Cooperative Extension Service MAY 2007 Wayne County 200 Rolling Hills Blvd. Monticello, KY 42633-9004 (606) 348-8453 Fax: (606) 348-8460 COUNTY ANNUAL MEETING HERITAGE SKILLS RETREAT Thanks to everyone who attended and brought food for the Wayne County Extension Homemakers Annual Meeting at the High School. Dr. Edward Smith, who portrayed UK basketball coach, Adolph Rupp was really great. Our special guests were Ray and Gerri Mills. Ray played for Rupp in the early 1950’s. Homemakers who turned in 250 or more Volunteer Hours were honored. We had a wonderful time and great door prizes. Although Heritage Skills Retreat is not until September 7th and 8th at the KY Leadership Center at Jabez, we need to know now if you would like a brochure when they are available. Also, if you know of anyone who likes, painting, quilts, sewing, crafts, woodwork, baskets and more we would love to send them a brochure. This is a time for learning. You are not expected to know how to paint or sew well to do the crafts. Just call now at 348-8453 and give us your address. Please let others in the community know about this great opportunity. Some the classes include: jewelry, wooden KY shaped napkin holder, three types of baskets, sewing machine quilt patterns, fabric painting, gourd painting, felted bear, rugs, knitted scarf, several types of bird feeders, snowmen, memory photo box and more. The Extension Service most often offers transportation to Jabez. DECEASED HOMEMAKERS SHADOWBOX We are continuing to take the names of Homemakers who were Extension Homemakers members when they passed away. We will take these names through the summer and present the butterfly shadowbox at the DON’T FORGET IT’S TIME TO Homemakers Family Picnic in August. Please ELECT NEW call in all names to 348-8453. HOMEMAKERS FAMILY PICNIC We are looking at Saturday, August 18th or 25th for dates for the Homemaker Family Picnic. Please mark these two dates on your calendar. We will send another newsletter closer to time. CLUB OFFICERS AND CHOOSE HOMEMAKER OF THE YEAR!!! SUCCESSFUL BLOOD DRIVE Fifty-eight pints of blood were donated at the April Community Blood Drive. This is the largest amount of blood donated in some time. Thanks to Charity and the Craft Club for working the drive. One pint of blood can help up to three people. The next drive is June 26th. DIABETES CLASSES If you or someone in your family is diabetic, or if you have diabetes in your family history you will want to attend the free Diabetes Classes at the local Health Department. Classes are May 1st th and 5 4:30pm-6pm ET. Day classes are May 1, 8, 15, June 5, 12, 19th from 1-3:00pm. Call 1-800-9284416 ext 162 to register. SKIN SCREENING For anyone who is uninsured or underinsured Dr. Teresa Bentley will be at the Wayne County Health Department from 9am-11:30am, Friday, June 1st to do a skin screening. The screening is free for the general public. This is a service of Dr. Bentley and the Lake Cumberland Cancer Consortium of which I am a member. Wayne, Russell and Pulaski Counties have the highest number of melanoma’s in the Lake Cumberland Area. DANCING LIKE THE STARS Dance instruction will be offered at the Wayne County Extension Service for anyone in the general public who would like to register. Clark Massey and Jo Reed of Somerset are the instructors. Kids, teens, men and women may attend. You do not have to have a partner. Classes are at 7pm ET May 17th, 24th, 31st and June 7th. Registration fee for the four classes is $40 based on a class of 18 people. Various, simple steps will be taught that relate to all types of dance. Register by May 16th by mailing a check made to the Extension Service or come by the Extension Service. These classes are a result of the very successful TV program Dancing with the Stars and our local Get Moving Wayne Co. physical activity program. If you have questions call 348-8453. CHRISTMAS VILLAGE Vera DuVall was the winner of the “Wheel of Time” Mill Springs Mill print. Everyone THE MAY HOMEMAKER attending Christmas Village committee LESSON IS ON ETHICAL WILLS. meetings was eligible. Thanks to everyone BE THINKING WHO YOU who attended one or more of the committee WOULD LIKE TO WRITE AN meetings. Including Lillian Bertram, Vera DuETHICAL WILL TOO. Vall, Rebecca Hill, Barbara Shedd, Rona Randall, Polly Sartin, Grace Shearer, Joy McGinnis, Laura Dunagan and Nancy Eller. Decorative Plate Class Without your ideas and suggestions Christmas On Tuesday, May 22nd Grace Shearer is going Village would not remain successful. to share a decorative plate class she learned at the KEHA meeting. This is a very simple class and takes no talent and only 40 minutes to do. All materials are supplied for a $2 registration fee. Please bring scissors. The class