Exhibitors Invintro, Amsterdam, Netherlands info@invintro.com Beyond Ballance Products Nutramedix, Jupiter, USA info@nutramedix.com Lee Cowden Protokoll Buschkühl, Düsseldorf, Germany info@buschkuehlgmbh.com Bionic-Photonen-Therapie Laboratory ArminLabs, Augsburg, Germany service@arminlabs.com Laboratory medicine Master Supplements, Victoria, USA jgthurston@comcast.net Probiotics Invitation of the self-help group Lyme-Disease in Cooperation with the Carinthian Medical Chamber to the 2nd Lyme-Disease Update in Klagenfurt (Austria) SAVE THE DATE! Laboratory Dr. Gärtner, Ravensburg, Germany dietmar.plonne@t-online.de LipoDens-laboratory medicine April, 25th 2015 IFR Medical, Malta office@ifr-medical.com Dr. Kosek Products A-9020; Universitätsstraße 65 Astris Medical Center, Helsinki, Finnland marjo.valonen@astris.fi Complementary medicine Domus Lähilääkärit Oy, Helsinki, Finnland toni.vanni@lahilaakarit.fi Treatment in chronic infektions We would particularly like to thank the spreakers who are named in this program for their major contributions to offer such a high-quality event here in Klagenfurt! SHG Borreliose Klagenfurt Location: University Klagenfurt Program of the 2nd Lyme Borreliose – Update in Klagenfurt (AUT) 9:00 Beginning Welcome & moderation Mitterdorfer Anita, MA.,M.Ed. Contact of the self-help group Lyme-Borreliosis (AUT) 1st. Talk 9:10- 9:45 a.m Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir, Himmunitas, Univ. Brüssel, (BEL) „Multiple Enzephalitis & Chronic fatigue Syndrom – Lyme diagnosis and treatment outcome“. 2nd. Talk 9:45-10:15a.m Dr. med. Dr. med.dent. Herbert Rixecker, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Saarlouis, (GER). „Dental focal infection under the aspect of chronic diseaseslike Lyme-Borreliosis“. Coffee break: 10:15- 11:00 a.m 3rd. Talk 11:00– 11:40 a.m Dr. med. Armin Schwarzbach, laboratory specialist, Augsburg, (GER) „Diagnostic laboratory efficiency of chronic infektions in tick-borne diseases“. 4th. Talk 11:40- 12: 10 a.m Dr. Toni Vänni, Borreliose Klinik Helsinki, (FIN) „.Experiences in diagnosing and treating Lyme disease and coinfections in Finland" 6th. Talk 2:00-2:30 p.m Dr. med. Albin Obiltschnig, surgeon, Klagenfurt, (AUT): „The value of Ascaris suum and Toxcara canis co-infektions with chronic lyme disease“. 7th. Talk 2:30– 3:00 p.m Dr. med. univ. Elke Schäfer, GP, Graz, (AUT): „Is it really Lyme– disease? What‘s behind my symptoms? The different pillars of a successful and approriate treatment“. Coffee Break: 3:00-3:30 pm 8. th. Talk 3:30-4:00 p.m. Marjo Valonen MD, Astris Medical Center, Helsinki, (FIN) "Case reports: Herbal treatment protocols in Lyme and coinfections". 9.th Talk 4:0-4.30 p.m. Dr. med. Mariano Bueno, Internist, Zaragoza, (ESP): „First experiences of diagnostics and treatment of LymeBorreliosis and coinfections in Spain“ . 4:45 p.m End Admission: € 30,- (included lunch & drinks) IBAN: AT 84 1700 0004 1205 1874 BIC: BFKKAT2K Admission free for members in Lyme– disease self-help groups! 5th. Talk 12:10– 12:30 a.m Registration till 18th. April: htpp://www.borreliose-hilfe.at Priv. Doz. Dr. Plonne, Ulm, (GER): „Small, dense LDL- a new risk faktor for arteriosclerosis. Mail: info@borreliose-hilfe.at Lunch 12:30– 2:00 p.m Further informations: Phone: 0043 664 5370708 Fr. Anita Mitterdorfer, MA.,M.Ed Rooms: www.klagenfurt-tourismus.at
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