
approved by policy committees in both the
House and Senate.
The House majority has released budget
targets and the Senate majority will release
their budget targets by March 27. The
legislative spring break (March 28 through
April 7) will give legislators a chance to
spend some time in their districts taking the
temperature of their voters.
Upon their return to the Capitol after break,
tax and budget negotiations will begin in
earnest. Final appropriation bills must be
reported out of House and Senate funding
committees by April 24, the final committee
Legislative Update Con’t Page 4
Chair’s Report
My how time flies. Greater Saint Paul
BOMA will be holding our annual
meeting this month as a part of our
General Membership meeting on
April 13th. Each year we hold this
meeting to provide a brief review of
our finances and establish our Board
of Directors for the following year. It
is also a great time for feedback from
our members.
We also have a great presentation on the docket at the
General Membership meeting. The Youth Initiative will
have a presentation regarding their efforts to assist youth in
the downtown area. SPPD Chief Tom Smith will also be
present to provide his support. This program has been in
place for over a year and has gotten off to a promising start.
Relying solely on police action to solve some of the youth
issues in downtown is considered only marginally effective
because it focuses on responding after the fact. The overall
goal of this initiative is to be more proactive by guiding
and redirecting youth into a more positive and productive
direction, helping them to avoid crime.
As if that isn’t enough reason to join us on April 13th we
will be handing out awards to two very deserving members
of our organization. The Chair’s Award and the Volunteer
Award are coveted each year. No spoiler here though you’ll
have to join us to see who won!
One additional note on a different topic, if you haven’t
completed the BOMA International EER survey, please do
so. The deadline is April 10th. See the information in this
newsletter for more details.
Bill Thurmes, Chair
Greater Saint Paul BOMA Board of Directors
City of Saint Paul to begin Kellogg
Boulevard reconstruction project
in April
More than 80 years after its construction, the City of Saint Paul
Public Works Department is reconstructing Kellogg Boulevard
from Market Street to Wabasha Street. The $12 million reconstruction project is anticipated to last from early April through
November 2015.
Kellogg Boulevard in downtown Saint Paul is made up of several complex and relatively unknown bridges, which were designed to seamlessly integrate with the surrounding sidewalk,
roadway, utilities and buildings. Originally built in the 1930s,
these bridges are among the 10 most deficient bridges owned
by Saint Paul.
This project will result in the closure of Kellogg Boulevard
from Market Street to Wabasha Street, the southbound lanes on
the Wabasha Bridge, and the northbound lanes of the Exchange
Street viaduct for the duration of the project. Local access to
parking facilities and businesses will be maintained throughout construction. Posted detours will redirect traffic along 7th
Street and Robert Street. (A map of the road closure and detour
is available at stpaul.gov/Kellogg.)
“The reconstruction of Kellogg Boulevard is a complex project
due to the location and intricacy of the bridges,” said Public
Works Director Kathy Lantry. “Because of this, we anticipate
unavoidable and significant impacts to downtown traffic. We
are working closely with businesses in the area to effectively
manage traffic, especially during the many events that occur at
the Xcel Energy Center, RiverCentre, and other nearby entertainment destinations during the summer.”
While the project is underway, Ramsey County is planning to
start deconstruction of the former Adult Detention Center and
Government Center West buildings, which are located adjacent
to the project area. The City of Saint Paul is coordinating closely with Ramsey County to ensure that the two projects move
forward smoothly.
To help keep the public and businesses informed, the City of
Saint Paul will distribute e-alerts ahead of any planned changes
in construction or traffic detours. To learn more about the project and sign up to receive regular construction updates, visit
You are invited to join St. Paul Saints Operations Manager Curtis
Nachtsheim and Head Groundskeeper Nick Baker on a behindthe-scenes tour of CHS Field. The tour will highlight operational
components of the ballpark and special areas, and questions from
the group will be welcomed. This interactive presentation will be
educational and FUN! Please wear comfortable shoes for walking
and plan to bring a jacket (weather permitting) as some of the tour
will be outside.
Wednesday, April 15th
11:30am – 12:45pm
LOCATION:Saint Paul Saints, CHS Stadium
360 Broadway Street, St. Paul, MN 55101
Entrance for the event will be the VIP Gate,
located on Broadway Street between 5th Street
and 6th Street (signage will be present)
$15.50 pre-registered, $17.50 walk-in
Register at www.bomastpaul.org or call 651.291.8888.
