II International Boraginales Meeting Nees-Institut für Biodiversität der Pflanzen, University of Bonn Meckenheimer Allee 170, D-53115 Bonn, Germany 7—8 May 2015 Boraginales working group (http://boraginales.myspecies.info/) After our successful meeting in 2014 we want to continue the coordinated efforts. The aim of the Second International Boraginales meeting is to coordinate research efforts, develop new and strengthen existing collaborations, increase the exchange of material and information. Major Topics Taxonomy – Systematics – Biogeography – Ecology – Phytochemistry Venue The Nees-Institut für Biodiversität der Pflanzen is located in the district of Poppelsdorf in Bonn, next to the Botanical Garden of the University of Bonn and the Poppelsdorf palace. The working sessions will be held at the Nees-Institute, lunch will be served in the Botanical Gardens, free access and a guided tour to the Botanical Gardens are provided. List of participants and E-mail addresses Rıza Binzet, Mersin University, Turkey, rbinzet@gmail.com Lorenzo Cecchi, University of Florence, Italy, tasmaceto@gmail.com Juliana Chacón, University of Bonn, Germany, jchaconp@uni-bonn.de Michael W. Frohlich, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, UK, M.Frohlich@kew.org Marc Gottschling, LMU Munich, Germany, gottschling@biologie.uni-muenchen.de Matt Guiliams, UC Berkeley and Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, USA, matt.guilliams@gmail.com Kristen Hasenstab, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, USA, khasenstab@rsabg.org Hartmut H. Hilger, FU Berlin, Germany, hartmut.hilger@fu-berlin.de Julius Jeiter, University of Bonn, Germany, jjeiter@uni-bonn.de Shahrokh Kazempour Osaloo, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, skosaloo@modares.ac.ir Myriam Khoshsokhan, Islamic Azad University, Iran, m.khoshm@gmail.com Federico Luebert, University of Bonn, Germany, fluebert@uni-bonn.de Moritz Mittelbach, University of Bochum, Germany, moritz.mittelbach@rub.de Ana Otero, Real Jardín Botánico Madrid, Spain, anaoterogomez@gmail.com Massoud Ranjbar, Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran, ranjbar@basu.ac.ir Federico Selvi, University of Florence, Italy, federico.selvi@unifi.it Rajendra Shinde, St. Xavier's College, Mumbai, India, rajendra.shinde@xaviers.edu Karel Sutorý, Moravian Museum, Czech Republic, ksutory@mzm.cz Genevieve K. Walden, UC Berkeley, USA, gkwalden@gmail.com Maximilian Weigend, University of Bonn, Germany, mweigend@uni-bonn.de II International Boraginales Meeting Nees-Institut für Biodiversität der Pflanzen, University of Bonn Programme Thursday, 7 May 2015: Participants' presentations 9:00-9:15 M. Weigend: Introductory presentation 9:15-9:30 M. Gottschling: Phylogenetics of Ehretiaceae 9:35-9:50 K. Hasenstab: Systematics of Varronia (Cordiaceae) 9:55-10:10 G.K. Walden: Update to systematics of the hydrophylls J. Chacón: New insights into the phylogeny of Boraginaceae s.str. with 10:15-10:30 an emphasis on the placement of some enigmatic genera 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-11:15 S. Kazempour Osaloo: Molecular phylogeny of Boraginoideae in Iran 11:20-11:35 R. Binzet: The genus Onosma in Turkey M. Ranjbar: Systematics, taxonomy and nomenclature of the genera 11:40-11:55 Onosma and Paracaryum A. Otero: Fruit evolution in Cynoglosseae, phylogeography and 12:00-12:15 speciation drivers of Omphalodes s.l., and conservation biology of Gyrocaryum 12:20-14:00 Lunch 14:00-14:15 16:20-16:35 16:40-16:55 M. Khoshsokhan: Molecular phylogeny of Lappula and its allies in Iran H.H. Hilger: Taxa and names in Cynoglossum sensu lato (Boraginaceae, Cynoglosseae) F. Selvi and L. Cecchi: Work on the Boraginaceae at Firenze: progress 2014-2015 M. Weigend: Subfamilial classification of the Boraginaceae s.str. Coffee break M.Mittelbach: An overview of floral rewards and pollen:ovule ratios across Boraginaceae M. Guiliams: Diversification and amphitropical biogeography of the popcorn flowers (Plagiobothrys, Amsinckiinae) F. Luebert: Historical biogeography of Boraginales 19:00 Informal evening meeting 14:20-14:35 14:40-14:55 15:00-15:15 15:20-16:00 16:00-16:15 Friday, 8 May 2015: Discussion sessions 9:00-10:30 Further challenges in Boraginales research 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:30 Major gaps in the systematics of Boraginaceae 12:30-14:00 Lunch 14:00-15:00 14:00-15:30 15:30-16:00 16:00-17:00 Guided Tour Botanical Gardens of Bonn University Ecology and Biogeography of Boraginaceae s.str. Coffee break Wrap-up session
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