The Newspaper of the World’s Best Island A Boracay-based Regional Newspaper MARCH 23-29, 2015 VOLUME 4, ISSUE No. 12 WIND POWER Nabas wind farm starts power dispatch Aside from stable power supply, the 50-megawatt wind power project of PetroWind Energy Inc. in Pawa, Nabas also attracts visitors in the town. Photo by Rainer Ibuna P etroWind Energy Inc. (PWEI) is now dispatching power to the Visayas grid, from the first phase of its 50-megawatt wind farm in Nabas town. The dispatch to the grid started on March 24, after the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) issued a provisional certificate of approval to connect for PetroWind to generate power for purposes of testing and commissioning. eight wind turbines. The Energy Regulatory Commission Currently, PWEI is developing the 36earlier allowed PetroWind to conduct MW Phase 1 of its P4 billion Nabas Wind testing and commissioning for two months, Power Project. from Jan. 17 to March 17, 2015 for the first The first dispatch was meanwhile made from the batch of wind turbine generators (WTGs), consisting of eight WTGs with a gross capacity of 16 MW. █ To Page 02 P11.50 wage increase in WV approved The Regional Tripar tite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) approved on March 27 a salary increase of P11.50 for minimum wage earners in Western Visayas. RTWPB 6 Chairman and Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Regional Director Ponciano M. Ligutom disclosed that the increase was approved by members of the Board after a long process of consultation and deliberation by all concerned and by the members of the Board. Ligutom said that the duly signed Wage Order will be sent to the National Wages and Productivity Commission (NWPC) for review. Thereafter, it will be published in the newspaper of general consultation in the region. Minimum wage earners in Region 6, particularly those in agriculture, are currently receiving P245 (for non-plantation) and P255 (for plantation) while those in non-agriculture, industrial and commercial sectors are getting P245 (for companies employing 10 workers and below) and P287 (for those employing more than 10 workers). After the increase, non-plantation workers will receive P256.50 while plantation workers will get P266.50. On the other hand, workers in nonagriculture, commercial and industrial sectors will receive P256.50 and P298.50, respectively. Ligutom said that this increase is a product of balancing act. “We tried to balance the interest of all sectors, not only of labor and management but also of the investors who wish to invest in the Region. We tried to maintain the region’s competitiveness in For more information like and follow us on attracting investors and retaining our workers,” Ligutom said. He added that the board had considered a lot of factors before coming up with a consensus on such increase like the restoration in purchasing power of the peso and compliance of employers in the previous wage increase as well as the vibrant economy of Western Visayas.* (DOLE6/Informer) /boracayinformer /RadyoTodo885Fm 02 WWW.BORACAYINFORMER.COM MARCH 23-29, 2015 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 12 INFORMER WV to have 1,291 BUB projects in 2015 A total of 1,291 projects under the projects amounting to P1.14-billion are Bottom-Up Budgeting (BUB) program will for infrastructure, 222 projects with be implemented in Western Visayas for 2015. funding allocation of P245.9-million are I n t he Reg ional Development for livelihood, while the remaining P415Council (RDC)-6 1st Quarter Meeting, million is allotted for 415 other projects. Undersecretary Austere Panadero of the Of the 1,291 BUB projects, Negros Department of the Interior and Local Occidental has a share of 416 projects Government (DILG) said that a total amounting to P526.9-million; Iloilo has 353 funding of P1.8-billion has been allocated projects worth P564-million; Antique with to the six provinces in the region from the 213 projects worth P225-million; Capiz with participating national government agencies 132 projects worth P212.5-million; Aklan (NGAs). with 128 projects amounting P212.5-million; Panadero said 654 of these BUB and Guimaras with 49 projects worth P62.5- million. According to Panadero, the BUB funding for Region 6 has increased by 19 percent in 2015 as compared to the P1.46-billion funding allocation last year. He said the BUB process aims to ensure that funding requirements for the development needs of municipalities and cities are included in agency budget proposals. T he BU B promot e s i nclu sive participation in community development by empowering civil society organizations (CSOs) to be engaged in the budgeting process. Since 2012, and after five Joint Memorandum Circulars, it has expanded its coverage and is now on its 