Commander Dave Mathison with the Saint Paul Downtown Beat
will be speaking on the TAP program. Dave will talk about the role
that police will play in these types of situations. Dave will let us
know when we should be calling for police assistance and what we
can expect when officers respond to a call. Dan Breen and Mark
Sargent will be discussing security’s role in the process, limits and
liability and the reasonableness when dealing with trespassing.
Mark Sargent will be talking about building visitation within the
security group, and getting to know your neighbors. This will involve
some dialogue within the group about concerns in the downtown
and visions for the future. We will finish up by discussing some
goals for the group, networking, communication and information
sharing as we move forward.
Tuesday, April 7th
12:00 – 1:30 pm
LOCATION: First National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street, 1st Floor Conference Rm
$15.50 pre-registered, $17.50 walk-in
Register at www.bomastpaul.org or call 651.291.8888.
New stadium in 2016; Super Bowl in 2018
On March 9th, Michele
Kelm-Helgen, Chair of
the Minnesota Sports
and Maureen Bausch,
CEO of the 2018 Super
Bowl Host Committee
presented to BOMA
monthly meeting. The
program provided an
Maureen Bausch
update on the stadium
construction, and insight into the planning behind the 2018
Super Bowl event.
Ms. Kelm-Helgen shared that the construction is on schedule,
and the stadium is expected to open for business in time for
the Vikings first preseason game in 2016. 210 Minnesota
businesses have participated in the construction of the stadium
with over 800 workers on-site in February. Over $800 million
in additional development investment in now planned near the
stadium which will have a significant impact on the Downtown
East area of Minneapolis.
Page 2 - Saint Paul BOMA
Security Group
Details regarding the Vikings lease were also provided. “The
Vikings are committed to renting the stadium for at least
10 days per year for the next 30 years”, said Ms. KelmHelgen. “The income from these 10 days will pay for 70%
of the annual operations for the stadium.” With the State of
Minnesota owning the facility, they are then free to rent it for
the remaining dates to cover any remaining obligations, and
potentially create a positive cash flow.
Ms. Bausch discussed the Super Bowl bid process and its larger
impact on the region. The presentation to NFL owners focused
on embracing Minnesota’s winter, and the great community of
the Twin Cities, with corporate strength, significant hospitality
infrastructure and of course the new stadium. In the end, the
Minnesota delegation beat out several other cities for the 2018
Super Bowl.
“This is the world’s premier sporting event,” said Ms. Bausch.
“We expect it to generate over $350 million in economic
benefit for the area.” Given the two weeks of events, including
the media sessions, NFL Experience, numerous parties, and
of course the game itself, over 150,000 people are expected
to visit the Twin Cities during this time. Over 10,000 local
volunteers are expected to be mobilized to support this event.
Saint Paul BOMA - Page 3
Legislative Update Con’t From Page 1
Supplemental Budget
Governor Dayton released his supplemental budget plan this
week after the recent announcement of the projected $1.86
billion surplus. Dayton’s plan focuses heavily on education,
especially on funding universal preschool ($343 million),
continuing the freeze on public college tuition, investments
in special education, and addressing teacher workforce and
retention. Other parts of his plan include increasing the Working
Family Tax Credit, and modest investments in nursing home
care, public safety and affordable workforce housing.
The Senate Transportation Policy committee took up the
Governor’s transportation proposal, which includes a 6.5
percent additional motor vehicle fuel tax, a ¾ percent increase
in the Metro Sales tax and increases in license fees. Over 120
people testified on the legislation in this week’s hearings.
The House and Senate Republican transportation proposal,
released on March 23rd, contains $7 billion in funding over
10 years and creates a new Transportation Stability Fund. The
funding includes a road and bridge account with revenue from
existing sales tax on auto parts; a metro capital improvement
account and a small cities account with revenue from existing
sales tax on rental vehicles. The proposal also contains a
Suburban County highway account and greater Minnesota bus
services account – both of which are also funded with revenue
from the existing sales tax on rental vehicles.
Both the House and Senate Tax Committees have held hearings
on several bills that take a variety of approaches to reduce the
statewide property tax on commercial/ industrial properties.
The process in the tax committees is to hear a variety of bills,
and then ultimately put together an omnibus tax bill that
contains some of the various bills that were heard. By this
time next month, we should have a better
indication of whether this property tax will
be included in a tax reduction package.
