PARTNERSHIP MATTERS! …IN EDUCATION —be known as an expert company! …IN ADVOCACY—be known as a company that’s involved in the industry! …IN NETWORKING—be known as a company that builds relationships! 1 Partnership Level @ $3,500 Benefits: Logo and mission statement on banners/logo on the website and the NETMA, our newsletter 12 Partner Passes—tickets to attend events Opportunity to host lunch-n-learn 1 Proxy Participant—volunteer from partner company who can participate on committees (cannot be same committee as member) but will use partner passes for luncheons BOMA will host a Partner golf event First opportunity to sponsor and purchase tickets to annual events BOMA will host a Partner’s focus group 30% discount on education 20% discount on membership Members Name: _______________________________________________________ Company Name: ______________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________ YES! I want to be a BOMA Memphis Partner! Pay in 1 lump sum Find out how your company can matter! 2650 Thousand Oaks Blvd │ Suite 2150 │ Memphis, TN 38118 Office:901.260.5959 │ Fax:901.260.5963 Email: │ Pay in 3 installments—to be paid by 4.30.15 Signature: _____________________________________________________________ Return this form, no later than 12.31.14, to: 2650 Thousand Oaks Blvd │ Suite 2150 │ Memphis, TN 38118 Office:901.260.5959 │ Fax:901.260.5963 │ Email: │
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