April 5, 2015 - Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

PHONE: 540-434-4341 • WEBSITE: www.bsccva.com
EMAIL: mmoyers@bsccva.com
OFFICE HOURS: Monday–Friday 9:00 am–4:00 pm
(Office closed Monday 12:30–1:30 for lunch)
Twinning with St. Isidore on La Gonave, Haiti
April 5, 2015 • Easter Sunday, Solemnity of the
Resurrection of the Lord
5 Abril de 2015 • Domingo de Pascua; La
Resurrección de Señor
Pastor.................................................... Rev. Silvio Kaberia
Parochial Vicar ...............................Rev. Joseph Goldsmith
Deacon .............................................. Rev. Mr. Paul Kudrav
Deacon Emeritus………………….Rev. Mr. Fred La Spina
Coord. of Religious Education............ Mrs. Valerie Blanton
Interim Minister of Youth…………….Mr. Christian Wooten
Minister of Liturgy & Music ...................... Ms. Jean DePiro
Secretary ..............................................Mrs. Martha Moyers
Business Manager ..................................... Mr. Bill Brennan
Facilities Manager.................................... Mr. Ron Bodkins
Parish Council Chair Dr. Vicki Fawcett-Adams, 896-3417
Parish Council Vice-Chair …Mr. Carlos Briones, 440-5061
Parish Council Secretary…. Mr. Bob Tennyson, 828-6564
Finance Council Chair ……Mrs. Bev McGowan, 433-1868
Finance Council Vice Chair ...Mrs. Carol Miller, 867-5263
Finance Council Secretary….Mrs. Marcia Pearce 234-8208
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday ................................... 12:10 pm
Wednesday .................... 6:00 pm; Holy Hour 6:30–7:30 pm
Thursday ................................................. 7:00 pm (Español)
Saturday .................................................................. 5:00 pm
Sunday ....................... 8:00 & 10:00 am; 1:00 pm (Español)
Holy Days ...................... Check the bulletin mass schedule.
Saturday: 3:30–4:30 pm or by appointment.
Communal Services in Advent and Lent.
Coord. para el Ministerio Hispano:
Sra. Graciela Pinedo
Parish Mission Statement
Blessed Sacrament Parish aspires to be a model Christian
community, disciples of Christ, in communication with the
Universal Church, in service to each other and our greater
community. We speak with diverse and inclusive voices,
united by our Catholic faith and Eucharistic celebration.
Martes a viernes 9:00 am a 4:00 pm
Monday at 10:00 am unless otherwise noted. Contents must be
emailed to be included in that week's bulletin. All submissions are
subject to the Pastor's approval and space availability and may be
edited for length.
For Family & Friends of Parishioners: Emmanuel Aguayo, Nicholas
Ashby, Mark & Ginger Bagenous, Bruce Barlow, Jody Bates,
Woody Bedell, Janine Benson, Anna & Allen Black, Richard Braga,
Michael Brody, Kylee Bryant, Sarah Simon Calhoun, Donna Lee
Carroll, Martha Childress, Steven Chisick, Sylvia Ciolino, Catherine
Clemmens, Jason Coffman, Elizabeth Cooke, Johana Milena Coppiano, Sharon Clement, Gerald DeLoria, Ben Derringer, Viola
Dickerson, Frederick & Joseph DiFrancesco, Alex Dino-Murdo,
Dominic Dorazio, Bill Downs, Karla Driver, Willie Gardner, Miguel
Garibay-Alvarez, Lillie Gibson, Lane Goodwin, Maria Glabus, Ryan
Greenwood, Hunter Gregory, Shirley Heatwole, Arthur Hemann,
Eileen Herald, Audrey Hereford, Christopher Hernandez Medina,
Lisa Hilton, Christopher Hollar, David Kane, Tucker Karl, Becky
Keoki, Marge Klawitter, Mike Lam, Betty Lampeter, Linda Layman,
Betty Leake, Claire Lovejoy, Brian Markley, Maria Markley, JR
Martinez, Daniel McCarty, Mary McFadden, Jim Melton, Garth
Mills, Leon Mondelli, Cathy Mullins, Stacey Nadeau, Madison
Nisly, Glenys Pascarelli, Mary Louise Pickeral, Anne Pirato, Justin
& Laura Ray, Emily Ray, Jeremy Ream, Thomas Reilly, Richard
Rexrode, Abby Rieber, Lillie Ryman, Bill Sampson, Irene Sarnelle,
David Schiefer, Twila Showalter, Joyce Springmier, Flora Strode,
Jean Sweigart, Tommy Swenson, Shelly Thomas, Joe Vaccaro,
John Verga, Devon Waldron, Hilda Ward, Sandra Wilson, Ashley
Wood, and Judy Wray.
