York Simcoe Minor Football Association 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 TO 2018 Page 1 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN INDEX The Strategic Plan………………………………………. Page 3 Mission and Values……………………………………… Page 3 Goals............................................................... Page 4 Action Plans and Ownership 2014…………………………………………………… Page 5 2015...................................................... Page 10 2016…………………………………………………… Page 13 2017…………………………………………………… Page 15 2018…………………………………………………… Page 17 Financial Forecasts 2014 – 2018………………… Page 19 Notes………………………………………………….. Page 20 Page 2 Page 3 THE STRATEGIC PLAN Development The 5 year strategic plan was developed in 2013 by a six member sub-committee of the Board of Directors. It was presented to the full Board of Directors for approval and then for the Member`s approval at the Annual General meeting of January 26, 2014. Ownership of Documentation The ownership and maintenance of the strategic plan documentation is the responsibility of the Vice President. Reporting and Monitoring The President and Vice President are responsible for monitoring the action plans contained in the strategic plan and for reviewing the accountability in achieving those goals on an ongoing basis. The President may request at any time that a Director report on the status of their action plans. The President and Vice President are responsible for semi-annually preparing a report to the Board of Directors and annually reporting to the Membership at the Annual General Meeting, on the status of the strategic plan and the progress made in achieving the organization’s goals. The Board of Directors should review the progress of the strategic plan annually, at the beginning of each year and amend the action plans and goals as necessary. MISSION AND VALUES The six member sub-committee also developed a mission statement and set of values that represent the BUCS organization. MISSION STATEMENT: Premier organization delivering football programs to York Simcoe Region. VALUES: Respect, Integrity, Honesty, Fair Play, Discipline, Perseverance Page 4 GOALS FOR THE BUCS for 2014 to 2018 To provide the highest level of competition for our players To have the best functioning executive board To have a dedicated full time facility with fields, change rooms, etc., in partnership with an existing organization To develop and retain quality coaches on an ongoing basis To develop and retain volunteers To develop and retain membership To develop and retain players The BUCS organization is highly recognized and respected in the community The BUCS organization is run as a business Financial Sustainability – to find at least one major corporate sponsor To prepare a professional marketing and public relations plan Page 5 2014 ACTION PLAN AND OWNERSHIP GOAL: To have the best functioning executive board OWNERSHIP: President, Vice President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2014: o Redefine/reinvent the organization and the Board positions immediately. o Present the plan for the re-organization of the Board to the current Board for approval. o Distribute all materials that are to be presented to the Members at the AGM before the end of December 2013. o Present the plan for the re-organization of the Board and the 5 year strategic plan to the Membership for voting at the Annual General Meeting on January 26, 2014. o Implement the new organizational structure in 2014. GOAL: To develop and retain quality coaches OWNERSHIP: Director Operations Actions to be developed and implemented within 2014 and ongoing on an annual basis: o Hold one NCCP clinic for coaches to ensure the proper level of training. Clinics can be held in alternating years. o Have a formal review with each coach at the end of the season to assess and develop his or her performance. o Set up a formal feedback mechanism (possibly a committee) where members and players can give feedback to the coaches. o Issue a survey to the parents and players to gain an understanding of how they perceive the current level of coaching and what they are looking for in a top level coach. Page 6 o Design and prepare a coaches kit to be handed out to each coach at the beginning of the season. The kit should contain the uniform, rule books, training materials etc. so that each coach has the same instructions and equipment. o In the first quarter of 2014 prepare a plan to attract high level coaches. GOAL: To develop and retain volunteers OWNERSHIP: Secretary/Registrar Actions to be developed and implemented within 2014 and ongoing: o Prepare a communication plan to ensure that the members and players are informed of the openings for volunteer positions and also for the times when volunteers are required for specific functions. o Set up a program where the parents agree to give at least one hour of volunteer time in a season. Set up a system to track the hours fulfilled by each parent. o Prepare and communicate educational material to clarify what is expected of a volunteer. o Look into having a volunteer program for high school students fulfilling their community service hours. o Hold a recognition ceremony at the end of the