I 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION U GH L SY OF B ORO VA N I A S T A A S S O C I AT ON TE S PEN N Shaping the Future through Advocacy APRIL 26-29, 2015 LANCASTER MARRIOTT & CONVENTION CENTER I U GH SY OF B ORO L V A N I A S TA A S S O C I AT ON TE S PEN N Register for the 104th Annual Conference Borough officials will learn how to “shape the future through advocacy” at PSAB’s 104th Annual Conference scheduled for April 26 -29, 2015 at the Lancaster Marriott & Convention Center. REGISTRATION (Instructions): There are two ways to register for the conference. The first way is to complete and mail the enclosed form to PSAB with a check payable to PSAB. The second way is to register online at www.boroughs.org under the “Conferences” tab. Please make sure that you designate those officials who will be attending for the first time. Spouses/guests must be registered to participate in program activities and visit the exhibits. If you can’t attend the entire conference, register for one day. The fee is $80 for Sunday, $100 for either Monday or Tuesday. To register, use Package B, C or D on the enclosed registration form. Cancellation Policy for Delegates and Spouses. Cancellations must be in writing. Full registration fee will be refunded if the cancellation notice is received no later than April 6. No refunds will be given after April 6 (substitutions will be accepted). If you have any questions, contact Mary Weller, PSAB Director of Conferences, by calling 800-232-7722, Ext. 1026 or by email at mweller@boroughs.org. Looking forward to seeing you in Lancaster in April! 2 Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition HOTEL RESERVAT (Instructions): IONS The room rate for th e Marriott is $158 + 11% occupanc y tax, per room, per night. To make reservations, visit www.hotelreservation s.boroughs.org (must use credit ca rd) or call 888-8506146. Phone reservations can be guaranteed to a credit card or followe d up with a one nig ht’s deposit by check ($ 175.38 per room, pe r night). If following up with a deposit check, ple ase make sure that you include the room confirmation number (s). The housing deadline is March 31 or until sold out. SPECIAL CONFERENCE NOTES ate Form (one form VOTING – Voting Deleg ) is on the back of per registered Borough form. To ensure the PSAB registration Delegate forms must voting eligibility, Voting April 13, 2015! be returned to PSAB by ES - Section 701 of CONFERENCE EXPENS vides reimbursement the Borough Code pro fees, and all other for mileage, registration Conference which actual expenses for the Council agrees to pay. 104th Annual Conference Lancaster Marriott & Convention Center April 26-29, 2015 Shaping the Future through Advocacy P R O G R A M Sunday, April 26 Monday, April 27 Registration (Delegates and Spouses) & Conference Gift Exchange Continental Breakfast with the Exhibitors 1 – 7 P.M. 7:30 – 8:30 A.M. Resolutions and Policy Committee Registration (Delegates and Spouses) & Conference Gift Exchange 2 – 4 P.M. 7:30 A.M. – 2 P.M. Grand Opening of the Exhibit Hall (Dinner Served) Visit the Exhibits 2 – 7 P.M. 7:30 A.M. – 2 P.M. Conference Orientation State Agency Briefing First-time Attendees and Newly Elected Officials Presiding – Jack J. Lawver, 1st Vice President Speakers – Panel of state agency representatives Description – A panel of state agency representatives will review programs that are important to your borough. Speakers from PA Dept. of Environmental Protection, PA Dept. of Transportation and, the PA Dept. of General Services are among those invited to participate. 3:30 – 4:30 P.M. 8:45 – 10:30 A.M. Opening General Session 7:30 P.M. Presiding – Edward A. Child, President Presentation of the Colors National Anthem – Chuck Mummert, 2nd Vice President Keynote Address – The Current Political and Legislative Environment 7:45 P.M. Speaker – Charlie Cook, Political Analyst and Publisher of the Cook Report Description – Using poll numbers, economic indicators, and historical data, Charlie Cook will discuss Charlie Cook today’s political and legislative environments in a balanced, non-partisan way – from the policy direction of the current administration to the Congressional agenda. Edward A. Child President Jack J. Lawver 1st Vice President Business Meeting 10:30 – 11 A.M. Visit the Exhibits/Exhibit Hall Luncheon 11 A.M. – 2 P.M. (Included in PSAB Pkgs. A, C & E) Monday schedule continued on page 4 Chuck Mummert 2nd Vice President Kathleen N. DePuy Immediate Past President Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition 3 2015 Conference Program Monday, April 27 Continued C O N C U R R E N T S E S S I O N S ( 2 - 3 P. M . ) Borough Councils Association Membership and Business Meeting 2 – 3 P.M. Presiding – Carl Cox, President Advocacy: The How and Why for Public Officials Description – This session will explain how and why you need to be an effective advocate for your community. Borough Administrator Session — Roundtable Discussion 2 – 3 P.M. Mayors Association Membership Roundtable and Business Meeting Management Track – How Return to Work Programs Save Money 3:15 – 4:15 P.M. Speakers – Representatives from Keystone Insurers Group, East Coast Risk Management, and EMC Insurance Description – Injuries on the job happen. An integrated injury management approach is the key to helping employees return to work faster. Learn how to hire people “fit for the job” and help keep them safe while working. This session will cover injury management best practices that can enhance your borough’s productivity and control workers’ compensation insurance costs if your employees do get injured. 