4th run as a banner Budget and Governance Reform program. (PIA-Iloilo) GOBYERNO SA BARYO Gobyerno sa Baryo in Tayhawan, Lezo on March 28. It is a government outreach program initiated by the Aklan Provincial Government, Aklan Representative’s Office and the various government agencies in the province. AKLAN PROVINCE FB PHOTOS Nabas wind... █ From Page 01 PWEI President Milagros V. Reyes said the dispatch was in time for the summer season, wherein power demand usually increases. “The first dispatch of power to the Visayas Grid is a big milestone, not only for the Company, but also for the province of Aklan,” Reyes said. “This is the first export of power from the province of Aklan that is sourced from renewable energy. Thus far, the Nabas wind power project is the single investment in renewable energy in Aklan province that has been able to successfully dispatch power to the grid,” he added. PWEI is jointly owned by PetroGreen Energy Corp. or PGEC (40%), EEI Power Corp. (20%) and CapAsia ASEAN Wind Holdings Cooperatief U.A. (40%).* (Informer) 04 OPINION Compost to healthier living I n the past few weeks we have been enjoying fresh salad greens from our own garden. Our property is sloping and there is hardly any topsoil left. Buying garden soil is expensive, so we made our own soil—by composting. It takes time to convince people in my household that a compost pile is not a trash heap. Plastic slows down the decomposition process and should never be thrown into the compost pile. For example, MARCH 23-29, 2015 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 12 INFORMER WWW.BORACAYINFORMER.COM Footsteps Narciso Dionson leftover food in plastic bags will turn rancid but not when the food is thrown without the bag into the compost heap. This is the reason why un-segregated trash heap are smelly and attract rodents. A good compost pile has the healthy smell of the forest, an earthy smell of organic material breaking down into humus. The heat generated by composting is enough to kill most pathogenic micro-organisms. Some organic stuff takes a lot longer to break down than others. That rules out scrap lumber and plywood, as well as twigs and tree branches. Long tree branches create air pockets that prevent leaves from touching each other thus slowing down the decomposition process. But kitchen waste adds nutrients to the compost pile. Meat trimmings whether cooked or uncooked supply plenty of nitrogen needed by plants. Instead of flushing kitchen waste water down the drain, pour it on your compost heap. We all know that organic materials decay but what happens in composting is the result of a kind of bacteria called thermophylic or heat loving. These microorganisms switch on when organic material is compressed and reaches a certain amount of weight. Water helps to switch on thermophylic bacteria. This explains why dry leaves on concrete pavement take a long time to decay. One can get an idea of the depth at which thermophylic bacteria starts working by poking an arm into a compost heap. At around ten to twelve inches you can feel heat in the pile. The deeper you go, the hotter it becomes. Bacterial action and heat stops when organic matter has turned into soil. You will find out that as composting action starts in earnest the pile recedes fast and you can put more materials on top with no danger of running out of space. The process can take up to four months. Understanding how thermophylic bacteria works explains why compost bins must be made so that they are high enough to compress the pile regardless of the width of the bin. My compost bin is made of scrap lumber to a dimension of a meter wide, a meter deep and a meter high. If you cannot find enough organic waste in your yard and kitchen, reduce the width but retain the height. Old metal drums, the kind used for storing asphalt, will do. Even tires stacked up to a meter high. The gaps in between tires are needed for aeration. █ To Page 05 Informer is published by HMV Multimedia Productions, Inc. with main business office at Manggayad Main Road, Brgy. Manoc-manoc, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan, Philippines. HMV Multimedia Productions, Inc. Publisher Jonathan Cabrera, General Manager Lilia dela Cruz, Operations Manager Karen Bermejo, Editor-in-Chief Kent Jufre Taborda, Layout & Graphics Bryan Gonzales, Online Administrator Columnists & Contributors: Megs Lunn, Atty. Ronquillo Tolentino, Odon Bandiola, Narciso Dionson, Maria Solita Zaldivar-Guzman Jason Pelayo, Boracay Circulation Staff Central Office : Manggayad Main Road, Manoc-manoc, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan Tel. No. (036) 288-2418 (Operations & Marketing) Numancia Office: 2nd Floor S0-PURE Multi-business Center, Punta tulay, Bulwang, Numancia, Aklan Manila Office: Big Bag Marketing