Your prayers are requested for the Sick of the Parish: Susan Berry, Elena Cantor, Francis Cavoto, Vivian Cervantes, Barbara Cox,
Beth Dalton, Cristobal Duque, David Durham, Thomas Downing,
Madge Eckenrode, Annie Farwell, Mae Fukumoto, Ginny Fox,
Juan Gutierrez, Kamilia Hanna, Betty Hilson, Julie Iaconcig, Tony
Jenkins, Carol Kagey, Jae Kim, Terry Le Pera, Raymond Lewis,
Jo Miller, Armand & Jane Musto, Mildred Norkus, Wanda & Gene
Olimski, Lynn Picht, Francis Reilly, Regina Reilly, Nicolas Reyes,
Kay Ring, Roger Roberge, Pat Saltzer, Margaret Sander, the
Schwartz Family, Hank Schiefer, Paul Sullivan, JoAnn Vaccaro,
Lori Wack, Claire Wirkus, William Wright, all our homebound parishioners and all who care for them.
Remember those in our parish family in the military, especially
Jeremy Adams, Brian Davis, John Ferguson, Dane Geise, Joe
Gibson, Scott Hankes, Donovan O’Donnell, Scott O’Donnell,
Derek Stroop, Jesse Thomas, and Ryan Wilkes, especially those
serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other assignments overseas or in
harm’s way.
Please pray for peace throughout the world, and for those suffering from natural disasters, terrorism, war and civil unrest, especially in Lebanon, Ukraine, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Israel, Gaza,
and South Sudan. Please pray for those persecuted for their
faith, especially in Iraq.
Pray for our twin parish of St. Isidore, La Gonave, Haiti, that they
be sustained in the many challenges they face.
Please pray that the right to life would be respected and protected
in our country and the world, from conception to natural death.
Please pray for those who have died, that they may rest in the
peace of Christ.
Please call or email (mmoyer@bsccva.com) the office if there has
been a change in the status of someone you placed on the prayer
list. Thank you!
Holy Saturday, April 4, 8 pm, For the Intentions of our Catechumens and Candidates
Easter Sunday, April 5, 7:30 am, +Daniel Molloy (requested
by Nancy Fine-McCann); 9 am, Misa pro populo; 11 am,
+Robert Campbell (requested by Anna Campbell); 1 pm,
+Sabino Nolasco
Easter Monday, Apr. 6-Easter Friday, Apr. 10; NO MASS
Easter Saturday, Apr. 11, 5 pm, +Samuel Wright (requested
by Mary Lynne Smith)
Second Sunday of Easter-Divine Mercy Sunday; 8 am,
+Thomas & Joanna Bishop (requested by Carl & Marie
Bishop); 10 am, Misa Pro populo (Parish); 1 pm, +Lidia Maldonado, aniv. de muerte
Fr. Silvio, Fr. Joe, and the entire Blessed Sacrament staff
wish all a blessed and joyous Easter!
The church office will be closed Monday, April 6 for Easter
NO Daily Mass this week as our priests will be taking a post
Easter break.
There will be daily Mass at the JMU CCM House, 1052 S.
Main St. at 5 pm on Mon., Thurs. & Fri., Apr. 6, 9 & 10; and
at 12:30 pm on Wed. Apr. 8 at Taylor Bldg, 4th Floor on the
JMU Campus. (No Mass Tuesday Apr. 7)
APRIL 5, 2015
April 5, Twin Parish in Haiti
April 12, Contingency Collection
May 3, Twin Parish in Haiti
May 10, Contingency
May 17, Diocesan Home Missions Collection
RE Calendar
March 29th—Palm Sunday –NO RE classes
April 5th—Happy Easter!—NO RE classes
April 12th—RE Classes
April 19th—RE Classes
April 25th—1st Comm. Retreat, 1-4 pm
April 26th—RE Classes
May 3rd—Last Sunday of RE Classes
May 16th—1st Communion Mass, 10 am
Online giving is an easy way to make sure your donation gets to us. Go to our website, bsccva.com, and click
the Online Giving through WeShare icon on the first page.
It takes a few minutes to sign up. You can automate your
giving, whether you’re here, on vacation, or stuck at home
due to a snowstorm or illness! Save checks, time and
trouble! Thanks to those who have signed up already!
SAVE THE DATE: Vacation Bible School (VBS) is coming to BSCC the week of June 22nd-26th!! All interested
adults, high school and middle school youth who are interested in helping transform BSCC into G-Force Adventure
are invited to contact Valerie Blanton for more information. Planning meetings will be scheduled on an as
needed basis from now until June to help better prepare
for VBS.
