Students Sing for Fair Trade - Bryn Celynnog Comprehensive School

Week beginning March 16th
Issue 7
Students Sing for Fair Trade
As a finale to a splendid Fair Trade fortnight, students
from year 7 and 8 got together to raise money for our
very own Fair Trade charity, Lend with Care.
Professional? Perhaps not but they made up for this
with bags of enthusiasm and a “won’t give up” attitude.
50p entry gave students a seat to be entertained. Mr
Stock, Mr M Roberts, Miss Jones and Mrs Walters gave a
rousing performance to start the show with ‘Summer
Nights’ from
Jessica Graham
followed with a
rendition of
‘Rolling in the
Deep’ by Adele.
Toni Murgatroyd and Alicia Price sang Ollie Murs’ ‘Dear
Darling’. We all know Titanium is a strong metal and
Jordan Perrett certainly gave a strong performance of
this Sia and Guetta song to end the show.
Evan Davies who watched the show said:
‘Although these performers shone it is not all about
them really, we held the event for the farmers in
developing countries. I did thoroughly enjoy the concert
This has been the best Fair Trade Fortnight’s
celebrations ever according to head teacher Ms Debra
Baldock. We have raised
over £200 for Fair Trade
producers, raised £50 for
our Fair Trade charity
Grace Clifford
and raised the
took us to a more classical mood with ‘I dreamed a
enthusiasm of many,
Dream’ from Les Miserables. Sophie Sims sang the Sam
many students and staff
Smith number ‘Stay with me.’
for the principles
This was followed by Chelsea Lewis and Angelina Caesar underpinning the Fair
dancing to ‘Bang Bang’ by Jessie J. Chelsea
Trade movement. Well
choreographed this dance herself so look out Paula
done Bryn!
If you would like to contact us at Bryn This Week please email
Rhifyn 7
Yr wythnos yn dechrau Mawrth 16
for the biggest Staff V
Sixth Form game of the
year. As you would
expect, Sixth Form came
out victorious, smashing
the staff two sets to nil.
Red noses were also available to purchase at lunchtime
in the week prior to Red nose day for students to wear
and show their support.
In total, we raised over £230 for Comic Relief through
these activities, which we feel is fantastic and the Year
12 students who organised
them should give themselves a
Last Friday, Year 12 students held many exciting events
well-deserved pat on the back.
for students to take part in to help raise money for
Comic Relief, the nationwide event.
Also, a huge thanks goes out
to any staff who gave up their
The events took place over break and lunch on Friday
free time to supervise the
the 13th of March and were all a resounding success. The
events and another big thanks
activities were organised and run by small groups of Year
to any students who took part
12 students who were able to have their own personal
in them and made this whole day such a success. They all
input into what they wanted to do to help raise money
had such positive attitudes towards taking part and so
for this fantastic cause.
willingly gave to charity.
The activities that were held for
“It was very successful
the students included: Face and
and a great day for both
Nail Painting, a Year 8 Football
students and staff”
Match, Zumba Class and Computer
Abigail Francis, Head Girl
Games. Tickets were available for
students to buy to be able to
“This fun-filled experiattend these events. 100% of
ence was a joy for both
moneys raised went to charity.
the staff and students. Most importantly, Bryn Celynnnog
raised a fantastic total of £350 for Comic Relief! Well
In addition to these, some activities were held for the
staff to take part in, namely a coffee morning in the staff done and thank you to the Sixth Form students for their
marvellous work and determination; without them this
event would never have been
There was also a very
possible.” Kesia Evans,
exiting volleyball match
Deputy Head Girl.
that took place at lunch in
Written by Joseph Holland,
the sports hall, which
attracted a huge crowd of Head Boy.
supporters from all years
If you would like to contact us at Bryn This Week please email
Week beginning March 16th
Issue 7
Bryn Celynnog Products
Supply The Future of
Welsh Rugby
On a sunny Sunday afternoon at St Helen’s two recent
Bryn Celynnog students, Morgan Sieniawski and Callum
Bradbury pulled on the red jersey of Wales. Having
spent five years being coached
and nurtured by Mr Roberts in
Bryn and by their local clubs, the
boys realised every young Welsh
players’ dream and ran out
against England in Swansea. The
game, which was
televised in its
entirety by S4C was
an entertaining
affair as both teams
sought to thrust
and counter thrust.
The pace of the
rugby and the skill
level on display spoke volumes for the dedication of the
players and their coaches in their formative years.
Despite a slightly shaky start Wales settled into a good
rhythm, Callum supplied a steady stream of quality
possession from the line out and Morgan at open side
flanker carried well and was a nuisance at the
breakdown. Sadly Morgan left the field after 40 or so
minutes with an injury but his contribution was already
Our congratulations to both boys, it is good to see Bryn
Celynnog’s long tradition of
producing top class rugby
players continuing. The
Welsh u18 team will play
Italy next and we wish
them well.
After school Activity Programme
Swimming/Water polo
Creative Writing Level 1
Girls football & tag rugby
Conservation Club
Free Running
Fashion Design
Film Making
Xbox, PS3 & Pool
Swimming at Cardiff
International Pool
Duke of Edinburgh
3.05 - 4.30pm
Please contact Jo Gould (Youth Participation Officer) at Beddau CEC/Youth Wing for more information or to sign up for any of the activities.
If you would like to contact us at Bryn This Week please email
Yr wythnos yn dechrau Mawrth 16
Rhifyn 7
GCSE Saturday
Art session
Year 8 Touch Rugby
Sports Hall Mr Roberts
Gym Mrs Balfry
Well done to the year 11
students who attended a
GCSE catch up session last
Saturday. Mrs Burke and
Mrs Davies opened up the
Art rooms at 8am to
allow GCSE students a
final opportunity to
develop their ideas in
readiness for the Art
exams this week. The
session ran for 4 hours
and the level of
commitment shown by all
who attended was
fantastic. The students
worked diligently
throughout the morning
and were given extra
support and advice to
help them with their
exam preparation. The
extra hours work have
made a real difference to
many of the students who
are now in a far better
position to start their
Orchestra P2 Mr Harris
Year 9 Touch Rugby
Orchestra P2 Mr Harris
Gym Mrs Balfry
Choir Practice P2 Mr Harris
Year 7 Touch Rugby
Sports Hall Mr Stock
Year 9 Strength & Conditioning
Multi-Gym Mr Roberts
Week Beginning 16/03/15 WEEK 1
Wednesday 25th March
Academic Achievement
Awards Ceremony
Thursday 26th March
Year 6 SAFE Evening
Thursday 26th March
Reward Trips
Friday 27th March
Reward Trips
Friday 27th March
Ski trip
Year 11
Mr K Taylor
Year 10
Mr K Taylor
Year 9
Mr K Taylor
Year 8
Mr K Taylor
Year 7
Mr K Taylor
If you would like to contact us at Bryn This Week please email