Kathy Hahne
Faegre Baker Daniels
2015 Experience Exchange Report
(EER) Surveys Now Open through
April 10th
The deadline to complete both the 2015 Office
EER and 2015 Industrial EER surveys has
been extended to Friday, April 10th. Help us
create the commercial real estate industry’s
most comprehensive resource for benchmarking
office and industrial properties by sharing your
building’s data with the appropriate survey.
It’s fast and easy to do—in fact, it takes most
respondents less than 30 minutes to complete
the online submission form. As our thanks for
completing the survey, you will receive:
• A FREE Expense Performance Comparison
(EPC) report, which shows how your building
measures up to other comparable buildings in
your market.
• P
riority access to the 2015 Office EER and or Industrial EER—
and receive deep discounts on your subscription(s).
Don’t delay, get started now! Complete the survey(s) today at eer.
boma.org and avoid last-minute stress!
Kilowatt Crackdown – Extended deadline
Sales Service Rental
Page 4 - Saint Paul BOMA
The Special Events Committee is always hard at work creating
events that benefit BOMA members! BOMA & A Brew, The Largest
Game of Catch, and the Annual Expo, are a few examples of the
networking events that the Special Events Committee has skillfully
put together. Networking is one of the most valuable marketing
tools in accelerating and maintaining success in any organization.
Becoming an involved member in any event or committee truly
enriches the experience of the member. The Special Events
Committee is filled with great and dedicated people, all who find joy
working and connecting with each other on a deeper level beyond
what monthly membership meetings alone can provide.
All BOMA members are welcome to join the Special Events
Committee. For more information about this committee or to become
involved, contact Denise Jenkins at denise.jenkins@bomastpaul.org
or 651-291-8888.
Save the dates for special events coming soon!
May 7th – Join fellow BOMA members and St. Paul Youth Initiatives
representatives for an informal, networking event. This will be
similar to the popular BOMA & A Brew events with the socializing,
refreshments and fun!
May 20th – Join downtown St. Paul tenants and employees as we
welcome the Saints to their new home in Lowertown during the
World’s Largest Game of Catch. More details will be coming about
this exciting event!
Membership Meeting Sponsorships
Now Available!
Levels of Meeting Sponsorship
Premium Meeting Sponsor
$300/meeting (Max. 2 sponsors/month)
• Front page recognition in the newsletter
• Banner Advertisement on the website registration pages
• V
erbal recognition at the membership meeting with
company logo on tables and PowerPoint
• Table sponsorship at the meeting
Classic Meeting Sponsor
$200/meeting (Max. 3 sponsors/month)
• Banner Advertisement on the website registration pages
• V
erbal recognition at the membership meeting with
company logo on tables and PowerPoint
Contact Rhonda Pape in the BOMA office for more details and
to reserve your spot!
There is still time to enter the Kilowatt Crackdown! This year’s
deadline has been extended to June 30, 2015.
Dozens of buildings representing more than 28 million square feet
of commercial office space participated in the 2014 Crackdown,
which means there is ample opportunity to get involved this year and
save even more energy and money. On the off chance you’ve never
heard of it, this year-long contest challenges St. Paul area building
owners to improve their buildings’ efficiency and pits them against
each other in a friendly competition.
Companies implement changes such as retrofitting lighting, upgrading motors and variable frequency drives, buying higher efficiency
heating or cooling equipment and conducting building tune-ups.
Xcel Energy distributes roughly $1 million in rebates each year.
Xcel Energy provides assistance by benchmarking a building’s energy use, helping building managers determine a list of suggested
improvements and locating stimulus funding and rebates to help offset the cost of improvements.
The Kilowatt Crackdown partners include BOMA Greater St. Paul,
Xcel Energy, and the St. Paul Port Authority through its Trillion
BTU project.
Proven Power Solutions
Committee Corner
According to ENERGY STAR, energy represents the single largest
operating expense for commercial buildings. The Kilowatt Crackdown not only improves a business’ economic competitiveness, it
also reduces the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions.
Winners will be awarded in the spring of 2016.
Providing custom commercial roofing services
tailored to fit your specific building and budget.
Providing custom
Scott Steigauf Roof Captain
Cell 612.598.9613
services tailored
fit your specific
building and budget.
