MASTER OF SOCIAL POLICY AND MASTER OF ARTS Dual Degree Program THE NEXT GENERATION OF LEADERS IN GLOBAL SOCIAL POLICY The next generation of global leaders must understand the substance of social issues as well as how to design, manage and evaluate social policy. The Master of Social Policy and Master of Arts dual-degree program combines training in a specific discipline with knowledge and skills in social policy analysis, evaluation, management and leadership. PROGRAM OVERVIEW Learning from faculty at Washington University in St. Louis and Fudan University, students will gain a global perspective on social and policy issues. At Fudan University’s School of Social Development and Public Policy, students receive a Master of Arts in a specific field, such as social security (additional fields listed under Admissions requirements, page 2). At Washington University’s Brown School, students will receive a Masters of Social Policy. For the Master of Social Policy, students will study in-residence at the Brown School for twelve months. Additional Brown School courses will be taught at the School of Social Development and Public Policy by visiting Brown School faculty members. Graduates will have the necessary skills and experiences to advance social welfare and to develop and implement innovative policy approaches. They will be poised to address social problems and policy challenges through leadership positions in government, business and nonprofit organizations. D IS COVE R T H E B ROW N S C H O O L Renowned as the #1 school of social work, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report, the Brown School has been a leader in creating positive change since it was founded in 1909. This history has made the School a gathering place for the brightest service-oriented minds in the U.S.—and a sought-after destination for international students. The Brown School community includes students and faculty in social work, public health and public policy. They combine their respective fields of expertise to address complex issues locally, nationally and internationally. Our School is united by a passion for creating healthy and productive individuals and communities. “This program provides a unique experience for students to gain a global perspective on social issues and policy. Students will learn from expert faculty from top-ranked universities and interact with diverse students from around the world.” SHENYANG GUO Frank J. Bruno Distinguished Professor of Social Work Research, Brown School Assistant Vice Chancellor for International Affairs-China M A STER OF S OCI A L P O L I C Y/ M A STER O F A RTS CURRICU LU M REQU I R EM EN TS: 4 3 C R ED I T H OU R S SCHOOL OF RESIDENCE REQUIRED COURSES TOTAL CREDIT HOURS School of Social Development and Public Policy 4 required courses 12 credit hours 5 required courses Brown School 3 elective courses 27 credit hours 1 internship School of Social Development and Public Policy, taught by Brown School faculty 2 shorter courses 4 credit hours In all, students will complete 11 courses offered by the Brown School, in addition to four courses offered by the School of Social Development and Public Policy. Students who complete the coursework requirements will receive degrees from both Washington University and Fudan University. BROWN S CHOOL R EQU I R ED CO U R SES B ROW N S C H O O L E L EC T IVE S Students will take one course from each of the following program areas: Statistics Economics Politics of public policy Policy analysis Management Students will have their choice of three electives. Electives may include courses such as: Evaluation of Programs and Services Policy Design Lab Development of Programs & Services for an Aging Society IN T E RN S H IP O P P O RT UN IT IE S The 3-credit-hour internship course at the Brown School is designed to allow students to gain practical, hands-on experiences in policymaking. Students will work to develop and apply policy in a real-world setting in sites such as: International organizations Government agencies Non-governmental organizations ADMI S S I ON S REQUIR EM EN TS CO ST O F AT T E N DA N C E We welcome applications from those who seek to make significant positive change in the world. Students must meet the admissions requirements of both universities in order to pursue this dual-degree program. Tuition expenses for the 2015-16 academic year, including credit for the summer internship, will be $42,059. Courses taught by Brown School faculty on-location at Fudan University are estimated at $2,550 each. Students from the seven masters-level programs offered by Fudan University’s School of Social Development and Public Policy (Anthropology; Population, Resources and Environmental Economics; Population Studies; Psychology; Social Security; Social Work; and Sociology) are eligible to apply. Students should also budget at least $1,100 per month for living expenses and housing in a fullyfurnished apartment. For more details about the estimated cost of attendance, visit “The dual-degree program enables students to combine deep knowledge of a discipline with the skills and knowledge to be a leader and innovator in social policy. With its focus on management and leadership, the MSP/MA program prepares graduates to make a positive impact on a large scale.” CAROLYN LESOROGOL Associate Professor, Brown School Associate Dean for Global Strategy and Programs Chair, MSP/ MA Dual-Degree Program C O N TA CT US : APPLICATION INFORMATION To learn more about the admissions process at Washington University’s Brown School, please contact: T ER ESA SARAI International Program Manager, Brown School +1 314 935-3823 socialpolicy
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