Due to early transmission of the bulletin because of the
Easter holidays, Financial Box Score for March 28/29 was
unavailable at press time. The report for March 28/29,
April 4/5 and April 11/12 will appear in two weeks.
Catholic Women - Spend an inspiring long weekend with
God and other women who want to deepen their relationship with God and enrich the way you live out your faith
each and every day. The engaging weekend, to be held at
Camp Overlook near Harrisonburg, will be led by a team of
lay Catholic women who are active with Valley Cursillo,
along with Fr. Dan Bain and Ms. Patty Huffman participating
as spiritual directors. Mass/prayer each day, engaging talks
on specific issues of Catholic Christian living. Cost: $60
(donations accepted at the end of the weekend to allow others to go on a Cursillo Weekend). For info and downValloadable
ley Cursillo website: www.valleycursillo.com or, if you do not
have computer access, call Rob and Ann Michel at 434-978
We need more help!!
Do you love working with little children? Would you like to
get more involved at Blessed Sacrament or are you looking
for volunteer hours? Our 10:00 nursery is looking for a few
more volunteers to help each Sunday. You are scheduled
about 1x a month and get to help out and allow parents with
young children, the opportunity to fully participate in mass,
by helping take care of their little ones. The only requirement is we would like you to be at least 14 years old. Anyone 18 or older would need to attend a VIRTUS workshop
when it is offered next at our parish. If you might be interested in this FUN ministry, please contact Valerie at vblanton@bsccva.com.
Divine Mercy Sunday is Sunday, April 12, the 2nd Sunday
of Easter. There is a Novena associated with this feast,
which involves the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for 9 days prior
to the Feast. The Novena started Good Friday and ends
Saturday, April 11. We are encouraged to pray the Chaplet
and to go to confession sometime before the Sunday and
receive Communion. There are pamphlets in the pamphlet
rack in the hallway near the bathrooms and water fountain.
In Memory/Honor of:
Elizabeth Adornato
Greg & Florence Asuagbor
Tanya Benincasa
Ernest & Stacey Burzumato
José & Maria Chicas
Theresa Clarke
Bobby & Vicki Cook
Brooks & Pat Corley
Beth Dalton
Geri DeLazzari
Lloyd & Laura Delvaux
Matt & Charlene Di Stefano
Ernest & Maureen Fishback
Michael & Diane Flood
Jim & Mae Fukumoto
James & Addie Gerstenmaier
Mary Ann Glova
Michael Guszak
Phil & Josie Henning
John & Katrina Herron
John & Carol Hixson
Viola Carol Hoffman
Sam Adornato
Pa Nojang & Pa Asuagbor; Takormbi Asuagbor, Alesazem Asuagbor, Diana Nolsime
Deceased Family Members
Loved Ones
Henry McCarty
Rita James & Irvine Clarke IV
Anthony, Donna, and Kenneth Guzzi
Mr. & Mrs. AJ Kowalski; Mr. & Mrs. WB Corley, Sr.
Leo Robert Dalton
Victory DeLazzari, Dolores Hayes, Anna & Guido Julian
Deceased Family Members
Usanio Iezzi
Joseph & Nadina Duffy; Arlyn & Irene Fishback
The Lewandowski, Flood, & Jones Families
Donna Fukumoto
Edward W. Stokes, Sr., James & Helen Gerstenmaier, Raymond J. & Laverne Stokes
John Glova, John & Millie Stanell, Vincent & Maria Stasulli
Family Members
Family Members
Family Members
Family Members
Herbert A. Hoffman, Sr., Herbert A. Hoffman, Jr., Frances Kondrat, Margaret & Joseph
Balunias, Helen & Peter Weber
Parents; the 12 members of the Joseph Family of Waterville, Maine
Mary P. & Joseph J. O’Neill, Mary R. Laver, Joseph P. Laver, Sister M. Benedictus
Don & Rita Mae Little
Deceased members of the Markiewicz Family
Deceased Family Members
Family Meza Fidalgo
Family Members
Family Members
Hugh & Hazel O’Donnell, Bob & Suzy Matthews
Charlie & Claire Pedagno
Her father, Jesus Ma. Garcia
Family Members
Family Members
Trinidad & Maria Ortega
Cabit, Elberts, Schultz & Halpin Families
Deceased Family Members
Peggy & Ernie Wells; Frantisek Steller, Laura McLaughlin
Deceased Family Members
Ramona S., Michael S. & Gabriel S. Taparra, Fidel G. Taparra, Sr., Irene T. LaPierre
Ernest, Irene, Eleanor Wright
Family Members
Bill Zeh, Jr., Ernest & Agnes Zeh, Leo & Margaret Falconieri
Jo Lafley
James & Peggy Laver
Warren & Linda Little
Diane Markiewicz
Tom & Barbara Melby
Gabriel & Marta Meza
Bobby & Carol Kagey
Chris & Laura Moyer
Danny & Gail O’Donnell
Mary Claire Pedagno
Graciela Pinedo
Anthony & Eloise Pinneri
Charles & Anne Marie Pringle
Chris & Marisela Rhodes
Bud & Carol Schultz
Kathleen Stanley
The Steller Family
Paul & Leah Sullivan
Fidel G. Taparra, Jr.
