BOP Music School, 10th-12th April 2015, Enrolment Form Scan and email to: or Post to: Enrolments, BOP Music School, c/-‐ Thomas Brand, 17 Golders Place, Taupo 3330 AREA OF PARTICIPATION CHOIR Voice part ............................ STRINGS Instrument(s) ....................... WOODWIND Instrument(s) ...................... BRASS Instrument(s) ...................... PERCUSSION Instrument(s) ...................... OTHER Instrument(s) .................... FIRST NAME .................................................... LAST NAME .................................................... ADDRESS .................................................... .................................................... .................................................... POSTCODE .................................................... PHONE (Hm) .................................................... (Mobile).................................................. EMAIL .............................................................. Grade or experience ............................................ NOTE: helpful for choir members to have previous choral experience. INSTRUMENTALISTS – Helpful to have Grade V NAME of Chaperone if participant under 16 years experience - Please select o n e o r b o t h of the following: FULL ORCHESTRA AGE <20 / 21-25 /26-40 /41-60 />60 WIND ORCHESTRA (circle one) (SYMPHONIC BAND) I learned of the BOP Music School through (tick one or more boxes) Previous attendance Orchestra Mailed flier Band Emailed flier Choir School Internet Tertiary institute Other Specify ………………… INFORMATION REQUIRED Date of Birth : dd…../mm…../yy………. Citizenship : NZ Aust Ethnic group : NZ European NZ Permanent NZ Maori ENROLMENT FEES International student Pacific Islander Asian Other Specify ………. (supper, lunches/teas/included) Adult $125.00 Student (full-time, under 21) $60.00 Non-participating observers (supper, lunches, teas) $40.00 LESS discount if paid before Mar 1 - $15.00 per person TOTAL o Cheque Enclosed (made payable to: Bay of Plenty Music School: Taupo) o Or Payment made by Direct Credit to Westpac Bank account # 03-0430-0503003-00 on ……/……/2015 Use your last name and initials as REFERENCE. Receipts available at registration. On day of Direct Credit please email your name and amount paid to: Would you like a receipt? YES NO Enrolments to be received by Monday 30th March 2015 No refunds will be given except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the committee Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMMENTS, DIETARY REQUIREMENTS or SPECIAL NEEDS e.g. Access requirements such as wheelchair friendly spaces. Saturday Pre-Fun Concert Dinner Out In Town (paid for individually at venue). Please tick one. Master of India Thai Delight Taco Taco (Mexican) Dixie Browns Prefer to Do My Own Thing
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