Newsletter March 2015

Join us on a sailing expedition on Spitsbergen/Svalbard
Experience Northern Norway in the best way - by sail boat
20.03.15 13:09
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- into the wild
and only reachable by sea
Dear friends, right in the middle of the Arctic Sea,
between the Norwegian mainland and the North Pole,
you will find a special gathering of islands. This unique archipelago in the Arctic is
one of the most interesting and spectacular places on Earth. Its nature; flora and
fauna combined with history and political importance make this a must place to visit
so we would like to invite you on a expedition of a life time.
The only way of exploring Svalbard during summertime is to travel by sea.
Boreal Yachting has operated on Svalbard since 2007 and our yachts sail the
archipelago around 25 weeks yearly.
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Join us on a sailing expedition on Spitsbergen/Svalbard
20.03.15 13:09
When visiting Svalbard...
The rich bird- and animal life, combined with enormous glaciers and
stunning scenery is a dream for all nature lovers and photographers. The geological
history of Svalbard can be read in every mountain we pass and reminders of ancient
creatures like Predator X and historical elements for the last 400 years can be found
over the whole archipelago.
The yacht is your home and we comfortably sail to new destinations every day.
Along the way we watch out for whales, walruses, polar bears and the extraordinary
rich bird life and stop at interesting places. The skipper & guide will plan the journey
together with you.
We spend much time a shore. Polar bear is a natural part of the habitat, and we,
as human beings need to accept that we are guest on their land and behave
accordingly. The guide will ensure that you are safe during land expeditions and the
skipper will take you safely throughout the sea journey. Sleeping on the yacht
eliminates the risk of a hungry visitor during night.
Food is one of the most important feel good factors. During the trip, we prepare high
quality courses based on the best available supplies. And maybe the skipper has
paid a visit to one of Europe’s best wine cellars that just happen to be in one of the
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Join us on a sailing expedition on Spitsbergen/Svalbard
20.03.15 13:09
many mines of Longyearbyen.The Norwegian chef Adolf Lindstrøm was considered to
be an important success factor for Arctic expeditions around 1900.
Boreal Yachting proudly maintains this tradition.
“After Our Arrival at Nome”
Front: Amundsen, Peder Ristvedt, Adolf
Lindström, Helmer Hansen.
Back: Godfred Hansen, Anton Lund
Visit our webpage for more information about us and our trips >>
Past Issues
New Yacht - 2015 summer season
Due to the many request we have on Svalbard we are happy to inform that we in
2015 season will operate an additional 45 feet aluminium yacht especially equipped
for sailing in the Svalbard waters.
The yacht is an OVNI 455 with 4 cabins. Two cabins with double beds and two
cabin with 2 separate bunks. Is has all required equipment for Svalbard.
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Join us on a sailing expedition on Spitsbergen/Svalbard
20.03.15 13:09
Expedition Schedule
Expeditions 2015
Expeditions 2016
Bare Boat Expeditions
6 – 18 July
27 June – 9 July
Normally 2-3 of our yachts
Liefdefjord I
are reserved for bare boat
1-8 August
1 -13 August
Liefdefjord II
Please contact us for
availability and price
Longyearbyen – Tromsø
Read more about our
expeditions >>
16- 22 August
Bellsund / Hornsund
Contact us !
Longyearbyen – Tromsø
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