Entrepreneurs Corporate clients of GLIS Effects 45. Deliver better health care 43. Invest more in personnel & resources 44. More research/ more knowledge 63. Less me needed 50. Invest in f.e. their family, education & health care 51. Buy commercial goods 52. Expand their business 53. Improve their employability 60. Social ex because of prevention pregnancy 42. More financial space 41. Better access to financing 57. Better ap of preventive 49. Improve their own health Act. Outp uts 38. Can show that they have reliable (international) 39. Access to affordable products 10. Procurement/ receive reliable medicine from GLIS on time 1. Sales through GLIS 40. Receive high quality products through timely 46. Have a higher and more stable income 47. Receive respect of their community and are proud of their work 12. Receive education & training on the use/quality of 14. Educate customers (sensitization) on health 16. Receive medication/ impact product and sell 11. Research on diseases / impact 13. Give counseling / prescription on birth control 15. Receive training in entrepreneurship and healthcare 2. Procurement of reliable products 3. Managing operating organizations in the 48. Gain knowledge and skills 20. Receive e (sensitization) 18. Report to HE 17. Create a entrepreneursplatform for sharing knowledge 4. Coordinating transport and storage 54. Acquire m knowledge a 19. Receive cou specific questio 5.Partnership managemen & financing Private customers (population) edication exclusion f f.e. of y pplication e measures more and skills Producers of HE prod 64. Savings on family income 61. People are healthier 58. Recover faster 55. When ill receive correct and high quality medicine quicker education ) on health 22. Acquire reliable medicine and high impact unseling for ons. 21. Spread information on health care through peer to nt External implementing partners / HE SI Offices 6.Product (basket) development for the BOP 62. Unnecessary expenditures lead to limitations on expenditures in other areas 59. Use of unnecessary medicine can lead to physical harm 56. Buy unneccessary medicine and health care products 23. Deliver feedback to the entrepreneur on the services and products of 76. Other producers also produce for BoP. 72. Increase size and sustainability of business 70. Damage to reputation HE 71. Tap into new market 74. Increase in turnover 68. Get inroduced to strategic partnerships 69. Access reliable information and logistics 65. Access a sustainable business model and strong brand 66. Have a reliable network of franchise entrepreneurs 25. Manage stock en sell GLIS products 24. Identify and establish new locations, partners and consult with stakeholders 7.Administration & financial management 77. Incre coopera producer 67. Employment and income 27. Recruite and train franchise entrepreneurs 26. Financial management 8. Provision of a total micro franchise solution 9. Offer affordable access for stakeholders to high quality 75. Incre environm increase 73. Gain acces through HE to markets in the BoP & the poo private market. 29. Produce & sell generic medicine & other products 28. Develop new product voor the BOP and the poor 31 a ducts Financiers of HE National government eased strategic ration between rs en distribution. eased damage to ment through ed production o new or 1. Develop en deliver adjusted packaging 30. Give credit/ prefinancing 81. Give substance to CSR policies and goals 82. Reputation increase/damage 86. Better, more effective and more sustainable implementation of policy 78.Have a good social business case with (S)ROI/Impact 32.Distribute loans, grants and investments 79.Receive a positive or negative return on investment (investers) 33.Monitor and evaluate HE results 80. Spend development budget effectively and have a high return on 87. Lower health care costs 88. Possible violation of privacy of patients/clients 83. Policy is implemented by private sector partner HE 84. Spend less for higher quality medication 85. Access to relevant population data 34. Make policy and rules to which HE must comply 35. Intermediary of indirect financing 37. Support implementation and 36. Buy medical supplies
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