PAGE TWO. CASS CITY CHRONICLE—FRIDAY, APRIL 1,1949. Former Cass City Boy Married in East The following account of the marriage of Jack D. Ryland, who formerly made his home in Cass City with his grandmother, Mrs. M. D. Hartt, is taken from the Times-Enterprise of Union City, Pennsylvania. Miss Joan Pattison became the bride of Jack , D. Ryland in a prettily appointed ceremony which took place at 7:00 p. m. Saturday, February 26, 1949. The wedding was performed by Rev. Perry Haines of the First Methodist Church of Union City in the home'of the bride's parents. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pattison, 69 West High Street, Union City, Pennsylvania, while the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ryland of 61 West High Street, Union City, Pennsylvania. Miss Charlene Howland attended as maid of honor, with Robert Ryland, brother of the groom, as best man. The bride appeared in a street:length- dress of navy blue crepe with white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. A street-length dress of navy blue crepe was worn by the maid of honor with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses, The mother of the bride wore a gray street-length dress with matching, accessories and wore a corsage of red roses. The groom's mother appeared in a black crepe dress with a corsage of ,red roses. The reception honoring the newlyweds took place in the home of the bride's parents following the wedding from 8:00 to 10:00, with Dorothy Burdick and Helen Szall selected to pour. The table was decorated with flowers and a four-tier wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Ryland are at Available for Immediate Delivery.... home at 51 West Union City, Pa. Both bride and graduated from the High School with the High Street, troit were Sunday dinner guests oi Mr. and Mrs. Zeffery LaClair. groom were Miss Catherine LaFave of DeUnion City troit is spending a week's vacation class of 1948. with Mrs. Alphonso Rocheleau anc other relatives. John Sawyer and son, Ivan, of Ogden, New York, who have spent the past week with Mr. and .Mrs. Mrs. Mary Law returned home Virgil Spitler, returned to their Monday after spending a week with home Wednesday. her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hartwick, and sons Straw for New Water Pipes near Cass City. Cover newly laid water pipes Mr, and Mrs. Francis Hunter, with straw or hay the fir^t winter, daughters, Sharon and Nancy Ann, even though they may be installed of Detroit were Saturday and below frost level. During the first Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. winter after the water pipes are laid, the ground over the pipes will William C. Hunter. Miss Shirley Thomas of Ann be loose. This permits the frost to Arbor is visiting Miss , Joan go down below its normal level. A Sieland and other friends this foot of hay or straw placed over the pipe line, particularly where it will week. Mrs. M. P. Freeman and Miss not. be covered with snow, can prevent any danger of damage by Margaret Burleigh returned Tues- freezing. day from Detroit where they spent the past week visiting relatives and friends. Improved Poultry House Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wall feed bins in the poultry house* Leyva, a son, at Morris Hospital can cut down the work needed to March 23. care for the laying flock. A proMr. and Mrs. Arthur Chabor and tected opening in the wall permits children, Jane and Charles, of filling the bin from the outside, and Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. Harold feed can be taken from sliding doors LaClair and three children of De- at the bottom of the bin inside. GAGETOWN CASS CITY, MICHIGAN SAND VALLEY 4-H CLUB Richard Easton, Reporter Sand Valley 4-H Club met at Sand Valley School Monday evening, March 21, at eight o'clock for their fifth regular meeting. The work of the different projects, (sewing, handicraft and cooking) were exhibited and considered by the parents of the children as good. Helen and Glendora Churchill showed a table setting demonstration which was very nicely done. The meeting was called to order by the vice president, Eileen Nowland, who conducted the business meeting which was followed by group singing and a pantomine, "Wanted a Wife," by Merl ^rown," Janet Brown, Karen Otis, Amy Churchill and Eilene Nowland. Byron Carpenter, County 4-H Club agent, spoke to the club members on new projects to v be taken up next and followed his talk by showing pictures on the screen of the different club activities. The meeting was closed and refreshments of ice cream and cake were served by refreshment committee. Vote Straight Republican April 4. Be sure those you elect are experienced and capable Americans. This election is vital to you. University Regents and those who operate our schools are up for re-election. Keep Michigan's sound educational system under real American leadership. Maintain your stand against radical activities. * FOR THE OF ALL Idaho Irrigation Idaho is third in the nation in number of irrigated acres of farmland with two and one-half million acres under irrigation. New Plymouth