April 27 7, 2015 Dear Paarents of Grad duating Senio ors, It is with h great anticipation and exxcitement thaat we look fo rward to our 2015 commeencement ceremo ony on Saturday morning, M May 23 at 9:0 00 a.m. at thee 1st Bank Cen nter, 11450 Broomfield Lane. W With this even nt only a few weeks away, I know the im mmense joy aand pride you u and your senior are feeling. This is a time to celeb brate the acco omplishmentts of your son n or daughter and I look forward d to hearing aabout new acccomplishmen nts in the nextt phase of hiss/her life. On n behalf of ou ur staff at Broomfield H High School, I extend our sincere congraatulations. Comme encement is a dignified cerremony. By kkeeping this toone, studentss, parents, an nd guests will find this to b be a much mo ore memorab ble occasion. I encourage yyou to review w the encloseed documentss as we have e tried to add dress issues re egarding the ceremony. PPlease share this information with your studentt as well. We will talk abou ut these topiccs with seniorrs at our reheearsal on Mayy 22; your reinforccement of our expectation ns is greatly ap ppreciated. Our “Grraduation 201 15” document includes maany particularrs including in nformation reegarding dresss, diplomaas and photoggraphy opporrtunities. Please refer to tthe specific to opics. I am sending the informaation in an atttachment for your convenience. We w want to make ssure you have all the speccific details w we have regaarding our ven nue. Doors to o the 1st Bankk Center will o open at 8:00 a.m. Theatree‐style seatingg will comforrtably accomm modate all of our guests. H Handicapped o only seating iis available on n the main flo oor adjacent tto the grad duates. If you u have any qu uestions, pleaase feel free tto contact Mrrs. Trujillo at heatherr.trujillo@bvssd.org. The stafff and I look fforward to seeing you on M May 23, 20155. Yours trruly, Ginge er Ramsey Ginger R Ramsey Principaal PRE‐GRADUATION EVENTS INFORMATION May 18 – May 21, 2015 ‐ SENIOR FINAL EXAMS and CHECK OUT: Please see the enclosed schedules. Checkout forms will be available on Friday, May 15 in the Main Office. Checkout time is Thursday, May 21 at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 21, 2015 ‐ SENIOR AWARDS NIGHT: Seniors, if you have received any scholarships or awards (even if you are not accepting them), please tell the Counseling Office ASAP. We want to recognize you at Senior Awards Night at 7 p.m. in the BHS Auditorium. We want to honor all our students! Your help is needed so that we have accurate information. Invitations will be sent approximately one week before the event. Invitations are based on information given to us. Please call Maria Ocampo (720‐561‐5388) if you have any questions. Friday, May 22, 2015 ‐ SENIOR CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST: Seniors are invited to meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Cafeteria for a continental breakfast. Friday, May 22, 2015 ‐ GRADUATION REHEARSAL: The graduation rehearsal in the auditorium will immediately follow the Senior Breakfast (approximately 9:30 a.m.) Friday, May 22, 2015 ‐ EAGLE FLIGHT ASSEMBLY: The Eagle Flight Assembly will be held in the Eagle Gymnasium. At this time, BHS underclassmen, teachers and staff will bid farewell to the Class of 2014. (Please, no parents, as this is the only opportunity for our BHS “family” to say goodbye to our graduates.) Friday, May 22, 2015 ‐ CAP AND GOWN DISTRIBUTION: Caps, gowns, and tassels will be distributed following Eagle Flight. GRADUATES MUST PRESENT THEIR COMPLETED CHECK‐OUT SHEET TO RECEIVE A CAP AND GOWN. We request that seniors press their gowns (with a low heat setting on their irons) for graduation. Any honors awards or National Honor Society stoles not distributed at Senior Awards Night will be distributed with the caps and gowns. Friday, May 22, 2015 ‐ SENIOR PICNIC: 12:30 – 2:00 at Midway Park (Girl Scout Shelter)‐located on Midway. Saturday, May 23, 2015 ‐ GRADUATION: • Please see http://www.1stbankcenter.com/venue‐info/directions for directions to the 1st Bank Center. • Main floor seating is reserved for graduates, BHS staff, and handicapped individuals. (No calls needed for handicap seating there is plenty of room). • Graduates assemble in the 1st Bank Center Practice Gym at 8:00 a.m. Musicians and speakers report to the stage at 7:30 a.m. for sound checks. • Processional