2 – 3 P.M. EVENING SESSION Presiding – Thomas Reenock, President Current Legal Issues Affecting Pennsylvania Municipalities C O N C U R R E N T S E S S I O N S ( 3 : 1 5 - 4 : 1 5 P. M . ) From Blight to Bright 3:15 – 4:15 P.M. Speaker – Representative from the Housing Alliance of PA Description – Local governments across Pennsylvania are looking for ways to reverse the blight trend. The Housing Alliance of PA will take you through four key steps your borough can take to help reduce and eliminate nuisance properties. 7 – 9 P.M. Speaker – Attorney Michael McAuliffe Miller from the Law Firm of Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellot Description – Current issues such as use of excessive force, recent labor decisions, land use, and zoning issues will be discussed. Disaster Recovery: You are Not Alone 3:15 – 4:15 P.M. Speaker – Larry Belmont, Economic Recovery Specialist, PA Recovery Resources, PA Department of Community and Economic Development Description – This presentation will examine how the PA Recovery Resources Team can assist your borough in locating resources for recovery and redevelopment following a disaster. Understanding the Needs of Our Aging Population 3:15 – 4:15 P.M. Speakers – Jonathan Johnson, Senior Policy Analyst and Christine Caldara Piatos, Communications Manager, both from the Center for Rural Pennsylvania Description – Pennsylvania has an aging population. This session will examine demographic trends and identify steps boroughs can take to make their communities more elder-friendly. 4 Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition 2015 Conference Program Tuesday, April 28 communities they serve, in order to avoid an unfortunate incident such as in Ferguson, Missouri. Continental Breakfast CONCURRENT SESSIONS (9:45- 10:45A.M.) 7:30 – 8:15 A.M. Economic Ecology Registration (Delegates and Spouses)/ Gift Exchange 9:45 – 10:45 A.M. 7:30 A.M. – NOON CONCURRENT SESSIONS (8:30- 9:30A.M.) Are Drones in Your Borough’s Future? 8:30 – 9:30 A.M. Prescribing Medical Marijuana Speakers – Attorney Michael Berry and Nabiha Syed with Levine Sullivan Koch and Schulz, LLP Description – Drones are not just bomb-dropping spy planes as many imagine. In fact, they have many uses including checking traffic conditions and aiding in law enforcement. During this session, you will learn about the use of drone technology in municipal government and about the legal landscape governing their use. 9:45 – 10:45 A.M. Connecting Outdoors 8:30 – 9:30 A.M. Speaker – Lauren Imgrund, Director of the PA Bureau of Recreation and Conservation, PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Description – Every five years, states are required to produce a new recreation plan to remain eligible for federal conservation funds. You can learn more about the 2014 plan which guides outdoor recreation programs, policies and projects, including the strategy and funding recommendations for local governments. Management Track – Natural Gas Pipelines 8:30 – 9:30 A.M. Speakers – Attorney Dave Tshudy and Attorney Michelle Skjoldal, both with Pepper Hamilton, LLP Description – Pennsylvania is home to a number of existing and proposed natural gas pipelines, some under the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission (PUC) and others under the federal Energy Regulatory Commission. This session will review the differences and how pipeline development can affect your borough. Police Track – Community Policing: Lessons Learned from Ferguson 8:30 – 9:30 A.M. Speaker – Chief Rob Martin, Susquehanna Township Police Department Description – Learn the strategies that your borough can employ to build trust between the police and the Speaker – Mark Gutshall, Founder and Vice President, LandStudies, Inc. Description – This session will focus on regional stormwater management. Case studies with the emphasis on pollutant removal and flood reduction will be covered. Speakers – Senator Mike Folmer (R-Lancaster) and Senator Daylin Leach (D-Montgomery) Description – Like Pennsylvania, many state and local governments are preparing for the legalization of medical cannabis to help treat people with diseases such as epilepsy and post-traumatic stress. In 2014, a bill to legalize medical cannabis came close to becoming law as it passed the PA Senate. This session will help attendees understand regulation and enforcement issues such as driving under the influence and smoking in public places. Management Track – Be Ready... Don’t Wait for the Pension Auditor’s Call 9:45 – 10:45 A.M. Speaker – Jim Kennedy, President, Thomas J. Anderson & Associates, Inc. Description – Learn the do’s and don’ts of pension administration including key principles; budgeting for pension liabilities; collective bargaining agreements; plan documents; and important calendar dates to assure compliance with state requirements. Police Track – The Camera is On 9:45 – 10:45 A.M. Speaker – Sergeant John Clawson, Chambersburg Borough Police Department Description – The newest tools for police departments are body cameras and car cameras. Learn what cameras can do for your police department and how they can be used to help evaluate interactions between the police and the public. Tuesday schedule continued on page 6 Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition 5 2015 Conference Program Tuesday, April 28 Continued CONCURRENT SESSIONS (11A.M.