P.O. Box 1160 104 Howey Steet Red Lake, Ontario P0V 2M0 SPZ: Pit Zone – Laird Lake Claim Group At SPZ gold occurs in smokey quartz vein(s) that pinch/swell from 5 cm to 30 cm width. The vein, exposed for approximately 75 m along strike, is heavily mineralized with Py and Cpy. At several locations the vein branches into many narrower veins and recombines further along strike. Due to the sheared nature of the surrounding wall rock, at several locations along strike the precise location of the vein cannot be identified. No recent work has been done to reexpose the vein at these locations. The most promising results to date in this zone occur within a continuous 20 m section of the vein where Au values are most commonly measured between 60-102 g/t. This zone is the oldest known occurrence of gold on the property, and has been extensively drill tested. In 1989 drilling, one economic grade intercept of 0.205 oz/t over 1.5 m was reported (LL-89-9). LL-89-7, collared 120 meters further west was slightly to highly anomalous (up to 0.03 oz/t over 1.7 m) from 109.8 m to the end of the hole at 157.6 m. Anomalous values continued to the end of the hole, with the last four assays of the hole being 0.010, 0.006, 0.027 and 0.001 oz/t. Not all of the core was assayed, particularly toward the bottom of the holes, and the core was not cut with a saw, but rather split (possible under/over representation). We have not specifically sampled the sheared, pyritized wall rock to the quartz vein, but others (A.Farkas, 1988) have reported it to contain up to 5.4 g/t Au. About Bounty Gold Corp Bounty Gold Corp is strategically located in the prolific Red Lake Gold Mining District. At 2,224 hectares, we hold one of the largest land packages in the Red Lake area. Each of three claim groups occupies a favourable position along key deformation zones. Over 28 million ounces of high grade gold have been mined from the prolific Red Lake District. The Red Lake District is world renowned for high grade gold deposits. Bounty Gold Corp is solely focused on high grade gold in the Red Lake District. Welcome to Red Lake, the best address in the world for high grade discoveries. http://www.bountygoldcorp.com Partner Opportunities To-date, BGC has four Laird Lake Claim Group zones with economic grade occurrences identified, over a two kilometre strike length. BGC is currently seeking a partner with solid financial backing, and a strong technical team, experienced with exploration. Very little of the property has seen exploration utilizing modern science. P.O. Box 1160 104 Howey Steet Red Lake, Ontario P0V 2M0 In 2011, work was performed on the property for Champlain Resources, which included field magnetics, chargeability and resistivity mapping. The intense magnetic high underlying Laird Lake is interpreted to be ultramafics, which are found on shore where these magnetic features breach the water surface. Gold bearing occurrences are proximal to contact with these ultramafic units. Laird Lake is further underlain by areas of significant chargeability highs. Of significance, the areas where these chargeability highs are indicated to contact the south shoreline of Laird Lake, are the locations of the Pit Zone, GBZ and EGBZ. Those three zones are on the outer, southern most edge of mapped changeability highs, with the remaining 99% of the changeability high zones underlying Laird Lake. IP data further indicates the presence of numerous structural controls and areas of potential folding. Modern understandings of the role structural controls and folded ultramafics have on high grade gold deposits in the Red Lake District have never been tested on the Laird Lake property. That coupled with the new discovery of high grade gold occurrences in the only three areas that these controls are mapped to contact the southern shore of Laird Lake, leaves BGC extremely optimistic of what lay under the surface of the lake. As previously stated, no historic exploration activity or diamond drilling has ever been performed under Laird Lake. Historic exploration and drilling was focused on areas south of the Laird Lake shoreline. For more information please contact: Jason D. LeBlanc President/CEO jason.leblanc@bountygoldcorp.com 1-807-728-3323 Chris S. LeBlanc Vice President of Exploration chris.leblanc@bountygoldcorp.com 1-807-728-1997
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