Week 6 Newsletter Term 2 2015 Networking with Neighbouring Schools I have begun working with the neighbouring Principals in the three closest schools -‐ Mango Hill State School, North Lakes State College and Moreton Downs State School. The intent is to share best practice and develop stronger educational links. We are intending to externally moderate our work with them in Term 3 and look at common areas for professional development. Professional Development Last week a substantial number of the staff completed Asthma training. The school district nurse from Deception Bay provided this valuable in-‐service for staff. Parents, just a kindly reminder to ensure that the children’s puffer and other medication are current and not past their expiry date. NAPLAN At the end of the process you will receive a report in late November early December with individual results for your child where it ranks them nationally with other children in the same age cohort. The testing went very smoothly and students managed themselves very well. Special thanks to the teachers for their management & implementation of this work. Sponsorship Parents as mentioned in the previous newsletter we are currently seeking sponsorship for the proposed electric sign on the boundary of our school. In a large and growing school it is my clear desire to enhance communication through a variety of means. To this end I am looking within our broader community businesses and industries to come on board and sponsor our sign which is approximately K30. We are seeking dual sponsorship to half the financial cost to potential sponsors and I anticipate that we will be able to acknowledge you on the school sign, along with acknowledgement through the school website, with exposure to 876 families. Car Park & Road Courtesy Parents, there have been a few people parking in the drop off zone and leaving their vehicle. It would be greatly appreciated if parents could park in the allocated areas as it impedes the flow of traffic. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter. Medical Parents, we are currently updating our records and the student acute medical register must be current. Should your child have developed an allergy or medical condition please contact the office and update the information. A medical plan may also be necessary; please obtain one from your family doctor and provide this to the school. Phone Numbers Parents, many parents change their phone numbers. It is imperative that we be able to contact you should your child be ill. I invite you to please update your phone numbers and ensure we have a few authorised alternate people to contact in the advent that you are unable to be contacted. Staff Absence with Professional Development Liam Hackwood is absent Monday attending the Apple Conference and I will be attending an IPS Conference on the same day. Tuesday, Rod Alizzi will be attending day 2 of the Apple Conference. Wednesday, I will be attending the Regional Conference in Caloundra and the theme is ‘School Improvement’. Wednesday afternoon all staff will be involved in a workshop on Cyber safety, with Greg Gebhard from the Australian Communication and Media Authority. Currently some staff are also completing some online training in relation to ASD. Book a Night It is great to see that so many students are engaging so heavily with the book a night. Thank you parents for your support of this program we have some children over 90-‐100 hours of logged reading well done! Please see the diagram below which really supports our collective work around book a night. HOCs Report Week 6 What have we been working on? Premier’s Reading Challenge Premier’s Reading Challenge started on the 19th May. Teachers have been given the materials for this program and these should have been sent home with each student. The program encourages students to read 20 books over the winter months. This program works in alignment with our Book-‐A-‐Night program, however Premier’s Reading Challenge works on the number of books read, whereas Book-‐A-‐Night is the number of nights read. Report Cards Teachers are currently in the throes of finalising assessment and entering the very important and mind-‐ consuming reporting period. The collation of results, samples of work, conferencing with students and other diagnostic and formative assessment all play a crucial role in the forming of an overall view of each student’s progress in all the Key Learning Areas over the semester. Our committed teachers also review the degree of effort, focus and engagement in all classroom activities that each child has demonstrated for these underpin all learning both in and out of the classroom. Resourcing We have been continuing our work with Wendy McGruther to develop a resourcing plan at Bounty for the LIC. In addition to this, two staff members, Virginia Duff and Linda Hamilton, have been doing a fantastic job at working alongside us to plan our resources for science and maths. Thank you so much to these two for taking extra time to support our staff and students. Curriculum and Assessment Framework The curriculum and Assessment Framework is being reviewed and developed in preparation for our planning days. This also includes processes for differentiation. Pedagogical Framework The DRAFT Pedagogical Framework is in its final stages of editing before staff look at it again. This has been a collaborative process and it will underpin all of the great work we do here at Bounty. What is coming up? Year Level Planning Whilst the teachers are in reporting mode, they are also preparing to engage in the Year Level Planning sessions to be held in Week 9. We can assure you that the collaborative process between the year level teachers and support staff is of the highest level of professionalism and unwavering dedication towards providing all of our learners with the best possible opportunities to achieve at their best across all the many subject and skill areas. During the planning week, teachers will be taken off class for half day planning sessions with relief teachers taking the class helm for that period of time. An alliance between our ‘sister’ schools in close proximity to our school is being forged and nurtured to ensure relative consistency in and the highest standard of teaching and learning practices and assessment. VIP Day A V.I.P. Day is being held this Thursday morning to welcome our senior extended family and community members into our school to showcase the fine teaching and learning practices being