- NOON) Encouraging Women in Leadership Roles 11 A.M. – NOON Speakers – Representative Patty Kim (D-Dauphin) and Representative Mauree Gingrich (R-Lebanon) Description – Almost five times as many men hold elected office in the United States than women. This session will examine the importance of women’s leadership roles in local and state government. New Trends in Municipal Finance: Municipal Water and Wastewater Systems 11 A.M. – NOON Speakers – Attorney Donna L. Kreiser and Attorney Timothy J. Horstmann, both from McNees Wallace & Nurick Description – This session will focus on recent transactions that involve the sale, lease, or other disposition of borough water and wastewater systems. Expected topics of discussion include the recently-closed 50-year lease of the water and wastewater system of Middletown Borough, Dauphin County, and the planned sale of the wastewater system of Columbia Borough, Lancaster County. Attendees will learn about the common reasons municipalities engage in such transactions, the financial benefits that can be obtained, and potential challenges. Management Track – Zoning Up: Using Codes to Maximize Commercial Building Space 11 A.M. – NOON Speakers – Charlie Schmehl, Urban Research & Development Corporation and Harrison Bink, AIA, Bink Architectural 6 Description – Many boroughs have structures that provide offices and commercial space on the ground floors while upper floors have gone vacant; explore the use of zoning to promote, instead of obstruct, economic development and rehabs in downtowns. Learn how to work with the building codes to permit occupancy of upper floors. Police Track – Domestic Violence Hurts Everyone 11 A.M. – NOON Speaker – Detective Aaron Harnish, Lancaster Bureau of Police Description – Domestic violence affects all walks of life regardless of geographic location or income level. This session will discuss the impact of domestic violence on law enforcement, the courts, the family, and the community. Awards Luncheon 12:15 – 1:45 P.M. (Included in PSAB Packages A, D & E) C O N C U R R E N T S E S S I O N S ( 2 - 4 : 3 0 P. M . ) Certified Borough Officials (CBO): Effective Grant Writing Skills Speakers – Judy Chambers and Neal Fogle, both Economic and Community Development Educators, Penn State Extension Description – Grant opportunities are limited so it is essential for municipal officials to understand what grants are available, how to find them, and how to write and prepare the best grant applications in a competitive environment. 2 – 4:30 P.M. Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition 2015 Conference Program Basic Budgeting for Your Borough 2 – 3 P.M. Speaker – Wendy Nickerson, PSAB Outreach Consultant Description – The budget is the key to the success of your borough. Basic tips for elected officials and administrators will be covered. Legislative Update 3:15 – 4:15 P.M. Speakers – Ed Troxell, PSAB Director of Government Affairs and Ron Grutza, PSAB Regulatory Affairs Coordinator Description – This session will cover specific issues and details on current legislative initiatives under consideration in Harrisburg. This presentation will include guidelines to help you effectively lobby your legislators. Reception 6 – 6:45 P.M. (Cash Bar) Wednesday, April 29 Continental Breakfast 8 – 8:30 A.M. Closing General Session 8:30 – 9:45 A.M. Presiding – Chuck Mummert, 2nd Vice President Legislative Panel 8:30 – 9:45 A.M. Description – This panel will be comprised of legislators from the PA House and Senate. Lawmakers will offer their perspectives on current issues and invite your questions, comments, and opinions. Closing Business Meeting – Association Business Meeting 9:45 – 10:30 A.M. Presiding – Edward A. Child, President Retiring of the Colors 10:30 A.M. Annual Banquet and Entertainment 7 P.M. (Included in PSAB Packages A & E ) Presiding – Edward A. Child, President Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition 7 Family/Guest Activities Create a memory that lasts… There are two sides to every story. And the story you bring home from Lancaster County will be no different. On one side, you’ll share memories of the expected — farmlands, family-style feasts and the Amish. On the other, the unexpected — city life, exquisite cuisine and contemporary art. Both sides are equally fascinating and filled with priceless memories. For more information visit www.padutchcountry.com. The Spouse Committee