on Display 1111 mil i inn 111 mi i tin i u IIIK i m i mi 11 tin tnin 11 [linn 11 inn i IIHIII i til i in 11 in 11 POUR PATTERNS IN 1847 ROGERS BROS. SILVERPLATE TWO PATTERNS IN WM. ROGERS POUR PATTERNS IN COMMUNITY PLATE TWO PATTERNS IN TUDOR PLATE RED JACKET"RC"WATER SYSTEM^ ^H» I Your Feet Hurt? Open stock on all above patterns. Now is the time to complete your sets. Water at the turn of a faucet! Enjoy the convenience of running water at your summer cottage, farm home OP suburban home. The "RC" Packaged Water System comes to you factory-assembled and ready to install in a space only 20" x 18" x 20" — fits right under the kitchen sink. The "RC" is self-priming and there ?s only one moving part in ; its operation. For all shallow wells or cisterns. If the water level drops, conversion to deep well pumping is simple, inexpensive. Plan to see the Red Jacket "RC" Packaged Water System today! | Try Health Spot I Shoes We will engrave free of charge the first ten sets of silver. | FOR MEN, WOMEN I AND CHILDREN | All sizes in stock, AAAA to E | Up to size 14. A deposit of ten dollars is all that is needed, and you can take your silver with you. McConkey's Jewelry 1 X-RAY FITTINGS I Cass City, Michigan Ideal Plumbing and Heating Company mi I rimm mil i msi mm I mm mum I m immmii mm 11 mm 11 irmii itm m mf FRIDAY, SATURDAY Plymouth's new special deluxe than last year's. Special deluxe is featured above. Brilliant new models are: four-door sedan, club styling is combined with outstanding coupe, convertible club coupe ai>d riding comfort, increased roominess, station wagon. In the deluxe group and sweeping mechanical improve- are the four-door sedan and the ments in the new line of Plymouth club coupe. In addition, Plymouth automobiles. will build three deluxe models on 'Completely"redesigned, "the new a brand new 111-inch wheelbase, a Plymouth has a longer wheelbase two-door sedan, a three-passenger for a better ride and more road coupe, and a new body type, the stability, but less front and rear Suburban. overhang for easier parking and The 97-horsepower engine has imgaraging. While the silhouette has proved performance and efficiency been lowered and the width de- with a new design, cylinder head creased, there is more head and leg which increases compression ratio room and seats are wider. Typical to 7 to 1. A new chrome plated of Plymouth's many refinements is compression piston ring reduces t h e ignition-starter combination, cylinder wear and provides greater with which a turn of the key starts protection during the break-in the engine. period. There are improved oil The new Plymouths are sleek in rings for greater oil economy, while appearance. New rear-end styling a . newly-designed intake manifold provides a graceful balance with induces quicker, smoother engine the horizontal grille lines which em- warm-up and produces f a"ster throttle phasize the broadness of the front. response.' Fenders which blend perfectly into Body styling which p r o d u c e s body lines are nevertheless separate greater passenger room without exand detachable, thus avoiding sheet cessive bulk also increases visibility, metal panels so costly to repair or V-type windshields have 37 percent replace. more area and provide excellent The new Plymouth line includes vision without distortion. Windshield nine distinct automobiles. Special wipers clear 61.5 percent greater deluxe and deluxe types are oh a area and the rear 'window is 35.4 118-inch wheelbase, one inch longer percent larger. Plus Noveltoon New Saturday Midnight Preview, "Race Street" SUNDAY, MONDAY APRIL 3-4 Continuous Sunday from 3:00 p. m. Complete Roofing Service | Slate, Tile, Asbestos and Asphalt Shingles Tin or Copper Decks TUES., WED., THURS. APRIL 5-6-7 A Memorable Experience and A Great Performance ! Preston Foster, Barbara Britton, and John Ireland in "I SHOT JESSE JAMES" Plus News, Novelty, and "Popeye" Cartoon in Color COMING NEXT WEEK ! "RED STALLION OF THE ROCKIES" In Beautiful Color! EAVE TROUGHS COPPER OR GALVANIZED SKYLIGHTS SHEET METAL WORK Free Estimates Easy to work with fabrics for home sewing Broadcloth, Percales, Pique, Sharkskin New Spring Printed Broadcloths Sanforized for shrinkage protection. Mercerized for a silky lustre. High count <(136x60) all combed yarn. 36 inches wide. Color Fast! And Sturdy JHOT BUILT-UP ROOFS FOR FLAT BUILDINGS Plus World News and Disney Cartoon in Color IASY TO WORK WITH Guaranteed Roofs S Marietta Sheet Metal Works 2651 N. Lamotte St., Marlette Max S. Patrick, Prop. Phone Marlette 139 £j Our famous "Fruit Of The Loom" Percale, yd. : Supreme quality that does justice to your sewing. A riot of patterns and colors. Colors that stay fast through regular tubbings. Washfast Colors! Rayon Checked and Striped Sharkskins!, yd. ; 79e A wide range of colors that are washfast, of course. Full 41V2 inches wide. A fine taffeta-like fabric. Smart, Gay Spring Colors Waffle Weave Pique, yd 69e Of fine mercerized yarns for extra quality. All the yarns are combed. 36 inches wide. A FULL LINE OF NOTIONS FOR YOUR SEWING NEEDS
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