May 3, 2015 - 9:30 A.M. Minister: Rev. Stephen Terpstra Organist: Mrs. Phyllis Alferink Prelude – “Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken” Welcome and Announcements Gathering * Call to Worship * Silent Prayer & organ response M: People of God, from where does our help come? C: Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth. * God’s Greeting * Hymn “There is a Redeemer” LUYH #833 Confession & Assurance: Preparatory for the Lord’s Supper Hymn “My Jesus, I Love Thee” LUYH #366 (Three year old’s are dismissed for Children’s Worship) PT PT Word Prayer for Illumination Scripture Reading: Luke 23:39-43; Luke 16:19-31 Sermon: “The Paradise of God: Heaven and the Intermediate State” Response Prayer of Response * Hymn “I’ll Fly Away” CH #779 PT Congregational Prayer Offertory – “And Can It Be?/Amazing Love” (Offering received for 1st - General Fund; 2nd – Faith Promise Mission support) Offertory Prayer Sending * Hymn “Soon and Very Soon” * Blessing * Doxology “Glory Be to the Father” * Postlude – “Praise God” LUYH #482 LUYH #961 PT Welcome to Borculo Christian Reformed Church! We are so glad you have chosen to worship with us today! Please join us for refreshments and fellowship following the service. We would love to meet you! We hope you find our church to be God-centered, where you hear the good news of the gospel, are challenged to live according to God’s Word, and may find good Christian friends. You are most welcome to join us in any of the activities and ministries we offer so that together, we may grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are visiting, please fill out a green visitor card in the pew rack and place it in the collection plate. We would like to offer you additional information about Jesus Christ and our church. If you have a spiritual need, please feel free to speak with Rev. Terpstra or Rev. Petroelje after the service, or send an email to or . May the Lord bless you! May 3, 2015 PRAYER I have loved you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3 The love of God is greater far than any tongue can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell; The guilty pair, bowed down with care, God gave His Son to win; His erring child He reconciled, and pardoned from his sin. O love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong! It shall forevermore endure – the saints’ and angels’ song ! C.H.156 Thanksgiving: Everything went well this week for Cal Brandsen with the medical procedure. Current Prayer Needs: ( *indicates change) **National Day of Prayer is this Thursday, May 7. *SYNOD will be meeting in June. Pray for all of the delegates and denominational administration as they prepare for these meetings. They have many reports and overtures to understand. Rev. Terpstra is one of the delegates for Zeeland Classis. *Marge N was hospitalized for a short while. She is at Freedom Inn to receive therapy. *Jody K is improving and plans to return home today, Sunday. *Joel VK's doctors feel he may have internal shingles. He is very uncomfortable. Pray for relief from pain, patience, and healing. Del H continues to have severe pain & muscle spasms in his lower back which draws all the way down through both his legs. On Wednesday he had a nuclear test of the spine but has not received those results yet. Please pray it will show what needs to be done to get relief from his pain. *Bud B is at Freedom Inn and has improved significantly. Luann W is home. Pray for healing and renewed strength. *Remember the Supreme Court especially as they weigh the future of marriage in our country. Pray for all of the families/individuals that are wrestling with depression, mental conditions, and personal needs that are unknown to others. Military Service: Steve and Kim B – Steve is stationed in Italy with the Navy. Marc and Jill B – are stationed in Tennessee. *Missionary of the month: Miss Evy S who is working in Mali, West Africa She may be contacted at this e-mail address: and there are cards in the narthex you may use to send her words of encouragement. (For changes, contact Pastor Terpstra, Pastor Petroelje, your district elder or Allan & Hermena Vanden Berg.) ANNIVERSARIES: LAST WEEK – Doug & Melanie Engelsman, Jim & MaryAnn De Jonge, Art & Betty Van Order, Harv & Sherri De Roo THIS WEEK: Don & Brenda Woodwyk, Gary & Lisa Aalderink, Brian & Tammy Walters, Don & Bette Morren IN APPRECIATION: “Thank you to all those who called, sent cards, visited ,brought in food and offered prayers after my recent accident. Thank you to Pastor Terpstra and Pastor Petroelje for their visits and encouraging words. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated!” Art Van Order “It is hard to find words to adequately express my appreciation for the many cards and other well-wishes given to me on my birthday last Sunday. Your kindness and gracious spirit reminds me again of the wonderful privilege of being part of the Borculo congregation. A big thank you also to the ladies who served the cake. I still am recovering from the overwhelming surprise of the event! Many thanks to all of you!” Pastor Petroelje **THANK YOU! THANK YOU!