starts at 4:30 p.m. and go as you like until 6:00 p.m. Call the Extension Service at 348-8453 to register by May 18th. Georgia Burton County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences COUNTY FAIR TIME It won’t be long until the County Fair. Exhibits in EXPO will be taken Thurs., July 5th from 8am-1:00pm. I would love to see your flowers, canning, vegetables, art, etc. Of course I would love to sample some of your baking. Volunteers are needed to help enter items. Volunteers are needed anytime Thurs., July 5th from 8am-8pm, Fri., July 6th from 11am-8pm and Sat., July 7th from 8am10pm. Ten Tips For A Great Old age 1. Use preventative medicine intelligently: Know your risks of age -related disease, get appropriate diagnostic and screening tests and immunizations and treat problems (like elevated blood pressure and cholesterol) in their early stages. 2. Get regular physical activity throughout life. 3. Get adequate rest and sleep. 4. Learn and practice methods of stress protection. 5. Exercise your mind as well as your body. 6. Maintain social and intellectual connections throughout life. 7. Be flexible in mind and body: Learn to adapt to losses and let go of behaviors no longer appropriate for your age. 8. Think about and try to discover for yourself the benefits of aging. 9. Do not deny the reality of aging or put energy into trying to stop it. Use the experience of aging as a stimulus for spiritual awakening and growth. 10. Keep an ongoing record of the lessons you learn, the wisdom you gain, and the values you hold. At critical points in your life, read this over, add to it, revise it and share it with people you care about. KY Extension Homemakers Meeting CELEBRATING 30 YEARS Thanks to Grace Shearer, Nancy Eller, Mollie Denney, and Wanda Dodson for representing you at the Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association meeting in Bowling Green. Thanks to Grace and Nancy for being your delegates at the business meeting. The meeting featured great workshops, a wonderful trade show, a reception by Dr. Ann Vail of UK, an ovarian cancer basket donation, recognition of those having 500 or more volunteer hours and much, much more. The 75th year of KY Extension Homemakers was kicked off and will be celebrated through the year. This year Wayne County Homemakers of the Year will receive a 75th Homemaker pin. A $45 commemorative basket is available to order. For the 2008 Christmas Village you may want to consider the 75th theme for the tree and event. Beanie’s were collected at the state meeting-a whole lot of Beanies. The International chairman’s son, who is in the service, will be going to Iraq soon. Collecting Beanie was probably bitter sweet to her. Wayne County turned in 489 Beanies. The Craft Club collected the most at 305. Five clubs and the County Organization gave $130 for shipping. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way! By next year KY Extension Homemakers want to reach the one million dollar mark for the Ovarian Cancer program. Wayne County was honored at the state meeting for giving more than $1 per member to ovarian cancer. We need to plan some things throughout 2007 and 2008 to give even more money next year to reach the $1 million goal. The Wayne County Historical Society will be celebrating 30 years on Saturday, June 9th 10am-3pm at the Museum. The Historical Society has asked Homemakers to provide refreshments with the Historical Society reimbursing for the food. In a couple of weeks the committee will be calling presidents to discuss this more. It has been suggested that the proceeds from the food be donated to the Ovarian Cancer program at UK. BLOOD DRIVE The next blood drive is Tuesday, June 26th from 12 noon - 6 p.m. Odd’s ‘N Ends is to help from 12 - 3p.m. and Busy Bees from 3 6 p.m. Please bring large deli style cookies or homemade goods. Thanks for everyone's help. ADAOPT A ROOM Wayne County Extension Homemakers have adopted a room at the Kentucky Leadership Center. The committee is currently working to redecorate the room. 4-H SUPPORT Our local 4-H program would like to thank Extension Homemakers for their time and finances to support the program. 4-H will be having a carnival and tenderloin fundraiser on Friday, May 18th at from 4:00 - 7:00. A tenderloin lunch will also be available for pick up at the Extension Service. You may want to come and eat lunch and/or supper. Grace Shearer, County President, will be calling some Homemakers to ask for some cakes, crafts, etc to donate to the event. If you would like to donate something, just call the Extension Service at 348-8453. Friday, May 18 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Wayne County Extension Office
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