Scott Steigauf Roof Captain
Cell 612.598.9613
Saint Paul BOMA - Page 5
Greater St. Paul Building Report Program
Autism Speaks – Light It Up Blue
April is Autism Awareness Month. Six years ago, Autism
Speaks started Light It Up Blue, a global initiative on U.Nsanctioned “World Autism Awareness Day,” April 2, to get
buildings around the world to turn their lights blue in honor
of the millions of individuals and families affected by autism.
Last April, over 10,000 landmarks, commercial buildings,
bridges, stores, schools, hotels, arenas and homes on every
continent lit blue to shine a light on autism.
We are not only raising awareness when we light up city
skylines and famous landmarks like the International Space
Station, Empire State Building, South Pole, Nelsen Mandela Bridge, The Great Buddha statue in Japan, and Christ the
Redeemer Statue in Brazil- we are also helping build understanding of what it means to be affected by autism. And, we
are building compassion for those with autism and their loved
ones. Please consider joining Target Field, IDS, Hennepin
Ave. Bridge, Stone Arch Bridge, HCMC and more on April
2nd. FOX 9 will be dedicating their morning show to Autism
Awareness and will be talking about the local support in Minnesota for the Light It Up Blue Campaign.
You can learn more about Light It Up Blue by visiting www.
Check out the video from 2014 Light It Up Blue. http://vimeo.
com/95549090 If you need a password, it is Autism1
It’s easy. Refer a building that joins Greater St. Paul BOMA
and get an incentive credit up to $500 towards BOMA programs and/or dues!
Growing the Building membership base is essential to the long
term viability of Greater Saint Paul BOMA. To support this
important outcome,
Silent Auction Donation from 2013
The staff and residents at
Crane Ordway want to thank
you all for the fund contribution. We were able to replace
the lobby furniture, as well
as most of the furniture in
the Community Room. Both
of these areas are now very
welcoming and comfortable
– not to mention beautiful! I
have attached a few photos.
Please extend an invitation
to anyone who would like to
stop by and take a tour – we are all very proud of Crane Ordway and love to show it off!
Jennifer Schemenauer - Site Manager
aeon | Crane Ordway | Renaissance Box
Assessing Water Reuse Opportunities
The Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP), in
partnership with a group of water related agencies and authorities in Minnesota, is assessing water reuse opportunities via a
The purpose of this survey is to gather information to estimate
the number of reuse applications already taking place in Minnesota, to gauge the level of interest in future applications, and
to identify any barriers and gaps in knowledge and resources
needed to implement reuse. Specifically, we are interested in
your views of water reuse within your professional role. We
hope you take the time to answer the survey, as your answers
will help shape a better understanding of how to develop a
framework for the safe and successful implementation of water reuse in Minnesota.
Please take a few moments to complete this brief survey to
provide us with additional information. This survey should not
take more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Organization
names and contact information gathered in this survey will be
used only to contact you if you state we may do so. This survey
enables you to start taking it and return to it later if you wish
Page 6 - Saint Paul BOMA
(just close your browser window without clicking the “done”
or “exit this survey” buttons and your answers will be saved
on that computer). However, once you have completed the survey and submitted your responses, you will be unable to make
changes to your responses.
The results of this survey will be summarized in a report available in late 2015.
The survey can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.
Contact MnTAP for More Information
For more information about this water reuse survey, please
contact the MnTAP project lead Mick Jost at 612.624.4694 or
via email: jostx003@umn.edu
BOMA’s Membership Committee and
staff have developed a referral program.
The idea underlying this program is to
provide an incentive to encourage individual members to refer Building prospects. This program mirrors employee
and customer referral programs that have
been used successfully by many organizations.
How does the program work?
It’s simple. When a current GSP BOMA member refers a
Building prospect (not a current Building member), and the
prospect joins GSP BOMA, the referring member is eligible
for an incentive. The incentive is worth $300 credit ($500 for
referrals received prior to 09/01/15). The credit can be used to
offset any GSP BOMA purchases. Any unused credit at the end
of the calendar year will be applied against the following year
membership dues.
To make a referral, just email or call Rhonda Pape (rhonda.
pape@bomastpaul.org : 651-238-0822) or Joe Spartz (joe.
spartz@bomastpaul.org : 651-291-2521) at the BOMA office.
Please provide the building name & location, contact name,
email and/or phone number. Contact the BOMA office for
complete details of the referral program.