year to acknowledge the contributions of the volunteers. o In conjunction with the Director of Marketing, prepare a marketing plan to reach out to the community to attract volunteers. GOAL: To develop and retain membership OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2014 and ongoing: o Design and publish an e-newsletter to be sent out to members four times a year during the season which highlights events, news for the BUCS and includes interesting articles on football, safety etc. Page 7 o In conjunction with the Director of Marketing, explore the use of Facebook and Twitter for communicating with members. o Annually explore ways to add value to the membership fees and ensure that these are communicated to members. GOAL: To develop and retain players OWNERSHIP: Director Operations Actions to be developed and implemented within 2014 and ongoing: o Review and update the player’s handbook. o Hold skills building clinics for the House League players. o Ensure that the equipment fitting sessions are well organized and considerate of members and players time. o Ensure that the Rep level has excellent coaches. o Distribute a Rep kit to each of the Rep players at the beginning of each season. o In conjunction with the Director of Marketing prepare a marketing plan to promote the House League and Rep programs at various venues, schools, rinks etc. o In conjunction with the Director of Marketing prepare a plan to promote the BUCS swag products as players and members wearing the swag are a means of promoting the organization. GOAL: To prepare a professional marketing and public relations plan OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2014: o Prepare a professional marketing and public relations program that will be used in all aspects of the BUCS promotion and communication. Obtain Board approval. o Prepare a specific plan for 2014 to be approved by the Board. Page 8 o The marketing and public relations plan should take into consideration all of the promotional materials including the electronic communications of the e-newsletter, the website, Facebook and Twitter. GOAL: To provide the highest level of competition for our players OWNERSHIP: President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2014 and ongoing: o Monitor relations with the football organizations on at least an annual basis to ensure that the BUCS is aligned with the organization that is the most competitive (currently the OMFL & OVFL). Change the alignment as and when required. o Maintain a Board link with the key football associations/organizations to keep the communication open between the BUCS and other organizations. GOAL: The BUCS organization is run as a business OWNERSHIP: Vice President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2014: o Prepare a plan for the centralization of all the organization’s historical records both paper and electronic. o Set up a complete, accurate centralized data base which contains all contact information for members, players and volunteers. o Look into the feasibility of having an office space, either built into the current storage unit or renting an office space in the future. Page 9 GOAL: The BUCS organization is highly recognized and respected in the community OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2014 and ongoing: o Create and fill a volunteer position that can research community events and present ideas to the Board for how the BUCS can become more involved in and respected by the community. o Identify the groups that the organization should be aligned with. o Prepare a 3 year Community Relations Plan for how the BUCS can become an organization that is known and respected within the community. o Fulfill the steps for the first year (2014) of the plan GOAL: The BUCS has its own full time facility OWNERSHIP: Vice President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2014 and ongoing: o Begin to explore potential partnerships with organizations that have a dedicated facility. o Assess the level of funds that may be required to partner with an existing organization and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors on setting aside surplus funds for this goal. Page 10 2015 ACTION PLAN AND OWNERSHIP GOAL: Financial Sustainability OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2015: o Identify potential sponsors and prepare a sponsorship communication that can professionally promote the BUCS organization to the sponsors. o Explore and develop fund raising options Financial Sustainability part 2 OWNERSHIP: President and Vice President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2015: o Reapply for Trillium grants o Explore and re-evaluate the entire financial model being used. o To put aside funds for a future facility based on annual surpluses> upon reviewing the annual financial statements the President and Vice President will recommend to the Board the amount of surplus to be set aside. GOSL: To develop and retain membership OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2015: o Design a welcome package for new members that includes all of the necessary information on the BUCS organization Page 11 GOAL: The BUCS organization is highly