Services and Promotions Email: We b : w w w. b o r a c a y i n f o r m e r. c o m The value of education T h i s g r ad uatio n by excelling in my academics. I season, let me tell you have succeeded in doing that and I something very important am happy to make them – my family about education. This is a – proud. There is nothing wrong with realization of the value of education that; in fact, Naynay and Taytay will I want to impart to the younger be the proudest to see you on stage generation, to all the parents, and with gold medals hanging around your neck. However, if that will especially to my son, Baba. stress you until you grow up, I am Education, you should never take content with just your diploma. I do it seriously, just like life. I do not not ever want you to be pressured want you to be smart by the books but to excel because you don’t need to be intellectual based on your life to please me or anybody else. You experiences. I do not intend that you should graduate for yourself; do study hard but that you should study everything for yourself first. It is wise. You do not have to memorize because at the end of the day, people every lecture your teacher tells you are going to have their own opinion to or follow every single policy of about the choices that you make, even your school; like wearing the correct if some of them are not entitled to it. uniform because not everyone I will probably disagree to some of adheres to that anyway. You have to your decisions and it will take some follow your heart and do the things time for us to understand each other. that make you happy as long as you But rest assured that I will try my do not hurt people in the process of best to make the right choices and I chasing your dreams. Respecting, hope, I will pray tenderly to God, that obeying, and helping your teachers, He will keep you guided and blessed school personnel and classmates are all the days of your life. You do not have stay up late to the things that you must always do. Succeeding in life has no definite study for a recitation, quiz, or exam and/or fixed formula. I have been the following morning if you are there too, my baby boy. I thought already tired and sleepy. I will rather that I needed to please everybody approve that you stay up late because CLOUD WATCHING Maria Solita Zaldivar-Guzman you and Taytay have a basketball show to watch or because you are reading books or novels with me (I hope). Do not memorize your lessons verbatim and instead do not forget the moments when you felt like it was the time of your life. Discoveries change and a classic example of that is when Pluto was declared a dwarf planet. Do not force yourself to create projects made for display but become creative even if you come out bizarre. Do not create competitions in class – do not ever compare yourself to others – but make friends with people from all walks of life. Lastly, do not force yourself to become an outstanding student if you only want to make Tata and Nana happy; we will be happier if you bring home pride and honor to our family by imbibing humility and selflessness in everything that you do. █ To Page 05 Animal Welfare Counterarguments I – Part II BORACAY FURRY TAILS started a subject that, Earth is by definition a good way to certainly to those that take spend time, there’s no way in hell Michel van der Kleij even a remote interest in that these people should be criticized animal welfare, is totally for doing good, especially since incomprehensible, namely that most of them help other people too. religious argument so I will refrain there are opponents to animal “Those active in animal welfare from quoting the Bible (or any other welfare. They twist and turn to find just have too much money and are “holy” book for that matter). But if I remember correctly, “man” was arguments against us. still after our donations.” Here’s the second part of those Are all animal welfare proponents appointed to rule the animals, in arguments. rich? Yes, they are, although it modern day language: to manage “Haven’t you got more useful depends on your definition of rich. them, by God. This is pretty much things to do with your time?” Irrespective of their financial status, the same situation as when you are How I spend my time is not a yes/ these people are rich because they appointed to be the manager of a no question. I can actually do quite CARE, because they take a stand group of people. Does that mean you a few things with my time if I want. for fellow creatures. Of course, are free to abuse them, beat them The argument implies that animal some of them are even rich in the up, steal their things, even if that welfare proponents are useless monetary sense of the word. There’s gets you closer to your targets? Of parasites that laze around in the sun nothing