To All the State Secretaries, State Associations of The Bharat Scouts and Guides, INDIAN UNION. Circular No. Dated : \5 : tzols 14tn May,2015 SUB.: PRIME MINISTER SHIELD COMPETITION - REG. Dear Sir/Madam, You are all aware that Prospective Rashtrapati Scouts/Guides must work for Prime Minister Shield Competition and also motivation should be given to all the Scouts and Guides units of the country to play their uieful lole in the service of the Nation and in the movement. It is ongoing process but the date of submission ofapplications ofthe current year has to be fbllorved. Applications are invited fiom all the states fbr the Prime Minister Shield Competition 20152016. The last date of the submission of application for the year 2015-2016 is 30'h May 2015. States are requested to send the applications ofthe units in the prescribed format with full details along with Postal Order/ Demand Dlaft for Rs. l0f pbr unit to the National Headquarter latest by 30'n May 2015. The applications received after 30tn May 2015 will be considered for thg next session. The following Particulars in this connections are as under:- Name of the Shield Period Prime Minister Shield Comoetition The competition will cover the period from 1't Julv everv Year to ofthe succeedins Year. 30'n June Methodology - The competition will be held in four subjects and is open to - all Scout Troops/Guide Companies. Competition will be held separately for the Scout and Guide ,wings. - Scout 'I'roops & Guide Companies will participate in t*o subjects: Subiect I will be Compulsorv fbr all & they ma], select one more subiects i.e No, - Eligibility Log Books J DSS/YP/14.05.2015 . . . State Associations II. III or No. lV. will give wide publicity and invite applications. State Associations will forward application forms along with a registration fee Rs. l0/- per unit to National Headquarters.'fhe NHQ will then register the units & issue the Log Books and Cuide lines to the States for onward transmission to the fegisteled units. Minimum of 'fwo Competing Districts. A competing District is one, which registers at least T\ryo units, To be maintained by competing units. The Loq Books should be preferably 15" X 12" in size. . Kindly note that name of the Judges with Signature, Marks given should be mentioned in the Log Book. Recorn rnendat ion of Statc Secretafy in prescribed log book lornr is a rnust. Name of student in English with Father's Namt in Capital Letter is must. Without th€ name, list of 'I'roopi Com pany-log books will be automatically rejected. Recommendation letter of the State Secretary with covering letter is also required, Judging Award . Division / District recommends best unit in each group to State. State recommends one best among each group of Subjects to NHQ. . A State can get 3 (Three) Shield for Scout Wing and 3 (Three) for Guide Wing. .7 * * * . Project Area In each State the Scoul Troop. Guide Companlt ,\londing f-ir,sl and gaining 70% and above marlu will be awarded Prime Minister Shield and a Certifcates signed by the Prime Mini,ster. The Scouters/Guider.s of the Shield tr{inning Unit.s v,ill al:o ba ttu, arde d ce r I ili cu t e. Each menther of the Shield winning unit would individunlly get certificote signel b-y lhe Chief Nalionnl Commissionar. t Att Pffticipating Units whith curtt nt,trc thurt 50lu Mttrks in the group of Subjects u,ill be awtrded lhe Prime Minister, t Certi/icale of Merit signetl hy The Area of work for each unit will be selected by respectir,e units and approved by the District Commissioner. It shall not be less than 30 families and not more than 50 families. There shall be no duplication ofarea among diflerent units. I hope you will encourage your Scouts and Guides units for Prime Minister Shield Competition. 1'hanking you and with regards K Encl. : - Prime Minister Shield Competition Registration Form. Copy Forwarded for information to:- All the Office Bearers ofthe Bharat Scouts & Guides. National Headoua(ers. JDSS/YP/14.05.201 5
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