Thank you for any referrals you make through this program.
Together we can build a stronger BOMA.
Security – the Big Picture: Updating, Adapting and Coming back from Crisis
Things are changing in St. Paul – with the addition of the LRT,
more restaurants, the 24/7 depot – how have you adapted your
emergency and security procedures and how should you?
What are your new responsibilities as a building owner representative? What should you be focusing on with new venues
like the Saints stadium, etc. coming online?
Have you updated your procedures? What is typical for evacuation, lock down, bomb threats and are there any trends emerging? How often do you need to conduct a security audit &
what does that look like? Drilling and testing plans and staff
is crucial. Do you have any in place and are you testing them?
What BOMA programs like the Trespasser Alert Program
(TAP) and additional resources can assist you?
In addition to a Security/Emergency check in, we will also
give you something new to think about - Physiological and
Psychological 1st Aid following a crisis and after the clean up
subsides. There needs to be a system to heal your community
post crisis. What can you do and what resources are available?
We will conclude with an interactive Q&A to find out what
is on your mind and how networking with other property and
security professionals can help improve your plans.
It is with great sadness that we pass along with the following
information: Richard “Dick” Nicoski, Age 67 of St. Paul
passed away unexpectedly on 3/19/15. Survived by loving
wife, Nancy; children, Mary (Michael), Joy, and Ann (Tyler).
Many of you may remember Dick. He worked in many
downtown Saint Paul buildings over the years as a building
Please join us for a Lunch and Learn with Crisis and Security
expert, Tim Kingsley, American Security.
Thursday, April 2nd
(Lunch and Registration begins at 11am)
Location: 180 E. 5th Street
Cost:$40 for the first attendee from company,
$30 for additional attendees from same company
$50 for Non-members
1.5 hours of Continuing Education are pending approval.
Thank you to our Sponsors
Program Sponsor:
Lunch Sponsor:
Job posting
Provide leadership and supervision for district trades and
maintenance staff; perform responsible administrative work
planning and coordinating the involvement of staff in construction, repair and maintenance projects; implementing
policies and procedures; and evaluating the quality of performance against District standards for building maintenance.
Saint Paul BOMA - Page 7
Greater Saint Paul BOMA
Phone: 651-291-8888
Fax: 651-291-1031
Greater Saint Paul Boma
First National Bank Building W2950
332 Minnesota Street
Saint Paul MN 55101
William Thurmes, Chair
Julie Bauch, Vice Chair
Shawn Wiski, Sec./Treasurer
David Ketcham
Rick Hanson
Jerry Hersman
Pat Skinner
Bruce Thompson
Tim Yohnk
Joe Spartz, President
Denise Jenkins, Editor
Greater Saint Paul BOMA Newsletter
Published Monthly by Greater Saint Paul Boma
Printed by Allegra, Marketing, Print, Mail
Statements and opinions in editorials or articles written by the publisher and staff do not necessarily represent the opinion of BOMA or its membership. Articles may be reproduced only by written
authority of the editor.
Disclaimer: All advertisements are accepted and published upon the representation that the Agency
or Advertiser is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. The Agency and/
or Advertiser will identify and hold harmless the publishers, the employees and agents of the publisher
from any advertisement including claims or suits for defamation, libel, violation of rights of privacy,
plagiarism, and copyright infringement.
Calendar 2015
Brokers Group.......................................................April 1st
Lunch & Learn.................................................... April 2nd
Security Group..................................................... April 7th
Membership Meeting......................................... April 13th
Superintendents Group....................................... April 15th
Brokers Group....................................................... May 6th
Networking Event................................................. May 7th
Membership Meeting...........................................May 11th
WLGOC.............................................................. May 20th
Page 8 - Saint Paul BOMA
Kurtis Reuper
1930 Energy Park Drive
Saint Paul, MN 55108
T: 952-261-5026
Email: kreuper@amsan.com
Brian Brom
Low Voltage Contractors, Inc.
4200 West 76th street
Edina, MN 55435-5108
T: 952-278-1081
Email: bbrom@lvcinc.com
Russell Zellmer
Langer Construction
54 East Moreland Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55118
T: 651-457-5993
Email: russ@langerconstruction.com
Al Nelson
Ram Construction Services
3065 Spruce Street, Suite 104
Little Canada, MN 55117
T: 651-765-1950
Email: anelson@ramservices.com