principally wrong with course not: you will be a responsible all day and do little that contributes that. I know of many top ranking steward, a guardian and a coach. positively to society. Well, animal business managers that are rich And when it comes to the matter of welfare proponents are present in all beyond imagination. The only importance: how effective will you, facets of human society. I personally problem I have with that is that the as a manager, be after all your people k now of teachers, law yers, vast majority of them do nothing have left in disgust? Therefore, both bakers, entrepreneurs, artists, IT for the rest of the world, much less manager and workers, if I may call consultants, you name it! Apart defenseless animals. Go moan at them that, have their place and job, from their regular jobs in which them. For the record, I know many but they are all essential for reaching they already contribute considerably people that can be considered poor the common goal. And so it is with to society, they contribute more by (in financial terms) and still devote the way God appointed man as the doing voluntary work. This doesn’t some of their scarce resources, like guardian of nature: it is not a matter distract at all from their usefulness. their time and kind attention, to of whether God sees us to be more important, it is our responsible Quite the contrary, to them animal animals. welfare work is very fulfilling and “To God, people are more stewardship that matters. That is what God expects of us. therefore worth doing. Considering important than animals.” █ To Page 05 that helping fellow creatures of this I’d hate to turn this into a INFORMER MARCH 23-29, 2015 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 12 WWW.BORACAYINFORMER.COM 05 Aklan named GAD learning hub The Women’s Month celebration in Aklan Against Women and Children Everywhere was highlighted by the recognition of the (MOVE), now being replicated in various province as a certified Gender and Development local government units (LGUs) here and the (GAD) Local Learning Hub. services of the province rendered to victimAklan vice governor Gabrielle Calizo- survivors of Violence Against Women. Dr. Paloma P. Papa, PCW board member, Quimpo received the glass markers from the Philippine Commission on Women during the led the awarding of the glass markers. She awarding program at the Provincial Capitol was accompanied by Nharleen S.Millar, Chief of PCW TSD who gave the overview Building lobby. One of the glass markers is for the Aklan of the Certification of GAD Local Learning Comprehensive Center for Women (ACCW) Hub. Papa commended Aklan for having a which was received by Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer Evangelina unique group like MOVE which is in keeping with the worldwide direction that shows Gallega. The certification of Aklan GAD as a men and women are really partners in the Local Learning Hub was strongly backed up development of the community. Meanwhile, Calizo, who read the message by the institutionalization of the ACCW, the significant presence of an organization of of Governor Florencio T. Miraflores and Aklanon men – the Men Opposed to Violence delivered one of her own, expressed gratitude WV unemployement rate drops to 6% Unemployment rate in Western Visayas PSA-Aklan, said that underemployed persons went down to 6.0 percent in January 2015 from are those who are employed but express the 6.6 percent a year ago based on the results of desire to have additional hours of work in their the Labor Force Survey conducted by the present job, wanted to have additional job, or Philippine Statistics Authority. to have a new job with longer working hours. The labor force participation rate (LFPR) As a result of the declines, employment in the said month is estimated at 62.8 percent, rate in the region edges up to 94.0 percent down from the LFPR in January 2014 which in January this year from 93.4 percent in the was estimated at 63.4 percent. The labor force previous year. consists of the employed and the unemployed. The Labor Force Survey (LFS) is a Meanwhile, underemployment rate in nationwide quarterly survey of households, January this year dropped to 21.4 percent which aims to gather data on the demographic which is lower compared to 22.9 percent a year and socio-economic characteristics of the ago. Underemployment rate is the percentage population for the formulation of plans and of the underemployed to the total employed. policies affecting the labor market.* (PSARodelyn Panadero, Statistician II/OIC of Aklan) Glass Marker for Aklan Comprehensive Center for Women. Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer Evangelina Gallega (fourth from right) and Vice Governor Gabrielle Calizo-Quimpo (fourth from left) receive the GAD Local Learning Hub glass marker for the Aklan Comprehensive Center for Women from Dr. Paloma B. Papa of the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) during the awarding program at the Provincial Capitol Building Lobby as one of the major activities of the province in celebration of Women’s Month. (Photo by Venus Villanueva) to the PCW for recognizing Aklan as one of the legislation, saying Aklan has exemplified the five learning hubs in the country. objective of GAD advocacy, well-internalized Calizo thanked the PCW for the recognition by the LGUs. but stressed, too, that with it comes the She also revealed that currently, there are challenge to sustain it. more women working at the Capitol and there “We are now expected to maintain, improve are also more lady department heads. more and be living examples in the country,” “Rest assured Aklan is committed to she said. advocate GAD mainstreaming,” she stressed. She also acknowledged the power of (PIA-Aklan) BIR honors Aklan top taxpayers Awarded were Boracay business owners Federico J. Jarantilla of Seawind Resort and Hotel and Wilfredo Gelito of Willy’s Resort for individual category. Also awarded were Discovery World Corp. and Boracay Island Water Company, your whole heart into. When you have that end Inc. for the corporate category. Eralen B. de Aro, Revenue District goal in your mind, you will be the one to strive █ From Page 02 hard for it. That is what I want you to learn Officer of Revenue District Office (RDO) about education – VALUE it. No. 7 meanwhile reiterated her call to Aklan and high school seriously and then becoming Value it because it is your stepping stone taxpayers to file their income tax returns lax in college. College is the make or break to your hopes and dreams. When you value early to avoid the rush. point because it is your ticket to what you will something, you make an effort, you persevere, Authorized Agent Banks (AABs) will become in terms of your career and your source and you strive the extra mile for it. also be accommodating filers. of income. I was too obsessed with medals and My son, remember this: you do not have to BIR-Aklan Information Officer Elaine awards because I wanted to please the entire be a perfect child and you know what? No one Tirazona said banks accepting tax payments family. It is my way of giving back to them else will. You just have to be a genuine person are Land Bank of the Philippines, United and it made me glad to feel appreciated and to with respect for everyone, integrity in all of Coconut Planters Bank, Development Bank make them joyful. However, I realized that it your deeds, compassion for the less fortunate, of the Philippines, Philippine Veterans Bank, is more essential that you know your passion and love for God, your family, and mankind. It and Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company. first and what you love doing the most. will be my greatest glory to become a mother Deadline of filing of income tax returns Your career greatly depends on what you of a child who made a difference in the lives is on April 15. (Informer/PIA-Aklan) see yourself doing for the rest of your life. of others and knowing that I taught him that. We live in a world where money matters, and As young as you are, you are already making that being said, you need a stable job to tend me proud because I am the one learning these █ From Page 04 for your future family. It is not only about a life essentials from you. Thank you, Baba, and financially-rewarding job but one that you have I love you to the moon and back.* When your pile is “cooked” it is time to dig it up. If you continually put in new material, if nothing happened? Of course not: the poor meat were produced under humane and the topmost layer will still be uncooked. Shovel thing was in excruciating pain and limped, just responsible conditions, personally I would this into another bin as starter for a new pile. as you would! In other words, animals do have find that (only) a little more acceptable. Man, The layer beneath will contain a dark crumbly feelings and they are pretty much the same as am I glad I became a vegetarian, really! substance called humus. Mix this with some So to all you moaners, get out there, ours, not surprisingly! garden soil and rice husks for your potting mix do your bit for this planet and help out “You guys eat meat too, right?” and you are ready for the wonderful adventure Ahh tricky one! Well no, I gave up eating people, plants, animals, or the environment. of container gardening!* meat a long time ago and I don’t miss it for a Anything!