recognized and respected in the community OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2015: o Review the Community Relations Plan for the 2015 year and assess how successful the 2014 plan was. Adjust the 2015 year plan as required. o Fulfill the steps for the 2015 year of the Community Relations Plan. GOAL: The BUCS organization is run as a business OWNERSHIP: Vice President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2015: o Prepare a future plan for having an office space. GOAL: The BUCS has its own full time facility OWNERSHIP: Vice President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2015 and ongoing: o Continue to explore potential partnerships with organizations that have a dedicated facility. o To continue to put aside funds for a future facility based on annual surpluses> upon reviewing the annual financial statements the President and Vice President will recommend to the Board the amount of surplus to be set aside. Page 12 GOAL: To prepare a professional marketing and public relations plan OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2015: o Prepare a specific marketing and public relations plan for 2015 to be approved by the Board. Page 13 2016 ACTION PLAN AND OWNERSHIP GOAL: Financial Sustainability OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2016 and ongoing: o o o Prepare professional presentation materials for approaching potential sponsors. Approach at least one main corporate sponsor/partner who will agree to contribute at least $50,000+ per year on an ongoing basis. Explore with the Board of Directors the option of being able to offer reduced fees to attract more members. o Explore and develop fund raising options GOAL: The BUCS organization is run as a business OWNERSHIP: Vice President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2016 and ongoing: o GOAL: Find and set up a formal office space with a part time paid administrator. The BUCS organization is highly recognized and respected in the community OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2016: o Review the Community Relations Plan for the 2016 and assess how successful the 2015 plan was. Adjust the 2016 plan as required. o Fulfill the steps for the 2016 of the Community Relations Plan. o Prepare a Community Relations Plan for 2017 and 2018 Page 14 GOAL: To prepare a professional marketing and public relations plan OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2016: o Prepare a specific marketing and public relations plan for 2016 to be approved by the Board of Directors. GOAL: The BUCS has its own full time facility OWNERSHIP: Vice President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2016 and ongoing: o Continue to explore potential partnerships with organizations that have a dedicated facility. o Continue to put aside funds for a future facility based on annual surpluses> upon reviewing the annual financial statements the President and Vice President will recommend to the Board the amount of surplus to be set aside. Page 15 2017 ACTION PLAN AND OWNERSHIP GOAL: The BUCS has its own full time facility OWNERSHIP: President and Vice President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2017: o Continue to explore potential partnerships with organizations that have a dedicated facility. o Assess if a Trillium capital funding grant could be applied for to secure the partnership for a dedicated facility by the contribution of assets (i.e. signage, bleachers). o Apply for a Trillium capital grant as and when required. o Continue to put aside funds for a future facility based on annual surpluses> upon reviewing the annual financial statements the President and Vice President will recommend to the Board the amount of surplus to be set aside. GOAL: Financial Sustainability OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2017 and ongoing: o Continue to explore relationships with Sponsors. o Manage the relations with existing sponsor(s) to ensure that they are satisfied with the alliance. o Explore and develop fund raising options Page 16 GOAL: The BUCS organization is highly recognized and respected in the community OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2017: o Review the Community Relations Plan for 2017 and assess whether the goal is being met. Adjust the 2017 Community Relations Plan as required. o GOAL: Fulfill the steps for the 2017 Community Relations Plan. To prepare a professional marketing and public relations plan OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2017: o Prepare a specific marketing and public relations plan for 2017 to be approved by the Board. Page 17 2018 ACTION PLAN AND OWNERSHIP GOAL: The BUCS has its own full time facility OWNERSHIP: President and Vice President Actions to be developed and implemented within 2018: o Continue to explore potential partnerships with organizations that have a dedicated facility. o Apply for a Trillium capital grant as and when required. o Continue to put aside funds for a future facility based on annual surpluses> upon reviewing the annual financial statements the President and Vice President will recommend to the Board the amount of surplus to be set aside. GOAL: Financial