** We are grateful to all those who helped with set up, clean up, game & activity stations, pouring juice & coffee, making popcorn and hotdogs and many other jobs not mentioned! Your help with this church festival is so important and so appreciated! Thank you so much! ANNOUNCEMENTS Today is preparatory as we anticipate celebrating the Lord’s Supper next Sunday. To partake of The Lord's Supper you must be a member in good standing of a Bible believing church. TODAY is the last day of Catechism and there is no Intergenerational Bible study today. Thank you to the dedicated teachers for taking the time each Sunday to educate our children in the important truths of Scripture! The church has received thank yous from the following organizations for our financial support. Love INC, International Aid, Hospice of Holland, Family Research Council, Middle East Reformed Fellowship, Mission Aviation Fellowship, Man in the Mirror, Interserve USA-Deb Schout BIKE RIDERS/Bike club: There will be a short meeting after the morning service to plan the summer bike trips! We will meet in the back of the sanctuary. We would love to have more bikers join us – everyone is welcome! SENIOR HIGH YOUTH group TONIGHT at 5:00 p.m. THIS Thursday, May 7 is the Natl. Day of prayer. Our service will be at 7:00 p.m. that evening. NEXT Thursday, May 14, we will have our Ascension Day service at 7:00 p.m. The COUNCIL will meet on the 14th at 8:00, following that service. The Book Club will meet on Wednesday, May 13 at 7:15 PM in the church library to discuss Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini. Please note date change. UPDATES TO BATHROOMS: The upstairs restrooms in the hall by the elevator are being updated. The privacy dividers have been removed, the door handles now have locks, and the bathroom is a one person occupancy. Please remember this when you use them, and perhaps assist children under the age of 6, who may have difficulty opening the heavy door from the inside. ***NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY -- PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN UP!!!! You can sign up online (a link is on our church website) for your time slot, or at the table in the narthex. If you give your e-mail address for an appointment confirmation, you will receive a $10 off coupon to use if you choose to buy any portraits. Also, if you bring in any non-perishable item for the church pantry, you will receive a $5 coupon off your portrait order. We ask for everyone to participate so we can have a complete and updated pictorial directory!! You are not obligated to purchase anything, but you will receive a free 8x10 for participating! CHURCH App/Digital DIRECTORY: My Instant Church Directory We need to add your info. to this digital directory, so please fill out the form and put it in the box in the narthex. If you need a copy of this form, there are extra forms by the box in the narthex. Thank you for your participation! BATTER UP! Calling kids (boys AND girls), ages 8-13: Borculo CRC is fielding a team in our local church softball kids' fun league, and we would LOVE to have you play on the team! Games are played on Wednesday evenings, at various times, on various fields. The season begins after the school year ends and wraps up mid-July. Cost to play is free. No experience necessary. Sign up on the kids' team sheet if you are interested in playing. Contact Tim or Teresa Vander Zwaag with questions. Looking forward to a FUN time together! COOKIES: We need 4 volunteers each Sunday in the summer to bring 4 dozen cookies in the summer months. Please sign up in the narthex if you can help! **VBS REMINDER: Planning has already begun! VBS will be June 15-18 from 9:00 to noon. (Crew leaders arrive at 8:30 a.m.). We ask you to prayerfully consider helping out this year! It is always a rich blessing to everyone who is involved! Sign-up sheets will be out in May! CHURCH PANTRY - FOR MAY -- We are collecting canned meats – tuna, chicken, spam, corned beef hash, beef stew….. We also need your COUPONS, so please put them on the table in the pantry. Thanks for your help with keeping the shelves stocked, and for the opportunity to help those in need! If you have any questions about the pantry, please see Deb Machiela or Lu Busscher. FINANCIAL REPORT FOR March, 2015 Receipts General Fund Mission Fund Tuition Assistance General Fund YTD Budgeted YTD Actual Difference $33,754.20 $4,543.00 $1,867.00 $118,178.00 $110,346.20 (-$7,831.80) Disbursements: Local Classical & Synodical Missions $25,723.86 $ 8,339.20 $ 4,827.17 OTHER OFFERINGS Family Research Council Zeeland Christian School Hospice of Holland Youth for Christ W. Michigan Conference Grounds Trinity College Wycliffe Translators Capital Improvement Fund $ 876.00 $ 1,557.00 $ 538.00 $ 288.00 $ 184.00 $ 592.00 $ 664.00 $ 1,461.00 REQUESTED COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS The first Senior Serve Week of the season at the Christian Reformed Conference Grounds is May 4-8. If you are available to come and help with some general clean up, raking, and repairing we can use you! This working week will also be filled with fun, fellowship and Bible Study lead by Pastor Jake Weeda. We still have some cottages available or you can camp (the only charge is your willingness to work). Call us at 842-4478 if you are interested in coming! Come and kick off the start of summer with us at the Conference Grounds! We still have plenty of camping availability for Memorial Day Weekend, May 22-25. Full hook up is $110 and water/electric only is $95 for 3 nights of camping fun! Call us at 842-4478 to make your reservations. Mark Your Calendars for