* second. No animal should need to suffer for providing us with dinner. A number of animal welfare proponents would probably agree with me when I say that I’m not so much against the EATING of meat, but I’m dead set against the suffering of countless “food animals” such as cattle, chickens, pigs, etc. There is simply no need to make them suffer. The government should enforce laws on proper treatment of Would you like me to write about a all animals, household pets or farm animals particular subject or give feedback, please alike, rather than leaving the choice to (often contact me at aklananimalrescue@gmail. ignorant) consumers. To conclude, if the com The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) cited four top taxpayers in Aklan during the 2015 Tax Campaign Kick-Off on March 27 at the Grand Ballroom of Amigo Terrace Hotel in Iloilo City. The value of education... Bamba, I hope you do not get the wrong message here. I know how important education is. In this contemporary age, you cannot go far in your career without a diploma and sometimes you even need a Masters or a doctorate degree to get hired or promoted in your work. I bet you have heard of rags-to-riches stories like Henry Sy of SM and non-academic excellence students like Bill Gates of Apple and Albert Einstein who invented the atomic bomb. They did not excel while they were still in school but they wowed the world because they were plain geniuses who persevered. Who knows? You might be like them too, or perhaps a professional basketball player like Kobe Bryant which is what Tata prays for you to become. One of my mistakes is taking grade school Animal Welfare... █ From Page 04 “They are only animals and have no feelings” Some people will never learn. They fail to see that we are biologically so close to the majority of animals (most notably mammals of course) that it is impossible to overlook the probabilities that our “sentiments” are unique in the animal kingdom. Joy: ever come home to a wagging tail and that happy face of your dog? Sadness: ever tried to leave a puppy home alone while it was sitting near the door? Play: ever had the dog bring a ball to you? Hunger/thirst: no need to explain I would think. Shelter: leave a dog or cat in the pelting rain and see what it does different than what you would do. Pain: ever seen a dog with a broken leg run away as Compost to healthier... 06 WWW.BORACAYINFORMER.COM Kalahi bridge improves living condition of Tangalan folks Photos by Maricar Calubiran The 50-linear meter hanging foot bridge in Barangay Napatag, Tangalan provides safe passage for the residents especially the children. When Tangalan River swells, students are not able to get to Napatag-Lanipga Primary School and Panayakan National High School. Now, the hanging footbridge makes it easier for the community to bring their produce to the market and easier to take the sick to the hospital. The bridge connects Napatag to the nearest barangay Lanipga. This river crossing facility was funded under the Kapit‐Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan ‐ Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services or (Kalahi‐ CIDSS)Millennium Challenge Corporation. Kalahi-CIDSS is implemented by the Department of Social Welfare and Development in partnership with local government units (LGUs). The bridge was built with the participation of the community and the local government of Tangalan.* MARCH 23-29, 2015 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 12 INFORMER WWW.BORACAYINFORMER.COM INFORMER VOLUME 4 ISSUE 12 MARCH 23-29, 2015 07 How can you help Boracay stray dogs and cats? A BORACAY FURRY TAILS Michel van der Kleij s a temporary visitor, tourist or resident of Boracay, you must have noticed the occasional stray animals. We, the Aklan Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Center (AARRC), certainly have. Especially because tourists frequently bring us the kittens and puppies they found or alert us about stray dogs in appalling conditions. So why don’t we see more of these needy animals? Well, it is because the Boracay dog catchers are regularly catching animals. Whereas this may seem like a good thing, what they do with them certainly is not however. “Philippine dog pounds starve the animals!” Yes, it is true. There have been many independent reports and also from local residents that witness how captured animals are simply denied water and food, let alone veterinary care. We want to change all that, CONSTRUCTIVELY … But to complete our project in a reasonable amount of time, we have had to resort to Crowdfunding. Our own financial resources are very limited and without external help, it would take another five to six years to complete. The Crowdfunding project The Aklan Animal Rescue & Rehabilitation Center (AARRC) is the only animal welfare organization in northern Panay, Philippines. We have a small rescue center in Andagao but we have started construction of a much larger facility. Why? Well, if you would do a little research on Google, you