Joseph & Joan Williams
William Wright
James & Marie Zaylor
Bill & Peggy Zeh
APRIL 5, 2015
10:00 am, Blessing of Easter Foods
11:00 am, Knights of Columbus Egg Hunt at Purcell Park
Pond Shelter
Reception for neophytes in Johnston Hall after Vigil
The Food Pantry has settled into our permanent home at 2
E. Wolfe Street. After a busy week of moving and setting up,
we opened to serve our clients in the beautiful new facility
on Thursday, March 19th. It was a record day for the pantry
- we served 108 families !!! On Friday, March 20, in spite of
the wintry mix of bad weather, we served an additional 62
Twin Parish in Haiti Collection
7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am, English Masses
1:00 pm, Misa en Español
Many of these families were "walkers" - people who live
downtown and have limited or no transportation. It was incredibly heart warming to see how these "old" friends
helped each other carry their groceries back to their
homes. So many of them were not able to get access to our
temporary location and they all were very grateful that we
are back downtown.
11:30 am, Rosary
6:30 pm, Legion de Maria, Rm 4/5, Johnston Hall
The Volunteers of the Food Pantry find it very rewarding to
help others. We are very grateful for the opportunity to do so
and acknowledge it is only accomplished through the generosity of our parishioners and other donors who support this
4:30 pm, Soup Kitchen
10:00 am, Mothers’ Group, Nursery
10:30 am, Lectionary Bible Study, Basement
11:00 am, Friendship House
7:00 pm, Misa en español
7:00 pm, Scripture Study Group
Many, many thanks to all who donate in various ways to the
pantry, you have no idea what a difference you make in
helping those less fortunate.
9:30 am, FLOW Group
The Shenandoah Valley Choral Society, under the direction
of Curtis Nolley, will present its annual spring concert, a
Musical Garden, on Friday, April 17th, at 7:30 p.m., and
Sunday, April 19th, at 3:00pm at Bridgewater Church of the
Brethren. The concert will feature Gabriel Fauré's beautiful
and moving Requiem. The ensemble will finish the program
with a selection of director's concert favorites chosen from
the past 15 seasons.
3:30-4:30 pm, Confessions
4:30 pm, Rosary
5:00 pm, Vigil Mass for Sunday
5:30 pm, Clase por bautismo, español
6:15-8:30 pm, High School Rel Ed Class
Tickets are available from Choral Society members, Red
Front Supermarket (Harrisonburg), Bridgewater Foods Supermarket
www.singshenandoah.org, and at the door. Admission is
$15 for adults/$12 for seniors and students.
Contingency Collection
8:00 & 10:00 am, English Masses
10:00 am, Nursery & Children’s Church
10:00 am & 1:00 pm, CICCA class receiving sacraments
11:30 am-12:40 pm, Elem & MS Rel Ed. Classes
12:30 pm, Rosario
1:00 pm, Misa en español
4:30-6:00 pm, Legion de Maria
6:00 pm, Grupo Kerygma
Calendario de Ed. Rel.
5 de Abril, Domingo de Pascua, NO Clases RE
12 de Abril, RE Clases
VBS (Clases de Biblia en Vacaciones) Ya viene!!
Marque en su calendario! Las clases de Biblia en Vacaciones que se ofrecen aquí en Blessed Sacrament para
este verano. VBS tendrá lugar del 22 al 26 de junio y
será nombrado
G-ForceVGod’s Love in Action! (El Amor de Dios en Acción) Nosotros necesitamos de muchos voluntarios (adultos
y Jóvenes) y muchos niños para participar. No pierda la
oportunidad de asistir esta grandiosa semana de diversión
y Fe!
La Parroquia de Blessed Sacrament
¡Lo invitamos a participar!
Legión de Maria se reúne todos los domingos a las 4:30 pm y
martes a las 6:30pm.
