How to get to 4C AssoCiAtion | enViRonMentAL MAP 4C Association | 4C Secretariat Adenauerallee 108 | 53113 Bonn | Germany PHONE +49 (0)228 850 50 15 FAX +49 (0)228 850 50 20 EMAIL WEB How to get to 4C AssoCiAtion By PuBLiC tRAnsPoRt FRoM CoLogne / Bonn AiRPoRt FRoM FRAnkFuRt AiRPoRt Take bus sB60 (from Terminal 1 and 2) to Bonn Central station Take iCe at «Frankfurt Airport Fernbahnhof» and get off at «siegburg/Bonn» tiMetABLe: every 30 minutes :09 and :39 on workdays DuRAtion: 30 minutes travel time tiCket: RegioTicket 3 (EUR 6,50 one way) tiMetABLe: every 30 minutes on workdays DuRAtion: ~40 minutes travel time tiCket: Arrange a ticket reservation by your â travel agency including travel to 4C As sociation; buy a ticket at the railway counter or in the train. Airport Bus (Web-Link / German) â FRoM siegBuRg/Bonn (iCe tRAin-stAtion) German Railway Plan (Weblink) ! Other trains (type IC, RE) have a travel time of ~90 minutes Take metro 66 or 67 direction to «Bonn Bad godesberg» and get of at «Bundesrechnungshof / Auswärtiges Amt» At «siegburg/Bonn» take metro 66 or 67 direction to «Bonn Bad godesberg» and get of at «Bun- tiMetABLe: every 20 minutes on workdays DuRAtion: ~35 minutes travel time tiCket: RegioTicket 3 (EUR 4,50 one way) tiMetABLe: every 20 minutes on workdays DuRAtion: ~35 minutes travel time tiCket: RegioTicket 3 (EUR 4,50 one way) â Metro Plan Bonn (Weblink) â FRoM Bonn CentRAL stAtion Take metro lines 16, 63, 66 direction to «Bad godesberg» and get of at «Bundesrechnungshof / Auswärtiges Amt» tiMetABLe: every 5-10 minutes DuRAtion: 3 minutes travel time tiCket: RegioTicket 3 includes metro ticket 4C Association | 4C Secretariat Adenauerallee 108 | 53113 Bonn | Germany PHONE +49 (0)228 850 50 15 FAX +49 (0)228 850 50 20 EMAIL WEB desrechnungshof / Auswärtiges Amt» Metro Plan Bonn (Weblink)
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