would find out that near us there’s a beautiful holiday destination called Boracay. Despite the massive income from tourism, the dogs that are caught and impounded are STARVED to death in a crappy location. And this is not unique: ALL OVER the Philippines the municipal are routinely starving animals under their care. AARRC wants to show that we can do better, that starving or otherwise killing them is NOT an option. But we need your help. The construction of the shelter is funded privately and at the current rate, would take five years or more to complete. During this time hundreds of innocent souls will suffer tremendously. We have already started the main building and the first dog kennel, the latter is almost production ready. What is our solution? With the money we raise we will complete the facility with a second dog kennel (houses up to 60 or more dogs), an animal clinic and a cattery. This facility will become an important example and will go a long way to make nearby municipal pounds obsolete. This facility will allow us to train veterinary students. Furthermore, we have recently found a revolutionary method of neutering male dogs through chemical male vasectomy. Using this method we want to cover vast areas of northern Panay so that there is much, much less need to control the stray animal population by violent methods, such as culling and starving the poor things to death in the municipal pound. Together we will rescue and save thousands of precious lives. What is the human angle? The facility serves the needs of many in our community. First of all, being located in the Aklan river flood plain, the main buildings are situated on top of a 2-meter high artificial hill of 800 meters squared. During floods not only our animals will find shelter, also our immediate neighbours can sit out a flood. Our clinic will provide and support veterinary services, train (student) vets and spay/neuter campaigns, as well as provide work for local veterinarians and animal caretakers. So we’re helping the human community too! Suppor t A klan Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Center (AARRC) crowd funding project. Any amount is welcome! Visit fundraisers/animal-shelter-toreplace-dreaded-dog-pounds Puka Shell Beach JULY 21-27, 2014 MAP Puntabunga Beach BORACAY ISLAND Ilig-Iligan Beach Diniwid Beach Lapuz- Lapuz Beach Diniwid Road Boracay Kitchen Mainroad Station 1, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Tel No. (036) 288-2410 iBoracay I Boracay D’mall de Boracay, Boracay Island Malay Aklan 09053460464 Manila Showroom: G/F Forbeswood Parklane, Forbestown Center, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig Boracay Showroom: 2nd Floor Plaza Sta. Fe, Station 1, Brgy. Balabag, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan Contact No. +63-917-8104374 Email: Website: White House Resort Station 1, Boracay Island Malay Aklan Tel No. 036-288-3675 us R oad White House Resort ASYA PREMIER SUITES BORACAY Sitio Cagban, Brgy. Manoc-Manoc, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan Philippines 5608 Tel: (6336) 288.1790 Fax: (6336) 288.1789 8H Lap Boracay Plaza us- TILAPIA N' CHIPS Lap G/F Kamayan Bldg. Station 2, Balabag, Boracay Island, Malay Phone:(036) 288 2283 Hampstead Boutique Hotel BANS RESORT Station 1, Barangay Balabag, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan Tel. Nos.: (036) 288-3156 / (036) 288-3837 Fax No.: (036) 288-4510 Mobile No.: (0909) 691-1038 BANS BEACH RESORT CROWN REGENCY & CONVENTION CENTER Boat Station 2, Main Road Barangay Balabag, Boracay Island Malay, Aklan 5608, Philippines Phone number: (+6336) 506 3111 Fax number: (+6336) 506 3131 E-mail: Bulabog Road Road 1A iBoracay CANYON DE BORACAY Station 2 Alice in Wonderland, St. Boracay Island, Malay, Borocay Island, Philippines OLE Spanish Tapas Bar & Restaurant D’Mall Phase 4 -#1, Boracay Island, Malay, Aklan, Philippines Phone number: (036) 288-5940 Email: The Orient Sun Travel and Tours Across E'Mall, Zone 7 Manggayad Highway, Manoc-Manoc, Boracay Island Malay Aklan, (036) 288-2789/09278220727 Merly’s Place Cottages Boracay Lugutan Road Tulubhan Beach Angol Road Tulubhan Road LEGEND Hospital Main Road Jetty Port Beth Shalom Academy Tambisaan Road EMERGENCY HOT LINES Municipal Tourism Office Department of Tourism - D’Mall Boracay Tourist Assistant Center/PNP Boracay Action Group Red Cross Phil. Coast Guard (036) 288-7108 (036) 288-3689 (036) 288-3066 (036) 288-2338 (036) 288-2068 (036) 288-6150 For iMap inclusion, just contact: Boracay Hospital Bureau of Fire Protection Municipal Health Office Mayor’s Office Malay Auxiliary Police PNP Cagban (036) 288- 3041 (036) 288-4198 (036) 288-5624 (036) 288-8772 (036) 288-5269 (036) 288-4392 (036) 288-2418 Manoc-Manoc Beach
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