implemented at Bounty Boulevard State School. This informal event is not to be confused with the Year 1 cohort’s History activities with their grandparents, nor the worldwide “Grandparents Day” held later in the year. Further information can be sourced from our school’s website or by contacting Lee Griffith at lgrif37@eq.edu.au. Reading Overview Over the coming weeks, we will be developing a reading overview, building on the fantastic work already done at Bounty. This will be ready for implementation in Semester 2 and will include timelines for introducing reading strategies; activities for guided reading and reading groups and will align with the Australian Curriculum. Finance Update PAYMENTS – Please ensure you are checking you have received a receipt when payment has been made for an excursion or activity. These receipts are provided to teachers daily. If you do not receive a receipt, please check with the office to ensure payment was received. Invoices are generated with at least 5 weeks’ notice for payment. Individual reminders are not sent out to parents and it is therefore imperative that you are checking that you have received a receipt for proof of payment. Information regarding events requiring payment is provided through – 1. Letter given to students 2. Website (upcoming events tab) 3. Fortnightly newsletters 4. Parent liaison emails 5. Facebook – P&C 6. Whiteboard in the office foyer Payments must be made by 11:30am on the due date – this includes payments made via direct deposit. Payments must be made at least two days prior via direct deposit to ensure payment is in the account by that time. We strongly recommend payments to be made in instalments – weekly or fortnightly to ensure payment is made in full by the due date. Payments will not be accepted after the due date. We strongly encourage parents to – 1. Sign up on the school website for notices and the fortnightly newsletter 2. Check the Upcoming Events tab on the website regularly 3. Sign up for the parent liaison emails 4. Checking the P&C Facebook page 5. Checking the whiteboard in the office foyer We encourage payments to be made by direct deposit and paying in instalments is also encouraged. Please ensure payment is made in full by the due date to ensure your child’s participation. Payments must be made between the hours of 8:15am and 11:30am. PAYMENT BY INTERNET BANKING: Payment must be made 2 days prior to ensure payment arrives by 11:30am on the due date. • • • • • School Bank Account Name: Bounty Boulevard State School General A/C BSB Number: 064-185 (CBA Branch North Lakes) Account Number: 10095351 Payment Reference: Must have student EQ ID or student name and the activity name. Please ensure permission notes are returned. ACTIVITY Canberra Trip mandatory instalment Pine Rivers Heritage Museum Tallebudgera Final Payment UPCOMING EVENTS ACTIVITY DATE 16/08/15 – 21/08/15 $200 DUE DATE FOR PAYMENT 27/05/2015 2V, 2M & 2FM – 16/06/15 2D & 2T – 17/06/15 2L, 2W & 2H – 18/06/15 17/08/15 – 21/08/15 $12.50 12/06/2015 $195 18/06/2015 $200 24/06/2015 Canberra Trip mandatory instalment Voluntary Levy 16/08/15 – 21/08/15 COST $120 or $240 for 2 or more students DEFENCE NEWS Our Defence parents are invited to attend our monthly morning tea. This will be an opportunity to meet with myself and other Defence families within the school community. Date: Monday, 1st of June Time: 9.00am – 10.00am Place: Main Staffroom RSVP: Friday, 29th of May -‐ mberg63@eq.edu.au I look forward to meeting with you all. Michelle Berger Defence School Transition Aide Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) In a few weeks’ time our Prep teachers will be coming off-‐line to complete a census that is designed to capture early childhood development across Australia. Students do not need to be present whilst the teacher completes the assessment as the instrument is based on teacher observation. Early childhood development data is captured nationally every three years. The instrument includes more than 100 questions that look at 5 domains of childhood development: • Physical health and wellbeing • Social competence • Emotional maturity • Language and cognitive skills (school based) • Communication skills and general knowledge Should you wish to learn more about the AEDC please read the attached flyer or check the website for further information. What on Week 6-‐8 May 26 May 27 May 27 May 27 May 28 May 29 Jun 1 Jun 1 -‐ Jun 3 Jun 3 Jun 4 Jun 4 Jun 5 Jun 8 Jun 9 Jun 10 Jun 11 Jun 11 Jun 12 Regional Cross Country Cybersmart Presentations Yr 3 & 4 1pm / Yr 5 & 6 2pm Road Safety Information (MBRC – Aurora Boulevard from the skate park to the traffic lights) Parent Workshop: Cybersmart Outreach presentation (LIC 5.30pm – 6.30pm) Bounty VIP Day 9am – 11am: Family members invited to view learning areas Yr 4 – 6 Athletics Field Events Trial (all day) Defence Parents Morning Tea: Staffroom 9am – 10am MBRC Yr 3 Bike Safety Program ICAS Science Pine Rivers Softball Trials Pine Rivers Rugby Union Trials Yr 4 – 6 Intra-‐house Sprints (12.30 – 3.00pm) Holiday (Queen’s Birthday) Parent Workshop: Behaviour at Bounty 2pm – 3pm (Terri Barker) P&C Meeting @ 7pm staffroom Performing Arts Showcase: 12.00pm Yr 2 / Yr 3 Audience Performing Arts Showcase: 2.00pm Yr 4 – Yr 6 Audience Winter Interschool Sport Gala Day Yr 5 & Yr 6 Hello Bounty Boulevard Community. Firstly I want to thank you all for showing your support last week during Scripture Unions Chappy Week. We had a great Sausage Sizzle on last Tuesday and on Wednesday I put on a big m orning tea for the staff here at Bounty to thank them for their support of the chaplaincy service over the past year. I have placed a diagram of the SU Qld Model of Care to help you understand the areas that the chaplaincy service covers in the life of a school. I am in need of staff and parents who are interested in being part of a service that brings hope to young people and supports the school community. The LCC (Local Chaplaincy Committee) helps support myself, the chaplain in their role in the school. We have 6 meetings a year and there are a few additional support cluster meetings to help train local LCC members from SU Qld staff. I am in need of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Church representative, P & C representative and help with Marketing and Fundraising. If you are interested or know of anyone who may be interested please let me know. Thanks again to you all, Christina Wolter.
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