Sustainability OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2018 and ongoing: o Continue to explore relationships with Sponsors. o Manage relations with existing sponsor(s) to ensure that they are satisfied with the alliance. o Explore and develop fund raising options Page 18 GOAL: The BUCS organization is highly recognized and respected in the community OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2018: o Review the Community Relations Plan for 2018 and assess whether any adjustment is required. GOAL: o Fulfill the steps for the 2018 Community Relations Plan. o Prepare a Community Relations Plan for 2019 To prepare a professional marketing and public relations plan OWNERSHIP: Director Marketing, Communications, Sponsorship, Fund Raising Actions to be developed and implemented within 2018: o Prepare a specific marketing and public relations plan for 2018 to be approved by the Board. The new plan for 2018 should include promotion of new facility. Page 19 BUCS 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLANNING FORECAST 2014 TO 2018 Number of Players 375 REVENUES Registration Sponsorship Fundraising Clothing Concession Trillium Grant Total Revenues: 189,375 10,000 3,500 4,500 207,375 196,003 10,000 3,623 4,658 214,283 209,723 50,000 10,000 3,876 4,984 278,583 224,404 50,000 10,000 4,147 5,332 293,884 240,112 50,000 10,000 4,438 5,706 310,256 5,000 500 3,000 4,650 4,000 25,475 6,500 21,000 12,075 5,000 2,800 3,000 1,000 43,100 1,000 1,600 6,000 10,250 9,400 40,525 2,500 - 4,000 520 3,105 4,836 4,160 26,367 6,728 24,000 12,498 5,200 2,912 3,105 1,040 43,100 1,040 1,664 6,210 10,250 9,729 41,943 2,500 500 4,000 541 3,322 5,029 4,326 28,212 6,997 24,000 13,372 5,408 3,028 5,399 1,082 43,100 1,082 1,731 6,645 10,250 10,410 44,879 3,000 2,000 4,000 562 3,555 5,231 4,499 30,187 7,276 26,500 14,309 5,624 3,150 5,777 1,125 43,100 1,125 1,800 7,110 10,250 11,139 48,021 3,250 2,000 4,000 585 3,804 5,440 4,679 32,300 7,568 29,000 15,310 5,849 3,276 6,181 1,170 43,100 1,170 1,872 7,608 10,250 11,918 51,382 3,500 2,000 208,375 215,406 227,814 239,589 251,962 1,123 50,769 54,294 58,294 EXPENDITURES Advertising and Promotion Bank Charges Clothing Coaches, Volunteers, Executive Coaches Certification Clinic Equipment Equipment Rental and Repairs Field Rental House League Player Clinic Insurance OFA Insurance Internet and Website Expenses League Fees Miscellaneous Office Expenses Registration Costs Rent Rep Fall Expenses Rep Summer Expenses Sponsoring Players Presentations to Sponsors Total Expenses: Excess of Revenues Over Expenses: - 1,000 - 388 415 444 475 Page 20 NOTES TO THE 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLANNING FORECAST The following are the assumptions that were used in preparing the 5 year forecast: 1. The 2014 budget was used for the first year of the forecast, except for the advertising budget (marketing plan) which was increased to $5,000. 2. The following categories were summarized as follows: o Coaches, volunteer, executive includes: -Coach screening, coach shirts HL, coach shirts Rep, coaches/volunteer social, OFA insurance HL coaches. o Field Rental: - Dome time, FALL OVFL boards, gym rentals, House League Board Fields, Summer Rep OVFL/OMFL Board fields o House League: - Game jerseys, line painting, officials, pictures, trainer –practice and games, trophies o League Fees: - Fall OVFL, OFA fees, OVFL, OMFL o Rep Fall OVFL Expenses: - Banquet, game jerseys, trainers, trophies o Rep Summer OVFL & OMFL Expenses: - Banquet, fines, game jerseys, coaching stipend, pictures, Spirit Pak, trainer – practices/games, trophies o Office Expenses: - Postal, printing, office costs and meetings o Miscellaneous: - Container moving and travel 3. Application of increase in players: o The number of players is increased in year 2015 by 3.5% and in each if 2016, 2017 and 2018 by 7% 4. The following revenues increase as the number of players increase, in 2015 by 3.5% and in 2016 to 2018 by 7%: o Registration, concession, clothing 5. The fundraising revenues remain the same from 2014 to 2018 and are net of fundraising costs. 6. The following expenses increase as the number of players increase, in 2015 by 3.5% and in 2016 to 2018 by 7%: Page 21 o Clothing, equipment, equipment rental and repairs, House League, registration costs, Rep Fall and Summer. 7. Field Rental costs increase in 2015 with the addition of a Rep Pee Wee team and in 2017 and 2018 with additional teams in House League. 8. The OFA insurance increases with the number of players and includes a fee increase of $5 per player beginning in 2016. 9. League fees and Rent remain the same over the 5 years. 10. An increase of 4% per year for inflation was applied to the following costs, beginning in 2015: o Bank charges; coaches, volunteer, executive; coaches and players clinics; insurance; internet and website; office expenses and miscellaneous. 11. The Presentation to Sponsors category includes the forecasted expenses for the materials required to make professional presentations to major corporations for their ongoing sponsorship. The forecast includes the first Sponsorship revenues in 2016. Page 22
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