the 2015 -- Post Office Food Drive! Every year, the Post Office invites the community to help support local non-profit agencies who provide food to those in need, by donating boxed and canned food items. Last year alone, 73,000 pounds of food was donated to participating organizations! The Post Office is in need of volunteers to help with this year's event on Saturday, May 16th. Lunch will be provided for volunteers on the day of the event! Here's where you are needed: Morning Shift (9:15 am - 12:00 pm) - Assist van drivers in picking up food at houses and taking it to the DeVos Field House parking lot #60 (Lincoln and 9th Street). One driver and two helpers to a van. - Place food in boxes for Center for Women in Transition and Heights of Hope Afternoon Shift (12:45 - 4:00 pm) - Place food in boxes for Holland Rescue Mission, Community Action House and The Salvation Army - General Cleanup of parking lot Volunteers are also needed during the month of June. Small groups of 2-6 are needed to help stock donations in Holland Rescue Mission's food pantry, located at the Men's Ministry Center. New Unity Campus Celebration & Open House will be held on Friday, May 15. The community is invited to tour the new school on 48th Avenue which will be open from 12:00 – 7:00 p.m. The day will conclude with a pig roast supper from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. At 10:00 a.m. in Unity’s north gym, Holland Chr./MSU graduate and current NFL player Kirk Cousins will address students and share his testimony on the value of Christian education. The Unity community is welcome to attend and hear Kirk’s presentation at 10:00 a.m. Unity Christian is looking for volunteers to help do a clean sweep of the new school beginning May 11. This will involve going room by room and cleaning the carpet, windows, counters, walls, etc. This clean sweep is to help us get ready for the May 15 open house as well as our move into the new school this summer. If you are interested or if you have any questions, please call Nick Balcer at 616401-3542 or email If you are unable to volunteer but would like to help, we could use cleaning supplies to help our effort. Thank you to our volunteers who have worked countless hours so far keeping the site clean for the construction crews. Nepal Earthquake Response - World Renew is responding to the catastrophic earthquake that took the lives of over 5000 people in Nepal and injured thousands more in the worst disaster to strike the country in 80 years. World Renew is already working with Christian Reformed World Missions as well as two local partners to provide safe water (water purification tablets and water filtration systems), emergency food, cooking fuel, and tents to earthquake survivors. They also hope to be involved in longer-term programs with other partners as funding allows. Join us! Please call 1800-552-7972, visit or mail your gift marked, "World Renew Nepal Earthquake," to World Renew, 1700 28th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49508. God of love and justice, open our hearts and prompt us to action. MEETINGS & FELLOWSHIP THIS WEEK: Today 10:45 AM 10:45 AM 5:00 PM Tuesday 7:30 PM Wednesday 9:30 AM 8:00 PM Thursday 7:00 PM Saturday 7:30AM Catechism Bike Rider’s Club meeting – back of sanctuary Youth Group Body & Soul Weekly Play Date Praise Team (A) NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE Body & Soul VOLUNTEERS AT BORCULO: HOSTS TODAY: Doug & Ter Sterk Next Sunday: Lefty & Dolores Aalderink COFFEE SERVERS TODAY: Bonnie Schrotenboer & Linda Geurink Next Sunday: Pastor Stephen & Christine Terpstra USHERS TODAY: Gary Aalderink, Steve Gruppen, Jack Busscher, Tyler Hansen Next Sunday: Chad, Jadin & Bryce Hunderman, Chris Van Huis NURSERY TODAY: AM: Sue Boeve, Christine Terpstra, Elizabeth Bosch PM: Vernee Kloosterman, Anna Terpstra Next Sunday: AM: Tanya Bosch, Magie Tolsma, Katie Hansen PM: Jodi Kraai, Sarah Terpstra CHILDREN’S WORSHIP TODAY: Bev Boeve, Sue Boeve. Lesson 3 Next Sunday: Communion Sunday – does not meet OFFERINGS TODAY: General Fund & Faith Promise PM: Kid’s Life Bible Club May 10: AM: General Fund & Holland Chr. School PM: Camp Roger May 17: AM: General Fund & Tuition Asst. PM: Crossroads Bible Institute May 24: AM: General Fund & Capital Improvement Fund PM: Family Life Center of W. Mich. Pastor’s Prayer Partner: This week: Dolores Aalderink Next week: Gert Gruppen **Letter Writer to Marc & Jill: John & Ruth Tolsma **Letter Writer to Steve Bloem: Allan & Hermena Vanden Berg May 3, 2015 - 6:30 P.M. Minister: Rev. Stephen Terpstra Organist: Mrs. Jody Broekhuizen Prelude Welcome and Announcements Gathering * Call to Worship * Silent Prayer of Invocation * Greeting * Hymn “For the Beauty of the Earth” Psalm 11 Hymn “Standing on the Promises” CH #182 CH #410 (1,2,4) Word Prayer of Illumination Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 7 Sermon: “Overflowing with Joy and Godly Grief” Response Prayer of Response * Hymn “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” Congregational Prayer Offertory – (Offering received for Kid’s Life Bible Club) Offertory Hymn “We Give Thee But Thine Own” *Apostles Creed Sending *Hymn “I Know Not Why God’s Wondrous Grace” *Benediction *Doxology “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” Postlude – LUYH #581 CH #816 LUYH #690 (1,2,3) CH #815
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