En el salón 5 del edificio del J. Hall de la Parroquia
Realizamos trabajos como:
Evangelización puerta a puerta,
Visita de la Virgen Peregrina a los hogares
Contacto callejero para establecer relación con personas alejadas
de la Iglesia
Visitas a personas enfermas
Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús
El Bautismo: Fechas de inscripción de pláticas: 5 Abril, 26
Abril, 23 Agosto, 13 Septiembre, después de las Misa 1
¡Lo esperamos! Para más información ver a Luz Girón, Alicia
Bravo o Viliulfo Bautista,
Durante la Misa de la 1p.m. o durante las horas de Legión de Maria.
Fechas para las charlas: 7 y 14 Marzo; 11 y 25 Abril; 2 y 9
Mayo; 29 Agosto y 5 Sept., 19 y 26 Sept. Las charlas de
san los sábados a las 5:30 pm de la tarde.
Fechas para los Bautismos (los sábados 10:00 am)
La Diócesis de Richmond pide que la paraja que desea
contraer matrimonio Religioso, tenga los Sacramentos
de Bautizo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, y haga
cita 6 meses antes de al celebración de la Boda, traer a
la primera cita con el sacerdote, ;a Fe o Certificado de
Bautizo renovada y que diga que es válida para matrimonio, copias de cert. de Confirmación de los dos, asistir a
un Encuentro Pre-matrimonial, si alguno de los dos no
tiene algún sacramento aquí hay preparación para hacer
el Sacramento que la hace falta, para mayor información
llame a la oficina.
25 Abril, 23 Mayo, 27 Junio, 25 Julio
Declaración de la Misión Parroquial
La Iglesia de Blessed Sacrament aspira a ser Discípulos de
Cristo, y un modelo Cristiano para la Comunidad, y estar en
Comunión con la Iglesia Universal, en server uno al otro y que
así nuestra comunidad crezca. Nosotros inclusive hablamos en
diversas lenguas vocas, unidos en nuestra Fe Católica y en la
celebracion de la Eucaristía
The spotlight this week shines on
Harrisonburg Family Practice
Please patronize this advertiser.
APRIL 5, 2015
Domingo de Pascua de
la Resurrección del Señor
Easter Sunday
Alleluia! The exclamation rings out across the land, and
we who are disciples of Jesus Christ pause to reflect on
the reality that he rose from the grave and, in turn, conquered death. In today's colleges and universities, in pulpits of every denomination, and in books and journals,
there are those who say it is unimportant whether or not
he really rose from the dead. They say that the facts do
not impact the moral of the story. Of course, two thousand years of Christianity give evidence that they are incorrect. What the faithful of many generations have experienced and given testimony to is not something built on
an idea. It is not a philosophy or a self-help psychology.
Esta mañana es diferente a todas las demás. La liturgia de
este hermoso día nos ayuda a celebrarlo. El cirio pascual al
centro de la iglesia ilumina a todos los creyentes. El agua
de la pila bautismal es testigo de los nuevos bautizados. ¡Y
la esperanza late en los corazones que creen en el Resucitado! El relato del Evangelio dice que Pedro y Juan corrieron después de la noticia de María Magdalena; la vida se
abre paso en la historia. ¡Ahora es otra historia! ¿Creemos
esto de verdad? ¿Cuál es nuestra historia al encontrarnos
con Jesús resucitado?
Nuestro compromiso ahora es ser testigos. Nos lo dice
Pedro en el discurso del primer anuncio cristiano. El kerigma se repetía de boca en boca: "Dios ungió con el poder
del Espíritu Santo a Jesús de Nazaret y cómo éste pasó
haciendo el bien, sanando a todos los oprimidos por el diablo, porque Dios estaba con él" (Hechos 10, 38). Dios
cumplió su promesa y lo resucito dándole la vida que no
acaba. ¡Esto es el Domingo de Pascua! ¿Lo hemos comprendido? Ojala que como María Magdalena, Juan y Pedro,
nuestros sentidos se abran a la presencia de Jesús vivo en
la Eucaristía. Este momento es fuerte y es de gran ayuda
para comprender que todo discípulo ha de crecer en la fe.
Como nos lo dice Juan, "Sus discípulos no entendieron estas cosas al principio, pero cuando Jesús fue glorificado, se
acordaron de que habían sido escritas acerca de él" (Juan
12, 16). ¡Jesús no está entre los muertos, sino entre nosotros! Ahí es donde podemos encontrarlo.
The church is a direct result of real events in the course
of human history. Without those real events, we simply
follow a man who showed us a different way to live. Instead, we follow a God who emptied himself into a human
form, suffered the pain of torture and death at the hands
of those he had created, and then shattered the chains of
death so that we in our human form may follow suit. Today, humanity is redeemed. It is time to face the facts!