has organized an excellent program for your enjoyment. Come join the fun! Monday, April 27 9:30 A.M. - 2 P.M. Lancaster County Tour The Pennsylvania Amish of Lancaster County are America’s oldest Amish settlement. Your guide will take you deep into the heart of the PA Dutch Country. You will visit a quilt shop, a country store and Kitchen Kettle Village. This tour includes transportation, a box lunch, and a knowledgeable tour guide. Tuesday, April 28 9:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. Painting Party Join us for a fun-filled painting class, no skill required. This step by step class includes all materials plus you get to take your painting home with you. 2 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. Natural Remedies Your wellness journey is very personal, because it’s all about you. Whether you are seeking ways to optimize your health, age in a healthy way or live with a chronic condition - today, more than ever, people are searching for ways to enhance and reclaim their health. Natural Alliance will provide guidance for using natural remedies. Please make your choices from the following by March 31: _______ Lancaster Tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30 _______ Painting Party . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 _______ Natural Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 Total Enclosed . . . . . . . . . . . $ _____ Name _______________________________________ Borough_____________________________ Email ________________________________________ Phone ______________________________ *Registration with PSAB is required to attend all Family/Guest Activities. See registration form for details. Please return this form with payment by March 31 to: PSAB, 2941 N. Front Street, Harrisburg PA 17110 8 Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition TE A S S O C I AT I ON U GH SY OF B ORO N L V A I A S TA 2015 Registration Form Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs 104TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE April 26-29, 2015 — Lancaster Marriott & Convention Center S PEN N Important: To ensure voting eligibility, Voting Delegate forms must be returned to PSAB by April 13, 2015! Note: This registration form is for borough representatives only. Non-borough entities should contact Suzi Kent at skent@boroughs.org for fees. Borough: ___________________________________ Delegate Name (As you want it to appear on badge) First Time Attendee County: ___________________________________ Package Title Letter Spouse/Guest (Full Name) Package Letter 1. 2. 3. 4. Special Requirements (Please list name): _____________________________________________________ By March 31 After March 31 $250 $300 Package A - FULL PACKAGE Includes: All Sessions, Sunday Dinner/Reception, Monday & Tuesday Lunch, Tuesday Banquet, Breaks, Gift and Conference Materials $ __________ Package B – SUNDAY ONLY __ $80 $100 Includes: Sunday Exhibits, Sunday Dinner/Reception, Keynote Address, and Gift $ __________ $ Package C – MONDAY ONLY __ 100 $125 Includes: Monday’s Sessions, Lunch, Breaks, Gift and Conference Materials $ __________ $ Package D – TUESDAY ONLY __ 100 $125 Includes: Tuesday’s Sessions, Lunch, Breaks, Gift and Conference Materials $ __________ __ $ Package E – SPOUSE/GUEST PACKAGE __ 175 $200 Includes: All Sessions, Sunday Dinner/Reception, Monday & Tuesday Lunch, Tuesday Banquet, Breaks, and Gift $ __ $25 __ $65 __________ $25 Extra Awards Luncheon Ticket(s) (Tuesday, April 28) $ __________ $65 Extra Banquet Ticket(s) (Tuesday, April 28) $ __________ Total Payment $ __________ Contact Person _____________________________________________ Phone (_____)_____________________________ Email ______________________________________________ TO REGISTER: ONLINE: Go to http://www.boroughs.org (Conference Tab) BY CHECK: Complete and return this form with payment to: PSAB, 2941 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 Room Reservations – Deadline March 31, 2015 If you have a problem making a room reservation at the Marriott, please contact Mary Weller at PSAB at 800-232-7722, Ext. 1026 immediately. The room rate at the Lancaster Marriott is $158 + 11 % Occupancy Tax (Single or Double) per room, per night (includes parking). Online room reservations can be made by visiting www.hotelreservations.boroughs.org (must use credit card). Phone reservations can be made by calling 888-850-6146 – make sure you ask for the PSAB rate. Phone reservations can be guaranteed with a credit card or followed up with a one night’s deposit by check ($175.38 per room). If following up with a deposit check, please make sure that you include the room confirmation number(s). The address for the Marriott at Penn Square is 25 South Queen Street, Lancaster PA 17603. Housing deadline is March 31, 2015 or until sold out. Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition 9 Voting Delegate Form Each member Borough in good standing with the Association shall appoint a Voting Delegate for the purpose of electing the Officers of the Association and voting on proposed resolutions and policies. Council must approve the individual appointed to serve as the Voting Delegate as well as an Alternate Delegate (in case the primary appointment cannot participate in the election and voting during the annual conference). Per the PSAB Constitution, these names must be provided to the PSAB Executive Director at least 15 days (April 13, 2015) prior to the conference. The election of Officers will be held Tuesday, April 28, between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. and voting on proposed resolutions and policies will occur during the Closing Business Meeting on Wednesday, April 29. These two activities help to shape the leadership and policy platform of the Association. Participation in this process is an essential role that borough officials play in guiding the future of PSAB. ALL VOTING DELEGATES MUST BE REGISTERED TO ATTEND THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Borough of: _____________________________________________ Submitted by: _____________________________________________ (Borough Secretary) Date:______________________________________________ OUR VOTING DELEGATE WILL BE: ____________________________________________________ (Name)(Title) OUR ALTERNATE WILL BE: ____________________________________________________ (Name)(Title) Form must be returned with PSAB registration form (one per borough) no later than Monday, April 13, 2015 to: PSAB, 2941 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 10 Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition PSAB Golf Outing PSAB Golf Outing Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 9a.m. Join us for a relaxing round of golf at the Lancaster Host Resort. All levels of golfers are welcome to come and enjoy the day with us. WHERE: Lancaster Host Resort, 2300 Lincoln Highway East (Route 30) Lancaster, PA 17602 WHEN: Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 9 a.m. Shotgun start (4-player scramble). Continental breakfast available 8-9 a.m. We are playing “best ball” due to time limitations. FEE: Registration fee of $75 per person includes: green fees, cart, continental breakfast*, lunch*, water, plus additional drink tickets (tickets can be used for soda and domestic beer) and prizes. *Breakfast menu: coffee, tea, assorted danish, warm cinnamon rolls and bagels and cream cheese. *Lunch menu: barbecue chicken and ribs, hamburgers (with the fixings), hot dogs, coleslaw, baked beans, hot cornbread, chocolate cake and apple pie, plus drinks (coffee, tea, iced tea and lemonade) Lunch and prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of the outing. For additional information or special dietary requests, please contact Suzi Kent at 800-232-7722, ext. 1030 or skent@boroughs.org. Please detach and return completed form with payment by April 10, 2015. PSAB Golf Outing | Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 9 a.m. (Fee - $75 per person) Borough/Company: ____________________________ Email Address: ________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Name: _______________________________________________ Handicap (circle one) 0-15 15-25 25+ Name: _______________________________________________ Handicap (circle one) 0-15 15-25 25+ Name: _______________________________________________ Handicap (circle one) 0-15 15-25 25+ Name: _______________________________________________ Handicap (circle one) 0-15 15-25 25+ Daytime Phone Number: (________)_____________________ Total Amount Enclosed: $_______________ Please return completed form with payment by April 10, 2015 to: PA State Association of Boroughs, 2941 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 NEW: Online registration now available! Go to www.myaccount.boroughs.org and click on the “Conferences” tab. Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition 11 I 2941 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 U GH SY PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE PAID HARRISBURG PA PERMIT NO. 533 PA State Association of Boroughs OF B ORO N L V A I A S TA A S S O C I AT ON TE Return Service Requested S PEN N Annual Conference & Exhibition osed for the Registration form encl ster th Annual Conference or regi 4 10 .boroughs.org!! securely online at www April 26-29, 2015 Lancaster Marriott & Convention Center Conference Highlights Governor Tom Wolf, a resident of Mt. Wolf Borough in York County, has been invited to speak. Sessions You Can’t Miss! Governor Tom Wolf • • • • • Effective Grant Writing Women in Leadership Basic Budgeting Are Drones in Your Borough’s Future? T he Use of Body Cameras by Police Officers • Legislative and State Agency Panels • C odes Enforcement and Zoning • S tormwater and Infrastructure Management • M ayor, Council, and Administrator Panels • Much More! KEYNOTE SPEAKER Charlie Cook, a political analyst and publisher of the Cook Report, Charlie Cook will talk about today’s political and legislative environments from the policy direction of the current administration to the Congressional agenda. He’s been featured on CNN, ABC, CBS, and many others. Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs Annual Conference & Exhibition
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