begins at 9:00 a.m. We anticipate the graduation ceremony will be over between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m. • Please let Mrs. Trujillo know ASAP if your student does not plan to walk in the ceremony. heather.trujillo@bvsd.org Broomfield High School Final Exam Schedule and Important Dates For Seniors Second Semester 2015 Test Dates Departments to be tested: Monday, May 18, 2015 Language Arts World Languages P.E. / Health Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Science Social Studies Industrial Tech Fine Arts Wednesday, May 20, 2015 (No block schedule) Math Business Computer Science Consumer and Family Studies Thursday, May 21, 2015 (No block schedule) 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Make-up exams Senior check-out Senior Awards Night Friday, May 22, 2015 9:00 a.m. Senior Activities Cafeteria Saturday, May 23, 2015 9:00 a.m. Graduation 1st Bank Center Reminder: Upon completion of final exams, seniors will continue to attend classes and are given an opportunity to study for their upcoming exams. Seniors are expected to attend classes through Thursday, May 21, 2015. GRADUATION 2015 DATE: TIME: LOCATION: Saturday, May 23, 2015 9:00 a.m. 1st Bank Center, 11450 Broomfield Lane CEREMONY BEHAVIOR AND DRESS: The graduation ceremony is designed to honor graduates and their accomplishments. Graduates are expected to behave with dignity and respect for themselves, their school, and their friends. It is a time for families to be proud. To maintain the dignity of the ceremony without deflating the joy of the celebration, the dress and behavior code include these stipulations: 1) Students are to wear caps and gowns over street clothes. a) Acceptable attire for senior men is dress pants (no shorts), shirt with a collar, and dress shoes (no flip‐flops). b) Acceptable dress for senior women is a dress, or blouse and dress slacks or skirt (no shorts), and dress shoes (no flip‐flops). Students will be excluded from the line if inappropriately dressed. 2) Mortarboards should be worn with point on forehead. Tassels begin on the left. 3) NO decorations or adornments are allowed on caps or gowns. No corsages or boutonnieres, please. 4) Any student who is in possession or under the influence of alcohol or other illegal substances will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony. 5) Guests are requested to refrain from whistling or shouting for any one student. This will allow everyone in attendance to hear the name of each graduate. DIPLOMAS: To avoid possible mistakes and delays during the ceremony, graduates will receive a diploma case, NOT the diploma itself. The diploma will be given after the ceremony in the Practice Gymnasium at the 1st Bank Center (the same area seniors gather before the ceremony). NO diplomas will be issued before the ceremony. GRADUATION HONORS (based on G.P.A. at the end of seven semesters): Students who have earned Summa Cum Laude recognition (4.400 and above cumulative G.P.A.) will receive a medal with a gold ribbon; students who have earned Magna Cum Laude recognition (4.100 to 4.399 cumulative G.P.A.) will receive a medal with a silver ribbon; and students who have earned Cum Laude recognition (3.800 to 4.099 cumulative G.P.A.) will receive a medal with a black ribbon to wear during graduation. Honors medals and NHS stoles will be awarded to students at the Senior Awards Night (7 p.m. on May 21). PHOTOGRAPHY: A professional photographer will take pictures of all graduates as they are congratulated on stage. Ordering information will be emailed to families after graduation. An additional photographer will take candids during the ceremony to be made available to families at no charge. Parents and friends who feel a need to take pictures are asked to do so before or after the ceremony. The Jumbotron will display close‐ups of students as they walk across the stage and receive their diploma. There will be NO access to the Main Floor until after the ceremony. PARKING: Free parking will be available in the parking garage. Attendants will be available to direct guests to the garage. Handicapped parking will be available. Vehicles must display a handicapped license plate, handicapped sticker, or rearview mirror tag. Guests may also be dropped off near the main entrance if they have difficulty walking long distances.
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